Mistrusting a Memory
Copyright© 2008 by Lubrican
Chapter 8
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Detective Sergeant Bob Duncan was assigned to investigate a routine rape case. But this case turned out to be anything but routine. Somehow, he and the victim became friends '" good friends. Then there was an accident and Bob had to decide whether to arrest her for a crime... a crime she couldn't remember committing... a crime that might land her in prison for the rest of her life.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Heterosexual Petting Pregnancy Slow Violence
When Bob went off shift, he returned to the hospital.
"How come you're the only cop who ever checks on her?" asked the head nurse.
"It's my case," he said bruskly. "How's she doing?"
"Better," said the nurse. "She should be awake. All her vitals are normal. The sedative has been stopped. The only reason she's still in ICU is that she won't wake up."
"I'll just sit with her for a while," said Bob. He'd stayed in uniform, since that got him almost anything he wanted, with no real justification being required.
"Suit yourself," said the nurse.
Most of the bandages had been removed. She'd been unconscious for a little more than ninety-six hours. The redness of her face now looked like an irate sunburn that was coated with something clear and greasy looking. Someone had cut the burnt ends off her hair but, of course, it hadn't been styled. Her arms lay, limp, at her sides. As rough as she looked, she was still beautiful.
He picked up one limp hand and massaged it, just feeling her fingers. He had never touched her in this way.
"Lacey." The word came out of his mouth. Just her name. He realized his eyes were damp, and he shifted them around the room.
He had just looked back to her face, when her eyes suddenly opened wide. They were the hazel he'd hoped so desperately to see again, but they were unfocused. Her hand gripped his, as she took a deep breath.
Then all hell broke loose as she expelled that breath in a primal scream of terror, her eyes wide and sightless. The scream was agonized and impossibly loud. It shook him to his core and he tried to step back, but her hand gripped his like iron.
First one and then two more nurses dashed into the room, shouting questions—asking him what he'd done. They didn't wait for any answers, ignoring him, while they dealt with Lacey's terrified form, which appeared to be in the throes of a grand mal seizure. She screamed again, and a nurse barked an order. A syringe appeared and was thrust into the arm another nurse was holding down, all her weight pressing it into the bed.
Lacey's eyes cleared, for an instant, and her head swiveled, stark questions in her eyes. They slid past Bob and then came back to lock on him. Then, as suddenly as it had all begun, her body went limp, and her eyes closed, and she was asleep again.
The nurses were standing and panting, as a doctor entered the room. His flow of questions was interrupted only by his examination of the patient. He questioned Bob, based on the comments of the nurses. Bob admitted to having held her hand and saying her name.
The doctor stood up.
"This has been a very strange case," he said, looking at Bob. "I don't know if you brought her out of it or not, but I doubt that scream was because of you. She's been severely traumatized."
Bob knew that only too well, but again, he withheld something—the information about how deep that trauma went.
"How long will that shot keep her under?" asked Bob.
"Normally, I'd say two or three hours," said the doctor. "With her, I have no idea."
"I'll come back," said Bob.
"Do you know this woman?" asked the doctor, his eyes curious.
"I feel like I should," said Bob, smiling. "She's taken up a lot of my time lately." He shrugged. "I just need to talk to her."
The doctor's curiosity faded. "Come back in a couple of hours," he said. "Hopefully, she'll be awake. You can talk to her then ... if..."
"If what?" asked Bob.
"She had some brain swelling. Sometimes that causes loss of ... cognizance."
"You mean she might not know what happened?" asked Bob, worry tingeing his voice.
"She may not know anything at all," said the doctor, glancing at his patient. "She may not even know she's human." He looked grim. "Have you people had any luck finding her family?"
"Nothing," said Bob.
He felt guilty because he hadn't even tried.
He went home and got something to eat, but stayed in uniform. He set his alarm, and when it woke him, he went back to the hospital.
The nurse saw him and waved him over.
"She's awake, but she hasn't said anything," she said.
"What does that mean?" he asked, dread in the pit of his stomach.
"She acts like she's cognizant, but she won't answer questions. She reached for a medicine cup, and when offered water, she sipped it. We don't know why she's not saying anything, unless her speech centers were affected."
"Can I see her?" he asked.
"Why not?" said the nurse.
When he walked into the room, her eyes were closed.
"Lacey?" he said softly.
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