Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

The next morning we relaxed and had coffee and waited to see if Smitty would call and invite us to Al's club. He did call but said that he had been unable to set anything up before the time he had agreed upon to release Tammy at the airport and allow her to continue on to Orlando.

Since there was not going to be another lesbian sex show I made Inga put on a tiny skirt and revealing top and we went out on the bike to see what kind of fun we could find. I rode out of town to a biker bar that was located out in the country almost half way to a popular golf and beach resort area about ninety miles up the coast.

The bar was known for some of the wild parties that took place there, especially during bike week. It was out in the middle of nowhere and the authorities left them pretty much alone. They usually had a loud if not all that talented band playing once or twice a week and on the weekends. Most of the tables were outside around the back.

They got a mix of customers there. There were a lot of the weekend bikers that came out for a couple of beers or stopped on the way up the coast. Although they don't mix that often, this place was also popular with the fringe bikers, the one percenters. The Hells Angels types.

Usually the majority of the customers were the weekend biker types. They were doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs and they could afford a Harley and loved to ride but were no different than the guys riding around in a four door sedan except they were usually a little more independent and a little more ballsy.

There were some of those there this afternoon but there was also an unusually large number of the other kind and they were making the weekenders uncomfortable. When I saw what kind of crowd was there I decided to just have one beer and head out. I wasn't looking for any trouble.

Unfortunately, they were. We sat at an empty table and ordered a beer. Once our drinks were delivered, two very large, very muscular, very rough looking men came over and introduced themselves. They had noticed the slutty outfit that Inga was wearing and it was like dangling raw meat in front of a lion.

They pulled the two empty chairs out and sat down on either side of Inga. She looked scared to death, justifiably. I looked around and saw that the loud group of bikers that these two were partying with had all turned to watch. I knew we were on our own here. The weekend bikers saw that there was going to be trouble and they were quickly sneaking out and taking off.

I couldn't have won in a fight with the two that had sat down at our table. But I could have done some damage before they kicked my ass. However, there was no way that I was going to take on close to two dozen outlaw bikers. I may be an old man, but I am too young to die.

One of the men leaned over and put his arm around Inga's shoulders and said, "Damn, girl! I sure like that outfit! You look good enough to eat."

Inga didn't respond. She cowered there and looked up at me, even though she knew that there was nothing that I could do for her now. If we couldn't talk these guys into behaving themselves, and I really didn't think that was going to happen, then Inga was in for another gangbang. Only this time there would be no rules and no one to say "You can't do that" when they started getting out of hand. These were a bunch of big, ugly, very mean motherfuckers and people didn't tell them "no."

They didn't look at me at first. They leered at Inga and made crude comments about her body. I started to try to talk our way out of this but as soon as I opened my mouth they glared at me and the larger man sitting on Inga's right said, "Nobody's talking to you, man. I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut. If you think it's going to upset you to watch what is going to happen, we can always make you unconscious. It don't matter much to us. But she's gonna get what she was asking for when she came in here dressed like a fucking slut. Whether you walk out of here when it's over or get carried out, that's up to you."

After that they totally ignored me.

They were both large men and they dwarfed poor Inga. They leaned down and kissed her on either side of her face and I saw her jump when their hands slid up under her top and began to grope her tits. She didn't say a word though. She didn't resist either, not at first.

One of the bikers that was groping her exclaimed, "Hot damn! Look at that!"

He pulled her top up over her breasts and grabbed one of her rings and started twisting and pulling. She screamed in pain and grabbed his wrist. That was when it started to get real ugly.

The biker yelled at her to put her arms down but she was in too much pain to pay any attention to him. She continued to struggle with him.

The rest of the group got up and crowded closer to get a good look at Inga's exposed charms. The two men who had begun to molest her stood up and pulled her to her feet. In seconds her clothes were gone and large, rough hands were all over her.

She struggled and cried out for someone to help her. I knew that I had no chance but I couldn't just sit there. I jumped to my feet with the intention of doing a little damage before they could stop me. I never got a chance. I hadn't even noticed the two giants behind me. They grabbed me and twisted my arms behind my back and forced me back down into my seat. They held me down and someone came up with some rope and tied me to my chair.

The rest of them had been ignoring me. They continued to grope and fondle Inga and comment crudely on her body and its new decorations.

I looked around and saw that everyone was gone now. It was just me and Inga and the outlaw bikers. There wasn't going to be anyone to put a stop to it.

Someone picked up our beers and poured them both over my head and tossed the bottles away. Inga was picked up and roughly thrown down on the table. Two of the rough looking biker chicks that were with these guys grabbed Inga's arms and held her down and the men started pulling their cocks out.

The two men that had come over and started it all went first. One of them bent down and stuck his fat tongue into her and licked her pussy a couple of times. With that little bit of lubrication he placed the fat knob of his big cock against her and shoved it inside of her violently.

She screamed in pain and the other guy had been ready and waiting for that. As soon as her mouth opened to scream he slammed his cock into her mouth and straight down her throat.

The others, I didn't count them but there were roughly two dozen of them, gathered around and cheered their friends on. They were all very rough. It was obvious that half the fun was torturing her, hurting her.

She struggled with them until the first two men came in her and the second two stepped up and began to rape her. By then she was exhausted and she had known all along how futile her struggles were.

It went on for nearly two hours. They all raped her and several of them raped her more than once. That would have been bad enough. It was about to get worse. They had seen the piercings and the obvious tattoo over her pussy before the rapes started. It wasn't until about the fourth or fifth man to rape her pushed her legs down against her breasts so that he could rape her ass that they noticed the tattoos on the bottoms of her feet.

They got a big kick out of that. As the man forced his cock into her ass they talked about inviting her to their clubhouse so that she could put on a show for them. That would have been pretty bad but one of the guys in the back said, "Fuck that! We don't have to go somewhere for that. Look over there!"

He was directing everyone's attention to the horses in a nearby corral. The two men who had started all of this put their cocks away and one of them said, "Come on, man. Let's go see if one of them horses has a set of balls."

For the first time I realized that the owner of the bar was among the crowd of rapists. He was lined up and waiting his turn. They were his horses. He lived in a trailer in back of the bar and kept a half a dozen horses. He called out to the men, "Not them. Look in the stable. There's a stallion in there that I brought in for stud."

The bikers grinned and headed for the small stable. They were back in a few minutes leading a very large, very black horse. The horse was not all that friendly to start with. It wasn't a pet. But as they led him towards the raucous gangbang the loud noise was making him very skittish.

They kept the horse nearby and tried to keep him calm as the gang rape continued. When the bikers and the club owner had all had their fill and stood back, Inga was lying nearly unconscious on the table.

Someone poured a cold beer over her face and she seemed to realize that she wasn't being held down any longer. She groaned and looked around to see if it was over. She had not been aware that they had brought the horse over and when she saw it I thought she was going to faint. She struggled to sit up and when she finally managed one of the bikers pulled her to her feet.

She groaned in pain and begged them to leave her alone. It was music to their ears. They pulled her around behind the horse and one of them lifted the horse's tail. There were a lot of admiring comments and crude jokes about the huge testicles they uncovered before two of the men twisted Inga's arms up behind her back and one of them grabbed her pony tail and guided her face down to the animal's balls.

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