The Love Monk or Zen in the Bedroom - Cover

The Love Monk or Zen in the Bedroom

Copyright© 2008 by Maxicue

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A young man discovers simultaneous orgasms in orgies create moments of cosmic enlightenment and endeavors to spread the experience to any and all willing to share the experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   mt/mt   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Cuckold   Group Sex   Orgy   Harem   Interracial   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

After arriving and disembarking from the bus at Thunder Bay, Joseph, Linda and Roy stood beside their luggage watching Kristin and Anita being hugged by their mothers as if they'd been gone for months instead of a couple weeks. The girls brought their mothers over to meet their new friends, Anita telling her mother she had suggested they should stay at Uncle Andy's house and needed to give her uncle a call. When Anita left to run to the pay phone there was an uncomfortable silence broken by Anita's mother inviting everyone to have dinner with her, which the strangers respectfully declined, Joseph telling her they should have some family time together with their daughters after the separation and they probably had a lot to talk about. Anita's mother agreed. Like Anita, her mother was long and lean with unexpectedly large breasts. She could have been model material in her earlier years except her face was more handsome than beautiful and exuded an unmistakable toughness, but she was attractive with a charismatic aura that drew eyes to her no matter what beautiful or odd creature might be in the surrounding crowd. Kristin's mother had a pretty face with soft pale skin and a genuinely happy smile though her body was on the heavy side, the sexy curve of Kristin's waist separating her delicious round breasts and ass was gradually being lost to fat on her mother, while her breasts and ass were enlarging, the curve in between was joining the expansion. The thought of Kristin losing her sexy figure made Joseph begin contemplating adding a chapter to the second volume of his philosophy containing exercises and a diet that would keep a body fit and sexy and young and energetic and attractive to a sexual partner, fighting against the damages of bad habits as one aged, resulting in his focus dividing between being conversational with his new friends and the new idea, creating the sexy confidence effect which didn't seem to affect Kristin's mother, but Anita's mother's eyes widened, her pupils expanded, taking in the face and body of the handsome young man with single minded interest, and when she caught the twitch of his rising cock, she shivered and licked her lips, her eyes lifting up to meet his unashamed of where they had just been.

With Anita's and Roy's mothers in the cab of the small Ford pickup truck, Roy, Anita and Joseph were in the bed, bouncing at times, but mostly having a fairly smooth ride to Uncle Andy's on the other side of town.

In the safety of the truck bed, separated from her mother, Anita told Joseph and Roy about the evening plans. "My father, the better cook in the family, will be preparing a homecoming feast for me. My two younger brothers will be there so we can reunite as a family. I will get a call around 7:30 from Kristin informing me of a gathering of girlfriends for a slumber party for one of the girl's eighteenth birthday. She will actually be pretending to call one of the girlfriends and finding out about the party while I'm pretending to hear about the party from her. I'd love to be honest and tell them I'm staying at my uncle's, but he doesn't have the best reputation in town to say the least and for good reason; he's been know to frequent the local whorehouse even when my aunt was still with him and some say he even has a controlling interest in it. He's also been rumored to like men and supposedly has been seen in the presence of possible homosexuals drinking in bars. He even came on to me a couple years ago, and to tell you the truth, even with the incest issue, I probably wouldn't have minded having him as my first fuck; despite his playboy reputation, he is a true gentleman and I'm sure with his experience he would have given me a wonderful deflowering. It wasn't long after that that I was deflowered, and that certainly wasn't done with any skill. Being the horny young woman that I am, I learned to train my lovers to bring me to orgasm one way or another. Anyway, it was my mother who put a stop to the seduction, and though I can't say for sure, I think it was the threat of losing her as one of his lovers that kept him out of my bed. Ever since I was a child I noticed how they would look at each other, not really understanding their look of lust, disguised enough for everyone else, but apparent to me, until I looked at myself in the mirror when I was ready to pounce on a boy and saw the similarity. I suppose I could have warned you about my uncle, but he really isn't completely predatory, as far as I know he never did anything with my cousin, who is actually quite stunning in a waif/model sort of way and I don't think it was because she likes the ladies more than the men; she was the one in the family who seduced me, and though she's got small breasts, they are lovely and her ass is small but perfectly round and high." Anita licked her lips, dreaming of those encounters. "Sorry, I just meant to tell you Kristin and I will be joining you sometime around 8 tonight. I can't wait," she finished looking directly at Roy.

