Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

I parked in the back and went in through an unmarked door. Inga had no idea what was inside. We went up a dark hallway and into the front. Inga looked around and saw that the walls were covered with pictures of women in various stages of undress. Some of the shots were positively vulgar. A very few were quite good, artistic even. Most were just normal pictures of bored looking women undressing and posing nude.

A large black man looked up when we came in and smiled. He said, "Right on time! Does your friend know why she is here?"

I responded, "Nope, not a clue."

He came out from behind the counter and looked Inga over. She stood passively as he circled her and then tilted her head up and looked her in the face. She looked nervous. She still didn't know what kind of place this was or what was going to happen to her here.

The black man said, "Hey, girl. My name is Al. I own this place."

After looking at her face and body he turned to me and said, "I could make a lot of fucking money with this broad. Look at that face!"

He looked down at her tits and then turned back to me and said, "Let's go into my office."

We went behind the counter and through a door into a small office. Just like the outer room the walls were covered with pictures of naked and nearly naked women. I liked it but I doubt if my wife would have let me do my computer room this way.

Al stood in front of his desk and leaned back against it. He pulled Inga in front of him and said, "Dave didn't tell you why you are here?"

Inga shook her head nervously.

Al smiled and said, "Let me explain then. But while I do that, I want you to get down and suck on my cock."

Inga had never had sex with a black man. She was nervous, but I knew from our conversations on the internet that the idea of it, the idea of being taken by a black man, that was just the kind of thing that she didn't want to do. And it was just the kind of thing that would excite her for that very reason.

She dropped to her knees on the dirty rug in front of his desk. When he didn't move she unfastened Al's pants and pulled them and his shorts down to his knees. Al is a very dark skinned black man. His long, very fat cock was so black it was almost purple. He had a bit of a gut. But his cock was big enough that it didn't matter.

Inga stared at his cock for a second or two. Then she took it in her hand and worked it while it grew to full length. It was impressive. She stared at it for a few moments and then began taking as much of it as she could into her mouth.

Al watched her for a minute and then he told her why she was here. "What I do here Inga, is I provide pretty young women for my customers. They come in and take pictures of the girls and pay me for the privilege. I don't know how many men will be here for your set. It could be a half a dozen or it could be two dozen. It varies. You are going to go into one of the studios with the men and they will take some pictures of you. After a few minutes your blouse comes off and they take more pictures. Then your skirt comes off."

Inga was listening, but she was paying more attention to his large cock. She was having a very hard time trying to take it in her throat. She could only get about three inches of it in her mouth because it was so fat. She was trying though.

Al continued with his description of what was about to happen to her. "You pose in your underwear for a few minutes and then the bra comes off. Finally the panties come off. Some of the guys are going to want their pictures taken with you. If they do anything that is against the rules I will stop it. So you just go along with whatever happens in there. After you have posed for them in the nude for a while and they are all horny for your hot little cunt, then they can decide if they want to pay the extra fee to fuck you."

Al was gripping her head and trying to force more of his fat cock into her mouth as he talked. He seemed to be having trouble concentrating though and from the sound of it I thought that he would cum before long.

He was a little breathless as he said, "They won't be taking pictures of you fucking them and sucking them. But I have cameras all around the room recording it and you'll get a copy of the DVD for a souvenir of your trip to America. The other copies will be on sale out front."

Al made one last attempt to get more of his cock into Inga's mouth and then he filled her mouth with cum. It must have been quite a load because she really had to struggle with it. She finally got it all down and then he let her get a little air before he made her hold his softening cock in her mouth. While she nursed on his soft cock, he finished telling her what was going to happen.

He reached down and patted her head and said, "Normally that would be the end of the evening for you. But we are going to have a special show after that. I have invited some of my friends and my better customers to a little performance that you are going to put on. It's going to be something that they don't get to see every day. It is even more rare with a sweet young thing like you. I'm looking forward to it myself."

Al pushed Inga's head away and pulled his pants back up and fastened them. He said, "Now, I want you to go out into the lobby and let the customers get to know you. Answer their questions, make them feel comfortable. You get the idea, right?"

Inga got to her feet. There were tears streaming down her cheeks from the brutal face fuck. She wiped them away with her hands and looked around for a tissue. There weren't any evident so she wiped her hands on her skirt and looked down to make sure her clothing was clean and straight. Then she followed us out of the office.

I was surprised. I hadn't heard anyone come in. I guess I had been distracted. But there were nine men waiting quietly on the other side of the counter. They seemed to range in age from one guy that didn't look like he was eighteen yet, all the way up to one guy that looked like he was in his seventies.

The men looked up when we came out of the office and Al announced, "Gentlemen! Welcome! This sweet young thing is Inga. She is going to be our next model. I want you to make her feel comfortable. This is her first time and she is a little nervous. The next performance will start in about fifteen minutes."

He shoved Inga over to the center of the room and as the men turned their attention to her he said, "I wouldn't recommend that anyone kiss her just now, unless you are wondering what my cum tastes like."

Inga was already as embarrassed as she could get. The remark seemed to make her cringe though. The men gathered around her. At first they just looked her over. Finally one of the older men put his arm around her shoulder in a friendly way and said hello. When she answered he heard her accent and asked her where she was from.

She told him and I saw her react when his hand came to rest on her tit as the others all watched. He squeezed her tit and asked, "This is your first time? What is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? You don't look like a whore."

