Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

The next morning we took a shower together and I dressed her in a t-shirt dress and took her out to breakfast. In case you are wondering, I'm actually a very good cook. Unfortunately I am also lazy. I much prefer to have someone else cook my meals and clean up the kitchen. When my wife is home I do the cooking and she cleans up the kitchen. She can't even boil water without burning it. Friends have tried to convince me that she is just trying to get over on me. Trust me. I've eaten her cooking and her mother's cooking. Neither one could cook.

After breakfast we went to a big adult bookstore near the interstate. I figured it was too early for the locals. But I had noticed a lot of big rigs at this place at all hours of the day and night.

I wasn't disappointed. When I pulled up in front of the place there were a dozen eighteen wheelers parked in the back lot.

When I was in Germany they didn't have places like this. They had porn of course, and shops that sold it. But they didn't cater as much to the repressed sexual appetites of Americans. They didn't have shops like these with the booths in the back and the sort of behaviors that took place back there. It has been a very long time since I was in Europe. But in all that time we Americans had not matured at all. I fear we won't until we throw off the stranglehold that the religious right has on our superstitious society. Since Europeans are so much more mature about matters of sexuality, I assumed they still didn't have places like this and that Inga wouldn't know what went on in places like this.

I escorted her inside. As soon as she stepped in the door and saw what was on display all around her she came to a sudden stop. She looked around and then she looked at me questioningly. I just smiled and started looking around. I hadn't been in one of these places in a long time either. This was a far cry from the place I used to go to rent XXX movies when VCRs first went on the market.

There was row after row of the most obscene magazines and movies. I looked at a few of the movies. The women seemed to be much more attractive now. But the movies sounded boring as hell.

There was a large selection of toys. There were some things for men but they seemed pretty silly. Most of the things on display were toys for women. There was also a small selection of slutty women's clothing. Mostly short shorts, miniskirts and t-shirts and crop tops with nasty things written on them. There was a selection of silly costumes like a French maid costume, that sort of thing.

As we moved through the store I noticed that we had attracted the attention of the male customers. That would be everyone in the store. There were ten or twelve guys discreetly following us around. They were keeping their distance but they were staying close enough to keep an eye on Inga without being too obvious.

I looked through the t-shirts and crop tops and picked out a few with nasty slogans written on them. I called out to the old guy behind the counter and asked if it would be alright if Inga tried a couple of these on.

It wasn't until he answered that I recognized his voice and knew who the clerk was. He had been on some of our rides with us. I didn't know him that well but we knew each other.

He responded that he would like to help me out but that he didn't have changing rooms. Not many of his customers were women.

I smiled and said, "That's no problem."

Then I ordered Inga to hand me her dress.

She must have known that it was coming. She looked very nervous, but she didn't even hesitate. She reached down and pulled her little jersey dress up and over her head and handed it to me. I had to guess at her size. She looked like a small to me.

I handed her a t-shirt and while she was putting it on, the men that had been standing nearby all gathered closer for a better look.

The t-shirt fit her perfectly. In big black letters it said, "It's Magically Delicious!!" and had a finger pointing down towards her pussy.

There was laughter from the audience. I told her to take it off and handed her another one. She slipped it on and then looked down to see what it said. In large letters across her tits it said, "Sex with strangers is better!"

I moved over to the display of crop tops and started looking at them. The first one I picked out said, "I got gangbanged ... I loved it!"

Inga looked down and saw what it said. She looked up at me, grinned wryly and said, "I didn't like it that much!"

I found another that said, "OWNED!!" and one more that said, "I Swallow!"

She tried them both on and I took them up to the counter. I had the new tops in one hand and her little t-shirt dress in the other. I placed her tops on the counter and while Jake was ringing them up I asked about the movies in the back.

He told me that there was a small theater that was showing a movie. It was also showing on the TV over his head. I looked up and knew right away that I wasn't interested. He said that they also had a couple dozen booths in the back but that I would need to buy a minimum of five dollars worth of tokens if I wanted to go back there.

I opted for the peep shows and I paid for the tops and got the tokens. I left the clothes, including Inga's dress on the counter and told him that I'd pick them up on the way out. I grabbed the tokens and Inga followed me through the store to the door in back that led to the peep shows.

