Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

By Monday the tattoos were coming along surprisingly well. They had not been very large or elaborate but I had expected them to bother her for the rest of her time here. But when we headed out for brunch on the deck of that restaurant across the river that I had first taken her to she was walking as if her feet were fully healed.

We had lunch out on the deck. The waiter remembered Inga and her eye catching way of dressing so the service was excellent again.

After we ate we were sitting out in the sun enjoying a cool drink when my cell phone rang. I answered it and it was Smitty. He said, "Hey, Dave. I just fell into something that could turn out to be pretty interesting. I got called out to the airport this morning to pick up some crazy young chick that was being a problem on a flight from New York to Orlando. She is from London and was going to visit family in Orlando. The thing is, she apparently used a fake ID in New York and got a little drunk. She was hitting on a sixteen year old girl on the plane and being obnoxious about it. The stewardesses tried to separate them and this chick got real nasty so the pilot landed here and they dragged her off the plane."

I didn't know why this was supposed to interest me but I knew how Smitty's mind worked so I kept listening.

He went on with his story. "I picked her up at the airport and cuffed her and got everyone's statement and took her in. The thing is, the chick is only nineteen and my supervisor doesn't want to get involved in an international incident over something this silly. So he told me to let her sober up and take her back out to the airport."

I asked, "How is this interesting to me Smitty?"

Smitty chuckled and said, "Dave, this chick is hot. She is only nineteen and damned good looking. But the amusing part is that she is a diehard lesbian. She hates men but she is scared shitless because I told her all the charges against her and she thinks she is going to prison for ten years for messing with a minor and threatening an air crew. She has been throwing herself at me for the last hour. She says she'll do anything I want if I just let her go."

"So I'm thinking," he continued, "Why don't we set up a little party and let her and Inga play nice together and then we all have a go at trying to show our little lesbian chick the error of her ways. What the hell! If we don't turn her into a cock lover we will at least give her a real reason to hate men. I've always wanted to see two chicks making out. What do you think?"

I had to admit, I liked the idea. I said, "You know, Smitty. I like the way your mind works. It turns out you're good for something besides fixing tickets after all. When and where do you want to do this?"

He said, "I don't get off for three more hours but the chief detailed me to take care of this chick until she is out of town. So if you want to do this I'll start calling the guys and see who can make it. I'll call you back when I get it set up."

I said, "Okay. And if you can't get enough guys together we could always take them over to Al's Camera Club and draw a crowd."

Smitty was quiet for a minute while he thought about that. Then he said, "We could always do both."

Smitty hung up and I put my phone away. Inga was staring at me warily. She knew from my side of the conversation that we were setting something up for her and when she heard me mention the Camera Club she immediately got nervous. I let her worry about it though. She was sexy when she was nervous.

The restaurant had been just about empty when we got here this morning but it filled up at lunch time. Now that lunch was over there were was still a pretty good crowd around us. There were five teenage boys at a nearby table who had been staring openly at Inga for the last hour.

I don't keep track any longer. It doesn't matter now that I am retired. But I'm pretty sure that school was not yet out for the year. These kids looked like they belonged in school but it wasn't any of my fucking business.

I told Inga to put her feet in my lap so that I could see how her new tattoos were doing. When she complied her short skirt inched up until her slit was visible to the boys at the next table. I lifted her feet and slowly examined her tattoos. They had nearly healed in only four days. I was jealous. Mine took weeks. But then, my tattoos were much larger and more complicated.

I let her put her feet down and then I told her to show me her other new tattoo. She was aware of the five boys watching as she pulled her skirt up and showed me the tattoo over her pussy.

I asked, "Is it sore?"

She answered, "No, a little tender maybe. The piercing is still sore though."

I gently lifted the ring that went through the skin above her clit and she shivered. It didn't seem to be a reaction to pain though. I smiled at her and she shrugged and said, "It's sore but I think I'm going to really enjoy it. It is very stimulating. They all are. I have never been so aware of my nipples since they first started popping out on my chest."

The boys at the next table had been talking loudly but now there was only silence. They were staring raptly at Inga's exposed pussy. I straightened up just then when our waiter came over to check on us and I decided to order another drink and wait here for Smitty to call back. As the waiter stared at Inga's pussy I ordered us each another drink. He never seemed to get tired of staring at her exposed flesh.

