Day Trip - Cover

Day Trip

Copyright© 2008 by aubie56

Chapter 2

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Jimmy, Angie, and Jean are celebrating their graduation from high school by taking a day trip on Jimmy's father's boat to the Bermuda Triangle. They get caught in a mysterious storm and are transported back in time 65-75 million years. Join them as they try to cope with being marooned in time with danger on every side. Can they survive? By the way, there are no aliens in this story, but it is an alternate reality.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Time Travel   Humor   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Pregnancy   Slow   Violence   Nudism  

The next morning, Jean stood guard with an AR-15 while I lashed the boat to the steadying stakes with more ties. I had just finished when Jean screamed for me to get back on board. She had seen a small dinosaur, and she was afraid that it might be a velociraptor. I scrambled back on board and the two of us rushed down to the lounge. I had told her not to shoot unless she had to, since I did not want to waste ammunition.

We were sitting in the lounge, talking, when Angie asked, "Why don't we build some crossbows? The ammunition would be reusable, and the killing power would be adequate at close range."

"I think that is a great idea, except that I don't know how to make a crossbow. Do you know how?"

"Yes, I do know how. My dad and I built several when I was a little girl, and I remember how to do it. There are two ways to make the bow, and that is the hard part. We could use a continuous piece of wood or metal for the bow, or we could use a split bow with torsion springs. The continuous piece of wood is the easiest one to make, but it is not as powerful as either of the other two. I even know how to make a repeating crossbow."

"Wonderful, Angie! Let's look around the boat for a suitable piece of metal we can use for the bow. Jean, do you know what we should be looking for?"

"Yeah, I used to help with Dad's projects, too, but I wasn't much interested. But I do remember what the bow should look like, so I can help in the search."

We adjourned to the hold, what I liked to call the "junk room." We searched for nearly an hour before we found a piece of steel that looked like it would work. We also found a short length of cable that could be used for the bow string. It only took a little bit of fooling around to realize that we just did not have the technology to work with the steel bow. We decided to build an all-wood bow and see what that could do before we went any further. It was obvious that we were going to have to advance in baby-steps.

Angie looked through the larder and announced that we were going to have to stop eating so much food, or we were going to run out pretty damned quick. We needed to start looking for local food supplies, preferably starting this afternoon. Angie was a champion cook, so we listened to her!

She fixed a lunch from leftovers, so our conscience didn't hurt as we ate, but this was the time to stop kidding ourselves. No matter what else we did, we had to look for a food supply, both meat and vegetables. The problem was, none of us really knew what to look for—we were all city kids!

Angie said, "Jean, do you remember that survival show we saw on Science Channel a few months ago? The one were the hero was wandering around in the rain forest?"

"Yeah, I remember some of it. What about it?"

"Do I remember correctly that he said that if a berry was black that it was OK to eat it? If I remember, he looked for black things to eat, but he stayed away from other colored berries."

"Yeah ... Yeah, that's what he said. He also looked for plant roots he called tubers. He said that some of them were as good as potatoes. I'll bet that's what we should do!"

"Jimmy, you should act as our guard while Jean and I search for some plants that we can eat. We can't live much longer on what's already on the boat, and we'll get sick and tired of eating nothing but meat. Besides, we'll need the food value we can get from plants."

Well, they certainly knew more about food than I did; I just ate what was put in front of me. "Sure, I'll be happy to watch while you girls work." That produced some thrown paper napkins which I caught and smoothed back out. "Remember, these things can't be replaced! You have to use them until they are completely worn out." The women looked suitably repentant, NOT, so I laughed as I handed the paper napkins back to them.

The women disappeared into the bedroom and came back a few minutes later, dressed in some tattered pants and shirts. When I inquired about the changed clothing, Angie said, "We'd had all we could take of those bikinis. Jean found these clothes in a locker, so we put them on. She left a set for you on your bed. I'm sure you'd like to change out of that grungy swimsuit that you are wearing, so go ahead while we find something to carry our berries and what not in."

"I saw some plastic buckets when I was searching for rope. They should be perfect for what you need. You get them, and I'll be right back." I went to change, and I had to admit that, even without underwear, the pants and shirt were a welcome change. I also picked up my rifle and the pistols for all of us to wear.

We had no particular site in mind to start our search, so we just headed for the nearest tree line. This put us back at the place where I had chopped down the two trees, but that was as good a place to start as any. We didn't have any spades or any other digging tools, so the girls had brought along some knives to use for probing and digging. There had been several seaman's knives among the stuff we found when going through the "junk room," so the women thought that they would be adequate for the job. I, too, was wearing one of the knives, but it was more on principle than out of expectation of using it.

The trees were not growing close together, so there was plenty of sunlight filtering down to the ground. This made it possible for bushes of several types to grow there, and the women found some likely prospects for food items. They found some roots that were large in diameter, but not woody, so they put them in the bucket. Jean found some small black round berries which she could not identify, but they, too, looked promising. This was more of a prospecting trip than anything else, so they made no effort to fill their buckets. There certainly was no point in hauling a lot of stuff back home if we couldn't use it.

On the way back home, we decided that we had reached other limits, too. We needed more water if we were going to run the shower, so all of the food was dumped into one bucket and the other was filled with water to be boiled. We had some large pots, so there would be no big problem in boiling the water as long as we had propane, but I figured that I had better start working on an alternative stove pretty damned quick.

When we reached the boat, the girls started boiling the water to wash the stuff that they had collected. Once that job was done, they carefully checked over what they had found. They had worked out some sort of scheme between themselves to taste the potential food, but they would not let me join in. When I complained about being excluded, Angie pulled me to one side and said, "Jimmy, in case you had not noticed, you are the only male in our group. We have to assume that we are stuck here, so we must plan with that in mind. Jean and I have decided that we will not take any chances with the life support system for the only cock and balls in the neighborhood. Capeesh?"

I blushed and mumbled an apology. Despite being a teenage male with all of the equipment and hormones, I had not gotten that far in my thinking. Shit! I was embarrassed to think that I would fuck both these girls, no, make that make love to both of these women with the intention of making babies. They had gotten down to essentials while I was still thinking about my modesty.

That night, the women decided to make their move on me. I was already in bed when they walked in together. They were stark naked! Junior immediately sprang to attention, and I nearly swallowed my tongue. Angie said, "Jimmy, since it looks like you are determined to be a gentleman until we all drop dead of old age, Jean and I have decided that enough is enough. We are both virgins, but we know how sex works, and we assume that you do, too. Starting tonight, you will service us as often as you are able to.

"We both want to become pregnant and have your babies, please note the use of the plural. Therefore, take off your pants and prepare to meet our demands. Jean has agreed that I will be first, since I am your official girlfriend, but we both expect that you will fuck her, too, though maybe not tonight if you are not up to it."

I shucked my pants so fast that I was close to starting a fire in that bunk! "Ladies, I had no idea that you felt this way. But let me assure you that I have every intention of cooperating with your plan. I respect both of you too much to push you into anything so drastic, but I am very happy that you want me."

"It's all because of your all fired nobility that I am still a virgin. I would have fucked you months ago if you had just asked me, but I was too chicken to mention it, myself."

"OK, how are we going to do this? I am at your disposal."

"Jean and I have decided that this will be a true group marriage, so each one will be present while the other one has sex. How do you want to start? I have heard of several positions that we can use, but I don't know which would be best for the first time."

"I think that we should start out with you on top, so that you can control the speed and depth of penetration. I have heard that this is going to hurt you, and I don't want this to be any more painful than it has to be. Oh, and this is making love, not fucking, so come here, and let's start out with some kisses.

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