Elaine and James - Cover

Elaine and James

Copyright© 2008 by Texrep

Chapter 5: The meal

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5: The meal - A spring and autumn romance. When James meets Elaine he has no idea where their friendship will lead.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Safe Sex   Oral Sex  

Although I saw Elaine at the club, she didn't ask to meet again. It was three days after our we saw each other at the club that she phoned in the afternoon.

"Hello James, it's Elaine."

"Elaine! It's good to hear from you. You well?"

"Yes thanks. I could do with seeing you, I was going to ask for some advice."

"Well you can ask. I don't know if I can give the advice. It will depend on the questions."

"I have got an interview. You remember, I said that I was applying for a job."

"Yes, you did mention that. How can I help?"

"I have never had an job interview. I wanted some advice on how to behave? What to say? What to ask? You know the sort of thing."

"It's a long time since I had an interview myself. But I'll try and dredge my memory, see if I can come up with some tips. When is the interview?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Right, well we had better get together. When can you make it?"

"Now if that's ok, or tomorrow."

"Now. I'll come round and pick you up.'

'Oh James, I was hoping you would say that. Would you have time for the evening meal we promised?"

"Yes. I'll book somewhere. Tell me what you don't like, and I will avoid that."

"I'm happy with anything, except I am not too sure about Indian."

"That's fine. I'll get a booking made, and pick you up in about an hour. Ok?"

"That's lovely, James. And thank you."

I booked a table for two at an Italian restaurant. It was a good one, about four miles out of town. I quickly showered, shaved and changed. Black slacks (my usual) a cream shirt, and a beige Linen jacket. I picked out a tie which was basically brown, but with little gold motifs. I was pleased that Elaine seemed impressed when I arrived at her house. I had imagined that we would have the chat she wanted there, but she picked up a make-up bag and a dress holder, and was ready to go.

"Oh, I thought we would stay here."

"No, if you don't mind. I can have a shower and dress at your place, it that's alright?" She gave me a pleading look.

"Yes, no problem." That's what I said, but the thought of Elaine walking around naked in my bathroom and bedroom was making my thoughts jump about.

Back at my place, I made some tea. Then went and sat with her in the conservatory.

"Now tell me, what sort of job are you applying for."

"It's with BGR. The job description is administrative assistant. The pays not great, but I can manage."

"I will not give you loads of confusing advice. All I will say is that you dress neatly and conservatively. That tells them that you are there to work, and not for social reasons. It is important that you be yourself. Don't act as you think they want you to act. Be true to yourself and tell the truth. If you can, make the point that you expect to work hard and will do so. It would help if you know something about the company. They like people who take the trouble to make enquiries. Do you have a computer at home and internet access?"


"Well get on it tomorrow and look them up. They will have a web-site. Don't try to memorise it all. Just pick one or two points. Particularly about their business plans, and how long they have been operating. Apart from that I will say no more, else it can be confusing."

"Thanks, James. I will do that. So dress conservatively, and answer questions honestly. Yes?"

"That's it. I got a job once by admitting a serious character flaw. The guys who interviewed me told me later that my being so honest was a refreshing change, and that decided them to take me on." She grinned.

"And what was that character flaw, may I ask?"

"Procrastination. Very serious for a Salesman." She looked disappointed.

"Oh, I was hoping it would be something juicy." I laughed.

"And what sort of juicy would you be looking for, may I ask?" Then quickly added, "don't answer that question. We could get into trouble." She arched her eyebrows.

'And we don't want to do that. Do we?' She was learning, or do all women know these little tricks instinctively?

We laughed together, and then I asked if there was any other things she was unsure of.

"There is one thing, James. And it is a big favour really."

"Well ask, I can only say no."

"Do you have the time to take me? I will feel much more confident going with you, than on the bus."

"What time is the interview?"


"That's alright. I'll pick you up about two. It will only take fifteen minutes to get there and it will give you time to sit in their reception and calm your nerves." She gave me a smile.

"Thanks James. You're a Star." She then changed the topic.

"Where are we going tonight?"

"Trattore in Mannington." She raised her eyebrows.

"That's posh, but I love Italian food."

"Good. I like it as well."

"What time?"

"Eight." Elaine looked at her watch.

"Oh God, it's six now, I shall never be ready in time." She dashed off, grabbed her make-up bag and the dress holder, and went to go upstairs.

