Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

I let her sleep late in the morning and she didn't wake up until almost nine. I was up at a little after six. I went down and made coffee and read the Sunday paper and waited until I heard her get up and use the bathroom.

When I heard movement upstairs I went up and we took another shower together. I ordered her to dress in her nicest dress and I helped her pick out a nice set of underwear. She almost seemed disappointed that I was dressing her so conservatively. I had plans for her though and I thought that what I had planned would be more exciting if she started out dressed the way she was now.

I dressed in a pair of casual slacks and a sports shirt and we headed for a nice place with a great Sunday brunch. We took the car this time.

We were there early enough to get a seat out back on the deck overlooking the marsh. Inga got her first taste of the Southern delicacy known as grits. It had taken me years to develop a taste for them. The first few times that I tried them I thought that the box they came in had more flavor. Once you learn how to eat them though, they are really quite good if they are made right.

We finished our breakfast and relaxed over a cup of coffee for a few minutes. I kept my eye on the time. I had arranged to meet some friends and introduce them to Inga. I told my friends that I was bringing them a beautiful young woman who was going to be my sex slave for the next two weeks. I told them that she would do anything that I wanted. My friends were understandably skeptical. But they were a group of horny old men, just like me. They were willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.

I knew these guys pretty well. We are the core of a group who get together on weekends to go on bike rides. We traveled to bike rallies together or traveled to places with scenic roads or better yet twisty mountain roads and we got together from time to time to watch a big race or a big game at someone's house.

I was the oldest of the group at sixty-one. There were a couple of the guys in their late forties but most were in their fifties. I was retired but the others all worked, all but two at blue collar jobs. Jim was an attorney and Gary was a Podiatrist. Owning a Harley has become an expensive hobby. You can't keep one and spend a lot of time collecting unemployment. I had paid nearly the price of a Cadillac for my newest Harley by the time you added the price of the accessories and the chrome.

When it was time, I escorted Inga back out to the car and drove across town to Smitty's house. Smitty was one of the two divorced men in our group. It looked like everyone was there when I pulled up into the driveway. The others had come on bikes and the driveway was full of big, expensive Harleys.

As I pulled into the driveway Inga finally realized that this was not going to be just another Sunday for her. I escorted her to the door and Smitty let us in. As soon as we stepped inside I asked Smitty for a pair of his handcuffs. Smitty is a cop and has all the fun toys. He pulled a pair off of his police belt hanging by the door and I cuffed Inga's hands behind her back. She shivered in anticipation as I closed the cuffs over her wrists and she was helpless.

There were a few cautious whistles of appreciation when I pulled Inga into the living room. I had told my friends that she was beautiful. But I have to be honest. I wouldn't have believed me either. I brought Inga to the center of the room and said, "Gentlemen, as promised, this is Inga. She is visiting from Germany and for at least the next two weeks she is my slut. I fucked her pretty good last night and I may join in later. For now though I just want to watch. I don't care what you do to her as long as I don't see any blood. You guys help yourselves. I haven't fucked her ass but she has a real nice cunt. I haven't taught her how to deepthroat yet so that's something that we can work on this afternoon if anyone feels like it."

There were five men sitting around the room and Smitty standing on the other side of Inga. No one moved at first. They all seemed to be waiting for the punch line.

Inga, who was about to have the first of her many fantasies come true, looked nervous. She looked around the room quickly and then stared at the carpet in front of her and waited for the men do whatever they wanted to do with her.

It started to look like none of my friends had any balls. I knew they were still trying to figure out if I was pulling some kind of joke on them. I thought I might get things going if I did something to demonstrate that I was serious. I stepped over behind Inga and put my arms around her. I kissed the back of her neck and then I grabbed the front of her blouse and tore it open.

Buttons flew all around the room and Inga gasped in surprise. My friend's faces lit up as I pulled her blouse down off of her shoulders and left her standing with her demure bra exposed.

Now she stood helpless with her bra exposed. She was surrounded by strange men and she had just been offered to them as a sex toy. They all got up at once and formed a circle around her. Most of my friends were pretty large men and Inga must have been feeling pretty overwhelmed at that moment.

I went to the kitchen and got a cold beer. Then I took a comfortable seat out of the way. I saw her close her eyes and sigh as hands began to explore her body through her clothing. She was scared. But she was excited.

Jim, the attorney stepped away and came over to where I was seated. He leaned over and quietly asked, "I'm all for a little gangbang, Dave. I just want you to tell me that this isn't a rape."

I smiled at Jim and said, "She got on a plane yesterday morning and flew all of the way here to experience this sort of thing, Jim. If you want I can show you some of her emails. She is nervous. But she hasn't said 'stop' has she?"

We both turned our attention back to Inga and I saw that her bra was now hanging from her elbows along with her blouse. I couldn't see her tits though. They were covered with large hands. As we watched, someone was pulling her skirt up and exposing her plain white panties.

I watched her face when the first hand reached out and cupped her mound. She was trying hard to act like a victim of a gang rape. But I saw the pleasure on her face as my friends groped her roughly.