After he went to get our drinks I looked around and noticed that the deck was starting to empty out. I guess people were finally going back to work. The boys were the only customers near us. I turned to the nearest boy and said, "Isn't that just about the prettiest pussy you ever saw?"

One of his friends laughed and said, "Shit! That's the only pussy he ever saw!"

The others joined in the laughter and even Inga smiled.

I looked at the boy who was the butt of his friend's joke and asked, "Is that true? Is this the only pussy you have ever seen?"

I was surprised when he answered honestly.

He blushed and said, "Yes sir. That's the only one I ever saw that wasn't in a magazine."

I asked him how old he was and he said, "I'm fifteen."

I asked them why they weren't in school and he answered, "Today is a teacher's work day. We only had a half a day of school today."

I turned to Inga and said, "Inga, go sit in his lap and let him get to know you better."

Then I turned to the boy and asked, "You'd like to get to know her better wouldn't you son?"

His eyes were huge and his mouth was wide open. He finally came to his senses and said, "Shit yeah!"

Inga leaned over and whispered, "He is so young!"

I just smiled and responded, "He's old enough to know all about pussy."

Inga got up and glancing around nervously she took a couple of steps and then sat down in the boys lap. She placed her arm around his neck and looked down to see her pussy completely exposed.

The kid and his friends stared at her exposed pussy in awe for several moments and finally one of his friends exclaimed, "Damn Steve! If you aren't going to feel her up I'll do it!"

Steve looked up at Inga and then at me and he finally took the hint. His hand came to rest on Inga's thigh. When she did nothing to discourage him, he slowly slid his hand up until his fingers touched her pussy.

Inga gasped slightly when his fingers touched her. From the emails we had exchanged I knew that she fantasized about being molested by older men. But I think that she was finding the boy's youth and innocence intriguing.

Steve saw something peeking out from under Inga's skirt and slid it up a little higher to expose her tattoo. The boys had gotten a glimpse of it earlier but from their seats they probably had not been able to see what it said. He gaped at it and several of his friends said, "Holy shit!"

One of them looked at me and asked, "Are you Dave?"

I nodded.

They didn't seem to know what to make of that. I guess they had never met a slave before.

Steve began exploring her pussy. I warned him to be careful with her new piercing and the recent tattoo. He avoided them, but his fingers explored her pussy freely. He dipped one and then two fingers into her moist pussy and moved them around for a minute before pulling them out. He held them up to show his friends how wet his fingers were.

Inga asked, "Do you know what that is?"

Steve shook his head.

Inga brought his hand to her mouth and sucked one of his fingers clean. She said, "That is my body's natural lubrication. My body makes that so that it won't hurt me when I get fucked. Getting fucked would be painful for me if my pussy was dry. Your body makes the same lubrication. It even tastes the same."

Steve pulled her hand to his face and sniffed at her wet fingers. He touched his tongue to the one that Inga had not sucked clean and then, when he realized that the taste wasn't offensive, he put her finger in his mouth and sucked it clean.

Inga smiled at him and asked, "That wasn't so bad was it?"

Steve shook his head and smiled. Then he slid his fingers back inside of her. While he was fingering her pussy again Inga looked around and when it didn't look like anyone was paying attention she lifted her crop top and asked, "Would you like to taste one of these too?"

The boy grinned and dipped his head down eagerly. He wrapped his lips around her nipple and she told him what to do once he had it in his mouth. While he was nibbling on her nipple she pulled his fingers out of her pussy and brought them up to her other tit. She rubbed his wet fingers over her nipple and then she showed him how she liked to have a man feel her tits.

Over the next ten minutes or so Steve and his friends received quite an education. The waiter came out to check on us again and he stared at Inga's exposed tits and the fingers in her pussy as he asked me if I wanted anything else.

I asked him for the check and he handed it to me without even looking. I handed him my debit card and didn't say a word as he stood staring at Steve enjoying Inga's body.

He finally came to his senses and went inside. As soon as he left my phone rang. It was Smitty. He had most of the guys coming over and told me to come over anytime.

I waited until the waiter returned and signed the check. Then I said, "Sorry, boys. We have to go now."

