Karenscrewedup@hotmail.Com - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A young man spots a woman from his past in a bar with a couple of girlfriends. She humiliated him in college. He witnesses a strange man slipping her some drugs and must decide if this is his chance to get his revenge.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Body Modification  

In the garage I put a helmet on her and buckled it down. I assured her that all she had to do was hang on, gently, to my waist and she would be fine. She didn't have to worry about leaning or falling off or anything. Centrifugal force would take care of everything. I told her that if she got scared all she had to do was the same thing I do, close her eyes and hope for the best.

I put her on the small passenger seat of my Softail and showed her where to put her feet. I opened the garage door and started the bike. When it first fired up she screamed. She was startled by the noise and the vibration. But she hung on and I pulled out and pushed the button on the garage door opener remote in my pocket. As soon as I saw the door closing I took off.

I rode around for a little while, taking the long, scenic route to the restaurant. I finally pulled up in front of the biker bar. We got off and I helped her take her helmet off and hung it from the handlebar. As soon as I turned back around she threw her arms around my neck and said, "That was fucking fantastic! I love it! Am I a biker chick now?"

I looked at her thoughtfully and said, "I'm not sure. I'll have to ask the guys if you can be a biker chick without any tattoos and before I have your nipples pierced."

"My what!" she exclaimed.

I laughed and took her arm and we went inside. It was pretty crowded. It usually is. It's worse on Friday and Saturday evening. But even during the week they do a lot of business with the local riders.

We lucked out. There was a couple leaving one of the nice tables by the railing as we walked in and we managed to get it. I looked around and saw a few people that I knew and nodded to them.

It took a while, but we finally got some drinks and ordered a couple of BBQ sandwiches. We sat and talked and enjoyed being together for a while. The inside section of the bar is loud and smoky. But they keep the door closed and the deck is much quieter. And you can breathe the air.

We enjoyed a simple but pleasant meal. They do very good BBQ here. We sat and sipped on a couple of beers and enjoyed ourselves. I was sometimes surprised at how much I enjoy Karen's company since we have so little in common. She can be so fucking sweet! It's hard to believe that she's the same girl that traumatized me in college.

She brought the subject around to pierced nipples several times. She was afraid that I had been serious. To be honest, if it had been some other woman I might have seriously considered it. I couldn't do it to her, though. I love how sensitive her nipples are. I don't want to take a chance on screwing that up. I explained that to her. And then I demonstrated.

Karen was leaning forward with her arms crossed in front of her on the table. I threaded my arm through hers so that it looked like I was holding her hand. Instead, I stuck two fingers up inside her little crop top and began to squeeze her nipple between my knuckles. I gradually began to squeeze harder and harder.

Before long her face started getting red and her breathing became ragged. As luck would have it, just as the waitress came back to the table she bit her lip and while fighting to keep from arousing the attention of the people around us she had a strong orgasm.

The waitress stood at our table watching her and smiling. It was pretty obvious that she knew what was happening and that she was amused.

Karen didn't even realize she was there until her orgasm passed and she opened her eyes. She gasped when she saw the waitress watching her. She cried out, "Oh god!" and covered her face with her hands until the waitress left.

I got up then, helped her to her feet and we left. We went on a small ride through the back roads outside of town, demonstrating how much fun a twisty road could be on a bike. Then we went home. We went through the house into the back yard, stripped down and took a dip in the pool.

Wednesday and Thursday were uneventful days. Karen came straight to my house after work and we took turns cooking supper. After supper we would work together to clean up the kitchen. Then we would play in the pool for a little while before going upstairs and getting wild.

As she was leaving on Thursday evening I told Karen to stop at her house after work tomorrow, check her mail and pick up some clothes for Saturday. She would be spending the night.

Her eyes lit up with excitement when I told her that she would be staying over.

The next day I set up the poker table and counted out the chips. I went to the store and bought some beer and snacks and a few decks of cards. I stopped on the way home at the adult book store and bought Karen's outfit for the game. The guys were going to love it. So would she. She was going to be extremely embarrassed.

Karen got to the house early. She gets off an hour early on Fridays, something about her boss's plan for avoiding rush hour traffic on the worst driving day of the week. She stopped at her house and picked up her mail. She already had a bag in her car with her clothes for tomorrow so she didn't even go inside. After getting her mail she drove straight to my house.

I put her to work helping to make sandwiches. We talked quietly while we worked. I couldn't help noticing how comfortable we were together. It didn't matter what we were doing we just seemed to enjoy being with each other.

We were just about finished when I caught her looking at strangely and smiling. I grinned and asked her what the funny look was for.

