Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

I drove to a decrepit building outside of town. The parking lot was about half full of Harleys. This was where I had gotten two of my tattoos and I knew the guy that ran the place. I got out of the car and grabbed the bag that I had put my camera and the tripod in and we went inside.

There were a few bikers sitting around in the waiting room. They looked up and when they saw Inga they got interested. I knew a couple of them and I nodded as I walked over to the counter with Inga following close behind.

Ray heard the bell on the door when we came in and he yelled from the back room that he would be right out. I went to the door into the back room and said, "It's okay, Ray. It's just me."

He looked up from the guy he was tattooing and said, "Hey, Dave! Did you bring her in?"

I answered, "Yeah. But there's no hurry. Take your time."

He said, "I'm almost done here and I have one more guy in front of you. It'll probably be close to an hour and a half or two hours. You sure you want to wait?"

I looked over at Inga. She was going through one of the tattoo books and looked fascinated. I said, "Yeah, we can wait."

I went back into the waiting room and sat down. All six of the bikers were sitting around staring at Inga. I had taken a seat next to one of the guys that I knew and he asked me if I was there for me or the girl.

I said, "I decided to have my new slave pierced and tattooed, give her some personality."

Inga was on the other side of the room looking at tattoo books and she didn't hear me. My friend, Ron, perked right up. He asked, "What are you gonna get pierced on her?"

I replied, "Her nipples and her pussy. I've got a couple of small tattoos in mind for her too."

He smiled and said, "I was supposed to be next but if you let me watch you can take my place."

I said, "That's nice of you Ron. I'll make sure that she makes it up to you."

He did a double take and then looked me in the eye, trying to decide if I was serious. "No shit?" he asked.

I laughed and answered, "No shit."

We talked a little about Inga and we talked a little about bikes and a mutual friend who had just been killed by some asshole in a pickup truck. If the chairs had been a little more comfortable and if Ray started serving beer in here I would have been enjoying myself.

Ray and the guy he had just finished tattooing came out and the customer left. Ron told him that he was going to let us go first and Ray didn't seem surprised. I got up and went to the counter and I called Inga over from the table where she was still pouring over the tattoo books.

When she was standing beside me I told her to take her top off. She turned red but she obeyed instantly. Once her tits were exposed, Ray leaned over and started pinching one of her nipples and pulling on it. He watched her nipple harden and he smiled and said, "Yeah, perfect."

He reached down and pulled out a couple of boxes with a selection of bars and rings and I picked out a set of rings that would be big enough to be useful. I had in mind rings that were large enough that they would permit a leash to be attached. I also wanted them to show through her thin tops.

Several of the other bikers had gathered around to get a closer look at Inga's tits. I looked around and said, "If you guys can talk Ray into it I don't mind if you come back and watch."

One of them asked, "What about her?"

I smiled and answered, "She doesn't have a say in it."

They looked at Ray and he said, "Hell, I don't give a shit."

I had already told Ray what I wanted tattooed on her. He gave me a price for the tats and the piercing and I paid him. Then we all went into the back. There were three other guys in the back getting tattooed and they probably appreciated the distraction. Getting tattooed can get pretty boring if you are having something big done.

Ray led us to a padded table and I ordered Inga to take her skirt and shoes off. She got naked and Ray helped her up onto the table. I set the camera up on the tripod and pushed record. Ray went into a side room and came back with a tray with a bunch of stuff on it.

He set it on the counter and then he went to work on Inga. First he told her to turn over. After she complied he started strapping her down. She didn't know what was going on. Why the hell was she laying on her stomach if she was here to get her nipples pierced?

Ray swabbed the bottom of her foot and pulled up a stool. He put a sterile needle in his tattoo machine and grabbed Inga's foot. He said, "Girl, I've never done a tattoo on the bottom of someone's foot before. I don't think it'll be too bad. The skin there is tough and it shouldn't be a big problem. But you are going to hate walking for the next couple of weeks. Are you sure you want to do this here?"

Inga took a deep breath and said, "I will do whatever my master wants me to do."

That got a rise out of the men standing around watching.

Ray just shook his head and turned his equipment on. He dipped it in the ink and on the bottom of her right foot he tattooed, "I fuck dogs!!"

