Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

I helped her into the car and fastened her safety belt. Then I went around and got in on the driver's side. Before I started the car I reached over and pulled her top up, exposing her beautiful tits. I opened the garage door and headed back to the club where she had been photographed and gangbanged last night.

I parked in front this time and after pulling her crop top back into place I led Inga to the door. It was locked and there was a big closed sign on the door. I had to knock and wait for Al to come and open it for us.

He smiled when he saw Inga and he stepped back and let us in. He locked the door after us and never said a word. Inga still didn't know where she was.

Al motioned for me to follow him and he led the way down the hallway to a different room this time. As we neared the room I could hear a low murmur of muted conversation coming from within. The conversation came to a sudden stop when we entered.

I looked around the room. There were six rows of theater seats against the wall on our left and the back wall. They took up a large part of the room.

The seats were full and I was surprised at the appearance of the people I saw. They were all well dressed and appeared to be well-to-do and sophisticated. I was also surprised at how many people were here. It looked like at least a hundred people and even more surprising to me was that there were so many attractive, well dressed women in the group. I hadn't expected that.

Aside from the seating the room was empty but for a strange looking bench in the middle of the remaining empty floor space. It was padded and looked very substantial. There were several pivot points and it appeared to be almost infinitely adjustable.

A couple of normal looking people came in after us and Al pointed me towards a seat up front that had been reserved for me. I took my seat and watched as the couple that had come in took Inga to a far corner of the room and began whispering to her.

The conversation in the room never started back up. Everyone was quiet now that we were here. Their attention was focused on Inga and the man and woman that had her in the corner whispering to her.

I saw Inga nod a few times but I didn't see her speak. I couldn't hear what they were saying to her. She looked very nervous though. That's hard to do with a blindfold on.

The couple spoke with Inga for several minutes before they pulled her back to the center of the room and stood her in front of the bench. The man removed her cuffs and the belt around her waist and as Inga's arms hung limp in front of her the woman lifted the crop top and carefully pulled it over her head without disturbing the blindfold. She pulled it off of Inga's arms and tossed it into the far corner.

There was a brief stir in the audience when Inga's tits were exposed and again when the woman untied the belt around her waist and pulled her skirt off and tossed it into the corner with her top.

The couple guided Inga around until she stood with her back to the bench and held her firmly as they laid her down on her back. They worked quickly to secure her to the bench. A strap went across her abdomen and her wrists and ankles were secured very quickly. Her ponytail was woven together with a short length of rope and secured under the bench. She was unable to move anything now but her fingers and toes.

The man placed a ring gag in her mouth and fastened it in place. It was at this point that they removed the blindfold. For the first time Inga saw the size of the audience. I doubt if she knew where she was though. Not that it would have mattered.

The man adjusted the bench while the woman ran her hands over Inga's body. She played with Inga's tits and teased her clit before she started dipping her fingers into Inga's pussy. When her fingers started coming out wet with moisture from Inga's increasing arousal the woman began to spread this moisture over her body. She coated Inga's pussy mound with the juices and then she began to coat her tits. When she was done there she spread the juices liberally over Inga's face.

The male half of the couple who were running the show now, stood back and watched until his female partner had coated Inga in her own juices to their satisfaction. Then he left the room. He returned a minute later leading a large, black, Great Dane.

There was flurry of whispered conversation as the dog came in. But that quickly died down and everyone was quiet again. I looked up at the dog when it came in but mostly I just stared at Inga. I saw her straining to look at the audience. I assumed that she was looking for me. Our eyes never met though. I don't think that she could turn her head enough to see me.

The dog started getting excited as soon as he saw, and I suppose smelled, Inga. He immediately started straining at his leash and the man who was leading him let him go.

The dog rushed over to Inga and I got the impression that he had done this many times before. He headed right for her pussy and started lapping vigorously.

As soon as his tongue began licking her juices from her cunt, Inga started groaning. We had discussed the possibility of her having sex with animals. She had thought about it but wasn't all that keen on the idea. She had certainly not imagined doing it with such a large audience.

This whole situation had kind of evolved gradually when I first started talking to Al about her. I had originally just planned to set her up for the photo session and gangbang that followed. But then we started talking about the DVDs he made and sold and that's how I found out that he sometimes put on these shows for a group of wealthy perverts. Not only did he make a large amount of money putting the show on. But the DVDs were big sellers on the internet. So, I let him talk me into the show.