"Me neither," said Roy, his voice breaking.

Noticing his prick stretching his shorts, Anita said with a mock sternness, "You better save some of that for me. No jacking off before I arrive." Roy could only shake his reddened face.

Arriving at the mansion via a long curve of a driveway, at least there was no gate, they were greeted by a handsome man of forty, a long, elegant face etched with subtle grave lines that would deepen as he journeyed further into middle age, dirty blond hair and amber eyes, dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirt and soft leather slippers standing a couple of steps up on a wide stoop in front of a large dark opened door, the second door remaining closed, in front of a softly rounded building built of stone coated with a smooth bluish white layer of painted concrete that seemed to have bay windows for every room, the man's dour smile, too cool to be exuberant, seemed to set off his widows peak, baldness creeping towards the top of his head, the thick hair brushed back giving him a devilish look, one might call him a handsome devil.

Once the task of extracting the luggage from the truck bed began, he came to assist his visitors, and when it was made clear which bags were Linda's, he insisted on carrying them inside.

"Are you staying?" Andy asked Anita in a voice a little higher and more inflected with a Canadian accent than expected once introductions were finished.

"Pop is making dinner for my homecoming," explained Anita.

"That's something to come home for," said Andy. "My brother got all the cooking genes."

"We can stay for a few minutes," said Karen, Anita's mother. "There's something I need to discuss in private with you." Her voice was steady, but the way they stared into each other's eyes and the subtle tightening of her ass and rubbing of her thighs together suggested talking might not be on her agenda. After leading his guests to their rooms, Linda's ending up closest to the master bedroom, he had Anita guide the guests back downstairs to the living room while he and Karen remained upstairs.

"I've never seen my mom in such a state. She's always so careful about her affair," said Anita once she had led the guests back down to the grand entrance area. "What do you do to the ladies, Joseph? I know where we can watch," she said quietly, removing her shoes and creeping back up the stairs. The others followed her lead, Linda holding her son back for a moment, but his pleading eyes and her knowledge and appetite for lusty adolescents made her want to have him watch, the vicarious view would be too luscious to avoid. Anita led the group into Linda's bedroom and through the master bath which it shared. Opening the door into Andy's bedroom carefully, they lined up like a totem in the small gap watching the last of the clothes being removed and Mom and Uncle hopping on the bed in a sixty-nine position. Both Linda and Anita sighed at the magnificent, nearly perfect cock Andy revealed, disappearing again and again into Karen's mouth, coming out shiny and that much more beautiful, while Roy and Joseph enjoyed seeing Karen's tight body, her breasts and ass a little looser and less gravity defying than Joseph was used to, but Joseph even savored that difference. The oral sex lasted only a couple minutes, Karen demanding loudly and throatily to be fucked, though the announcement didn't need to be made as she straddled his cock and lowered her pussy quickly until Andy's rigid, tall, slightly bent cock was all the way inside.

"Oh fuck, yeah," said Karen as she rode his cock with complete abandon, cumming once, recovering and then riding again. Meanwhile Anita reached around to unleash Roy's cock and began masturbating it. She stopped to open her shirt so her breasts draped over Roy's shoulders, which brought Roy's hands up to caress them, weighing them and pinching the nipples. Joseph's hands were busy pleasuring pussies; one reaching into Anita's panties while the other slipped into the narrow space between Linda's thighs when she pushed her pants and panties out of the way. Linda's hands opened Joseph's pants and found his cock hard and getting harder. As the two bedded lovers were rocking the bed with furious athleticism, their groans, especially Karen's, were building in intensity nearing a giant orgasm, Anita shifted enough to bring a nipple to Roy's mouth, telling him to gently bite and then suck hard. The front two voyeurs brought each other to orgasm with assistance from Joseph's expert fingers on Anita's clit and inside her juicy pussy as well as the explicit visuals of Andy's cock shiny with cum juice appearing and disappearing with great speed inside Karen's pussy, filling her perfectly, her inner pussy lips hanging on to his cock when it rose up, along with the view of Karen's large soft bouncing breasts, so that the visual and tactile excitement enabled the bedroom couple and the front voyeurs to cum simultaneously. The back two voyeurs were pleasantly near, but didn't quite reach a climax.