It didn't take long and Inga took it very well.

But Ray wasn't done. He moved his stool and cleaned off her other foot and quickly tattooed in big black letters, "I fuck ponies!!"

When he was done he cleaned off both tattoos. When he finished there he removed the straps holding her in place and ordered her to turn over. He didn't strap her down this time. He swabbed the area over her bald pussy with alcohol. He bent over her and in the sensitive area an inch above her slit he tattooed, "Dave's Slave"

Inga was staring at the ceiling and had yet to make a sound. I had expected that she would balk when it came to the tattoos, especially the one over her pussy. But she didn't. She didn't even ask what they said.

Ray cleaned off the last tattoo and put his equipment out of the way. Then he swabbed her nipples and got ready to pierce them. While he was getting ready I asked Ron if he minded giving us a hand.

He looked at me curiously and I said, "I just thought it would be nice if you would distract her while she was getting pierced. And besides, she owes you for letting her go in front of you."

Ron looked at Ray and Ray just smiled and said, "I don't know if I'd want my dick in her mouth while she was getting this done. It's up to you man, as long as you stay out of my way."

Ron moved closer and we waited for him to pull her a little closer to the edge. He pulled his cock out and put it to her lips and as soon as she opened her mouth and started sucking, Ray picked up his tools and went to work.

I had never seen this done before and it gave me the creeps. He had some kind of clamp that he used once he got her nipple hard. He clamped down on it and pulled out slightly. He lined the needle up and in one quick move he shoved it most of the way through. It hurt me to watch.

Inga jumped slightly and groaned in pain but she didn't stop sucking Ron's cock.

Ray inserted the ring and wiped the area clean and put some kind of spray on it. Then he went around and repeated the process on the other side. I was surprised at how little blood there was.

The first real reaction from Inga was when Ray moved down and started preparing the area around her clit. She started to pull away from Ron's cock but he was ready for her and he held her in place while Ray got her ready for her final piercing.

When Ray finally shoved that needle into her flesh for the last time she cried out and her lower body came up off of the table. That one had really hurt. There was more blood this time too. But Ray put the ring through the hole he had just made and cleaned her up.

Ray put small bandages on the fresh tattoos and while he was putting his things away Ron finally started to pay attention to the skillful blowjob he was getting. In a few more minutes he filled her mouth with cum.

I was about to help Inga off of the table when Ray finished putting his things away and said, "Hold on, Dave. Let me have a little of that before you put her on her feet."

I had, after all, promised Ray that he could have a little in exchange for a break on the cost. I stepped out of the way and Ray stood at the foot of the table. He grabbed Inga's legs and pulled her down until her ass was right on the edge. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It was immediately obvious that he enjoyed his work. His cock was hard as a rock.

He moved the head of his cock up and down her very wet slit a couple of times and then shoved it into her in one sudden thrust. The men gathered around watching cheered him on as he fucked her roughly in front of them. There were a lot of comments about the way her tits were jiggling up and down on her chest in time with Ray's violent thrusts. I had to admit it was fun to watch.

Inga didn't seem to be enjoying it though. I imagine all of those new holes in her body made that movement very uncomfortable.

Ray came pretty quickly. After he pulled his cock out of her he wiped himself on a small towel and then dropped the towel on her stomach and said, "Here slut, clean your cunt up."

Inga spread her thighs and used the towel to wipe her pussy as the men watched. I suppose that they were hoping to get a little themselves but she looked like she had already had a rough morning. I helped her to sit up and I helped her put her top on over her sore nipples. I slipped her sandals on over her bandaged feet and gently put her down on the floor.

She winced as her feet touched the floor. I helped her get into her little miniskirt and when she was dressed Ray gave us some instruction on taking care of her tattoos and piercings. He even gave us some cream to put on them.

I asked Inga if she could walk. She took a couple of tentative steps and said, "I think so."

She walked out to the car gingerly, putting her weight on the sides of her feet. The tattoos were not very large and Ray had assured us that they would heal quickly but suggested that for the next couple of days, until the scab formed, she should stay off of her feet as much as possible.

I didn't have a problem with that. I like her on her back.

