The Love Monk or Zen in the Bedroom - Cover

The Love Monk or Zen in the Bedroom

Copyright© 2008 by Maxicue

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young man discovers simultaneous orgasms in orgies create moments of cosmic enlightenment and endeavors to spread the experience to any and all willing to share the experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   mt/mt   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Cuckold   Group Sex   Orgy   Harem   Interracial   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

What got him out of the funk was opening his present. First was the card signed by all six of his lovers, a beautiful watercolor image on the outside of the six surrounding Joseph all in high spirited conversation and each with a halo particular to them, and discretely inside the card was an orgy scene with the seven of them in the throes of orgasm, bodies flowing together and a great glow emanating from the mass of naked flesh and written over the image obviously rendered by Candice along with the outside image, was a sentiment as a sonnet written probably by Jordan:

By giving us your mighty heart

You've brought us a life at its best.

Thankful for being at the start

We chosen few are truly blessed

It's sad for us that you must part

To begin your amazing quest.

But bitter no there's none of that

Your gift to us has made us strong

Petty woes thrown to the mat

In their stead is a loving song;

A perfect song not sharp or flat

Carries us through our life along

With your great love which we return

With printed thoughts for all to learn.

--The Order of the Love Monk

When he opened the wrapping there was a layer of condoms which made him laugh out loud, and embarrassed by his sudden outburst and the armful of condoms that caused it, he glanced across the aisle at the only people able to view the embarrassing items, discovering two young women about his age staring at him, leaning towards him laughing. They were the epitome of youthful: flirty, teasing, awkward, restless; self-confident and at the same time self-conscious. While looking at them directly, his smile changed from a tightened sideways look, one side of the mouth up while the other remained where it was, surrounded by a flush of red at his cheeks, to a full smile, calm and welcoming, appreciative of the young women's presence, revealing his interest in them. Retreating from his provocative glance, after stashing the boxes of condoms in his shoulder bag, he looked at the book he had unwrapped. It was a 10" x 14" hardbound book without a slipcover, the title on the front and the spine embossed into the grainy green material in gold in Gothic bold font, all in caps, large on the front read ORGY & ORGASM, along with "Brother Joseph" in smaller Garamond font on the spine; and on the front under the title, the subtitle read in smaller Garamond: Thoughts and Exercises for Cosmic Enlightenment Through Physical Bliss, and after "Brother Joseph" the authorship expanded to include "The Order of the Love Monk." A true collaborative work, though the text and drawings were created by Joseph, the editing and publishing were thanks to his friends and lovers along with amazing additions such as the musical notations of the song created by Jordan extracted from the poem written by Joseph after their first orgy used as a prologue, the paintings colorfully copied on fine paper placed at various points throughout the text painted by Candice as well as the frontispiece and back leaf similar to the inside and outside of Joseph's card, various quotations from Eastern philosophies at the beginning of each chapter researched by Carol who also created the precise notes and references of quoted philosophical texts cited in the book, some amazing black and white photography by the multi-talented Natty which never explicitly revealed the subject but using grainy gradients of dark and light suggested sensual figures exercising, meditating, fondling themselves and others, intertwining and interlocking. Despite having proofed the galleys a few weeks before, Joseph had not expected the book's publication until the end of summer or later, the New York City publisher infamous for daring publications in the past had been excited by the manuscript, but when he met the Order at a private off street gallery, except for Carol, Adam and Nina they were all there, a graduation present from their parents none of whom knew the true purpose and timing of the trip, that of a one woman show of Candice's artwork, including the plaster of paris jigsaw like interconnected sculptures of the Order combined to create an orgy and separated a series of figures with phalluses and holes at the vagina and anus where the attachments occurred which Candice had completed minutes before they had taken off in a van rented by Natty accompanied by Sarah's full car, the trip an adventure in itself, sales of many of Candice's canvases and the sculptures netting her thousands of dollars which she generously used to offset costs the parents had not covered including a suite at the Plaza which they used on the last night of their visit to rattle the old walls with wails of passion during the most intense and cosmic orgy they had experienced up until then, when the publisher saw the group of teenagers at the brilliantly successful show, he wondered at the legal ramifications of such a provocative book coming from pre-adults, Sarah partially salving his concerns with her charm as well as her legal knowledge which she had gained through an obsessive study of corporate, copyright and precedence regarding pornography as well as insisting the book's authors would be anonymous and their face if needed would be Natty's, a woman in her twenties. Even with the possible roadblock removed, Joseph was surprised by the book on his lap being completed though not yet ready for distribution since the slipcover designed by Joseph and painted by Candice of a mandala of sexually intimate figures suggestive but not explicit was not covering the book. The weight of the more than two hundred pages in the large format, the feel of those pages, both the rough raw regular ones and the slick colorful plates, the texts and drawings Joseph had written and rendered and Sarah and Carol had edited, the beautiful images of the paintings and the photographs made him happier, prouder and more excited than he had ever been. Despite this, using his ability to divide his focus, he studied the two young women peripherally as they continued watching him, whispering to each other, laughing and then quieting as their interest in the odd but handsome young man moved gradually from curiosity to lust.