Moments after the orgasms, the voyeurs pulled themselves together and as quickly and quietly as possible escaped from the scene without being noticed. By the time Andy entered the large living room, everyone looked as innocent as cherubim except for the flushed faces and the sweet odor of pleasure lingering.

"Martha the cook is nearly finished with our meal," said Andy. "Karen will be down soon; she needed a rest stop." Everyone knew what she needed was to remove the essence of Andy from inside her before going home to her cuckolded husband.

Joseph had never been in a place like Andy's, the high walls, the spacious rooms, the carefully orchestrated antiques, including an ancient tapestry draped over a wall in the vast entry hall, the paintings on other walls throughout the house depicting life at sea, portraits of sea captains and overdressed women all dating from the previous century, the floor covered by large Persian rugs with beautifully crafted furniture resting on them, and except for the immense chandelier with dozens of crystals hanging in the entrance and the peculiar painting above the hearth in the living room, everything was tasteful and uncluttered. The painting above the fireplace, with its dark colors and thick brush strokes resembling German Expressionism from the 1930s, was of a fat naked bald man in the lotus position surrounded by vaguely rendered figures floating about like angels except these were darkly sensual creatures, especially the woman above the main figure, a robe draped open so that her breasts and sex were visible as she held an ornate crown with letters and symbolic, mythic figures and the number 666 at the center over the man's head. Above the painting was a length of maple, finely polished and lacquered, shaped like a scroll with one end unrolling and the other rolling, the posts and the faux rolls of paper exquisitely detailed, and carved into the wood were the words, "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law."

"Have you heard of Aleister Crowley?" asked Andy as Joseph stood before the painting.

"Vaguely," said Joseph.

"I read his autobiography when I was a curious and rebellious teen looking for answers to life beyond my materialistic suburban boring life," said Linda.

"And did you find any?" asked Andy.

"Not really. His ritualized philosophy seemed foreign to me. But there was something basic beyond the complexity of ceremony that touched me. I love the concept of metamorphosis, and his source seems to come from the earliest of mythologies, the Egyptians brought through all sorts of mystical sources, transforming through them but remaining true to the source: birth and rebirth, the meeting of opposites, male and female, to create life and not meeting means death and the birth is not physical, but spiritual: enlightenment. It's the whole 'Love the one you're with' thing: go out, be free and make love."

"?Love is the law, love under will, ' says Mr. Crowley," quoted Andy.

"Interesting," commented Joseph. "Aleister Crowley believed sex was a path to enlightenment?"

"Yes he did," said Andy.

"Me too," said the Love Monk.

After seeing Karen and Anita off, Anita giving Roy a wink before she left, the four remaining in Andy's mansion retired to the dining room, but Andy feeling the stuffiness and haughtiness of the long table and the dark woodwork matching it on the walls guided them outdoors to the large patio where a round white metal table built of crisscrossed metal strands with a large thick glass creating a smooth surface, the round white seats and backs of the chairs matching the metal, the pink and green cushions making them comfortable. Andy had yelled in the general direction of the kitchen to let Martha know of their move. Her and her daughter Renee, a womanly peasant in her early twenties with large breasts and wide hips and an expressionless plain round face, an expanded version of her mother, like her mother's younger version of a funhouse reflection except the pleasant, cheerful expression seemingly permanent on the mother's face was the opposite of the blasé attitude on the daughter's, were burdened with the plates and silver and glasses and the larger plate and bowls containing the dinner of breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes, haricot vert, and smaller bowls with gravy and apple sauce, all in matching fine china. After pouring water in the stout glasses, Martha handed a bottle of Chablis to Andy along with a corkscrew and soon the wine was sniffed, tasted, approved and poured by Martha in each wine glass and the meal was ready to be devoured. The homey meal was a pleasant contrast to the rich environment which continued on the patio, it extended in one direction to a carefully maintained garden with pebbled pathways and bushes thick with flowers, beyond which was a large greenhouse and beyond that was a lawn of brilliant green which also extended out from the patio, dotted with the occasional maple, ending in a thick wall of evergreen trees. The opposite direction from the garden, past a low wall was a pool, the cool chlorine smell wafting past the diners, fighting the odors of the flowers on the other side.