One of the fantasies that Inga had told me about was this tattoo on the bottom of her foot. She didn't offer any suggestions about what it should be. I realized on the way home that she still didn't know what was tattooed on the soles of her feet.

She had complained that she could not find a man to treat her the way that she fantasized about. I wondered how her straight laced boyfriends were going to react to her new tattoos. This was certainly going to be a life altering vacation for her.

I parked in the garage and helped her into the house. I helped her out of her clothes and onto the couch. I served us a light lunch of cold cuts and cold beer. When she was finished eating and we were sitting on the couch sipping beer I said, "You haven't asked what I had tattooed on your feet. Aren't you curious?"

She grinned wryly and said, "After I saw the one you had him put over my pussy I was afraid to ask."

I got up and went upstairs. I came back with a hand mirror. I carefully peeled her bandages off. The bleeding had stopped so she didn't need them as long as she stayed off of her feet.

I held the mirror up so that she could see the tattoos on her feet. There, in plain black letters about two centimeters high, were the two sentences that branded her as the nastiest kind of slut. She stared at the writing in the mirror with a blank look on her face for a moment. Finally she smiled wryly and said, "I think that I must belong to you now. No one else would want me if they read that."

I think she underestimated both her beauty and the large number of perverted men in the world. I didn't think she would have any trouble finding the right kind of man if she tried. But I had begun thinking about keeping her after my wife returned. I was starting to wonder if a beautiful slave girl might not be just what we needed to put a little spark back in our lives. It would be a gamble. But I was beginning to think that it would be a gamble worth taking.

I put that out of my mind for now though. The important thing now was that Inga recovered enough to enable her to entertain us when we went camping this weekend with my riding buddies. It would be a little soon, especially for those piercings. But as long as we took it a little easy on the rings I thought it would be okay.

We just lounged around for the rest of the afternoon. By evening the pain from her piercings had begun to fade and she was able to relax. We watched the second DVD again, the one with the animals. She kept getting turned on and then frustrated because it hurt too much to play with her pussy. It was pretty amusing.

She had to be content with playing with me instead. I came in her mouth twice that evening while we watched the movie. When it was over she asked, "How much does he sell those for?"

I replied, "I didn't think to ask. When we go back to make another one you can ask him how much they cost." Then I asked, "Why, do you want to buy copies to give to your friends and family?"

She laughed and responded, "That would go over very well. They could show them at Christmas when we all got together."

We went to bed early that night and the next two days passed slowly. I hated being unable to torment my pretty little slave girl. We still had sex. On Thursday we each had a few orgasms. But we only had oral sex.

On Friday evening I finally tried fucking her. As long as I kept my weight off of her I didn't hurt her too much. It wasn't so bad that she didn't have an orgasm. In fact, she said that the stimulation from the ring over her clit was amazing. She loved it.

On Saturday morning I bought some beer and got the large cooler stocked up for a night in the woods. I packed the tent and the sleeping bags in the back of the SUV and waited for Inga to hobble out and get in. Her feet were still sore but she was getting around much better now. The tattoos had scabbed up just fine.

All six of the guys from our first little party at Smitty's house were going to be there and a few of our other friends had been invited too. Inga was going to have a busy evening.

I drove out to the river and took the turn off down a rough dirt road that led to our campsite. The land belonged to Jim, the attorney. He had plans to someday build a log cabin out here in the woods. But he never seemed to get around to it. I don't know why. He damned sure had the money.

It was more than a mile down that narrow dirt track to our campsite. When I got there I pulled into the field beside a handful of pickup trucks and parked. Most of the guys from last Sunday's party at Smitty's house were already here as well as three more friends that had missed the fun. They were putting up their tents or sitting around drinking beer and waiting for us.

They already had a nice fire going. It was a little warm for a fire but it kind of added to the ambiance.

I unloaded our tent and set it up near the others but far enough away that the snoring of a couple of the guys that were famous for it wouldn't bother me. Inga inflated the air mattress while I was erecting the tent. I finished with the tent before she finished with the mattress.

Smitty came over, ostensibly to say hello, but more likely to get his hands on Inga for a few minutes. I took the air mattress from her and suggested that he undress her.