They were pretty disappointed. I couldn't blame them. They followed us out to the parking lot and my conscience was bothering me. I felt guilty about getting them all aroused like that and just leaving. I turned back to them and said, "Boys, we have a little time. How about if we park someplace a little more private and I get my slave to suck you all off?" I figured that as young as they were, and as horny as they were, it wouldn't take very long.

There wasn't much chance that they would say no to that. There was a motel next door and since it was early in the day the parking lot was all but empty. We drove our cars over to the back of the parking lot and I ordered Inga to undress. When she was naked I sent her over to the boy's ratty old minivan. They opened the door and pulled her inside in an instant. I reminded them that they needed to leave her rings and her tattoo alone but other than that they could feel her up and enjoy their blowjobs.

I watched for a few minutes. The windows were tinted and I couldn't see much. I could see well enough that I would know if they started hurting her. I picked up my newspaper and read for most of the next hour until Inga got out of the minivan and came back around and got in my SUV. I waited while she got dressed. She was smiling and didn't seem upset by what had just happened.

I said, "That took a lot longer than I thought it would."

She said, "They came so fast the first time. I felt sorry for them. So I sucked them all off twice. I hope you don't mind."

I smiled and said, "Not at all. That was very nice of you."

When Inga had her clothes on I started the car and we headed for Smitty's house. It took us forty minutes to get there. He lives on the other side of town. Almost everyone else was already there when we arrived. The only two missing were Jim and Gary.

Smitty let us in and said, "Jim and Gary will be here soon. If you don't mind I'll wait until they get here before I explain. I would rather just go through this one time."

I noticed an attractive young girl sitting alone in a corner. She had a look on her face that was somewhere between scared shitless and total loathing. Inga glanced at her curiously but then we both joined the men and enjoyed some casual conversation, much of it was about our recent camping trip.

I noticed that Paul wasn't here. Neither was Tyler. I asked Smitty about them because I knew they would have loved the show.

Smitty said, "Paul can't make it and I haven't been able to reach Tyler. I'm afraid that the girls will just have to make do with us."

Jim showed up a few minutes later and Gary finally arrived about fifteen minutes after Jim.

When everyone was here Smitty stood up and said, "Gentlemen ... and Inga, I was half way through my shift today when I got a call from dispatch. I was sent out to the airport to pick up a passenger and arrest her for a long list of charges, some of them quite serious, including a felony sex offense against a minor. It seems that she was on a flight from her home in London to Orlando via New York. She had a layover in New York and using a fake ID she went into one of the bars and got more than a little drunk."

"On her flight from New York to Orlando she was seated next to a sixteen year old girl that she proceeded to attempt to talk into joining the mile high club with her. Fortunately for the young girl her parents were in the seat behind her and heard every loud and disgusting word that our potential child molester uttered."

"The parents complained to a stewardess and the stewardess tried to move our friend here to another seat. She became belligerent and the pilot ended up having to land here. She was taken off of the plane and arrested."

"I got the call. I collected the statements and put Tammy, or Tammy Whore as she kept insisting her teenage victim call her, in the back of my squad car and took her to the station. On the way she came to her senses and began to realize that she was facing a lot of years in prison and she started begging me to let her go. I ignored her until she promised to do anything that I wanted for the next twenty-four hours."

"As you can see she isn't very happy about it. I think that her being a hard corps lesbian has something to do with that. She has a pretty low opinion of men. But we have twenty-four hours to change her mind."

"I thought that we would start out with a little girl on girl action which we need to film so that we can show it to Paul and Tyler later. Then we can do our best to show little Tammy Whore the error of her ways."

He turned to the cute little blonde sitting morosely in the corner and ordered her to stand up.

She was certainly a sexy little thing. Smitty said, "That's Tammy Whore. She is only nineteen. According to my arrest report, which I will file if she gives us any problems, she is 5'6" and weighs one hundred pounds. Her measurements are 34C-26-28 and she tells me that her hair is that strawberry blonde color naturally. We shall soon find out for ourselves if that is true or not."

"Just so there is no misunderstanding, in case any of you have a problem with what we are going to be doing here and want out, Tammy Whore is submitting to me, but she will not be fucking us willingly and I suppose that a gung ho prosecutor could make a case that this is rape. I doubt it, but it is possible."

