It Started With a Story
Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99
Chapter 2
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A feedback to a Dom/sub story leads to a new adventure. Not just for the author but also for a married couple.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Slut Wife Wimp Husband Cuckold Wife Watching BDSM DomSub Spanking Light Bond Safe Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Cream Pie
The day before the park meet, Master Ray sent Candy the following email:
Good Morning Slut Caroline,
Here are your orders / instructions for tomorrow nights meeting and must be followed to the letter.
1. At home. You will prepare two hours in advance of leaving by showering and ensuring your cunt is thoroughly clean. Then you will shave your cunt as slut slaves are not allowed pubic hair.
2. You will then dress in the appropriate dress coded clothes, on this occasion you will be allowed to wear panties. The choice of these I leave with you so long as they are lacy and flimsy.
3. Before putting on those panties you will take your Ben Wah balls and slip them into your cunt at least one hour before you leave.
4. Then at the arranged time to arrive at the west gate of the park by 7.15 pm you will leave home. Your husband will accompany you to the park.
5. Entering the park by the west gate, you will find the first available empty park bench and sit open legged and flashing your panties, there awaiting my arrival. Your husband will then go back to the car and wait.
6. When I arrive, I will stop in front of you and ask you, "Which way to Paradise?" you will reply "There are three steps to paradise, first is to communicate, second is to dominate, the third is to consummate!" If any one else stops to talk to you; you must tell him it will cost him £100 to fuck you.
7. After my arrival I will ask my question, listen to your answer before walking on to the next available bench where I will sit down. You will wait to see if I sit or not. If I do not sit you are to return to your husband and our adventure will be at an end. If I do sit down you will walk to me and stand in front of me with your legs open. From there you will follow any and all my demands.
Master Ray.
I sent the email in plenty of time to give Candy enough time to consider the impact and also to increase her anticipation of the events. I was not expecting a reply and therefore was not disappointed when I did not receive one.
Next day in the evening I set off to make the rendezvous and timed my journey to be at the west gate by 7.00 pm. Sure enough your car passed mine around 7.10 pm as I recognised you from your picture. Your car pulled in several hundred yards in front of mine and you both exited it. Slowly you walked towards my car before turning into the park gate some thirty yards ahead of me. I calmly got out my car and went to the gate but never entered. I peered around the corner and saw you sat on the third bench into the park, the first two already being occupied. As soon as you spread your legs, your husband knelt as though he was tying his shoe laces but even from my position I could see he was staring up your skirt at your panty covered cunt.
Then he stood up kissed your forehead as he then turned and walk back towards me. I ducked out of sight and waited till he climbed back into his car, before entering the gate myself. I slowly walked towards you and saw you looking around in anticipation. I walked a few yards past you and paused. As I turned I saw a man approach you and was close enough to hear you reply to him, "For a £100 you can fuck my cunt!" he straightened up and scurried past me as I noted the deep red blush on your face. I was almost tempted to return to you and ask you what was a sexy lady like you doing here, of course this would have elicited the same response as you gave my stooge friend I had arranged to approach you.
In stead I approached you from a wide circle making sure you were aware of my staring up your skirt. When I was close enough I asked you the arranged question and received the proper response; I turned and walked off towards the next park bench, which was empty and I immediately sat down. You stood and turned as though you were going to walk back to the gate, but instead turned full circle to face me and took the first step to giving yourself to me in mind body and spirit. As you now approached me you turned to face me and made a show of opening your legs. Just twelve inches away from me you were presenting me with your cunt to use and abuse.
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