Sugar Cane High - Cover

Sugar Cane High

Copyright© 2008 by Meahana

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She's very pretty and incredibly smart. She's also forever horny. So what is a girl to do when the cute new boy in school tries to peek down her top and the hottest teacher in school looks up her skirt?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Romantic   Anal Sex  

I was sitting at my desk, chewing on my pencil ... don't say it! I know that it isn't good for my teeth! Jeez, I don't need another mother; I already have one. So, I was just sitting at my desk watching Mr. Adams over the top of my reading glasses. Mr. Adams is our history teacher. John Adams actually. You know, like a couple of those old American presidents. I've been meaning to see if he has a Q as a middle initial or not. As if it really mattered.

God, I can get so distracted. What I mean to say is that every girl probably remembers the first time. No! Not that first time! I can remember that even if it was only a year and a half or so ago. No, I mean the first time she caught a guy looking up her skirt; trying to see her panties. I remember that first time too. We were at a Micky D's (McDonald's of course) and I was finished and fussing in the seat while Daddy and Mom were chatting about something boring. Daddy put his hand on my leg and whispered for me to sit still. Mom had always scolded me to sit like a lady and don't let people see my panties. I wondered why Daddy bought Mom and me cute panties if no one should see them. Anyway, I noticed this old guy looking at me and looking right at my legs (well, he seemed like an old guy to me). 'He's looking at my panties!' I thought. I guess different girls react differently and I suppose it depends on who they catch looking. I let that guy look that day. I don't remember it turning me on or anything, but it was a little naughty. I've never minded a little naughty. It wasn't the last time either and I only scowled at a few of the perverts that really looked mean or nasty.

I sat on the aisle that is just to the left of Mr. Adams in the third seat. He was looking at my panties again today and trying ever so hard to look like he wasn't. I could watch his eyes as I pretended to study and write. It was sorta fun to open and close my legs a little bit. Okay, so it isn't nice to tease. But it isn't nice for a teacher to look at a girl's panties either. Mr. Adams has a sort of reputation among the girls anyway. So I followed some of Mom's advice and always wore clean panties (I would anyway you know). I really didn't have any work to do for this class and the game with Mr. Adams passed the time.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me and saw a shadow in the aisle to my right. I looked up just in time to catch that new kid looking down my top. Okay, so now I have one perv looking up my skirt and another trying to see what might be in my bra! Dave. That's his name, Dave. Well, Dave, there isn't much to see in my peasant blouse. It wasn't loose enough even when I bent over, but look if you want to (I thought that and didn't really say it). Actually they were both very good looking guys. Mr. Adams may have been a good twenty years older than me, but he was still hot.

See, it wasn't always this way. I was sort of a sudden blossomer (my mom says) and I was pretty scrawny until last spring. I was mostly a tomboy too and the "neat kids" picked on me a lot. Not so much now except for Cindy Broadsword (Broadsworth). She still won't leave me alone. I did have a boyfriend that tailed around after me. I had to have at least one or I'd still be a virgin. Timmy is still a sweetheart, but I have kinda ignored him lately. I have boobs, I grew to almost five-foot- five, my legs actually have some shape and I actually weigh well over the ninety-five pounds that I used to. I'm sixteen now and it was about time. I still intend to play soccer and baseball. Excuse me, but just fuck 'em if they don't like it.

By the way, my name is Sue and I'm a haole (it's not offensive, it just means Caucasian). I've lived here on Maui nearly all my life. All the life that I really recall anyway. I'm a junior and Baldwin High (go Bears!) this year. My mom and dad both work here on Maui and never want to leave. I have long light brown hair and light blue eyes. I'm not bothered by acne much anymore (except during that time). All of a sudden boys besides Daddy and Timmy find me attractive. A few girls too. I'm not much on girls screwing me, but I'm open to try it.

One more thing that's new: I'm horny a lot. I think I get that from Daddy. He's always dragging Mom off to the bedroom at any time of day or evening. She starts it though sometimes. If he isn't groping her butt or tits, then she has her hand in his pants. I think it's sorta cute except the banging of their headboard on the wall can get annoying. I didn't even really understand what horny meant until a few months ago. Now I have to masturbate almost every night and sometimes even more. I got a little upset and asked Mom about it. She just smiled in her mom way and said, "Don't worry about it. Take care of it in bed like you're doing and we'll put you on the pill. Just be very careful and don't be permissive." I didn't tell her that it would help if the two of them would pull their bed away from the wall and she would try to stifle her moans a little. Whisper the dirty talk too you guys. Jeez, no wonder I'm horny.