The tall, thin and seductively busty girl, her breasts pushing against the white button down shirt she was wearing over loose white shorts so that the tail of the shirt nearly concealed the small shorts suggesting sexily the shirt was all she was wearing reminding Joseph of Natty covering her naked body with one of his shirts when they took a break from lovemaking at her apartment, scooted her lovely moderate sized ass onto the seat beside Joseph, crossing her endlessly long and firm and slightly tanned legs, leaned towards Joseph and introduced herself as Anita. Her long lean face was lovely, with a cute upturned nose of an attractive medium size characteristic of the Finnish people which was her heritage, the Finns having been longtime residents of Thunder Bay, framed by shoulder length soft thick dirty blonde hair with a wavy nature that seemed to give the hair a complexity of hues. Her smile stretching the full lips of her wide mouth, her brown eyes sparkling, she leaned further over to spy on what he was reading. The book was opened to a diagrammatic mandala, the text around it explaining the spiritual masturbation it depicted, the symbols in the drawing not being explicitly sexual didn't communicate the intent of the book clearly, but Joseph ended any subtlety in that regard.

"It's a sort of philosophical sex manual," he explained.

"Really?" asked an excited and surprised Anita.

Joseph closed the book, revealing the title. Anita's lovely, slightly tanned cheeks reddened.

"I wrote it. I'm Joseph."

"You're kidding," said Anita. "There's no way. You're too young."

Joseph opened to the frontispiece, and then grabbed the card from his shoulder bag. He then opened to the back and opened the card, showing the signatures. Anita's cheeks were crimson.

"These are my followers so to speak, the Order of the Love Monk. I guess I'm the Love Monk, though I've never quite gotten used to being called that. Sarah," Joseph continued, pointing to Sarah's signature on the card as well as her image in the provocative illustration, " ... she calls me the Bad Mad Monk, which I feel is more appropriate."

"So you're crazy and nasty is what you're saying," said Anita quietly, contemplating her situation and discovering her interest in the handsome young hunk had not been frightened away, but had intensified. She couldn't help squirming, her pussy tickling her with growing pleasure.

"Hopefully not too much. I think I'm a nice guy; I certainly hate to hurt anyone, quite the opposite, and I'm sane enough to have a normal conversation with a pretty girl, but being bad and mad has its rewards. I wouldn't have created my philosophy or this book if not for some madness and badness.

"Maybe you could explain it to me," said Anita.

"Do you think your friend would be interested?"

Glancing over at her friend, Anita smiled and licked her lips. The two had been friends since they were 9 years old, and as they developed through adolescence their sexual appetite and their bodies, the shorter friend having turned out voluptuous with large breasts and a sexy, robust ass and a nice curve in between, Anita had fantasized about making love to those fleshy areas and kissing those soft pouty lips and around them, the soft round face, the high cheekbones, the cute little nose with a slight bulb at the end, as she stared into those sky blue eyes, running her fingers through the blonde silky hair, fantasizing during masturbation, creating threesomes in her mind when she started having sex with boys and using those moments for her masturbatory fantasies, but she was afraid of alienating her or making her think she was a lesbian, basically scaring her best friend away. "I hope so," she said towards her friend.

