I Came Here to Die - Cover

I Came Here to Die

Copyright© 2008 by ShannonQ

Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - A love story between a man and two women. One older, one younger. He knows he must make a choice but nature makes it for him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Squirting   Size   Slow  

Erin and Rick met with Philip and Beth the following morning for breakfast at IHOPS. Both didn't sleep that long but the couple felt rested. Philip had bags under his eyes while Beth had that well fucked look to her. When Erin quietly brought up buying out Shelly's and expanding it once more to seat up to five thousand people a night with only Friday and Saturdays assured of being sold out, Philip went from the weariest of the four to the brightest. Business always was like an energy booster drink for him.

"Daddy, you're better than at this then me, Erin started her sales pitch. "I want to buy Shelly out. I don't want to tangle with her and longer. I love her but she just doesn't get it. I want my way of doing things and I need you to go in and make her an offer that'll knock her out of her panties."

The waitress came, she was new and had the name of Vonna pinned on her uniform. Everyone gave them their orders. Erin and Rick wanted Dr. Pepper with their meal. Beth told the waitress to make it three, only make hers diet Philip still wanted his black coffee with no sugar. She returned a few moments later with their drinks.

"I saw your show last night," Vonna said. "It was the best I ever seen. Um ... do you think I could get a job there? I can't make a living off of what I make here," Vonna lowered her voice.

"You'll make plenty there," Rick told the middle-aged attractive woman.

"I'm a single Mom, my mother moved down with me so she can watch my boy at night. I need to make more money. Living down here isn't cheap. A lady next door had a ticket for your show last night and went hoping to meet a guy but that didn't work out for me. I saw the tips those girls make. They work so hard and I'm willing to do that,"

"Shelly can always use good help. Especially hustling waitresses. I'll put in a good word for you this evening. There isn't a show until Friday. Go and see Shelly and tell her I said you need a job where the money is good."

"Oh thank you, Mrs. Gibson," Vonna gushed.

Erin cringed.

Call my wife Erin, she hates last names."

"Thank you, Erin," Vonna corrected herself. She heard a bell and hurried off to pickup her orders.

"I could have done that right here and right now," Erin told her father.

"Before you ask, she wants to keep Shelly on as manager and Chuck as one of the security staff. She wants to double the size, move the bar and kitchen to the back so more people can see the show without those places obstructing their view," Rick added. "I'm going to start next week to add the expansion, also we need more piss pots for both bathrooms. That'll go in the back too,"

"How much are we talking about?" Philip said. "One million? Two?"

"About that for the remodeling" Rick nodded. "Erin also tells me that she wants stadium seating like the newer movie theaters so the short babes with tall guys won't be blocked from watching the show. So I'm looking at over two millions maybe more."

"I'll talk to her about it," Philip said.

"I loved that act with the Mexican girl. I almost creamed in my panties," Beth related. "I thought you both were on some loco weed because you were so perfect. I'd like to see that again."

"If I get it in that zone again, Rick's going to tape every act from now on. If it's shitty, we'll toss the tape away. If it's good, we know a guy who has the stuff to make hundreds of copies an hour. We'll sell those."

"How much are you going to charge for a tape?" Beth asked.

"No more than twenty, I'd like to see it at ten but Rick thinks fifteen is fair. We want to make money but we don't want to be pigs at the trough. I don't want to squeeze every penny out of those horny guys. They work hard for what they make." Erin answered just as Vonna brought the food. It didn't matter who got what plate since the foursome ordered the same thing. Beth was having fried eggs and hash browns for the first time in years. If she ate any eggs at home they were usually poached in boiling water and put on toast. Nutritious, filling and not too many calories.

"Be ready to work from six p.m. to four a.m. on Friday. In two nights you'll make more than five to six days here," Erin told her.

"Thanks again," Vonna put the check by Philip and moved off to seat a couple that just walked in.

Shelly didn't think twice when Philip offered her five million in cash for her establishment. Chuck was there and could not believe the amount Philip wanted to dish out. Shelly and Chuck didn't negotiate anything. They planned to take the money and run.

Philip got on the phone right then and there. Joyce answered the call and handed it to her husband. The deal was stuck and it was smooth sailing all the way through. She would take possession of the place on January 1st, 2002. Shelly agreed to stay on to manage the establishment that would still bear her name while Chuck was given the freedom to pick and choose his own security detail. He wanted to add three more humungous males to beef it up. Erin agreed to that. She told Ernie that she was the new owner. This pleased the head of the band and Erin gave him and his guys a raise starting the day she took over. Of course they would be making more money from the tip jars than what Shelly paid them or what Erin would increase the salary.

"You have made your Widdle Ewin vewy vewy happy," she rubbed his good thigh as they drove back to their little abode that would not be theirs in a few months.

"This baby talk of yours ... well I kinda like it but that usually means you want your ass fucked."

"How did you guess what your Widdle Ewin wanted," she moved her hand to the nape of his neck and softly raked her nails on it.

"You only talk baby talk to get your way or if you want fucked."

"Widdle Ewin must think of something that will make hew well hung husband think of other things besides being fudge packed."

"Please don't, you are hard enough to keep up with as it is. By the way, Honey is always staring at you lately. Are you two wanting an affair."

"I love Honey, but not in that way. I know when we go into our trances I have the huge urge to throw her down on the stage and have my way with her. However when I come out of it, I'm thinking of you raping the shit out of me. She doesn't have the right plumbing to do that. I don't know ... I have a feeling toward her as no other woman before."

"Babe, if you two want to go down on each other, go ahead. I won't care but I'll put a hole in the head of a guy who tries to fuck you if you want him or not," he said pulling into the driveway.

"Baby, I don't want to have sex with anyone but you. It's been that way since I met you in Shelly's office up until this day. When I waited for you when they cut that leg off, I was so afraid of losing you. I don't think I can live without you. A girl can have most any straight guy she wants, but when she meets that certain man she's dreaming of all her life, her legs go to jelly, her pussy is instantly wet, but what is important she doesn't want any other guy but him. And you are the him for me."

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