As the diners ate, they returned to the subject of Aleister Crowley, the Order of the Golden Dawn and Thelema, Joseph comparing and contrasting various ideas with his Eastern philosophy, Linda chiming in occasionally from her more vague and more practical perspective, and Roy quietly listening, soaking in the adult, sophisticated yet sexy conversation, surprised by how little went over his head, and once asking for clarification when the discussion threatened to do just that. Eventually Joseph's book was brought up, and being at the end of their dinner, drawn out by the amount of talking going on throughout, Andy suggested they adjourn to the library for some recitations, a sort of debate and/or discussion using passages from Crowley and Joseph's book to respond to each other's philosophy. When Martha and daughter came out to remove the plates, Andy asked her to bring coffee and a coke to the library.

Despite the mustiness inherent in old books which lined the walls, the wooden shelves and the grand desk were made of oak, giving the library a lighter color then the dark wood of the dining room, and when Andy opened the bay doors and kept the large oak door that served as entrance to the scholarly room open, cooler air blew away most of the stuffiness. After choosing some books, most already stacked on the desk, Andy sat at the desk waiting for Joseph to return with his book. When Joseph entered, the large book in hand, he was greeted by a younger version of Mr. Crowley looking handsome and well tailored under his mystical cloak, bearing a rye smile, his eyes staring out at Joseph, impossible to hide from them, the painting hung, like the one in the living room, over the hearth and its technique was older, almost like a Galsworthy. The oak lectern where Joseph set his book and turned on the swan neck lamp was positioned diagonally opposite from the desk in the large library.

After Martha brought the coffee and coke and everyone added what they needed, Andy spicing each coffee and the coke with a shot of brandy, the recitations began. Andy started with a couple lines from The Book of Laws. Joseph paged through his book and found similar sentiments. Andy grabbed another book and recited. Joseph decided to rebut with his writing. They went back and forth, sometimes supporting and other times denying each sentiment until the doorbell, sounding like the gong from the Adams Family television show, announced the arrival of Anita and Kristin. Andy comically dashed away like a speed walker to let the guests in, hurrying back to the library and to the lectern vacated by Joseph, who was at the desk, beginning to peruse the Crowley books.

Having guided Kristin to the library, looking in briefly and noticing the coffee, Anita asked Martha, who was standing outside the kitchen door, to bring three more cups of coffee, stopping Andy from his perusal of Joseph's book, having seen Kristin at the entrance to explain the second cup, but wondering who the third might be for until Karen strolled in, smiling mischievously.

"Knowing Anita and her emotions," explained Karen, "I couldn't believe she would be so excited about some silly party, even if it was a pajama party, and inserted myself into the scheme, the parents of the birthday girl suddenly needing me as a chaperone for the night."

"Hey, I'm innocent of any schemes," said Andy with a big smile, "but it's delightful to see all of you here." He began to study Joseph's text, Karen on one side of him and Kristin on the other. When Martha brought the coffee, he told her she could have the night off. He put the shot of brandy in each cup and returned to Joseph's book.

Anita took a spot beside Roy on the couch and had him catch her up on the evening's discussion while slowly moving in on him until their asses touched and then hands began a slow exploration of each other's bodies, touching near but not on sexually intense areas. Linda came to the desk and sat on Joseph's lap as they shared the reading of Crowley.

When Kristin paged through Joseph's book, moving impatiently towards the middle painting, the sensuous photos by Natty each of which she paused at to study and read some of the sexy philosophy surrounding them, was already creating a libidinous tension for the three of them. Not knowing Kristin well, Andy's hand moved to Karen's ass.

"Anita's here," whispered Karen.

"She knows about you two," said Kristin.

"What about us two?" asked Karen carefully.

"When she met me at the door, letting me know you were joining us, I was so frustrated I wanted to stamp my feet and whine like a little girl but she told me not to worry, that she'd spied on you two in bed today, and in fact all of them had seen it."

"Oh my god," said Karen too loudly, making everyone look at her.

"The cat's out of the bag, lover, and it's about damn time," said Andy, giving her a big kiss with tongue.

