Its in Our Blood - Cover

Its in Our Blood

by wordytom

Copyright© 2008 by wordytom

Humor Sex Story: Imagine a horny old dude who believes incest is a great body contact sport.

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Humor   Incest   Grand Parent   Swinging   Interracial   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   .

I am great grandfather, grandfather and father in one line of descendants. You have heard the song "I'm My Own Grandpa?" My theme song ought to be something about, "I'm my own worst enemy." I'm an old man now and look back on the genetic shit storm I've created and wonder why my daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters let me live without at least castrating me. The last time I got charged with a sex crime, statutory rape I was seventy-two years old.

That was three years ago and I shall never be able to use that defense again. "You do not challenge the fact your sperm was found in that young girl, do you?" the prosecutor asked.

"No sir, from what I have been told it was my sperm in that woman." I wanted to get that clown concentrating on splitting age hairs. Pussy hairs when they are still attached are much more fun, but legal hairs were what I had to concentrate on if I wanted to keep out of prison where I was too old to be mated up with a black dude with a sixteen inch peter and named Bubba. Most romantically inclined Bubbas don't want wrinkled old ass, white or any other color.

"Please tell us if you admit under oath that the sperm found in that girl"

"Woman," I interrupted. That really pissed him off.

"That young girl!" he screamed back at me. "I have a daughter her age."

"How many times have you been to bed with her?" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"You son of a bitch!" he screamed at me.

"Your honor." He turned to the judge.

"Contempt of court, three hundred dollar fine and thirty days to calm you down," the judge said.

"Thank you, your honor, he deserves much more."

Then the judge dropped the bombshell. "I was referring to you and your unconscionable attack on the defendant." He looked toward the back of the courtroom, "Bailiff take him into custody."

My cheek was swelling where he hit me. "Judge, he was mad because I can prove he slept with his own daughter on a recent camping trip."

"You have proof?"

"Yes sir, his daughter is out in the hallway probably doing a victory dance right now. You see, your honor, he drugged a soft drink and gave it to his daughter. She did not drink it but brought it to school with her and gave it to my great granddaughter.

"They came over to my house after school and my great granddaughter gave it to me and I shared it with the prosecutor's daughter and it diminished my capacity and her capacity to the point we got it on. I don't remember what happened but my great granddaughter claimed the two of us ought to be in the Guinness book of records.

"You and your great granddaughter?" the judge asked.

"Oh no sir, the prosecutors daughter and me. We were both drugged out of our gourds by that drink her daddy prepared for her to drink that she shared with me."

"Where can we locate your great grand daughter to verify this wild tale at least a little?"

"I grinned my best Aw Shucks grin at him and said, My great granddaughter is sitting over there in the front row on the spectators' seat getting hit on by that assistant prosecutor talking to her."

"I don't see anyone but ... She is your great granddaughter?" He asked as he finally looked at Katy, my horny, dressed slutty great granddaughter wearing her school clothes. She had on a tee shirt, and jeans so thin and tight she might as well be naked. She was the best of her Irish, African and Egyptian ancestry.

"Yes sir, we are a very integrated family."

"I yelled, "Hey Katy, bring Sonya in here."

She caressed the cheek of the assistant prosecutor and I think he cum. She could make a San Francisco mime have an erection. She opened the big door at the back of the courtroom and a foxy little sweet thing wearing a mini skirt and no panties came in.

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