Jean-paul - Cover


by Pappy27

Copyright© 2009 by Pappy27

Romantic Sex Story: While stationed in Germany, in the late fifty's, a 22 year old soldier meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weeked together celebrating his twenty-second birthday.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   True Story   .

A 22 year old soldier stationed in Germany meets a 19 year old French girl and they spend a romantic weekend together celebrating his twenty-second birthday.

The following short story is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent or not so innocent.

The mistakes in spelling are due to individual languages eg. Guasthaus (German name for a bar which may also function as a Bread and Breakfast in small villages) Bas Rhin (French town meaning Lower Rhine, in the Alsace Lorraine area of France approximately 50 Kilometers from the German border).

The reader should understand that the conversation between Jean-Paul and Gisele was strictly in French and what is being said here in the story is not verbatim since this story took place more than fifty years ago.

What prompted this story is that many of the people I know today have multinational backgrounds, European, or Eastern European, and they have brought back many pleasant memories of my two military tours in Germany in (1957 — 1958 and again in 1969 -1972).

The basic memories for this story are still vivid in my mind.

Hello my name is Jean-Paul DuMarais (AKA Frenchy) I am 5' 8'' tall blond hair with blue eyes, at the time of this story I weighed about 140 lbs and in good physical condition while I serving in the military. I was barely twenty when in late 1956 I was drafted into the US Army, and after completing Basic Training and AIT (advanced individual training). I was assigned to an Ordinance company in Germany (Ammunitions Storage Facility) as a truck driver.

Since I was bilingual I often found myself in places that my knowledge of French would be very useful.

The following incident took place during the early part of the winter of 57-58.

I had asked for a 72 hour pass in order to be off base for the weekend that I was turning twenty-two, I had gotten a room at a local guesthouse and I was sitting in the bar drinking a beer when I noticed an attractive young woman sitting by herself at a table not far from the bar, she kept looking to the door whenever someone would come in or go out as well. At first I thought that she may be expecting someone. As I watched her for the next 10 or 15 minutes, I noticed that her expression did not change and I felt that she may not be expecting anyone.

I finished my beer then went to her table and asked her to dance.

She told me that "I no speek englass".

So from her accent I though she might speak French so I asked her in French to please dance with me.

She agreed and while we were dancing I introduced myself as Jean-Paul DuMarais and I told her that I was an American soldier with a French Canadian background I also asked what her name was.

She told me her name was Gisele and that she came from Bas Rhin in the Alsace-Lorraine area of France.

Gisele was an attractive girl of 19 with light brown hair and green eyes that sparkled like a crystal does when light rays fall upon it at the right angle. She was about 5' 2'' tall and weighed about 60 kilo's or about 125 lbs.

After we had gotten better acquainted, I told Gisele that I was celebrating my birthday asked her if she would join me by going out to eat.

She told me that the food here in the Gasthaus was excellent and not very expensive and that she would be happy to join me in my celebration.

We ordered from the menu and had an excellent meal. Even throughout the meal I noticed that she continued glancing at the door, as if expecting someone.

Finally I had asked Gisele why she kept looking at the door every time someone came in or left for that matter.

Gisele then told me that she had come to Germany looking for employment and that she had been in Germany for about two weeks and now she was almost broke and had no place to stay. Gisele also said that the weather and temperature was so severe that she did not know what she would do after the gasthaus closed for the night

My gut feeling at the time was that Gisele was not a woman of the night, so I asked her if she did not mind staying with a total stranger, I had rented a room at the Gasthaus for the weekend and she would be welcomed to stay with me.

Gisele looked at me with a quizzical expression on her face and asked me; "Jean-Paul, why are you offering me to stay with you when you do not know me."

I answered her: "Because we have been enjoying ourselves here all evening and not once have you tried to take advantage of me, when we ordered our meals, you had me order first, then you ordered the same meal I had ordered, you have not asked for expensive liquor like a working girl would, you have been drinking beer as I have, so I have confidence that you will not try to take advantage of me." I then added. "Does this make any sense to you?"

"Yes I think so! Okay', Gisele answered, "I will stay with you for the weekend but you must understand that this is not something I do all the time. That is staying with strange men. I can see in your eyes no malice, so yes Jean-Paul for this weekend we will be together.

We danced and drank until the bar was ready to close-up for the night, Gisele and I were a little hesitant as we left for my room, and as we left Gisele collected a small valise with her clothes from the bartender. The Bartender smiled at Gisele and told her in French "Bonne chance" (Good Luck). Gisele thanked him.

As we were walking upstairs to my room I asked Gisele if she knew the bartender, she said the he was a cousin from her dad's side of the family, but he did not have any room for her to stay because he and his wife were living in a small two bedroom apartment with their two young children.

After we got to the room both of us seemed unable to speak it seemed like we did not know how to continue. We were as two teenage virgins wondering what we were supposed to do next.

As Gisele looked around the room which was very neat and clean and she saw my uniform laying out on the bed, she exclaimed "Oh Jean-Paul you really are a soldier, your French is so good I thought you were playing with me".

I answered her: "The reason I speak French well is due to my growing up in a French Canadian home where only French was spoken, my grandfather lived with us and he could not speak English at all. Then when we began our schooling in our Parish School some of the subjects were taught in French and the other subjects were taught in English."

And to answer your other question; "Yes I am really a soldier as you can see I am a private first class."

I finally took Gisele in my arms and told her; "that there was something I had wanted to do since I introduced myself to her," I then kissed her.

Our lips became almost glued to each other; Gisele held my head with her hand and returned my kiss, I began to get a little bolder and I pushed my tongue between her lips, Gisele separated her teeth to let me in and we began the age old duel of the tongues. The kiss lasted for quite a while and when we broke off we were both breathless.

I started to unbutton her blouse and as I exposed some flesh I would bend down and kiss it then I would return to her lips and planted soft kisses on her lips, her eyes, ears and even on the tip of her nose. Then I would get back to exposing some more flesh and all the kissing would start over. I continued doing this until I had her blouse off.

As I was undressing her, Gisele started to laugh and say Oh Jean-Paul what are you doing to me, I have never been made love to like you are doing it to me please don't stop keep on loving me like this.

Once I had removed Gisele's blouse, she attacked my shirt trying to do the same as I had done to her, she was in too much of a hurry, I had to tell her to slow down; "Va pas si vite Gisele, va plus lentement s'il vous plait."

Gisele did slow down but both of us were laughing so much we could not accomplish our goals. We could not go on trying to undress each other. I ended up undressing myself and Gisele finished undressing herself.

When Gisele got down to her brassiere and panties she climbed into the bed.

After I had finished undressing, I kept my brief's on, then climbed into the bed with Gisele.

As I climbed in bed I sank down, it seemed, almost to the floor, the sensation was like sinking in water and yet floating as well. I had not realized that the mattress was a down and pin feather mattress. The Comforter on the bed was also down filled.

Although the room was chilly when we climbed in the bed, it did not take long for us to warm up being surrounded by these luxurious pieces of bedding.

I worked my way close to Gisele and we hugged and our previous oral duel resumed in a fierce battle, neither one ever had the advantage over the other, the duel ended into a mutual surrender.

While still in our embrace I reached behind Gisele and unfastened her brassiere, I then started to kiss my way down to her very firm breasts, going from one to the other and suckling at her nipples as if trying to be fed like a baby.

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