"It's kind of hard to explain," said Joseph sotto voce so as not to embarrass or offend anyone listening in. "It's easier to experience. The book is about developing the experience of sex, of the orgasm; exercises for the body and the mind to amplify the orgasm until it becomes, and I know how crazy this sounds but it's true, a truly cosmic experience."

"Wow, really; that does sound crazy," said Anita. She glanced at his lap, which Joseph noticed so he set the book aside to show her the bulge of thick lengthy hard-on her presence had created in his pants, and then she glanced over at her friend who was giving her a puzzled look. When she glanced to the back of the bus, she noticed it was vacant. "No one's in the back," she said. "Follow me and bring the book. Follow me Kristin," she said to her sexy friend. Joseph enjoyed the subtle sway of the nearly square ass of Anita and the full round bell like roll of Kristin's.

Showing her friend the book, Anita braced for rejection knowing Kristin had never been promiscuous, though she had in the broadest sense told Anita she was no longer a virgin, losing her virginity to her long time boyfriend who ended up taking off to parts unknown once school ended a month and a half before; their trip to the Twin Cities was on the surface for viewing Macalester College, Anita would be matriculating there in September, but it was more a way to bring her best friend out of her funk, maybe for her to have a fling with some handsome stranger, give her some new and distracting pleasure, perhaps even a threesome if she got her friend thoroughly drunk and the fact that no one seemed interesting enough for either of them to seduce further encouraged a fear of letting this tasty young man scare away her friend from exciting possibilities.

"This is a dirty book," said Kristin, reading the cover, the words alone would be confirmation of Anita's fear except Kristin was smiling and even in the darkness of the row of seats at the back of the bus, Anita caught the twinkle in her eyes. Opening the book, Anita flipped through the pages, the slick pages catching most of her attention. She stopped at a central page, and there was Joseph and his cock, Candice's masterpiece. "Wow," she said. Leaning over Joseph, who sat between the two Canadian beauties, in order to see the page herself, Anita's hand rested on Joseph's inner thigh, her fingers touching his hidden hard on. "Is that you?" asked Kristin. When Joseph nodded, Kristin said, "I never thought it could look so beautiful."

"A great artist looks at her lover and paints only the beauty she sees," said Joseph. "Let me show you a portrait of her other lover." His arm carefully slid under Kristin's, letting it slide purposefully along the front of her breasts, giving tantalizing friction to her already hardening nipples; twin bumps visible through the bra and shirt covering them and paged towards the end of the book to Candice's portrait of Natty, his personal favorite of her paintings.

"She's a lesbian?" asked a startled Kristin, bringing Anita closer to Joseph, her breasts pressing against his shoulder, her hand pressing against his cock.

"She's beautiful," said Anita.

"In real life too," said Joseph. "The painting does her justice; her actual beauty is equal to her painted image. And yes she is a lesbian, as is the artist; except for me, luckily, their eyes are only for the fairer sex."

"So they enjoy having sex with you?" asked Anita.

"Yes, they're both pretty loud about their enjoyment."

"They're not just faking?" asked Anita.

"Our group never fakes orgasm."

"And you have sex with both of them together?" asked Kristin.

"Many times. For Natty, the beautiful woman in the painting, at the beginning or our relationship it couldn't have happened without Candice being there. Candice is the artist."

"Is she beautiful, too?" asked Kristin.

"Not in the traditional way, the way Natty is beautiful, but yes, she is beautiful. She's in the painting of me." Joseph paged back to the central painting, his arm more aggressively rubbing Kristin's nipples.

"Her face is pretty fuzzy," said Anita, her head resting beside Joseph's head, her fingers rubbing along the small cylindrical hill of his cock.

"Unfortunately Candice doesn't see herself as beautiful the way Natty and I see her."

"Do you think we're beautiful Joseph?" asked Anita straddling his leg so that her pussy, barely covered by her shortss and panties, was pushing against him just above his knee, sliding up and down, and with her leaning forward, the contact on her clit was direct. She kissed him.

