Inga Comes to America - Cover

Inga Comes to America

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A sexy young German girl contacted me after reading some of my stories on the internet. After chatting for a few weeks she agreed to spend her two week vacation in America as my sex slave.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   Prostitution  

It was her idea. Well, no, that's not fair. It was an idea that we came up with when we were chatting on line and I suppose that we developed it together.

Our correspondence began when Inga sent me an email after reading one of my stories on the internet. She had been very aroused by the story and she sent me an email to tell me how much she enjoyed it. Her email included a picture of herself. She was very attractive. It was a modest picture of her in a little black dress. She was not in the nude like so many of the other pictures that people send me as a sort of thank you for my stories. If any of you are reading this, thank you too. I enjoy all of those nudes very much.

I responded, as I do to everyone that writes me whether or not they include a picture and whether or not they are attractive. I thanked her for her kind words and the picture. And that was that, until she read another of my stories. She liked the way my mind worked. Or I guess that it would be more correct to say that we shared some fantasies and she enjoyed reading mine. I suspect that she was grateful to have someone that she could discuss them with.

At first I wasn't certain that Inga was a woman and not a man pretending to be a woman. Some guys get off on that. But you can usually tell. I was soon convinced that Inga was all woman. I enjoyed several long chats with her about her fantasies and how closely they paralleled the events that I depicted in some of my stories.

She wanted to experiment with her fantasies but had never found a man who shared them. I shared her frustration because it is even harder to find a woman who is excited by the admittedly unusual nature of our fantasies. She wanted to experience some of the things that I wrote about in my stories and after several months of exchanging emails and having the occasional long chat she decided to spend her upcoming summer vacation in the United States visiting me.

I was delighted, of course. Inga is nearly half my age and judging by the pictures that she emailed me she is very sexy and very attractive. She is in her early thirties and cute as a kitten. I, on the other hand, am in my early sixties and rough as a cob. I ride a Harley and I look like it. I am in pretty good shape though, and I knew that I had what it took to satisfy this woman's fantasies. All she needed was a man with a dirty mind.

If you are familiar with my stories then you know that most of them are about women being blackmailed or in some other way coerced into sexual submission. They are humiliated and abused but not harmed. They experience helplessness and the freedom of being totally controlled. Those are the things that Inga fantasized about.

The first thing I had to take care of was to get rid of my wife. My wife and I had both retired early. We had saved and planned for our future. We were not wealthy by any means but we were more than comfortable. We had no debts and we each had several large pension checks coming in so that so far we had not had to touch our savings. My wife is pretty open-minded but there was no way around it. She would have to be elsewhere while Inga was in town.

I thought about trying to get my wife involved. She had some fantasies about being with another woman that she had never had the nerve to experience. But I decided that the best thing to do would be to get her out of town for the two weeks that Inga was going to be here. I would then be more free to experiment with some of my more outrageous fantasies.

That was easier than it sounds. She has talked about going on a Panama Canal cruise with her sister for years. We selected a cruise that left from Tampa, Florida and ended in San Francisco. San Francisco is her favorite city so I had no trouble convincing her to spend a few days there with her sister before flying home.

Now I just had to prepare for Inga's arrival. A few of the things that I had planned for her would take some coordination with friends. The more I thought about it though, the more I thought that two weeks wouldn't be nearly enough time.

The details were soon taken care of. I dropped my wife off at the airport on a Friday morning and picked Inga up on Saturday morning. I think that we were both relieved to find that there were no surprises. She was even prettier than the girl in the pictures she had sent me. She could easily pass for a woman in her early twenties, even after a long trans-Atlantic plane ride.

She was about 5'2" and weighed about 100 pounds. Her breasts appeared to be perky little B cups, a personal favorite of mine. She had light brown hair with some blonde highlights and a smile that could melt a glacier. I had no idea why an attractive young woman like this wanted to be with a hairy old biker twice her age. But I was certainly not going to try to talk her out of it.

I recognized her as she was coming out of the gate from the pictures that she had sent me. I approached her and I could tell that she recognized me as well. She smiled and we introduced ourselves. We went to the baggage claim area and picked up her one small piece of luggage. She wouldn't need much in the way of clothing while she was here.

I had planned on giving her some time to relax after her long flight and to get comfortable with me. But she immediately slipped into character as a submissive. She was dressed as I had told her I wanted her dressed when she arrived. She was wearing an extremely short skirt and a lacy crop top that did not totally conceal her small, pink nipples.

I put her bag in the back of my car and drove to my house. We had had some heated conversations on the internet but we both found it to be a much different situation when meeting for the first time in person. I intended to move things along quickly though. I had no intention of waiting to get to know her better and part of the excitement for her was giving herself to a strange man. God knows I'm certainly a strange man.

I parked in my driveway and I set her bag inside the front door. I imagined that she must be pretty tired but since it was lunch time, and since I was in charge, we were going to lunch.

I opened the garage door and told her that we would be going out. She looked at my Softail nervously but after I gave her a quick set of instructions on how to survive as a passenger on a Harley, she sat on the small passenger seat and hung on tight.

She made a startled noise when I started the bike. She had a death grip on my waist as I pulled out of the garage. I paused to hit the garage door opener and make sure the door closed and then I took off.

It was her first motorcycle ride. She was nervous at first. But once she realized that she wasn't going to fall off and I wasn't going to kill her she relaxed and enjoyed the vibration and the sound and the feeling of freedom.