Smitty turned to Tammy and asked, "But you aren't going to be saying anything to anyone, are you, Tammy Whore?"

She looked like she was going to be sick but she shook her head despondently.

Smitty said, "Okay guys. If anyone wants out before the fun and games begin this is the time."

I looked around and saw the eager looks on the faces of the men and I knew that no one was leaving.

Smitty already had his movie camera set up on the tripod. He went over and turned it on and pointed it at Tammy. When he was ready he said, "Dave, why don't you ask your slave to undress Tammy for us. I can't wait to see what this skinny little bitch looks like naked."

I nodded to Inga and I noticed for the first time how nervous she looked. We had discussed the possibility of her having to eat a pussy while she was here. But she had never done it and she was looking pretty uncomfortable now that the possibility was a reality.

She moved over in front of Tammy and started to remove the young woman's top. I ordered her to stop and move around behind the girl so that we could enjoy the show.

Inga moved behind Tammy and began to slowly pull the young lesbian's top off. Smitty yelled at Tammy to open her eyes and look into the camera as Inga undressed her.

Inga pulled the girl's top off and tossed it onto a nearby chair. Tammy didn't bother to cover her breasts which were encased in a thin, lacy, see-through bra.

Inga reached around and unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zipper down. She squatted down behind Tammy and displayed her own pussy as her skirt pulled up. We all noticed but everyone was interested in watching Tammy right now.

Inga pulled her jeans down slowly, uncovering a sexy little pair of panties that matched her lacy bra. Inga lifted each of Tammy's feet and pulled her sandals and the jeans off.

She stood back up and unfastened the bra and let it slide down to the girls elbows. As she slipped the bra off I noticed the look on her face. She was getting a kick out of the fact that Tammy was about to get raped and she was helping!

Once Tammy's tits were uncovered, Smitty said, "Inga, those things have been trapped in that damned bra for hours. Why don't you massage them a little and help poor Tammy to relax a little?"

Inga reached around and for what was probably the first time she held another woman's tits in her hand. She rubbed and squeezed and pulled and while she did that I watched her face. She was really getting into this and I loved that about her.

I had planned on letting her leave when her two weeks were up. But the longer she was here the more I was having second thoughts about that. I was really starting to think that I could talk my wife into assuming joint ownership of this little beauty. And watching her now with Tammy I was starting to think that she might enjoy that herself. But it was too early to be worried about any of that now.

We watched as Inga explored and teased Tammy's tits for a few minutes. Then I said, "Inga, run your hands down over her sweet ass and then put your hand over that hot little cunt mound and tell me if you think she is getting turned on."

Inga smiled and ran her hands down and around and cupped Tammy's firm little ass for a moment before she reached around and pulled Tammy back against her. She slid her hand down and rubbed and then cupped that mound that was protruding so sexily.

Inga held her firmly and then rested her head against Tammy's and said, "She feels very hot. She has very little hair, just a tiny little strip. I can feel some dampness but she has been wearing these panties all day and I can't be sure if the dampness is because I am undressing her and feeling her up in front of all of you or if it is just sweat from her long day."

I chuckled and said, "Well, I think we need to be sure, don't you? Why don't you reach inside those sexy panties and tell us what you find?"

Inga moved her hand up to the waist of Tammy's panties and gently worked her fingers under the elastic. She slid her hand down inside and we saw her hand come to rest over Tammy's mound again.

Tammy jumped and we knew that Inga was inserting her finger into her captured lesbian friend's vagina.

We watched the movement, discreetly covered by the lacy silken underwear and waited until Inga smiled and said, "I think Tammy likes me."

Several of the men laughed at the way she said it. Most, however, were so involved in the anticipation of fucking young Tammy that Inga's little joke went right over their heads.

I was about to order Inga to remove the panties but she began to slide them down on her own. It seems that Inga is a natural born rapist. She pulled her fingers out of Tammy's pussy and held them up to show us how wet they were. She held them up for a minute and then she sniffed them for a second. Then she tentatively licked at her fingers to evaluate the taste. The taste must not have been too offensive. She stuck the fingers in her mouth, sucked them clean and said, "She tastes just like me!"

Then she squatted down again and slowly pulled Tammy's panties off.

Once Tammy was naked Inga stood up and said, "Tammy, would you help me now?"

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