I guessed that "don't be permissive" meant don't give every guy some. Timmy wasn't just every guy and he wasn't even the right guy; I can wait. There are so many really hot guys though. Jeez.

Timmy had a new girl friend, but she wasn't always available when he really need her. I guess his girl didn't give him any. Probably didn't even offer him a blowjob.

Dave must have gone to the restroom because he whispered something to Mr. Adams and got a "don't bother me kid because I'm busy checking out that girl's sexy underwear", nod and then Dave left. I didn't notice when Dave came back because I'd gotten bored messing with Mr. Adams and was studying my algebra book (hidden in the history book) for the next day's test. I had history papers spread all over my desk just in case Mr. Adams came to look down my top.

I heard the hall door close and looked up and caught Dave's eye. He smiled. I smiled. I looked down at the book a little red in the face I think. 'He's tall too, ' I thought. 'Very good looking and such a smile.' And that little rush came through me. I avoided his eyes until I could see him out of the corner of my eye and then, all at once, my papers were flying everywhere and my books hit the floor with a couple of thuds.

"Shit," he said.

"Mr. Bertrand? Please. Pick up your mess and watch your language."

"Yes, Mr. Adams. Sorry," he said softly and then squatted down to pick up the papers and books.

I started to lean over to help when I noticed that his eyes were nearly level with my seat and fixed on that area right between my open thighs. "You have to watch what you're doing and not under my skirt," I whispered. That helped a lot because when I bent over to help him his eyes went from my panties to my boobs. "Pssst, Dave?"

"Oh yes, sorry again ... um?"


"Yea, Sue. I knew that." He finally met my eyes with a sheepish grin and we managed to get the papers picked up and piled on my desk. I'm sure I saw the signs of a boner in his pants. I learned that from a stupid Lindsey Lohan movie. Boner. I still think it's funny. Oh, a boner is an erection of course.

It was not bed time yet, was it? I was ready for bed right that minute. And I would have loved to have company too. Maybe Dave. God, I didn't even know Dave.

Soon enough the buzzer rang and I looked back at Dave. He still had that smile on his face. I just smiled back and headed for the door with my books and notes pressed close to my breasts.


I stopped and turned. "Yes, Mr. Adams?"

"Would you please stay for a few moments?"

"Sure, Mr. Adams," I said. 'Here it comes again, ' I thought. I said that Mr. Adams had a reputation and I was about to experience it again.

I stood up real close to my teacher and waited for him to speak. My knees almost touched his arm. He finally put the paper aside and looked up at me.

"I have some extra credit work if you would like it, Sue."

"I get a four-point for the class, Mr. Adams."

"I know, but a little extra never hurt. You could come to the house in the evening and we could work together."

"I wouldn't want to disturb your family."

"My wife has gone to the mainland and we'd be alone," he said.

"I'm not a virgin, Mr. Adams. I heard that you have to be a virgin."

"Who told you that? ... Why would it matter to me if you are a virgin?"

"Maui is a small place and you're still fairly new. It would be bad for you if anybody found out that you were mistreating the girls, Mr. Adams."

He looked back at his paper and said, "I'm not sure where you heard things, but I think we should just try to forget the whole thing."

I started toward the door and turned again. "I'll make sure to close my legs for you from now on, Mr. Adams. In fact, trade me for the seat across from Dave tomorrow and, if you put a boy there, then maybe you won't be bothered."

"Okay," he muttered.

And I left. I closed the door behind me and looked up and down the hall. It was already nearly cleared out. We escape fast once school is out, but I'd hoped that Dave might sorta hang around. I stopped and leaned my back against the classroom door. A pang of conscience ran through me; I thought, 'I had no proof that he meant anything bad. Just rumors from sluts like Cindy.' I reopened the door and said, "Mr. Adams?"

He looked up at me from across the room. "What Susie?"