Her eyes got wide and she responded quickly, "I'm not a whore!"

The man squeezing her tit chuckled and said, "You are now, bitch. Before very long we are all going to be fucking your sweet pussy or your mouth. And we are going to have to pay Al to do it. That makes you a whore. What did you think you were doing here?"

She was quiet for a moment and then she said, "I didn't know. My master brought me here. He didn't tell me why."

The man looked at her in disbelief and said, "You mean you've never sold your pussy before?"

She looked him right in the eye and said, "I certainly have not!"

He laughed and said, "I don't guess that matters. You're a whore now."

He took his hand off of her tit and his arm slid down her back. He rested his hand on her ass for a minute and then he reached lower and lifted her skirt enough that he could rest his hand on her panties.

Just then two more men came in and came to a sudden stop when they saw what was happening. They watched as the first man squeezed the cheek of the obviously uncomfortable Inga's ass while a man on the other side of her reached up and started playing with her tit. The two newcomers were forced to move when another man came in and then several more entered the room. As show time neared the room was beginning to fill up.

Al was finally satisfied with the size of the crowd and he stepped up to the counter and said, "Gentlemen. It's time to start. Is there anyone here that doesn't know the rules?"

No one spoke.

Al said, "Alright gentlemen. Get your wallets out."

Just then the phone rang and Al excused himself and went into his office. When he came out a few minutes later he went to the counter and held out his hand.

The men lined up at the counter and I counted them as they handed Al fifty dollars apiece. There were fourteen of them. I watched as the youngest of them came through the line. Even close up I didn't think he was eighteen. But Al didn't say a word. He took the kid's money just like he did with all the others. After everyone had paid him we all went down the hall to one of the studios.

As soon as we were inside, Al pointed out the three separate areas in the front of the room to Inga and said, "You start over there on the right in the living room set. You pose until the bell rings and then you take your blouse off. All you have to do is everything you are told and you'll do fine. Once you are naked, you move to that fur rug on the raised dais in the center of the room and pose in any manner that the customers request until the bell rings again.

At that time you move to the bed on the left and do whatever they want ... with no arguments. I don't want any complaints or I'll lose my sense of humor. Just do what you're told. And get that dazed look off of your fucking face, bitch! I want to see some smiles."

The men were gathered around the living room set in the right hand corner of the room and Inga made her way through them to the set. The bell rang and she struggled to smile as the cameras came up and they started taking pictures.

They started giving her directions almost immediately. She was ordered to sit on the couch and spread her legs so that they could get pictures of her panty covered crotch. When everyone had a chance to get that picture she was made to get up on the couch on her hands and knees and permit pictures of her bra covered breasts as her blouse fell away. Unfortunately, it didn't fall open far enough so one of the men reached up and unfastened a couple of buttons until they were satisfied with the effect.

She was left in that position and someone else went up and pulled her skirt up over her ass, baring her panty covered ass for more pictures.

By the time they had all gotten that shot the bell rang and she straightened up and took her blouse off. I was standing in the back of the room enjoying the show. She glanced up at me nervously as she removed her blouse. I thought of how reluctant she had been to share her pictures with me on the internet. She was really uncomfortable with the idea of all of these men possessing pictures of her undressing and then nude. She was probably afraid that they would end up all over the internet.

She was probably right. I didn't doubt that before she could return home to Germany, her friends and co-workers would be able to find nude pictures of her on the net if they put a little effort into it.

Inga began to pose as the men directed her, now without her blouse. The men didn't exhibit a lot of imagination though and the poses were pretty much a repetition of the previous ones.

The bell rang again and Inga stood up and removed her skirt. The customers were getting more interested now and half way through this set, a man from the group went up on the set and posed with her. He stood behind her and cupped her bra encased tits. After the men took several pictures he reached a hand down inside the front of her panties and cupped her pussy as more pictures were taken.

He was still up there when the bell rang again and he smiled and said, "Here, let me help you with that."

He unfastened her bra and slid it off of her tits. Now that she was posing in only her panties he rejoined the men and started taking pictures again. It was obvious that Inga hated this, especially the part about the pictures. But she didn't dare refuse anyone anything. They were constantly reminding her to smile and she kept trying. She wasn't very convincing. But she tried.

Half way to the next bell another man put his camera down and went up to pose with her. This time he was cupping her naked tits in his hand and roughly pinching and pulling on her nipples. He had his arms around her and he was grinding his groin against her as he leaned down and whispered something in her ear that made her even more nervous.

He stepped back when the bell rang again and someone in the group instructed Inga to turn her back to them and keep her legs straight as she bent down slowly and removed her panties.

She took a deep breath and obeyed.

When she had stepped out of her panties she was ordered to stay bent over and spread her legs farther apart. There were more pictures and then they told her to reach back and spread her ass cheeks open for them. Several minutes later I heard someone tell her to spread her pussy for them but Al interrupted.

He said, "Gentlemen, she is supposed to move to the fur for this next set. Inga, move over to the dais and pose on the fur."

I didn't see the point. But Inga moved the short distance to the small raised dais and resumed posing as the men instructed her. This session lasted a little longer and there were no pauses to remove clothing. After several minutes different men began to hand their cameras to the others so that they could have their pictures taken with her. They all groped her freely and assumed some very compromising poses. One of the men even pulled his cock out of his pants and posed with it in Inga's mouth.

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