When the kiss broke, Karen glanced nervously at Anita, who greeted her with a loving smile and a wink and proceeded to lock mouths with the 14 year old Roy. Karen and Andy returned to their kiss while Kristin paged through Joseph's book with one hand while the other searched out the lump growing in the crotch of Andy's jeans. Desire was in the air and it affected Joseph and Linda, despite Joseph's interest in the Crowley texts, he was easily seduced away when Linda straddled him, pushing her needy pussy against his expanding joy stick, their mouths bonding forcefully, hands meeting where their sex organs met, caressing the fabric covered hot spots; the clit and cock head. Kristin reached the slick page with Candice's painting of Joseph and his cock, catching the attention immediately of Andy and Karen.

"What a beautiful painting. What a beautiful penis," said Karen.

"I'll say," said Andy.

"It's as beautiful as yours if the painting does it justice."

"It does," said Kristin.

The three hungrily looked over at Linda dry humping Joseph, his hands caressing her bound breasts. Pushing her hand into her crotch, the other hand still busy massaging Andy's burgeoning cock, Kristin let the leaves of the book fall to the left, revealing the inner back painting of the orgy. Noticing it, Andy was awed. "Wow," he said.

"That's what the book's all about," said Kristin. "The orgy is the place to attain the perfect orgasm."

"Aleister would be proud," said Andy. "Shall we retire to my bed?"

"I may be a lusty wench," said Karen, "but I draw the line at incest."

"Too bad," said Andy, earning him a gentle shove.

"Let's let Anita and Roy go it alone," said Kristin. "She can bust his cherry in private, and the problem of incest won't interfere with our pleasure or Linda's."

Kristin sauntered over to the couch where Roy and Anita were at the stage when clothing was pealing back from crotches and breasts as their kiss continued uninterrupted until Kristin kissed the top of Anita's head and when Roy and Anita ended their kiss, Kristin kissed Anita, enjoying her hot lips and the spearing tongue entering her mouth. "We're going to leave you two alone and go have ourselves an orgy," whispered Kristin when her mouth was free.

After a pause, as the words slipped into her dazed, libido fogged mind, Anita said, "We'll follow you upstairs and Roy can show me his room."

Kristin sauntered over to the desk where Joseph was sucking on Linda's naked nipple as she continued to ride his clothed dick, getting remarkably close to orgasm, her closed eyes making her unaware of the voluptuous blonde pressing her body against Joseph's back until she felt soft lips pressing against hers, stopping her galloping movement on Joseph's crotch, opening her mouth and her eyes simultaneously, meeting Kristin's smiling excited eyes and welcoming Kristin's tongue. The kiss lasted a couple of soft, sensual, thrilling minutes, and when it ended Kristin informed them of the orgy.

"Is Roy joining us?" asked Linda. When Kristin shook her head, Linda's emotions clashed: her lust for her son and the struggle to repress it and the relief that at least for the moment she would not be burdened by a deep, primal guilt such an encounter would certainly bring.

"Do you want him to join us?" asked Joseph, watching the inner drama play out on her face.

"I wish I didn't," said Linda.

"I'm all for breaking through self imposed boundaries as Mr. Crowley advised," said Joseph, "but not only would his presence create a tension harmful to the ecstasy of multiple simultaneous orgasms, but I don't think it would be healthy for either of you, I think it would fuck up both of your heads. Keep it as a fantasy, enjoy it in a secret place inside your brain, there's no harm in that."

"Thanks," said Linda, kissing him gently. "Great advice from my very own love monk," she said with a relieved smile, giving him a mighty hug and then, unsaddling from his crotch, took his hand and followed Kristin.

An arc of lovers formed a half circle around the lectern with Andy glancing at passages randomly before returning to the back painting, his other hand busy sliding between Karen's thighs from the back, fingers pressing in where the crotch of her pants hid her pussy lips while she rubbed the lump his cock was making in his jeans.

"Are we going to do that?" asked Roy, pointing at the orgy image.

"It's not for you, darling," said Linda as she approached the gathering.

"I'm fine with that," said Roy, his hand pressing the edge of Anita's breast, barely hidden beneath her shirt as his arm crossed her back, holding her intimately while she held him at his waist, her long fingers wrapped around a buttock, squeezing it, making him shove out his crotch where his restrained cock was desperate to be let free.

"I'd like to study this," said Andy to Joseph.

"Of course," said Joseph. "And I'd like some more time with Mr. Crowley." Andy nodded.