My heart raced just a little bit. Only my dad called me that and Mr. Adams was nothing like my dad. "That was pretty mean of me and I apologize."

He looked away from me, out of the window, and said. "I meant you no harm. Never would I ask you to do something the might hurt you."

"I know." And somehow I did know. "Don't move me. You could do me a favor and move Dave across from me."

"Done. But no promises that I won't look up your skirt," he said.

"No promises that I won't like it."

"Go home, Susie. Before I get up, please go home."

I closed the door and headed down the hall and stairs to my locker. I opened my locker to get my backpack and trade the stuff I didn't need for stuff I may need. I hoped for a note or something from Dave that he might have shoved through the louvers. Nothing. Shit.

Dave wasn't outside either. I didn't want to be obvious, but I looked pretty hard for him. He should have stuck out from the crowd of shorter people with darker skin. I'll bet the basketball coach has already talked to him. Anyway, he wasn't anywhere that I could see. Timmy was though.

Hey, Sue."

"Hi Timmy."

"Tim, please."

"Okay, Tim. How goes things?"

"Things are good."

"The new girl?"

"She's good too."

"Where is she? I thought you two were molded together now."

"Kami is sick I guess. She called and said not to pick her up this morning."

"You bring your car to school now? Without my help to keep your grades up?"

"Yeah, I've been trying harder. You got mad at me and I listened," he said looking at his feet.

"I didn't get mad at you. I got upset because you're so smart and never even try."

"Hey, Sue."

"What?" I said in as grumpy of a voice as I could use on Timmy.

"Wanna ride home?"

"Umm ... well ... okay. Wanna go up to Ioa Valley for a few minutes?"

"Does sister Sue want something special?"

"If you were blood brother, no ... but my o'hana brother, yes. I don't want to cheat on Kamakani though, Tim."

"You told me once that if a girl doesn't take care of her guy, then someone surely will."

"I did tell you that, huh?" I said grinning at him. Timmy knows me very well.

We got into his car and headed out of the school parking lot and up the long hill toward Wailuku. The road up to the valley starts in the middle of town and we cut up that hill and past the old houses toward the river. There are a lot of places for teens and lovers up in there if you know your way. Heck, some even just pull off the road past the Japanese Gardens and park at night. It wasn't night, but Timmy ... oops ... Tim knew just where to go. I was anxious and I laid my head on his shoulder as we went up the Ioa Valley Road. My hand found familiar territory on the front of his jeans.

"You're going to get us smashed up one day, Sue."

"I've heard that before," I said. Tim's blood didn't care about oncoming cars or ditches. It was filling his tube up real nice for me. It seemed to recognize my hand and always reacted very quickly. After all, it had my hand before my mouth or my pussy. I found the hem of his denim shorts and tried to worm my fingers under them but they were too tight and too long, so I took the direct route and unbuttoned the top and worked the zipper down to where I could see the elastic of his underwear. Timmy's eyes had the look like we were sure to get caught, but his penis was on its own. It was already hard and creating a large tubular dent in the front of the briefs. My fingers squeezed it a little and Tim closed his eyes. Just then he found an opening in the bushes and drove the car straight in. The hole closed after us and we were alone. By this time my hand was nestled comfortably inside of his shorts with my fingers surrounding his cock.

"We're going to have to get in back," Tim said once we stopped. "It's been raining and it is just soaking out there."

'Soaking somewhere in here too, ' I thought. "It rains all the time up here, Tim. Maybe I should have picked somewhere else."

"It'll be fine, jump in the back seat."

"Jump in the back seat?"

"Sure, just climb over."

So, with some help, I started to climb over the seat and into the back. It was hard to ignore Tim's hand feeling my leg and the cool wet spot on my panties. I looked back at him and said, "Would you like me to break my neck?"


"Then get your fingers out of my pussy until I get in back please."

A shy, "Okay."

Tim didn't climb over. The asshole opened the door and sorta slid in without even touching the ground.

"Nice. Was that planned, fuckhead?"

"I couldn't resist the chance to look up your skirt."

"Okay, that's it. All of my skirts are gone and I'm wearing jeans and long shorts." It seems that every guy just must try to look up my skirt.

"Oh, Sue! Shit, don't do that! Your legs are legendary for Gawd's sake!"

