Family Fun at Pear Tree Cottage - Cover

Family Fun at Pear Tree Cottage

Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99

Chapter 9: Is it rape when you want it and love it!

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9: Is it rape when you want it and love it! - A family discover their hidden secrets whilst taking a break in the Kent countryside from London. A Randy brother and sister have a great time with dad and mom.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

It was the Bell's third Sunday at the cottage and whilst Ritchie and his dad went off for a little fishing, Gwen, Susan and Cassie planned a little fishing trip of their own. Gwen had obtained Derek the postman's home address from him and made him promise to be away from home between the hours of eleven am and midday.

The two groups set off in their separate directions, neither really knowing the other's proper plans. Ritchie and Alan headed off north from the locality and the women headed off towards Sandwich.

Soon the women arrived at the address they were seeking and Gwen backed up by Susan went to the front door while Cassie gathered a bag of tricks. As soon as Marie answered the door she was grabbed by Gwen and Susan and forced back into the hallway; there Gwen did her best to sound menacing as she demanded to know if the woman was alone.

Marie stunned and a little afraid simply nodded; then Cassie appeared and the two older bell women frog marched Marie into the living room. There Gwen told her that if she was good and co-operated she would remain unharmed; but give them any trouble and she would regret it very much, Gwen added in a determined tone.

Soon they learned her name was Marie and she was married to Derek a local postman, she had two sons Simon and Gareth and there was little or no money in the house. Of course they knew all this before arriving but it added to the realism; then at a nod from Gwen, Cassie produced a ball gag which was quickly slipped into Marie's mouth and tightened to stop her screaming.

As Marie's Saliva soaked into the ball gag she could not help but notice a distinct taste, she did not really pull a sour face but did flinch enough for Cassie to notice. Cassie instantly began laughing and between fits of laughter she explained to Gwen and Susan why she was behaving so. I have had the ball gag up my cunt since we left home and what with the Ben Wah balls up there too it got a little wet from my cunt juices, well actually a lot wet is more accurate.

Marie heard every single word of this and suddenly realised that this was not just a spontaneous incident, this had been planned and she was the intended target and not just an unfortunate victim. Now Susan produced a length of the soft silk rope and tied Marie's hands behind her back, then taking the loose end of the rope she bound her elbows together as much as they would go; this not only restricted Marie further but also by pulling the shoulders back forced Marie to thrust her chest forward.

Now it was Gwen's turn, she produced a large pair of sharp scissors and cut carefully up the arm lengths of Marie's blouse, As Gwen cut along the shoulder seems, Marie heard the clip of the blades closing and froze fearing they may cut more than just her clothing. Also despite herself the feel of being helpless and cold feel of the steel of the scissors against her skin had started an unexpected reaction inside her, for she felt her cunt flooding with wetness and her nipples throbbed hard and ached.

Gwen having cut on side of her blouse, immediately repeated the procedure on the other side and as she did so she spoke sternly to Marie, "Stand still bitch, unless you want me to cut your skin, I hear you're the ultimate frigid wife, choosing not to sleep with a hot blooded male of a husband, denying him his rights under your marriage!"

Marie was now really confused, for how did she know all this about her and her husband. Suddenly she felt a sharp stinging pain in her rear as Susan now pulled her hand in front and blew cooling breezes over it. Marie realised she had been spanked just the once but she loved the stinging feel and the now instant spreading heat as it covered her entire ass.

Gwen spoke up again, "Well bitch are you going to answer or shall we all have a go at giving you six of the best!"

Marie realised she had better speak although she could not help but imagine the passion she would feel being spanked six times especially like the single blow she had just received; "well it is true we sleep in separate beds, but that is not just my doing, Derek my husband has to be up early for his post job so he said it would be better so as not to disturb me when he got up!"

Cassie reached around from behind Marie and grasped her nipples between her fingers and thumbs. She squeezed them sharply and then pulled them away from Marie's body as she joined in the conversation, "But what if Derek wanted a morning fuck or blow job before going to work, You lazy no good for nothing out of work whore!"

"Oh Derek never likes a morning session, not once since we married has he ever wanted me to make love in the morning!" Marie confessed.

Gwen showed Marie the scissors once more and allowed her to watch closely as they sharp blades went up between Marie's tits and suddenly cut through the mid bra connection of her bra. Instantly her bra gave way revealing her large heavy cherry tipped hard nipples and tits. Marie blushed a little and wondered where those scissors were going to go next, she wanted this experience over with and yet deep down inside she wanted the women to make her see the error of her ways and make her their personal slut.

Susan stepped from behind Marie and for the first time Susan saw, Susan was naked and as she stepped in real close, so close in fact their tits touched and Marie felt the burning heat of Susan's body. Susan whispered loud enough for all to hear that she thought Derek had a lovely cock and as such had shown no regard for the time of day as to when it should or should not be used.

Marie failed to register this at that moment for Cassie now also naked stepped closer and said, "He never refused my sucking mouth or the chance to fuck my cunt or arse even early in the morning and he certainly loved sucking on my brother's hard stiff cock!" Cassie stressed the hard stiff cock as she spoke.

Marie's mind was in a whirl, had she just heard her husband had been fucking this young girl and sucking her brother's cock. Suddenly she froze again as she felt the cold steel of the scissors as they cut up her skirt from the hem to her waistband. Soon her skirt joined her blouse in pieces on the floor and now she stood in just tights and panties with her cut bra hanging from her arms. She knew she could do nothing to stop what was going to happen and if the truth be known she would not stop it even if she could.

Suddenly Cassie was gone from in front of Marie and Gwen steeped in close and took her tights, which were over the top of her panties and pulled an area just over her right thigh away from her body, Marie knew she was going to cut them too so she suddenly begged her to stop. Gwen asked why should she and Marie begged them to remove her tights rather than cut anymore of her clothes. Gwen laughed as she told her that she was going to do as they told her not the other way around.

Slowly and deliberately Gwen made a big show of cutting the tights right the way up to their waist band and made Marie thank her for the privilege. Susan now joined in the laughter as she made Marie wince when she said, "Let's hope she has not got a shaved cunt, as I would love to take those self same scissors to trim her bush before using her husband's razor to shave the bitch!"

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