Lady's Next Dance - Cover

Lady's Next Dance

Copyright© 2008 by Ronbry

Chapter 5

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5 - In the dark corners of humanity an evil exists. Few are brave enough to fight that evil. Join this brave band of modern knights in that fight to save the soul of humanity, if you dare.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Paranormal   BDSM   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Snuff   Group Sex   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence   Prostitution  

"TC. Are you terribly disappointed that you don't have a son?" asked Teresa as they were carrying Harley Ann into her new home.

"Disappointed? Hell I'm excited. This is going to give me an excuse to buy a new shotgun, get a rocking chair for the front porch, and do some serious intimidation. Just watch those boys scatter when they try to date my little angel."

"Oh God," muttered Teresa. "Are we going to have to change your name to Bubba? Where in the hell did you get all this redneck shit? From what I hear, before you and I became an item you would bed anything that didn't wear a jock strap and didn't play in a sandbox."

"That's right! Ain't no one like me ever gonna get close to my daughter. But she still gets a Harley on her 16th birthday. Howard and I already have a '52 Panhead picked out for her. He has a buddy down in Tulsa that thinks Harleys are too much work. I'm gonna get it for three grand, and Howie and I are gonna tear it apart and rebuild it. It'll be worth a mint by the time Harley is 16."

What if Harley doesn't like bikes?"

"What?" gasped TC. "Woman, bite your tongue! It's in her blood. Besides, if she doesn't want it we sell it and it pays her way through OSU."

"Great choice!" came a voice from behind the happy couple. "Harley will love Stillwater."

"Hey, Doc!" said TC. "What you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd come by and see two of my favorite girls."

TC laughed.

"Watch out for the J Lo look alike, I hear she has a jealous husband."

"I heard he's a wimp. Harley's dad on the other hand is supposed to be dangerous."

Teresa pouted, "So I'm tossed aside for a three day old hussy without hair, uh?"

Ron looked at Teresa and said, "If your old man is ever dumb enough to toss you aside, you come talk to me. I'll have him committed, and I'll marry you myself."

TC replied, "I thought you had the hots for Joan?"

"Not if this woman was on the make."

Teresa replied, "This is definitely the best doctor in the entire world. Come on in, Ron, and I'll make some coffee. By the way, what's a Stillwater?"

"Darling, that is the home of the real OSU, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Every right thinking person on this planet knows that OSU stands for Oklahoma State University."


TC leaned over to Ron and whispered, "Doc, you're not gonna be very popular around Ohio taking like that."

After TC put little Harley to bed and Teresa had made coffee, the three friends were sprawled out in the living room. TC sat at one end of the living room couch and Teresa had her head in his lap. Ron sat in the big recliner opposite the coffee table.

"Ron, I tell you that girl is a natural," said TC. "We listened to what she did on that last job she was on. No one could have handled it better than she."

"I just don't know if I want Rhonda working full time as a private investigator."

Teresa offered some reassurance. "You've met Jack. Do you think he would send her into something she was not ready for?"

"I didn't think my friends at the Convention would send her into something like that either, but I was wrong. Those idiots almost got her killed. If Shawn had not been there to guide her, I could have lost my daughter. You should know what I mean, TC."

"I do, Ron, but I don't think that Rhonda's work for Jack is going to be all that dangerous. I mean he sets up security systems, hires a few rent-a-cops, and takes some dirty pictures of husbands cheating on their wives. What's so dangerous about that?"

"I did some checking on good old Jack," answered Ron. He is really into some heavy stuff. His operation goes a lot deeper than what you just talked about. I have some Agency friends I met in South America. Jack's company does a lot of off the balance sheet operations for the government. He gets a retainer for training SOF, FBI special units and the like, and he gets paid a lot."

TC looked blank. "SOF?"

Teresa snickered. " Special Operations Forces are Green Berets, Rangers, SEALS, Force Recon and Air Force Special Units. You're gonna have to brush up on your Tom Clancy to keep up with the direction this conversation is going." She then looked at Ron. "SO?"

"The retainer is ten times what a normal fee is for the subjects he teaches. No one thinks he is a crook, so he must be doing something to earn that money. Another thing. Paul Brown did not buy that ranch 50 miles from an Air Force Base to build a whorehouse."

"Now wait a minute here!" said Teresa pushing back from TC's lap. "You start taking shit about Paul Brown, you are not going to be welcome in my house!"