By the time he got settled, my skirt was nearly to my waist and his shorts were below his knees. His cock looked as if it would rip the front right out of those white briefs. It was sexy though; with a nice wet spot on the front to match the wet spot between my thighs. Timmy went right for my blouse though and started to unbutton it. "There are only two buttons Tim and those are mostly decoration." I pulled the top up and over my bra to take it off. Tim, in a big rush, was yanking on it to get it past my head and hair.

"God, Sue, your tits have grown so much."

"You should know. You've been looking at them for a long time." He took the right one in his hand and then put his mouth over mine for a kiss. He's a pretty good kisser. I haven't been kissed all that much, but he could get me going by kissing me. The thing was though, I had been going already. It still felt good when he cupped the underside of my tit and put his hand around it. Tim is smart and he learned, before I had much to feel, that his thumb raking my nipple would make a damp pussy into a really wet one and a wet one into one that needed attention right now. He replaced his thumb with his mouth and his hand started working my panties down my thighs and off. I felt his fingers searching between my thighs for a few moments and soon he found what he was looking for. The pressure started to build in my lower stomach the moment I felt two of his fingers penetrate me and the pressure of his thumb against my hooded clit. This was all going much faster than usual. It wasn't a disappointment because my orgasm was building fast now. Tim knew me and sensed that I was going to finish soon. It was time to mount me.

I had lost control of Tim's cock until he released his mouth from my right nipple and removed his fingers from my pussy. When he lifted and loomed over me, I found it again. He was struggling to get the right position in the cramped compartment of that car's back seat. We weren't about to let a little discomfort sway us. I found his shaft and pulled him down and toward me.

"Put it in you," he said. Like somehow I might have forgotten. I did put it in me and he did push hard and sink it in all the way in one motion. I'm still not so very big and it hurt just a little, but I was plenty wet and any pain went away quickly. He fucked me hard. Harder than he ever had and like a man that might not ever fuck again. As it turned out, he was right. At least he never fucked me again. I came first and he followed moments after me.

As we pulled up to my house, Timmy announced that he was going to college on the mainland next year. See, Timmy was a senior and I was a junior. That didn't really surprise me, I mean we had discussed that sort of thing before. What did surprise me was:

"Kami has been accepted too and I think that we'll get married."

Okay, well I had just fucked this guy and now he tells me he's marrying somebody else. I wasn't exactly heartbroken, Kami is good people and will take good care of Tim. I kissed him on the forehead, then the lips, and said that I was very happy for him (I was). Then I left and walked up the steps to our house. Life is so weird sometimes.

I'll tell you about weird though: The moments before my orgasm started to release, the image in my mind was Dave fucking me and the moment I released until it finally ebbed it was someone else. It was John (maybe Q) Adams! Sigh.

The door wasn't locked and Daddy's car was in the driveway. It must be later than I thought. The only watch I had was in my bag and I might just as well not bother to take it. There was no one around and I had a pretty good idea where they could be so I tiptoed past their room. Sure enough, I could hear the slurping noise from my mother and the weak groans from my father. She wasn't sipping coffee I can tell you that. Shit, they're like bunnies.

That night, after a warm bath and a long towel self-massage, I went to bed and fantasized about Dave again. This time I was able to bring myself over without thinking of John (probably not Q) Adams.

Mom left for work the next morning so I thought I would do the "woman of the house" thingy and made my Daddy and me some breakfast. He loves when I do that and it can earn me some new panties.

"Timmy brought you home last night."

"It's Tim now," I said with a mouth full of mango. "You noticed. I thought you were busy."

"We could hear that car of his zoom off. I'm glad you two are together again."

"No you aren't," I said with toast crumbs going down the inside front of my sleeper. "But we aren't anyway."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because you don't like him. You think he's a wimp. Besides, I might have found a super nice guy," I said looking down at the toast crumbs on my nipples.

"Will I like him?"


"Why not?"

"What self respecting girl would date a boy that her daddy liked?" I stood up, gave my dad a big kiss on the lips and turned to go get dressed. He pulled up the back of my sleeper tee and smacked my bare bottom. "Ouch!" I didn't mind really.