She came closer and pressed her body against me. She reached up and clasped her hands behind my neck and said, "I've never met a guy that helps out in the kitchen before. It's kind of sexy. Wanna fuck?"

I laughed and kissed her. I tried to keep it light. But I've been growing increasingly worried about the feelings I'm developing for her. I never would have thought that I could fall in love with Karen. If I wasn't careful that was where this was going.

I kept my eye on the clock as we worked. When there was an hour to go before the guys started arriving I sent her up to take a shower and make herself pretty.

She was getting nervous and that pleased me. I would hate it if she lost that.

I finished getting the snacks ready while she was upstairs getting ready. I grabbed a beer and watched the news until she came downstairs wearing only her high heels. She knew that I had a small bag by my chair with her uniform for the evening in it.

I waved her over and pulled out the little outfit I selected for her to wear while serving my guests tonight. A tiny see-through thong that just barely covered her pussy, a tiny French maid's apron that didn't even reach down to the thong, and one of those little things that they stuck in their hair and called a hat.

I was planning on having her wear her leather wrist cuffs too. But I thought that might ruin the effect and decided at the last moment to leave them off.

I told her that from now until my friends went home she was to do anything that any of them asked of her, without hesitation. She would be serving drinks and snacks, she would be getting groped and liberally molested, and she would be having sex with anyone who cared to.

The spare bedroom was all set up for that. If called upon she would lead her lovers to that room, unless they wanted to take her right there in the game room.

I finished with her instructions, looked up at her and said, "Damn I'm turned on right now! I wish I had time to take you upstairs and fuck you."

She smiled a bit nervously and said, "I'm ready."

As luck would have it, just then the doorbell rang and I ordered her to answer it. I watched from my chair as she opened the door and stood aside to let the first two arrivals in.

I hadn't informed any of the guys that she would be here. To say that they were shocked doesn't even come close. They both stepped in and stood staring in awe.

She shut the door, smiled nervously at them and escorted them into the living room.

She took their drink orders and they stared at her naked ass as she walked to the kitchen to get them their beers. They had not said a word since they came in and they had only glanced at me once, almost as though to make sure that they were in the right house. Then their eyes returned to Karen and stayed there.

Jerry finally looked up and exclaimed, "What the hell?!"

I smiled and said, "Gentlemen, I have a maid now. I hope that isn't a problem for you."

Jerry looked at me and said, "Come on, man! You don't have a maid! This is your desperate attempt to distract us so that you can finally win."

I laughed and said, "If that's what I'm doing it appears to be working."

I introduced Karen to Jerry and Eric. I told them that once everyone was here I would explain what her chores were tonight.

While I was talking, Karen came over to stand beside my chair. I ran my hand over her ass and smiled when she shivered in excitement. I loved it that this turned her on.

I glanced at the small piece of fabric that covered her tight little pussy and saw that it was already getting damp. Her face and neck and chest were very red. Her obvious arousal was one of the many reasons why she looked so god damned exciting.

It was another fifteen minutes before all six of my friends arrived, were introduced to Karen and given drinks. Phil was the last to arrive. He recognized her from her picture. We headed into the game room but Phil hung back and asked me and Karen to hold on a minute.

When we were alone he told Karen that his bouncers had recognized her rapists from the pictures that I had given him and caught them leaving with a drugged girl last night.

She asked him what happened to them.

Phil hesitated for moment. Finally he asked, "Do you really want to know?"

I was pretty sure that she did. I damned sure did and I nodded.

"I had some men take them to an alley behind a gay bar on the edge of town, strip them, tie them up and gag them. Then they went inside and started spreading the word about them, who they were, what they had done, and why they were out there.

"They spent the entire night being fucked in the ass by the patrons of the gay bar. My bouncers returned an hour after closing and they were still being raped. They waited until the last of the crowd was finished with them, cut them loose and returned their clothing. He warned them that the next time they heard of a girl being raped in town they were going to assume that they had done it and they were going to fix it so that they could never rape anyone again.

I looked at Karen and said, "Sounds like justice was served to me."

She nodded. She took Phil's hand and said, "Thanks, thanks to both of you. I hated that they could do what they did to me, or to anyone and get away with it like they did. I appreciate that you cared enough to do this."

Then the games began.

When we were all seated at the table I called Karen over and told everyone that she was here, not entirely of her own free will. Her main function was to look good and serve drinks and snacks. She would, however, be available to everyone to use gently, if they wished, in the spare bedroom upstairs, or right here if they preferred.

Several of my guests are married. I let them know that they were free to grope her a little from time to time and then go home and take it out on their wives if they preferred. They were welcome to go as far as their consciences would allow. After my description of her duties the poker game started.