I had thought that I would just watch this afternoon. But I began to get a very uncomfortable bulge in my slacks. It looked like I was going to have to become more actively involved. But for now I was enjoying the show.

Someone unfastened her skirt and it fell to the floor at her feet. Her panties followed in less than a minute. Fingers were now free to explore every part of her body and they did.

Inga looked like she was going to have her first orgasm very soon. She tried to hide it but it was obvious. Apparently the reality of being taken by a group of large bikers was just as exciting as the fantasy.

Smitty said, "Fuck this shit! These things are in the way." He pulled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs and tossed them aside. As soon as they were gone someone roughly stripped off her blouse and bra.

Kyle turned her to face him and using her ponytail as a handle he turned her face up and kissed her roughly. She stood still, returning his kiss passionately as the hands of the rest of the men continued to grope and pinch and pull at her soft, sexy body.

I wasn't sure who pushed her to her knees but as soon as Kyle broke the kiss someone pushed her down and I heard zippers being pulled down. I could only catch glimpses of her between their legs now as my friends began stuffing their cocks in her mouth. I heard her struggling to handle all of that cock. She slurped loudly on them. The sound of cocks being sucked and men moaning in pleasure filled the room. Several times I heard her gag and choke before Jerry called out, "Look at that shit! She did it! She's got that thing all the way down her fucking throat!"

As far as I could tell she never struggled with them. She kept her hands on the cocks of the men on either side of her while the man in front of her fucked her mouth and throat. They all took a turn and they all came down her throat or in her mouth. During the entire time that she submitted to my friends and allowed them to fuck her throat the three who were not fucking her face or getting their cocks played with had their hands all over her body.

Some of them were pretty rough but she never once complained. I saw her wince from time to time. But she never asked them to stop.

By the time the last man had cum in her mouth the first few were hard again. She was pushed down on her hands and knees and Smitty dropped to his knees behind her. He pushed down on her back to adjust the angle and roughly forced his hard cock into her very wet pussy from behind.

Inga grunted as he slammed into her but she stayed in whatever position they put her in. She let them do anything that they wanted to her. They fucked her, one after another, using her like a piece of fuck meat. It was just what she wanted, just what she needed. I watched her closely and I lost count of the number of times she reached orgasm.

She was getting pretty tired by the time the sixth man had fucked her. They took a lot longer this time around since they had already cum in her mouth. I don't think she came with the last two but still she didn't complain. She never said a word. She grunted in pain a few times. She had never been taken so roughly or by so many men at once and her body wasn't used to it.

She collapsed when the last of them finished fucking her. I had to call her name several times to get her attention. She finally looked up to see what I wanted. I said, "Crawl over here slut. I want to try out that mouth of yours now that you can suck a cock the way a slut is supposed to."

Inga groaned as she got up on her hands and knees. I watched her tits sway as she crawled across the room. Just before she got to my chair I stood up and opened my slacks and pulled them and my shorts down and stepped out of them. When I was naked below the waist I sat down.

Inga moved closer and took my cock into her mouth. She gripped me with her lips and slid her mouth down about half way. She groaned in pain and pulled back and tried again. This time her lips sank all the way to the base of my cock and I felt it slide into her throat. It was pretty amazing and I really enjoyed it. To be honest though, I think I got more pleasure from fucking her tight little pussy. This was exciting because it was hard for her. But her pussy was a better fuck.

She worked hard at my cock and I was pretty turned on from watching my first real live gangbang so I came pretty quickly. After I shot my cum into her mouth she swallowed and then just held my cock between her lips until it was soft. I patted her head and said, "Okay, Inga. Go get yourself a beer and take a little break."

There was a look of gratitude on her face as she went to the kitchen and got a beer. By the time she came back into the room she had already gulped down half of the bottle. She put the bottle down on the table beside me and spoke for the first time since we had arrived.

She cleared her throat and said, "I need to use the toilet. I can't sit down like this."

Smitty said, "I'll take her."

He led her out of the living room and down the hallway. They had only been gone for a minute when I heard her cry out. A couple of minutes later Smitty came back into the room with a big smile on his face. He said, "I had to piss too. So I helped her rinse all that crap off of her pussy while she was sitting on the toilet. She'll be out after she takes a quick shower."

For about the next fifteen minutes or so, while Inga was taking a shower, I sat around and discussed her with my friends. I answered as few of their questions as possible. I did not tell them how we came to be in contact. I did not want them to know that we had met because she had read and been turned on by the stories I wrote and posted on the internet. I preferred the anonymity of the internet for a reason. Writing those nasty little stories is a very personal act. I am not ashamed of them. In fact, I think some of them are very well written and I am proud of them. But I wouldn't want it to be common knowledge among my biker friends that I was the person that was responsible for them.

I told my friends that she was just a normal, if very attractive young woman who had some kinky fantasies that she could not experience without the help of the right man. After talking with me for a while she decided that I was the right man. We worked it out so that she would visit me for two weeks and for those two weeks she was mine to do with as I pleased. I knew most of her fantasies and since the things that turned her on also turned me on I was pretty sure that we were going to have a good time.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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