"Shall we go?" asked Kristin, her hand taking Joseph's pulling him towards the door of the library, beginning a chain of hand holding lovers which paused at the base of the stairs where Andy took the lead and Karen was holding Joseph's hand, Joseph glancing back at her when he felt her middle finger caress his palm and saw the beautiful nearing middle age woman, her eyes wide open, her mouth agape, staring at him with pure lust.

Separating from the crowd, Anita followed Roy to his room, watching amused at his nervous, uncoordinated walk as if just putting one foot in front of another was a task needing concentration. Once inside and the door was secured, she knelt down on the Persian wool carpet, unfastened his shorts, pulling them and his underpants to his feet. She could have taken his penis at once, but spent a minute untying and removing his sneakers and completely removing his lower clothing before her hand took hold of his narrow shaft and brought it to her mouth. Licking it around the head and then along the bottom up to the pisshole which she tickled with the tip of her tongue, she then circled his smooth, completely hardened helmet securely with her lips, squeezing like an O ring fastener, holding his cock steady as her mouth/vise moved back and forth over the edge. The moaning young man held onto her shoulders, his spread legs keeping himself standing erect while his erection was powerfully massaged by Anita's lips and tongue which rubbed around the helmet while inside her mouth, and her hand which was rubbing up and down the shaft. Suddenly she took hold of his firm young buttocks and pulled his cock all the way inside, the tip bouncing off her palate until it found its way into her throat. The slick tight fit felt unbearably fine. Her lips at the base of his cock, keeping the tight lock, moved slightly up and down as he fucked her throat. Feeling his balls tighten with painful pleasure, a familiar but amplified sensation predicting ejaculation, he was stopped from letting go of his built up jism when she let his cock fall from her mouth to escape a gag reflex and to breath a deep breathe, his cock now shiny and dripping with saliva. She repeated the process, the licking and sucking and hand pulling, adding a gentle tickling of his scrotum, and when she pulled his cock deep again, she felt it tense and his balls rise and pulled his cock out of her throat, keeping it from returning when he thrust forward by moving back, and nearly was cumming herself when his sperm pumped into her mouth, the first spurt making her tingle all over. She closed her lips around his pumping cock gently and swallowed the load he was spraying until his pole stopped jerking, then tightened her lips and pulled out whatever remained of his sperm, ending only when his sensitivity prevented him from taking any more pleasure and his hips moved back until his softening penis was safely outside her expert mouth.

When she immediately rose to her feet and gave him a tongue penetrating kiss, his eyes went wide, fearing the taste of his own sperm, finding it as unpleasantly tangy as he remembered it when his tongue came into contact with it accidentally after masturbating, but she continued the kiss until he relaxed into it and began dueling back with his tongue, the kiss beginning to excite him like it always did. When it ended she said, "First lesson: always kiss a woman willing to swallow your sperm. Many women won't swallow, so you should celebrate those who do, and show them your appreciation."

"Okay," said the red cheeked young man smiling up at the taller woman. "I really didn't want to."

"I could feel you didn't."

"But it was okay, and then just kissing you is always okay."

"Good boy. Now to make you a good man." Pausing to look around the room, she smiled. "This is where I stay when I visit Uncle Andy, and it's where I brought my lovers usually just for a few hours, but sometimes all night. Unlike the rest of us teenagers, I have a place of refuge not in some cold cramped car, and my uncle doesn't mind. In fact I think he likes it. I wouldn't be surprised if he spies on me somehow, the horny old goat. But I've had a couple boys up here, well, more than that actually, and girls too. It's been awhile, though, and I wasn't sure if the housekeeper had left the candles. It seems she put in some new ones." On the bedside table was a three candle candelabra with matching ones on a bureau near the adjoining bathroom and on the desk on the opposite wall. A book of matches rested under the bedside table candelabra. She lit one of the candles and used it to light the others, and once replaced it in its holder, she sauntered over to the entry door and switched off the light. To Roy, Anita was a lusciously gorgeous woman, but in the flickering darkness she looked like his dream of a beautiful angel, albeit a sexy, naughty one, far beyond the stolen Playboy images his best friend Tony had encouraged him to take from Tony's father's stash which he masturbated to with a flashlight under his covers. He sat on the bed, and she stood in front of him just out of reach and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Reaching out to touch her large, proud breasts, his hand was gently batted away. "Take off your shirt, lover," said Anita. She then proceeded to remove her pants and panties, standing naked in front of him.

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