The bus pulled into the parking lot of Sugar Cane High. Well, that's what I call Baldwin High. It's because of this old sugar guy named Dwight Baldwin ... never mind ... that's way boring. There's a lot of sugar cane, okay? If the wind is just right (or wrong) it can blow in through the school windows. Black stuff everywhere too.

No Dave waiting for me. Sigh.

I had stewed all the way to school that morning, I was thinking that he darn well could have found my number and called. 'Fuck him, ' I thought. Well, yeah there's that. As soon as the school bus door opened I was off of the bus and running to the big front doors. I rounded the corner to my locker and there he was leaning against the locker door with his legs crossed and looking like a big shot and I was late for our meeting. "Hello, Dave. Are we sharing a locker now?"

"I will if you like," he said.

"My partner might get pissed if I threw her stuff out."

Dave shrugged and grinned at me. "It certainly smells better than mine. The guy I share mine with is an animal."

Let's get to it, Dave. "So, what are you doing here this morning?"

"Waiting for you."

"Seems obvious, but why?"

It was his turn to shrug. "Maybe I needed to apologize to you?"

"For bumping into my desk?"

"I think so."

"Okay, so you really wanted to see me again, I'm flattered. Wanna walk me to my first class and talk some?" I was a little short with him, but it was early and I didn't want to seem too anxious.


I got all my things together for the pre-lunch periods, closed the locker door and turned toward the hall. "My first class is 136. Is that on the way?"


He had no idea where 136 was. I could tell. We started down the hall and I was holding my books and file folders close. I sorta looked at the floor and Dave kept very close to my side. He could say yes pretty good.

"I need a tutor and I understand that you carry a four-point in history," he said.

"Oh, I suppose you could come over to the house and I could work with you."

"Yes! Can I see you at lunch or after class?"

"I'll see you in history and we'll talk after. Okay?"

"Sounds great." And he headed off the other way to his first period class.

'He is tall, jeez. Hot looking in a nerdy sorta way, ' I thought. 'He does nice things to a pair of jeans too.' I had the feeling that Dave was just a little shy.

Last period came and I met Dave while I was walking to history class. He didn't say a thing, he just fell into step with me. "Do I make you nervous, Dave?"

"A little I guess. I'm not very good around people at first. Especially pretty girls," he said.

I looked up at him ... way up at him. "You think I pretty?"

"Oh yes. You're more than just pretty. You have beautiful hair and eyes too."

"It isn't my boobs or panties then?"

Now he laughed. It was a bright and healthy laugh. It made my stomach tighten to hear it. "Well, I can't lie..."

"I know, I know." We reached the door to the classroom and Dave opened the door for me. Yes, polite boys and men still do that.

Mr. Adams stood and greeted us. "Aloha Miss Ayers and Mr. Bertrand. Mr. Watenabe, would you please move back three desks and let Mr. Bertrand have yours?"

"Yes sir."

"Is that alright with you, Mr. Bertrand?"

"Yes sir."

"Miss Ayers, would you please give Mr. Bertrand any help he needs? With this class I mean."

"Yes sir." I'd never said, 'yes sir' to anybody, but I was following their lead.

Once we got settled and the class lost that "wa fuck" look and Cindy the Slut quit gawking, we sat down. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Ayers?"

"May I approach His Majesty please?"

He did try his best not to laugh, but couldn't help himself. "Of course Miss Ayers."

I stood and got up super close to him and whispered, "What is your middle name?"

"You'd better not laugh or ever tell," he whispered back.

"I can try."


"What?" I'm sorry, but I did laugh.

"You heard me," he answered

"No way."

"Yes way. Now go sit your butt down."

I definitely heard him mumble, "Pretty butt too."

My skirt was a light cotton blend, floral print, not too short, just over my knees when I sat. Mr. Adams spent a large portion of class looking at my legs and beyond while Dave spent much of the same time trying to see through my bra from the side. That's just what they do I guess. I always notice though.

At the end of class, I was walking to my locker and Dave came up beside me. "May I walk with you again?"

"Sure," I said. I didn't look over at him.

"I need to stop at my locker on the way, do you mind?"

