I Came Here to Die - Cover

I Came Here to Die

Copyright© 2008 by ShannonQ

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A love story between a man and two women. One older, one younger. He knows he must make a choice but nature makes it for him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Squirting   Size   Slow  

Joyce took the news much better than they expected she would. Jill was in the hospital, dying. The malignancy had gone to her brain. It'd be only days, a week at the most. Then the funeral arrangements, after Jill was interred, there were all the other things that a dead person leaves behind for others look after. It would take months, even a year. Just when a person thinks that everything is taken care of, another problem would crop up. Plus losing her house to the tornado was another factor. It would be a long time before things got back to normal for her.

They sat in the Parkland Hospital cafeteria having soft drinks while discussing all of this. When Erin told her she wanted to marry Rick and was sorry for taking him from her, Joyce didn't bat an eye. She placed her hand on the back of Erin's.

"Take care of him. He's a good man."

"I promise," Erin said with tears running down her face.

"How is your mother going to take this?" Joyce inquired, knowing of the redhead's problems with her mother.

"I don't care what she thinks," Erin's eyes were spilling tears. "I found the man I want for the rest of my life and I want to be with him. I could care less what my parents want or expect of me. They can cut me out of their will as far as I'm concerned. I don't give a shit about their money."

"Take care of him," Joyce stood up. She had a smile on her face.

"Are you returning to Longview?" Rick asked. "You don't have a house any longer. That twister did a number on that, and Shelly's, and Betsy was completely totaled. I ended up letting the guys at the scrap yard haul it away. They gave me a hundred bucks for it but they'll make ten times that just for the parts alone."

"If I can," Joyce replied. "But it maybe two years or so. I'll live in my sister's house in the meantime. If I get the itch to return, I'll sell and return. By then maybe Shelly's will be bigger, better and I can get my old job back.

Joyce and Erin hugged. "You're young, don't be selfish thinking of only yourself. Rick is a rarity. Take care of him."

"I will," Erin promised again. "I love this guy here. Besides having a big dick, he's got a heart of gold."

Joyce kissed Rick on the mouth then walked back to the room of her dying sister.

"I feel worse than dog shit," Erin said sadly as they walked back to her Camry. "I mean, I stole you right away from her. I honestly thought that you two were just having some mattress fun but I saw it in her eyes that she really loves you." Erin, by now really felt like what she described herself for doing what she did.

"She knows that she is needed here for a long time. I hate cities like Dallas. Too many people. Hell, I even hate the Cowboys."

"And I hate the Texans," she managed a half-hearted laugh. "On the way in, I saw a pawn shop. Lets go there to get my ring."

"Your ring! I was going to buy you a nice one."

"I only want a plain old cheap one," they reached the car. "No more diamonds or costly jewelry from now on. I've got my diamond here," she lifted the hem to her plain cotton blouse to show her navel piercing. Not until we get enough money to afford it. That comes after we buy a house, have our kids, get them through college, and off into their own lives. Then maybe I'll want a diamond. Now lets get that ring and get ourselves hitched."

It cost Rick eight dollars for a ten karat white gold ring. It was as cheap as they came but it was what Erin wanted. They managed to find another Holiday Inn Express and checked in.

"Tomorrow we get a license and find a justice of the peace to marry us. Then we go to Houston to announce that we are man and wife. I know my mother will have a stroke but I just want to see their faces when we tell them."

"Do you feel like making love?" Rick asked.

"Yes, that would be nice," she smiled. "But tenderly, gently like we are both virgins doing it for the first time."

"I understand perfectly," he said, heading for the shower.

The dim mood that Erin had was quickly gone when she found that the ring had fit. Upon arriving back at the motel they inquired information about being married. How to get a license, what they needed to do, and who could they contact to be wedded quietly. They found it wasn't that easy. Buy a license and say the words. They had to have the blood analyzed then finding a minister or a justice of the peace wasn't that simple either. They decided to wait a while, do some shopping for her wedding dress. Nothing expensive but something nice. They looked around for a photographer to be on hand to take pictures.

Eleven days later, they became man and wife by a retired minister who did the ceremony in Irving Texas. The minister had two people who witnessed it. An elderly couple affixed their signature to the documents. Erin paid the minister two hundred dollars and one hundred to each witness. Fifty more than what they asked.

Rick carried his new bride over the threshold into their room at the Holiday Inn Express. Erin looked lovely in a white brocaded skirt and jacket over a silk shell. She also had on a small pillbox hat and four inch heels. The shoes she already bought a few years back. Her twenty- first birthday was only weeks away but she was in no hurry to reach the the age that made her legal to drink in a bar. Like Rick, she didn't even drink. Her high was having sex with him.

Rick ran out, bought Dr. Pepper in order to toast the event. She was glowing when he returned. She wore a polyester sexy lingerie set she had also purchase years ago from a mail order place. He had a nice shirt, tie, and his best levis on. She had a bagful of clothes in a hidden part of the trunk that was transferred from her old car and she forgot all about it. It sat all this time under an old two box she had in case she needed if her car broke down in some rural area.

"We did everything we could possibly think of," he said. "I don't know what kind of sex you want to consummate our marriage."

"How about fudge pounding me?" she smiled. "It is the best sex I've ever had. We can do whatever we want later."

"Fudge pounding?" he looked at her in a strange way.

"Do you object to that?" she asked, putting her arms about his neck and looking up into his eyes. At five foot-four, she was shorter except when she wore the only pair of five inch heels she owned. She had still had problems wearing them being so high with her large breasts making her tilt if she didn't pay attention with each step. She called the shoes her instant ladder.

"No, I don't object," he shrugged. "But I thought we ran out of KY about a week ago."

"Your wife is resourceful," she opened the drawer to the nightstand. He saw six tubes of KY and pulled one out. "Each one has a different odor to them. What do you want? Regular, strawberry, raspberry, peach, blackberry or erotic? Erotic has a warming lotion in it making it feel hotter than usual, or so they say."

"What is erotic like?"

She grabbed the tube, unscrewed the cap and place it under his nose. He sniffed it and it was not KY but another brand. It had a flowery smell to it. "Do you like this?"

"Yeah, nice. How about you?" Rick asked.

"My asshole doesn't have the means to smell, silly," she smiled at his indecision. "Lets use this one. It says the guy can smell it but the girl can't. It does have a lovely scent."

"Did you spray on SHIT?"

Erin laughed, "I did but I can spray on more to smell stronger. Would you like that?" she lifted the hem to the lingerie and sent a "Spritz" up there. Then she walked into the bathroom and over did it with the SHIT. She giggled happily thinking of the lovely scent she just dowsed with was called that name by both of them. "Ready or not," she opened the door seeing him lubing up his cock with the other brand.

"I'm ready," Rick turned to her. She eyed his slicked up cock and felt the wetness to her flow. She pulled the nightgown off, took out the scrunchie and let her hair cascade all the way down her back. He knew she was a hottie, but at that moment he concluded her to be one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her gravity defying breast were absolutely stunning. Her areolas were just a little shade darker than her breasts and the nipples a bit shadier than her own skin. All in all, her tits were spectacular. Other women would love to have hers. She called them 'the girls' or 'my udders.'

"I love you, darling," she circled her arms around his neck again to give him a kiss with plenty of tongue.

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