Family Fun at Pear Tree Cottage
Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99
Chapter 8
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A family discover their hidden secrets whilst taking a break in the Kent countryside from London. A Randy brother and sister have a great time with dad and mom.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Fa/ft Mult Consensual Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Father Daughter Grand Parent Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Exhibitionism Voyeurism
It had been a hectic day for a Wednesday, although the Bell family had not been as sexually active as they had previously, the whole family were a little tired after a 20 mile nature walk. Although Ritchie still found time to suck off his dad and fuck his sister and mother; Alan had managed to fuck and suck his daughter and mother in law.
So by six thirty pm the whole family returned to the cottage; and after a light tea they sat around in the private back garden simply chilling in the last rays of the fine summer day's light. Suddenly they heard Derek's dulcet tones from the other side of the garden gate and Cassie flew to open it allowing Derek to lead in two young men.
Derek called the Bell family over and made the introductions; "Hi everyone, this is my eldest son, Gareth, aged 17 and his brother Simon aged 14. Both my boys were getting bored at home and also causing their mum some trouble so I have brought them to meet a most interesting family and hopefully they will learn from being with you all!" He declared.
Cassie giggled at this and sneaked up behind Simon, she waited a little to see if he saw her and when he appeared to take no notice; she quickly brought her hand up in between his legs from behind and grabbed his soft cock. Simon almost shouted out but managed not to draw too much attention as he turned and threatened that Cassie would pay for that as he tried to grab for her tits.
Both he and Cassie set off chasing around the garden until they disappeared around the side of the house and then they seemed to disappear. Ritchie led Gareth off to one side and quietly asked how was his relationship between his dad and he; an almost puzzled Gareth asked what he meant by that! Ritchie took the risk and explained about his own relationship with his dad Alan, How since he was fourteen he had been sexually active with his dad's consent, although Ritchie did not tell Gareth he had been sexually active with his own mother and grandmother.
Gareth seemed fascinated by the things Ritchie were saying, Then Ritchie let it slip that since arriving at this cottage his sister had joined in on the action and a disbelieving Gareth asked you mean it was with your mother and grandmother and now with your sister. Ritchie realised his mistake but felt safe enough to admit it. Wow was all Gareth would say, you mean you got to suck those massive tits of Gwen's. Ritchie chuckled as he said, "Not only sucked them, but had a tit wank between them and got to fuck her arse and cunt to boot."
Ritchie noticed Gareth's bulge begin to show in his pants and carefully led him off to the shadows of the garden and said watch. They peered from their sheltered place as Alan now knelt in front of Derek and soon was sucking his cock. Gareth looked astounded and called his own dad a faggot a queer and a worthless shit. Suddenly Ritchie grabbed Gareth by the shoulders and asked him, "Have you ever tried it!" when Gareth answered no he retorted by saying well don't knock it till you have tried it and don't like it.
Gareth gulped as he asked, "Have you tried it!" and Ritchie answered yes and loved it so it has not bad feeling for me as it is just another sexual act. Gareth now changed his tone and asked what it feels like to suck another man's cock.
Ritchie pulled out his cock and told Gareth to kneel down and feel his cock. Nervously Gareth knelt before Ritchie and tentatively took hold of Ritchie's cock. Gareth marvelled at its softness and warmth and as it grew erect he noticed the change from soft to hard and noticed it actually grew in length. Suddenly Ritchie nudged his hand away and the semi hard cock brushed Gareth's cheek. By the time it nudged his cheek a second time Gareth had his mouth open and accepted Ritchie's gentle persuasion to suck his cock.
Gareth was amazed that the heat and hardness he felt when it was in his hand felt nothing like the softness and texture he now felt as it slid along his tongue. He pushed his head forward until he felt Ritchie's cock poised to probe his throat; He suddenly panicked that he would not be able to breath and yanked his head back. Ritchie instantly grabbed Gareth behind his head and whispered, "Just relax and let it happen!"
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