Jake buzzed me in and we came to a stop just inside. It took a minute for our eyes adjust to the darkness. There was a long hallway with doors every five or six feet that led into small rooms. The rooms were about four feet deep by three feet wide. In the back of each booth was a small TV and in the middle of each one there was a single, straight back chair.

I had heard about these places. But I had never been in one before. I started down the aisle and looked in a couple of booths to see if they were all the same. They seemed to be.

I saw movement and realized for the first time that there were several men standing farther down the hallway watching us. I hadn't even seen them when I came in.

Just then the door behind me opened and the men that had been out front started coming in. With the additional light that shone in when the door opened I saw that there were a half a dozen men standing around watching us. Well, probably not me so much as the naked young woman I had with me.

I knew what went on in places like this but I wasn't sure how it worked exactly. I had heard that horny men came here and went into these booths and other men gave them blowjobs. I wasn't sure how it was determined who was going to do what to whom. In our case, however, I didn't think that would be a problem.

I went into the next booth that I came to. I pulled Inga in after me and shut the door. There was a faint light coming from the small TV but it wasn't much. I felt around and found the slot for the tokens and fed a dozen of them into the slot.

I sat in the chair and pulled Inga into my lap and we watched as the screen came to life. We saw a room full of black men lined up to have sex with a skuzzy looking blonde that must have been in her forties and was really in need of an exercise program.

Inga and I were both kind of grossed out by the movie. But just as I was about to see if I could change the channel I saw a light come on by my knee. I looked down and saw movement and then there was an eye at a large hole staring at Inga.

I told her to get on her knees by the hole and she slid out of my lap and dropped to her knees. As soon as her knees hit the floor she squeaked in revulsion and I asked her what was wrong.

She sounded like she was going to be sick when she replied, "Oh god! The floor is sticky! It's covered with cold cum!"

I chuckled and said, "Well, it's too late to worry about that now."

She shuddered and turned back towards the hole in the wall. The eye was still there. Inga turned back to me and asked, "What am I supposed to do now?"

Shit, I didn't know! I said, "I don't know, wait and see what he does."

The music and the fake moans and groans from all the movies playing in all of the booths were so loud that I don't know if the guy could hear us. He glanced at me and then back at Inga and finally he got his nerve up and reached in through the hole.

Inga wasn't sure what was expected of her. She took the man's hand and guided it to her tits. Then she dropped her hands and let him play with them for a while.

I saw her jump after a few minutes and then look behind her. I hadn't even noticed that another hand was coming through a hole in the wall behind her and some guy had his hand on her ass.

I watched for a few minutes and just as I was getting bored with this the man that was playing with Inga's tits pulled his arm back through the hole. There was a short delay and then the head of his cock was placed just at the hole. I guess he was afraid to stick it in.

I told Inga to lean down and kiss it. She looked unsure. But she leaned her face into the hole and licked the head of the man's cock.

As soon as she did that the rest of his cock came through the hole and she started practicing her newly learned deep throat skills again.

The hand that had been on her ass now reached between her legs and the man began to finger fuck her drooling pussy. I was surprised at how wet she had become. I could hear the guy's fingers sloshing around inside of her. I also heard Inga moaning around the cock in her mouth and throat and it wasn't long before I saw her gulping down his cum.

As soon as he pulled his cock out of the hole Inga wheeled around without being told and brought the fingers of the hand that had been pleasuring her to her mouth and sucked them clean. When she was done cleaning him she let his hand go and he pulled it back through the hole and his cock came through the hole in its place.

Inga immediately wrapped her lips around his cock and gave him the blowjob of his life. He didn't last much longer than the first man. She swallowed his load before very long and for the next hour or so she was kept busy sucking a steady line of men through the two holes.

When I finally let her stop she was worn out. Her jaw was sore and her throat was getting sore and for a few minutes she could hardly talk. I hadn't counted the men she had serviced but I imagine there were about a dozen of them.

It was pretty interesting at first but I started getting bored after a while. I hated to disappoint the other guys. But I had all the peepshow action that I needed to last for the rest of my life. I felt sorry for those guys. But shit! If I was that horny I think I'd rather beat my meat than stick my dick through a hole in the wall.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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