I adjusted one of my mirrors and kept it aimed Inga's torso. It was a distraction but it was worth it. As soon as the bike was moving the breeze had blown her little skirt up to about half way between her crotch and her pierced navel. Her lacy little top came to just below her breasts when we were stopped. When we were moving it fluttered around and frequently bared the bottom portions of her perfect breasts. I almost ran a couple of red lights as I watched her in my mirror. I also got a big kick out of the expressions of the people on the road around us when they realized how much Inga there was on display.

I finally decided that if I wanted to get to enjoy that beautiful body I had best start watching where I was going. I refocused my mirror and paid more attention to the road and the traffic.

I drove through town and across the river to a nice restaurant with a big deck on a creek where the shrimp boats dock at night and unload their catch. It isn't a biker bar but it is owned by a biker and is biker friendly.

I pulled up into one of the bike parking places near the front and shut the bike off. As soon as it was quiet Inga leaned against my back and in a breathless voice she said, "Oh my god! I love it!"

As strange as it seems, the motorcycle ride seemed to have broken her reserve. She didn't seem nearly as nervous now as she had when we left my house. Nothing breaks the ice like the way a Harley vibrates between a woman's legs. Don't take my word for it. There are studies that have shown it.

We went inside and were seated out on the deck in the back. It was a bit warm but it was a beautiful day to be out by the water and there was a nice sea breeze which made it seem comfortable.

After the hostess had seated us I ordered Inga to stand up and then I said, "Okay, now you may sit down again. Place your hands on the table and take your seat. Do not take your hands from the table and do not attempt to adjust your skirt."

She glanced around and saw that there were a few tables nearby that were occupied. The people at those tables were close enough to see what was going on and in fact, four men at one of the tables were watching with a great deal of interest. They looked like they had just come from the golf course. There was a popular course nearby so they probably had.

I watched them discreetly as Inga placed her hands on the table and returned to her seat. It was obvious from their faces that they were getting a good view and that they were enjoying it.

I glanced around and saw several others straining to see just how much of my new slave had just been exposed but the four golfers had the best view.

I turned my attention back to Inga and saw that she was very embarrassed, and very excited. I smiled and asked, "It's starting. Are you ready?"

She closed her eyes for a second and then exhaled loudly and said, "Yes sir, I think so. I'm scared. But that's part of the excitement. I only ask one thing. Please don't ask me if I want to change my mind. Don't give me the chance to back out. If I say stop, don't listen to me."

I leaned closer and quietly responded, "Dear, sweet, beautiful, sexy Inga, I have no intention of letting you back out. You belong to me for the next two weeks, unless I decide to keep you longer, or sell you sooner. So you had best please me. You wouldn't want to end up working for some half crazy pimp or selling your ass in a whore house in Mexico for a few pesos."

She shivered, not quite sure if I was serious or not. But I had the impression that even that horrible fate hanging over her head excited her.

Our waiter finally showed up and took our drink orders. He had a great view of Inga's pussy and the poor kid stared at it the entire time he was at our table taking our order. He had a hell of a time trying to tell us what today's specials were. It was pretty amusing for me and humiliating for Inga.

This was the kind of experience that she had fantasized about for years but could never experience. Not on her own. And she had never found the right man, until now, to make those fantasies a reality.

A lot of what I had planned was going to be new for me too. I had once had a part time master/slave relationship with a woman. We had lived together for two years and our relationship had developed quickly to the point where we had experienced some of the things that I had in mind for Inga. But we had just played around the edges. Some of Inga's fantasies went well beyond what I had experienced. I had similar fantasies though and I had written about many of them in my stories. I had every intention of making her dark dreams come true.

As you might expect, we received excellent service that afternoon. Inga and I talked quietly and got to know each other a little better. I had to stop her from self-consciously trying to cover herself from time to time. It was just a reflex. She didn't even seem to realize that she was doing it.

After we finished our lunch and our drinks we headed for the parking lot. I noticed that the four men at the next table followed us out. They were parked near my bike and just before we got on, one of the men said to us, "My friends and I really enjoyed having you at the next table today." Then he said to me, "Your girlfriend is really beautiful."

I smiled and said, "She isn't my girlfriend. She's just a slave."

There was a whole range of expressions on the four men's faces, from shock to instant lust. I asked, "Did you get a good look at her pussy?"

The man who had been speaking responded, "As good as was possible from our angle."

I turned her to face them and said, "Go ahead slave, show the nice men your cunt. Hell! Let them see those tits too. Lift up your skirt and your top and go over there and thank them for being so complimentary."

I didn't think that her face could get any redder than it had up on the deck. But it damn sure did. She turned dark red and it spread all the way down her neck and down under her top. But she lifted her crop top and her skirt and then walked over to the four of them and allowed them to see what she looked like close up. I was tempted to offer them more than a look but I hadn't even fucked her yet. I thought I should have the honor of going first since I was her owner.

I watched as the four men examined Inga's charms. She was acting as if she hated what was happening but I knew better. The four men were apparently reluctant to go too far and at first they avoided touching her. Finally one of them grew a pair of balls and reached out and caressed one of her breasts. The others glanced at me to see if I was going to object.

Hell! I thought I was going to have to show them how! Once the first man got away with it the others each began to explore her body as she stood there in the parking lot holding her top and her skirt up for them.

I watched her and after a very short time I could see that she was getting far too aroused. I asked them to be careful. I wasn't ready to let her have an orgasm just yet. They reluctantly took their hands away and I ordered her to get on the bike for the ride home.

She didn't cover herself. She let her clothing fall back into place as she came back over to the bike. She was almost panting she was so turned on. It was all I could do to keep from bending her over and fucking her right there. Damn she was hot!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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