"NO! Don't take that wrong. If Paul is doing what I think he is doing, he has my blessing. I think he is using the ranch for training Jack's men or SOF. He is working for our country. I'm just worried about the danger my daughter is going to get drawn into."

TC tried to smooth over the situation. "Here's what I know. Jack is never going to set up anyone who works for him to fail. If he does work with risk, he will manage it so that his people are safe. He will never allow Rhonda to do anything she is not ready for."

"Thanks TC. Teresa, I hope you don't think I would say anything about Paul after he did so much for me. I'm not that way."

"I know, Ron. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I guess I would worry too if I were in your shoes."

Just then the doorbell rang. TC was up in a flash. "I got it!" When he came back into the room he rolled his eyes. "Guess what I just found under the door mat"

"Hi Teresa!" bubbled Sissy and Sally. "Oh! Hi Doc Ron," said a deflated Sally. We didn't know you would have company already. We thought we would be able to sneak in to see Harley Ann before anyone else got here. We wanted to be the first."

Ron looked at the two girls and read the disappointment in their faces. "Young ladies, you will some day learn that doctors are not company, they are staff. We are something like cooks or other servants. You are Harley's first visitors."

"Really, Doctor Graves?" asked Sissy.

"That's right."

"Can we play with Harley Ann?"

Teresa answered, "You girls can sneak look in her room, but she's asleep now. Babies sleep a lot at first. If you remember, little Hobby did a lot of sleeping the first few weeks."

"OK, we'll be real quiet. TC, you could take us for a ride on your Harley to make up for our disappointment."

"Sally, if I didn't know better, I would think you guys are bored with Paul and Jamie in Nevada and Bob in Mexico City. You sure you didn't set this up to ride on my bike?"

"TC," replied Sally. "I'm gonna dance in your club some day. I would never want to take advantage of my future boss."

"Young lady, we will talk about that when you're eighteen. Until that time, you stay away from that part of town and any club like mine. They are for adults."

Sissy giggled. That made Sally blanch. "I could give you a sample dance, and show you how adult my body is now. I may be a virgin, but I am not a child."

TC looked at the now angry girl. "Let me give you three reasons why you are not going to do that. First, it's against the law for you to dance for me before you're eighteen; second, I owe your family too much to ever allow one of their minor children to break any law; and third, I don't want a stripper babysitting for my daughter. OK?"

"Well let me ask you one thing?"


"Do you think I have the body to get a job as a stripper now?"

TC looked at Teresa. She shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head yes.

"Look, I've seen you in a swim suit. You have the body to be a headliner in any club in the country. You just don't have the age. Slow down. Enjoy being thirteen. Life is going to get nasty enough soon enough. If you want to be on display, talk to Jen. She might be able to get you a job as a model. I'll make a deal with you. You don't rush growing up, and I'll keep giving you rides on the Harley.

"Hey," he added. "I've got an idea. You remember Howard? He was the photographer at the wedding."


"Well, he should be here in about a half an hour with his Harley. Why don't we take you guys back to Paul's house after I fix some hot dogs and hamburgers? I think Teresa has a case of root beer left over also. What do you say?"

"Great! Teresa, will you call Rosa and tell her it's OK?"

"Sure, little buddy! Ron, are you going to stay? Please?"

"I could never say no to a woman who looks like a movie star that has a wimp for a husband. I'd love to."

Rosa put down the phone. "Well, Jerry, looks like I'm going to be having supper alone, tonight. That was Teresa. The girls are going to eat over there and come home after dinner."

Paul's next door neighbor and Rosa's former boss pushed aside his beer. "That sounds like a good idea to me. Let me take you to dinner, Rosa. You never get out. It's time you started putting your life back together after what happened down south. Let me help."

"I would love to go to dinner with you."

Good. How about we go dancing too? I'll call TC and have him keep the girls to help out with little Harley."

Just then the phone rang. "Hello, Brown residence. Yes, Mr. TC. Are you sure you want to do this on Mrs. Teresa's first night back from the hospital? Yes, I'm sure they'll be a great help, and yes it is the weekend. OK, but have them home by noon tomorrow. Well, okay, I will see you at noon on Sunday."

"What was that all about?"

"The girls want to spend the night at Mrs. Teresa's and help get the baby through the night. Doctor Graves is there, and he is going to give the girls some baby-sitting lesions. I guess we can go dancing after dinner."