I saw the dog's cock start to emerge from the hairy sheath of skin that normally covered it. It didn't come out very far though and I was surprised. I expected it to be much larger.

Once his cock started to grow he moved up over Inga's body until he reached her tits. He smelled her juices there and paused to lick her tits and as he did that his hindquarters were beginning to hunch as if he were already inside of her.

He didn't stay there long though. He moved up over her and as he reached her face his cock came into contact with her crotch. He started stabbing at her blindly while his tongue began to cover her face, cleaning off more of her juices. She was unable to move her head or close her mouth and his tongue seemed to fill her mouth over and over while his cock was stabbing at her, trying to find her opening.

I noticed that his cock had begun to grow again and there was a thin stream of liquid coming from him. I assume it was lubricant but there was an awful lot of it.

As soon as the dog's cock entered her he began to fuck her violently. His hips were moving so fast it was hard to follow. Inga was grunting as he fucked her. It looked as though it must be quite painful.

I tried to keep my eyes on the dog's fast moving cock to see what she was dealing with. It had been pink at first, but it was becoming dark red and it was growing huge. It was more than twice as fat as any cock I had ever seen and it must have been nearly ten inches long. I saw the knot growing at the base of it. I knew that dog's inserted that knot into the bitch when they mated but I didn't think there was any way that was going into Inga.

I was wrong. I saw Inga tense up and heard her scream into the dog's mouth as he took one last violent stroke and buried that knot in her pussy. As soon as it was inside of her he stopped moving. I saw the dog shivering as he stood over her. I assumed that he was cumming inside of her now.

He was no longer actively licking her face but his tongue lolled out of his mouth and dripped a large amount of saliva all over her face, including into her mouth.

The crowd around me was mostly quiet. There was an occasional whisper but no one spoke out loud. I saw a lot of people with their hands in other people's laps though.

The Great Dane stayed tied with Inga for a very long time. I hadn't thought to time it but I would estimate that they stayed like that for close to twenty minutes before he started trying to pull his cock free.

He started trying to back away but apparently his knot was still firmly wedged inside of Inga. She screamed in pain and the dog stopped pulling for a few minutes. He tried twice more and finally he stepped over her and stood with his hindquarters pressed against her crotch and his large cock still buried inside of her. They stayed like that for several more minutes. He tried to pull free every couple of minutes and each time he tried Inga cried out. But finally he was able to pull free. He turned around and sniffed at her pussy, gave it a quick lick and then trotted off.

Inga went limp on the bench. I think she assumed that her ordeal was over.

The man who had brought the dog out grabbed his leash and led him out of the room. He was gone for a couple of minutes before he returned with another Great Dane. This one seemed to be a little smaller. He was black and white and he must have known that something was going on in here because his cock was already starting to emerge from the sheath that contained it.

I heard Inga groan as the dog came prancing into the room. She expected to be fucked again by another large dog. She was in for another surprise. The handler didn't let the dog go this time. He let the dog get between her legs. It saw her pussy and smelled the smell of sex. He began lapping her excitedly and started getting all excited and pulling at the leash. But this time the man held on and when he thought the dog was excited enough he pulled him out from between Inga's legs and let him around to her head.

The female half of the team adjusted the headrest on the bench and lowered Inga's head. Then she helped the man turn the dog around so that its ass was right in Inga's face. I didn't know what the hell they were doing now.

I watched as the woman reached under the dog and began to stroke its rapidly growing cock. As soon as his cock was hard she reached between his hind legs and pulled his cock out so that it was pointed right at Inga's mouth.

His cock was already beginning to leak that steady stream of what I assumed was lubricant. Inga looked frantic as the woman guided the dog's cock to her mouth and through the ring that held her mouth wide open.

The dog settled down when he felt his cock plunging into Inga's mouth and I watched it grow rapidly. I couldn't tell how long it was but it looked as fat as the first one had been and if it wasn't as long then it didn't miss by much.

I saw Inga choking on the cock and the liquid streaming out of it and down her throat. I watched the woman who was still holding the dog's cock at the base and keeping it in Inga's mouth kneel down and whisper something to Inga.

Inga seemed to struggle a little longer but then she relaxed and that big dog cock slid right down her throat! Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the audience and I looked around discreetly. I saw that quite a few of the women had turned their heads away. Not the men though. They were watching eagerly.

After a few minutes the women began to turn back and watch with something between revulsion and fascination, but they watched.