"Yes you are, both of you; beautiful and sexy," said Joseph once their lips separated. Sensing Kristin was moving away, he leaned over towards her and brought his head down to kiss her. This was a soft, lingering kiss that slowly heated up until she allowed his tongue inside, helped by his fingers tugging her nipples. During the kiss, Anita managed to unzip Joseph's pants, reaching into the tight area to extract his penis. A series of hands guiding hands ensued: Anita guiding Kristin's hand to Joseph's rigid flesh pole; Joseph guiding Anita's other hand to Kristin's nipples and Kristin guiding Joseph's hand down to her crotch, clothed like Anita's in small shorts, though hers were an over washed red, her legs opened, opening her lips as they pressed tightly against the surface of the shorts. The large book opened to the Joseph painting spread over Kristin's and Joseph's laps, and his cockhead peeked out so the girls compared the likeness.

"Very realistic," said Anita smiling. Kristin's reddened face nodded. Climbing off Joseph's leg, Anita scooted in front of Joseph and Anita, heading for the toilet nearby, in fact too nearby because anyone who needed to use it would have a hard time avoiding the sight of the threesome's lovemaking. "I'll be back in a minute," she said. While she was gone, Kristin continued stroking Joseph's cock, staring at it as it responded to her caresses, awed by its size, at least two inches longer and half an inch thicker than the only other penis she had gotten intimate with. She had loved the energy generated by a cock she was encouraging to bring to a state of fuckable hardness, its twitches, the skin moving over hidden hardness, the silky skin at the head. As the eyes gazed at the prize, they also moved slowly closer to it. Her ass was rocking on the seat as she descended allowing moments in which her shorts and panties weren't so tight against her mons, making room for his fingers to slide under them until they encountered the crisp hair and the hot, wet, tender flesh of her twat where the tips explored blindly the exciting texture of lust. Finally her mouth reached his cock, her tongue extended to touch the tip, her position, lying sideways facing out, one foot resting on the seat cushion, opened herself completely to his exploring fingers, easing his efforts to caress her flowing pussy lips and slip fingers inside and have his thumb pressing on her clit, bringing moans to her mouth, their vibrations felt on his glans as she sucked it in.

Emerging from the toilet, instead of returning directly to the back seat with her friend and her new lover, Anita went to where Joseph had been sitting before, opened his side bag, grabbed a box of rubbers, and then headed to the back of the bus, palming the item to be discrete. She watched her friend's mouth bobbing on Joseph's impressive cock and Joseph's fingers busy inside Kristin's shorts. Her body was shielding any view for the time being, but she wanted to participate. Her hand moved down to join Joseph's between Kristin's soft thighs, pulling the shorts away to make further room. Joseph let her hand slip under his, and when Kristin felt a different and even more pleasurable movement there, she looked up, briefly startled and then thrilled to find Anita fingering her, having had similar if less frequent fantasies of the two of them making love, and when Anita brought her fingers damp from Kristin's love juices to her lips to suck on them sensuously, Kristin felt a rush of passion.

Leaning over to whisper into her friend's ear, Anita told her the plan. "Sit by the window. I'm going to let Joseph fuck me first, but you'll be second, and you'll feel him pulsing inside you when he cums, okay?"

Kristin's nod was also a deep stroke down and up on Joseph's cock ending with a quiet pop as his cock exited her sucking mouth. Crawling over Joseph, teasing him as her pussy passed his cock by having the cockhead glide across her naked pussy lips, Kristin sat by the window, her legs spread, her shorts and panties removed, her fingers continuing the work on her pussy Joseph and Anita had been performing. Handing Joseph the box of condoms Anita straddled Joseph's legs and slowly lowered. Joseph immediately realized her shirttails were covering her naked ass and naked pussy. He took a breath, sang a calming mantra inside his head, and smoothly opened the box, ripped off a condom packet, ripped it open and rolled it over his cock.

"Are you ready for me?" he asked Anita who had not had the pleasure of having her pussy fondled before his entrance.