The guys that had not been busy setting their tents up had begun to gather around her like she was the only girl out here. Oh wait. She was the only girl out here.

When I suggested that Smitty undress her the conversation in the clearing suddenly came to a stop. Everyone watched as he pulled her t-shirt off and then slid her shorts down and helped her step out of them.

Smitty exclaimed, "Holy shit! Look at that! Damned Dave, what did you do to her?"

He had spotted the rings and the tattoo over her pussy. I just smiled and said, "I thought she'd like some souvenirs of her vacation."

Smitty reached out to hand me her clothes and I said, "She doesn't need clothes. Throw them on the fire."

Inga watched the only clothes she had brought with her being thrown on the fire. Then she walked over to the tent, still walking gingerly because of her tattooed feet, and Smitty asked, "What the hell else did you do to her. She can hardly walk!"

I chuckled and replied, "It's a long story. Wait until I'm finished setting up."

I put the mattress in the tent and laid out the sleeping bags and zipped them together. Then I got the cooler and our lounge chairs out of the back of the SUV. Now it was time to relax and talk some shit.

I let Inga sit in her own chair instead of pulling her into my lap or passing her around. She was still pretty sore. She was going to be sucking and fucking my friends tonight. But until then I thought it would be best if she took it easy on her new jewelry.

We had just sat down when two more guys showed up. Now all five guys were here from the party we had on Sunday and four others as well. We weren't expecting anyone else. I waited until they had their tents set up. It took them a while because of the distraction that Inga was causing.

When they finished setting up and everyone was sitting around with a cold beer I told Inga to take her sandals off.

She looked at me for a second. She was obviously more embarrassed about showing these men her two new tattoos than she had been when she was undressed for their entertainment a few minutes ago.

She hesitated for a long moment and that made all the guys just that much more curious. Finally she put her feet down and slid the sandals off. Then she put her feet back up on the chair. The lettering wasn't huge, only about three quarters of an inch. Only a few of the guys were close enough that they could read what her new tattoos said. They looked stunned. Smitty grinned and exclaimed, "No shit?!"

The others got out of their chairs and came over to see what got Smitty so excited. Gary, the Podiatrist, exclaimed, "What the hell did you do that for Dave?!"

I just sat back and said, "Inga, tell him why I did that."

She was quiet for a few seconds and then she said, "Because I told you before I came here that I had fantasized about tattoos?"

I smiled and said, "No Inga. Tell him why it says what it says on the bottoms of your feet. Tell him everything."

Inga seemed more humiliated now, as she was forced to tell all of these men what had happened to her that night, than she had been while it had been happening. It took her almost half an hour to tell them everything with enough detail to satisfy me. When she was finished everyone was silent for a minute until Paul said, "Damn! I wish I'd brought my dog!"

Everyone laughed and a few of the guys said, "Hell yeah! I'd like to see that!"

I said, "It isn't too late. Go and get the damned thing and when we are all through fucking her for the night she can put on a little show for us."

The guys all looked at each other, trying to decide if anyone else would be too grossed out. If any of them was going to have a problem with that kind of thing I thought it would be Gary. But Gary turned to Paul and said, "Go get the damned dog man! I'd like to see that."

Paul got up and said, "I'll be back in about an hour." Then he got in his truck and took off to get his dog.

I got up and got my cooler and placed it between my chair and Inga's. I got us both out a fresh beer and when I handed hers to her she took a couple of big gulps and said, "It's going to be a long night."

Smitty heard her and suggested, "How about if we get started?"

I might have known that Smitty would take the lead. There is something about the kind of guy that becomes a cop. Don't misunderstand, Smitty is a nice guy and handy to have around, especially when you get pulled over going twenty or thirty miles an hour over the speed limit. He just flashes that badge and everything is cool. But he and others of my friends who are cops seem to lack some little bit of reserve that most people have ingrained in them.

But I had no objection to getting the show started. I replied, "I don't mind. I just want to remind you guys that those holes in her body are fresh and I'd appreciate it if you left them alone for now. The same thing goes for the tattoos. You can have her suck you off and you can fuck her doggy style as much as you like. But this time you're going to have to stay off of her belly and her tits."

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