It didn't last as long this time. The dog's knot was under the control of the female handler who never let it out of her hand. She held onto him until he was finished and pulled away.

The male half of the dog handling team led the dog away. Inga choked and gagged a little but managed to keep down the large deposit the dog had just made in her stomach.

I heard Inga mumble something unintelligible and the woman just grinned and ignored her. She waited for Inga's breathing to return to normal and then she moved around between Inga's legs and reached down and picked up a container that was attached to the bench between her legs.

The woman looked up at the audience and smiled and then carried the cup around to show the audience that it had collected the first dog's cum as it drained out of Inga's pussy. I was surprised at the amount. There must have been at least half a cup of liquid in that cup.

She went back to Inga and adjusted the headrest on the bench again. When Inga's head was once more horizontal she picked the cup up off the floor and began to slowly pour it into her mouth.

Inga refused to swallow at first but I heard the woman when she said, "If you don't swallow on your own I am going to have to pinch your nose closed until you do. You might as well do as you're told slave."

She waited until Inga swallowed her mouthful and poured the rest in slowly until Inga had swallowed it all. She had to stop now and then while Inga gagged and choked. But eventually she swallowed it all.

This time I was the one that was surprised to find that the show wasn't over. I suppose these people had paid a lot of money for this spectacle. They were going to want to get their money's worth of perversion. But what happened next surprised even me. Al hadn't mentioned this part of the show.

The trainer came back into the room leading another animal. A pony! It was one of those miniature ponies, only slightly taller but much wider than the two Great Danes that had just enjoyed Inga's company. It looked like it might be hard to control once it got carried away. I looked at Al who was standing in the corner by the door. He gave me a look that said everything was going to be okay. I hoped so because there was no way I could take on all these guys if I wanted to stop the show and they wanted it to go on.

The male trainer led the pony over to Inga and I saw the look of fear in her eyes. I didn't blame her. The pony began to sniff and lick Inga's body and the smell of sex was having an effect. I saw his already large cock begin to grow. It was nothing like you might expect from a full sized horse but it was a good fourteen inches long and even fatter than the dog cocks had been.

While the pony was licking Inga's abused body the female trainer began working on the foot of the bench. She pulled some kind of device out of the end and connecting it just beyond Inga's knees. As I watched I realized that it would act as a restraint so that the pony couldn't apply too much force when he was fucking her. His legs would be held back by the device so that he couldn't put his entire weight behind his fuck strokes.

When the woman was done she went over and pushed the pony's hindquarters around so that the animal's cock was hanging right in Inga's face. The male trainer held the pony in place with the bridle while the female trainer bent down and guided its cock to Inga's mouth which was still being held open by the ring in her teeth.

The woman rubbed the tip of the pony's cock all over Inga's face before she guided the tip of the cock to the ring and allowed several inches of it to enter Inga's mouth. The pony stiffened up and shivered as his cock entered her mouth. But he was being restrained by both trainers and the woman only allowed so much of the cock into Inga's mouth.

I noticed that the cock was growing stiff now, though it didn't seem to be growing any longer. The female was massaging it as Inga was forced to deal with the three or four inches in her mouth. When the trainer was satisfied that the pony's cock was hard enough they quickly repositioned him over Inga.

Inga was making incomprehensible noises because of the ring gag. It wasn't necessary to understand the words, though. It was obvious that she really didn't want to do this and that she was very scared. But she was totally incapable of movement and could only lie there on her back and wait for the inevitable.

The couple led the pony right up over Inga and the woman guided his large cock into her pussy. The animal whinnied when his cock was swallowed up by Inga's hot, wet cunt. The woman stepped away but the man stayed in place and held onto the pony's halter.

As soon as his cock was buried in her pussy the pony began to fuck her hard. I think the only reason that it didn't kill Inga was the device attached to the foot of the bench she was attached to. It prevented the pony from getting closer and forcing the entire length of his cock inside of her.

The pony's forceful thrusts were very violent and it was scary to watch. Inga looked so fragile underneath the animal's body and even though the pony was making a lot of noise and Inga was gagged her fearful groans and her grunts of pain could still be clearly heard.

I glanced around the room again and none of the women were turning away now. They were staring in astonishment.

I turned back to Inga and watched that beast rape her for a very long time. It was scary. But it got even scarier at the end. The violence of those final thrusts before he filled her with his cum were impossible to describe. If not for that restraint restricting the animal's motion this would have surely killed her.

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