"I've been ready since our eyes met," said Anita sinking down, Joseph holding his cock firmly until it began opening her cunny which was soft, wet and hot. He shut his eyes to concentrate on the heat and texture surrounding his cock and the sweet odor emanating from her and her friend's pussies. He'd experienced tighter pussies, but rarely one so full of movement, her inner muscles rippling around his cock as she continued a steady motion down until he was fully inside and felt the bones of her ass on his thighs. Immediately she began to lie on her side, her movement continuing its slow pace, pausing for a few seconds to kiss her friend, her tongue meeting her friend's for the first time, and then she nibbled and sucked on her friends' nipples, Kristin undoing her bra quickly and moving it out of the way, lifting the knit shirt high enough to expose one nipple and then the other. After a brief and thrilling bosom repast, Anita's head continued its descent until it was in Kristin's lap. After desiring the moment for many years, Anita was a starving woman at last feasting on what she most desired with a feverish intensity.

"Oh my god," moaned Kristin as quietly as possible, spreading herself open, her arms stretched out, her back arched, pushing her prodigious chest out, the knitted fabric nearly transparent as it stretched around those magnificent buoyant tits. As Anita feasted, her ass cheeks clenched and released, bringing short movements to the fucking while the inner muscles continued to create a thrilling sensation around Joseph's cock like there was a pump inside her pussy. Finding the pace of the contractions, Joseph provided an in and out movement, subtle because he wanted the sex to be discrete, but enough to bring some friction to the fuck, giving both of them more intense sensations at their conjunction. His fingers pressing and stroking and vibrating on Anita's clit helped.

The hidden woman between them, Joseph and Kristin appeared to have their bodies turned towards each other with a comfortable gap as if they were having a conversation, but little was being said verbally; it was a three way physical conversation of lust. Joseph divided his attention between the naked pussies being ravished, the beautiful asses surrounding them, the amazing breasts of Kristin as one focus and the fellow bus riders and their potential discovery of the illicit threesome as the other.

Holding back a mighty yell, what was let loose was a cute squeak as Kristin, her eyes closed, her face reddening, her body taut and then relaxed, shivering, the pussy lifting up then dropping, and once dropped quaking visibly, was overcome by a mighty orgasm, which set Anita off as well, Joseph feeling her throbbing vibrations around his cock and heard the muffled sob of long anticipated release emerging from her talented mouth into her quaking friend's cunt.

Just in time, as an older woman arose from her seat towards the front of the bus and began to travel back towards them. Giving his new friends warning, he pulled his pants together as Kristin slipped on her shorts, sans panties, and Anita simply adjusted her tails to cover what needed to be covered. She was just a sleeping friend, her pillow Kristin's lap, her ass pressing harmlessly against Joseph's hips. Joseph had the book out, covering his still engorged penis still covered by the condom, careful to find one of the more innocuous pages in case the lady was a busybody. She did give the three a glance, but if there were any feelings behind it, it was difficult to decipher.

The time waiting for the lady to return to her seat was spent continuing to bask in pleasure. Anita sat up, unbuttoning her shirt and bringing Joseph hands to her large conical breasts. After measuring their remarkable weight, he twisted their nipples. "Harder, pinch them hard Joseph," she instructed him and moaned when he pulled and twisted them vigorously. Reaching between his thighs, she discovered his erection. "You didn't cum. Good. When she sits, we change places. It's my turn to watch. I want you both down low fucking the shit out of each other."

The lady made her exit, but unfortunately it seemed to signal the riders that it was time to release their waste, so for the next twenty minutes, the threesome discretely played with each other, Anita watching for unseen moments, signaling it by lifting her breast out of her shirt. Kristin and Joseph took turns nipping at her nipples while hands caressed sex organs, Joseph enjoying both girls' interiors, sometimes simultaneously with the girls' fingers inside each other. Meanwhile Kristin was reading Joseph's book between piquant distractions and nipple caresses, asking Joseph remarkably cogent questions and learning about the intention of his quest. Towards the end of the intermission from full on sex, when Anita lifted her breast out into the open, Kristin rolled her shirt above her breasts. Seeing two sets of large youthful beautiful and unique breasts took Joseph's breath away. His mouth sucked in the nipple and part of the flesh of each of Kristin's beauties, savoring them gently, which unlike her friend's need for torture, suited Kristin perfectly.

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