"You don't mind me using your bathroom, do you?"

"Don't be silly. Go on up you go. Try and improve on perfection." She liked that.

"I'll do my best." she started to climb the stairs and then her voice floated down to me.

"No peeking, James."

"Perish the thought." I called after her. Although the imagination would not be so easily subdued. I heard her enter the bathroom. The floors upstairs creaked a little, and it was easy to follow the footsteps around the various rooms. The she called again.

"Would you mind if I had a bath?"

"Help yourself," I called back, "there's plenty of hot water." Once more my imagination worked overtime, seeing in my mind's eye her getting into the bath naked, bathing those lovely limbs. I must stop this, else I will start sweating and have to change my shirt.

I took my jacket off and hung it over the back of a chair, then sat carefully so that I got no more creases in my slacks, other than those that were intended. From time to time I heard movement upstairs. She was out of the bath now, and I heard the bedroom curtains pulled close. My mind painted the picture of what she was doing. I looked at my watch. Damn! Only three quarters of an hour gone, I reckoned it would be at least another three quarters before she came down. I opened the door and went out in the garden where the cool of evening was blowing in on a gentle breeze. At the very least it would cool me down a bit, and I needed that.

At last her steps on the stairs told me my wait was almost over. I was back in the conservatory now, sitting in one of the comfortable chairs. From this position I couldn't see her until she came round the corner. I got up, and caught my first glimpse of her. She stopped and stood there shyly, looking at me asking my approval with her eyes. There was no consideration from my viewpoint, impulsively I burst out.

"God! Elaine. You're beautiful!" The smile she rewarded me with would have lit up Blackpool.

"Thank you, James. I didn't want to let you down." She was wearing a Jade green dress, which went with her dark hair superbly. The dress was gathered at the top into two straps which went over her shoulders. The straps joined at her bust, low enough to show a little cleavage, which I knew would tempt me all evening. The skirt was semi-full and came down to just above her knees, and the finishing touch was a pair of gold strap high heel sandals. She had brought a white jacket, just to slip over her shoulders.

"You couldn't let me down if you were dressed in a sack." Yes I know, Corny. But I couldn't think of anything else to say at that moment. I looked at my watch.

"Well if we go now, we shall be a little early, but that doesn't matter. We can sit and have a drink and chat for a while. Is that good for you?" She nodded, and slipped her arms into the jacket. I gathered my things, and we left for Trattore.

We were a little early, but luckily we were able to seat straight away. The waiter fussed about us, getting the napkins unfolded and placed in our laps. He was a bit perfunctory with mine, and lingered long over Elaine's, especially when she slipped her jacket off her shoulders. He was Italian to the core. The candle was lit, and placed so that it caught her eyes, and put shadow to emphasise the cleavage. I was happy as it was me sitting opposite, and it was me that got the benefit, although he would get a better view when he served her. Elaine looked at me and her eyes twinkled. She was amused. When Giuseppe, or whatever he called himself, asked if we would like any wine, he addressed me but still looked at her. I asked for a bottle of Valpolicella and he left us to fill the order. Elaine leaned across the table, giving me a delightful view.

"Why didn't you sit next to me?"

"I can enjoy the pleasure of your loveliness from here. I wouldn't be able to do that sitting beside you." That lovely, happy face came over her again.

"I've had more compliments from you in the last few days than I have in the rest of my life."

"You should be complimented. It is important that a gentleman should tell his lady that he appreciates her and that she's special." The waiter had left the Menu's and I picked one up, opened it, and handed it to Elaine. I opened the other.

"Now what are you going to have?" Elaine looked through the wide range of dishes. "I don't think I can manage a starter, a main course and a sweet."

"In that case I suggest we miss the starter, and if you still have some room after the main course, then choose a sweet." She nodded.

"That's a good idea. What are you going to have?"

"I have been before and their Filetto Rossini is absolutely superb, so I am going for that." Elaine put the menu down.

"In that case I will join you. The choice is huge, I thought it would just be Spaghetti dishes, or Lasagne, and Pizza. What is this Filetto Rossini?"

"Fillet steak, cooked in Madeira wine, with mushrooms and garlic sauce, and topped with a rich Pate. The sauce gets thickened during the cooking, and is magic."

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