"I don't mind." We stopped a little way up the hall and Dave fumbled with his lock. He finally got it open and tossed his books inside. A paper fell out and onto the floor. I couldn't miss that it was the last quick test that we took on Monday and had a one-hundred score. He hurried to put the paper back before I noticed, but I did notice and said, "Need tutoring, huh?"

"Well, no. Not really. I just wanted to get close to you and I couldn't think of another reason."

"So I suppose just asking me was out of the question?"

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just a little shy I guess. A new school and all."

"Fibbing to me is not a good way to start being my friend." I started to walk off and he gently took my arm.

"Give me another chance? Please? I promise it won't happen again."

"Okay. One more chance." We finished at his locker and went to mine. He insisted on carrying my backpack for me and I let him.

"Is there a place close where we can get a Coke?"

"A soda you mean?"

"A soda if that's what we call it here."

"A soda. Well, we could go to the big mall or we could go to Wailuku. Neither is all that close and we'd miss our buses."

"I could walk you home. How far is that?"

"Really far," I said. "Wailuku is best then. There is an old bakery there that we could get a soda and maybe call my dad later." So, we walked up the long hill and then over to the bakery about a block off of Main Street and found a place to sit at a little booth. I slid in next to the window and Dave slid in next to me. Very next to me; our legs were touching. I liked the feel of our legs touching and I liked the feel of Dave holding my hand on the way up here. I liked Dave.

I saw Cindy the Slut when we came in. I was hoping that she didn't see us. "Hey Sue, got a new boyfriend?" No such luck. I didn't answer her.

"Is that the girl from our history class?"

"Yes and I have three classes with her," I said.

"You don't seem to like each other very much."

"To say the least." His arm was on the back of the seat and around my shoulder.

"I'll get us a pop ... soda ... what'll it be?"

"Just no caffeine. Maybe root beer or something."

"I think they have juices and stuff in the cooler."

"Root beer is fine," I said. He got up and went to the cooler. I could see Cindy the Slut scowling at me between the shoulders of two girls sitting opposite of her. I politely flipped her off. She scowled more and returned the salute. I wanted to get up and punch her in the nose so badly. Jeez.

"Want a donut or something? They look and smell great," Dave said from the display case.

"No thanks, Dave."

When he sat down next to me again, his leg was pressed hard against mine; harder this time. He methodically unfolded a napkin and laid the donut on it. I put my hand on the side of my head with my elbow on the table and watched him work. "Smells good, huh?"

"It does."

"Want a bite?"

"A little one," I said. He very carefully broke off a small piece of the donut and fed it to me. It was sorta sexy and the way he watched me was too. He kinda chewed along with me and he had nothing in his mouth. I sipped my root beer, Dave drank his bottled tea stuff and we chatted. After he finished his donut, Dave took a napkin and got some water on it from the soda dispenser. He dabbed my mouth first and then his mouth and fingers. I chuckled at him.

"What's funny?"


"Me? Why me?"

"You are so meticulous. I've never seen a boy so fussy," I said.

"I don't want to get crumbs on your blouse or skirt," he said. And then he started to brush my skirt off and down the front of me. Not touching my breasts, but coming ever so close.

"There were no crumbs on me, Dave."

"I know."

Then I did laugh. I punched his shoulder in a kidding way and he said ouch (as if it really hurt). He didn't stop though because his left hand was on my right leg just above my knee. I started to brush him away and didn't. Not sure why, but I just didn't.

"That Cindy is glaring at us," he said.

"Yes, I know. She's a butt head. Kinda pretty though, don't you think?"

"Not as pretty as you."

"Way bigger tits though."

Dave seemed to blush at my reference to breasts, but only looked at mine and ran his hand farther under my skirt. "Not nearly as nice as yours though."

"Come on, all guys like big boobies."

"I just like yours better."

I wasn't so sure that I believed him, but it was nice for him to say that anyway.

That wayward hand of his kept creeping up my leg and the fingers cupping the curve of my thigh. He was moving closer and close to my panties. I should have stopped him right there, but I didn't. Remember that I liked a little naughty. I've heard Daddy tell Mom many times that he thought that I was a little bit of an exhibitionist. I see what Daddy meant now. I sorta liked the idea that somebody just might see. Dave's hand was having its intended affect because my stomach was fluttering and I was getting that feeling between my thighs.

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