Day Trip - Cover

Day Trip

Copyright© 2008 by aubie56

Chapter 9

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Jimmy, Angie, and Jean are celebrating their graduation from high school by taking a day trip on Jimmy's father's boat to the Bermuda Triangle. They get caught in a mysterious storm and are transported back in time 65-75 million years. Join them as they try to cope with being marooned in time with danger on every side. Can they survive? By the way, there are no aliens in this story, but it is an alternate reality.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Time Travel   Humor   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Pregnancy   Slow   Violence   Nudism  

Adel talked to the girls and made up a schedule of "conjugal" visits. Several of the girls were somewhere within the proper range for peak fertility, but were too irregular to be sure, so two of them were picked at random to be the wives for tonight. John drew Lynn and I drew Hannah.

Hannah claimed to be very experienced with sex. She was as black as the proverbial ace of spades, so she may have been bragging or exaggerating from a feeling of inferiority. She was only 15, so I couldn't help wondering if she was as experienced as she claimed, though I could easily believe that she was not a virgin. The way she acted, I got the distinct impression that she was not expecting much from her "honky" lover. I decided that I would ignore her negative attitude and treat her the same way that I had treated Molly.

We went into the sex chamber, as the girls were calling it, and lay down on the bed. Hannah said, "Well, you White boys don't have much of a good reputation where I come from, but I ain't got much of a choice, so show me what you can do." She lay down and spread her legs as if she expected me to mount her with no preliminaries.

That was not for me. I don't care what she wanted or expected, I saw no harm in a little foreplay and I certainly enjoyed it, so I damn well was going to indulge. I asked, "Hannah, do you object to a little kissing and such first? I hope not, because it always helps my performance."

She shrugged her shoulders and closed her legs. "I ain't against it, I just figured that you White boys didn't know how to treat a real woman."

"I tell you what, Hannah, you drop that chip off your shoulder, or I am sure as hell going to find me another partner for tonight. You have 10 seconds to make up your mind. Either stop being a bitch or get your sorry ass out of here!"

She started to cry and said, "I'm sorry, Jimmy. I'm just scared shitless, and I don't know what to do about it. I want to be friendly, and I want sex, but I'm the only one with such a black skin, and I'm scared that I'll be walked on if I don't push first."

That confession caught me by surprise. I embraced Hannah and said, "Don't be afraid, none of us are going to try to take advantage of you. If that happens, you just tell me or John or Adel about it, and we'll land with both feet on the troublemaker. On the other hand, don't you push it either, and you'll be OK. Now, just cry as much as you need to, and we'll start over when you're ready."

Hannah started to cry harder and squeezed me so hard that I might have had trouble breathing if she had not slacked off when she did. She cried for 10 or 15 minutes and then smiled at me. "I sure wish I had a Kleenex. Have you got a scrap of cloth handy?" I handed her my only handkerchief, and she dried her eyes and blew her nose. "That's better; now, I have a confession to make. I lied when I said that I was experienced with sex. I'm a virgin, but I broke my cherry one day in PE (Physical Education) class. Please go easy with me; I've heard how much it hurts the first time. Molly told us how good you were for her, so I hope that you can do the same for me."

That was a revelation that I could live with. I don't consider myself a highly experienced lover, but I am gentle and I am considerate, so that may be enough to do the job. I smiled at Hannah, and she smiled back, so I figured that I was off to a good start. I kissed her, and she kissed me back. Man, she may not have much experience with hard sex, but that woman sure knew how to kiss. I planned to come back for lessons at my first opportunity. As we kissed, I could feel her relax, so I advanced to her breasts. I don't mean it as an ethnic slur, but those tits were real melons; they were big enough to be more than a hand full, but they didn't sag. Do tits have muscles that get stronger with exercise? I didn't think so, but Hannah's could make a believer of me.

I sucked and kissed her nipples while massaging her breasts, and Hannah got into the spirit of things. She grabbed my cock and started to jack me off so vigorously that I had to slow her down so that I wouldn't come too soon. We kept that up for a little while, but when I started to strum on her nipple with my tongue, she exploded into her first orgasm of the night.

I let her come down from that high before going farther down her body with my hand. When I reached her pussy mound, I could feel the few wiry hairs that she had left as a landing strip. She also had a little bit of stubble around her pussy, proving that she had plenty of hair to work with. I wondered how much longer she was going to try to keep it cut off.

I had hardly touched her pussy when Hannah begged, "Jimmy, please put yourself inside me. I can't wait any longer. I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't feel your cock where it's supposed to be."

I thought that it was a little early for her to feel like that, but I don't have that much experience to fall back on, so I decided to take her at her word. Since it was her first time, even without her hymen, I knew that I needed to take it easy, so I lay down on the bed and pulled her over on top of me. "I think that it will be easier for you on your first time if you control how fast I enter you. Even without your cherry to tear, this could still be uncomfortable, so I think that you should be on top so that you can stop whenever you feel like the pressure or the pain is too much.

"Straddle me and rest on your knees. If you are not tall enough for that, then squat on your feet like you are about to take a piss, just don't forget why you are here." Hannah burst into somewhat hysterical laughter at that, but quickly calmed down. "Ease yourself down. I'll try to help you by spreading your pussy lips and guiding my cock so that I line up. Just take it slow and everything should be fine."

Just as she came into contact, she jerked off me as we both heard a scream of "OH, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! THAT FEELS SO GOOD! FUCK ME!" coming from John and Lynn's room. We both laughed and had to pause for Hannah to get lined up again. Actually, the interruption helped, because it made Hannah relax some.

She finally got into position and lowered herself until I actually began to penetrate her. She continued down until I was in about an inch. Hannah froze because we had hit a dry spot. I suggested that she back up a little to get the lube spread better and try again. We had to do that three more times before she was down as far as she could go. It really felt good to me, I hoped that Hannah liked it as much as I did.

Hannah seemed frozen in place as if she did not know what to do next, so I told her to move up and down slowly. She started that, and I reached my hands around to play with her nipples with one hand while I gently rubbed her clit with the other hand. This was the stimulus she needed to turn her up to supersonic speed! She began to bounce up and down so fast that I was afraid that she would hurt one of us, but she didn't have time for that. She exploded into another orgasm bigger than her first and again froze into place.

By this time, I had started to move up and down, myself, so I kept the stimulation going while she was coming. A low moan started deep in her body and began to grow until it burst out of her mouth in an almost bloodcurdling scream that had to be heard all over the cave. Hannah looked embarrassed when she finally came to herself, but my gentle grin reassured her, and she tried to resume bouncing on my cock.

That was impossible! She just did not have the control she needed in her legs, and she rolled off me onto the bed. I had not come, so I was still hard. I moved between her legs and started to pump away. Before long, Hannah built to another peak, and she and I came together this time. I don't know how much I pumped in, but surely it was enough for the purpose.

Just like Molly, Hannah propped her hips up to give the sperm every opportunity to find her egg. We didn't waste the opportunity, though—we hugged and kissed while we waited the mandated 30 minutes. When that time was over, we removed the prop under Hannah's hips and went to sleep in each other's arms.

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