"Great. You get all fancied up and I'll go change into something presentable. I'll pick you up in 90 minutes."

As Jerry walked out the door, the phone rang again. "Hello, Brown residence. Oh, hi Jamie. Everything is just fine. Mrs. Teresa came home from the hospital today with little Harley Ann. She is such a beautiful baby."

Rosa listened for a few seconds and replied, "Yes it surprised everyone. Mr. TC is even happier now that he has what he calls his little angel. Ms. Shawn is happy too, because she said that Hobby and Harley will be married some day.

"The girls are staying with Mrs. Teresa tonight in case she needs help with Harley Ann, and I have a dinner date with Jerry."... "Yes and we're going dancing too, but I don't know what to wear. Really? I Can? Thank you so much!"

Jerry was whistling as he approached the front door. As he reached for the doorbell, the door opened and Rosa came out. Jerry froze. Rosa was awesome. Jen had made a dress for Jamie that had been one of what Rosa was told was her few mistakes. The bust was too big, but there wasn't enough time to fix it before the honeymoon, so Jamie left it in her closet until her return. In truth, it was designed especially for Rosa's birthday, which was the day after Paul and Jamie were to return from their honeymoon.

On Rosa, the breast was just a bit too small. This enhanced a cleavage that Rosa took pains to hide in her normal working clothes. Rosa wore her working clothes so that she looked pudgy, but in fact, Rosa's figure was a knock out, and the dress showed every curve. Her legs were highlighted by a slit that reached to the top of her legs and just above the bottom of the dress back ... The back dropped to just above the curve of her ass, but that did not hide the shape that was under the cloth.

While Jerry stood in silence, Rosa did a quick pirouette and asked, "Am I an acceptable dinner companion?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess ... I mean ... I am ... Uh ... Wow! Where did you get that?"

"Oh, this old thing was just lying around the house. I hope you don't mind."

"Don't mind? My God, woman, you look marvelous. Let's get some dinner."

The place Jerry had chosen for dinner was one of those little places no one knew about that had great food, wonderful wine and a small combo that specialized in jazz music. The La Dusa was run by an old army buddy of Jerry's. He had used his VA benefits to go the New York Culinary Institute and had worked his way up to executive chief before he decided to do his own thing. The food was expensive, and the restaurant was small. The combo played next to a small dance floor in the bar area. Strands of Cole Porter drifted throughout the restaurant. Jerry's friend came out of the kitchen with a new bottle of champagne to replace the one Rosa had selected to go with dinner.

"Rosa, the leader of the combo claims to know you. Would you be so kind as to sing a song for us?"

"I haven't sung in years. I don't really think you customers would like to hear me sing. I am really rusty."

Jerry said, "Woman, you are just full of surprises tonight. Please, would you sing one for me?"

"Oh, well," she sighed. "I guess you are going to make me sing for my supper. Okay, Angelo, I guess it's either I sing or wash dishes. Just don't announce me, deal?"

As Rosa climbed the small bandstand, the piano player got up and gave Rosa a brotherly hug and kiss on the cheek. "I was hoping that Angelo would talk you into singing. Baby, what do you want to sing?"

"Hi Donnie. Remember 'Love for Sale?'"

"Oh, be still my beating heart. I still haven't met anyone that sings that song like you. Same key?"

"Yes. Let's do it nice and slow."

"Guys, 'Love for Sale' and play it real slow. One, two, and three."

Rosa lifted the mike to her lips and started. "Love for sale. Who wants..." What came out was magic. She had the precision of a Bette Middler and the soul of a Billy Holiday. Within 5 bars the 120 people in the Restaurant had become totally involved with the song. Waiters and busboys stopped what they were doing. The cooks came out of the kitchen.

Suddenly she shot a stare into Jerry's eyes that almost knocked him out of his chair as the song reached, " ... Who wants to climb the stairs to paradise? Love for sale..."

Jerry felt the blow of her look with full force. Her brown eyes reached into his chest and ripped away his breath. His mouth dropped open and his eyes started to mist. Angelo's eyes moved from Rosa to Jerry, and he felt like a peeping Tom. In fact he was a voyeur and a visionary at the same time. In the space of an instant, he felt the love and lust that would bind his friend and his new lady. He felt privileged to have been close enough to have felt the ripples radiating from the look.

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