It was immediately apparent that I should have had a naked woman present at all of the games that I hosted. I couldn't lose if I tried. I know that my hands tonight were no better than they usually were. But the guys couldn't keep their eyes, or their hands, off of Karen.

We hadn't played two full hands before I started hearing "Deal me out," and Karen started leading them upstairs.

Karen was looking pretty tired by the end of the night. Two of the married men had passed on going upstairs. But they took advantage of every opportunity to feel her up when she got close enough to them. She got close pretty often.

The poor girl didn't get a break all night. If she wasn't upstairs fucking or sucking one of my friends, she was fetching drinks and snacks, or she was sitting in someone's lap and getting gently mauled.

After about half an hour or so her nervousness disappeared. She started teasing my friends and having fun with her role of maid and sex slave. She laughed and joked with all the guys. She was genuine but flirty and the guys all fell in love with her. She didn't even get very wound up when she was led off for her first sexual experience with a black man.

Nearly all of the sex took place upstairs. Only one of the guys demanded a blowjob right there in the game room. He pushed his chair back from the table and we all watched as Karen dropped to her knees and began sucking his cock. It took them a long time. He had already taken her upstairs twice.

It was obvious that Karen was embarrassed about sucking the guy off in front of all the rest of us. But she gave it her all like a good little slave.

The game finally broke up at a little after one in the morning. It was one of the few times that I actually won enough money to pay for the snacks that I provided. Karen said goodnight to everyone at the door and was given a last mauling by all of them. Then she started to clean up the mess.

I stopped her and told her that we could do that tomorrow. I put my arm around her shoulder and we went to bed. I figured that she would be worn out. She spent a lot of time in bed with my friends this evening. So I didn't attempt to have sex with her. I held her in my arms and we spooned until we fell asleep.

The next morning I got up and left her sleeping. I went downstairs and started cleaning up the mess. Actually, it wasn't that bad. She had pretty much kept up with it during the evening. By the time she got up an hour later all traces of a poker game were gone and coffee was ready.

I heard her coming down the stairs and poured her a cup of coffee. She came over and hugged me and told me how sweet I was. Then we went out and sat by the pool to drink our coffee while she told me how much fun she had last night.

Karen noticed that I was unusually quiet. I had been doing some heavy thinking this morning. When the conversation about last night wound down, I told her that I thought that it was time to put an end to our relationship. I thought that she had suffered enough.

She looked like I had slapped her.

Tears came to her eyes. She sat up suddenly and asked plaintively, "Why? What did I do wrong? I thought I did everything that you wanted! What's wrong Sean?"

I took her hand and said, "You didn't do anything wrong. You're perfect! The problem is that you are a married woman and I have fallen in love with you."

She got a funny look on her face and quietly said, "Yeah, I know. I'm falling in love with you, too. Sucks, doesn't it?"

I nodded. It really did. Although we didn't have a lot in common, aside from a love of sex, she is beautiful and she has a great sense of humor and a nice personality. She's a lot of fun to be with and I have been shocked to learn that she is unquestionably the sweetest woman I know.

The longer I stay with her, the harder it's going to be to give her up. There's just no way I can stay with her until her husband comes home and then give her up. It was breaking my heart to let her go now after only a short time together.

I told her all of that and then we were quiet for a while. Finally she said, "Do we have to quit cold turkey? What if we tapered off? I don't want to be alone again. The first couple of months after Rob left were hell. I don't want to go eight or nine more months without sex. It's going to be hard enough going back to having humdrum sex with Rob. He never makes me cum you know."

"I don't know Karen I didn't think that there was a chance in hell that I could fall for you. It turns out that you're not who I thought you were. I love being with you. I love sleeping with you and showering with you and taking you out and letting other people look at your sexy body and have sex with you.

"If you were single ... well, never mind, you aren't single. But Christ, I've only known you for a week and I've fallen in love with you. How can I be with you for most of a year and let you go?"

She was sitting there naked with tears running down her cheeks. I pulled her to her feet and pulled her down into my lap. I held her tight and struggled to hide how moist my own eyes were becoming.

I couldn't stand to see her like this. So I did the stupid thing and said, "Okay. What if we compromise? How about if once a week we go out to dinner? No sleeping together, no fun and games. We'll just be friends."

She put her arms around my neck and hugged me so hard it hurt. After a minute or two she said, "That will suck. But I'll take what I can get. The problem is that you're right. I know that you're right because I have those feelings, too. It doesn't matter, though. I can't stand the idea of not seeing you again. So I'll take what I can get and try to make the most of it."

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