I Am So Lucky! - Cover

I Am So Lucky!

Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A girl gets lucky as her dreams come true.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   InLaws   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

I'd stayed up late to ask Mom about the pool party. She was surprised, but seemed happy I was getting out more. She was a little teary-eyed and amazed by how I looked in my borrowed clothes. When she saw me she said, "Oh, Honey, you look so lovely and grown up," and gave me a hug. It made me feel good, even though I was embarrassed.

I called Susan to let her know I had permission. I hadn't wanted to call so late, but she insisted that I call to let them know one way or the other. When I called, I figured I'd just leave a message on their machine, but she answered herself and sounded pleased that I could come. She said again that it wouldn't be any trouble to send someone to pick me up. She also sounded distracted, and I couldn't keep from blushing as I heard her moan.

I said, "Um ... thanks. I'm going to hang up now and let you go back to sleep."

She moaned again and said, "Thanks, Dear. See you tomorrow."

I hung up thinking, 'Ohmygawd!' It sure sounded like she was having sex while we talked on the phone. I couldn't get Susan out of my mind while I showered, and I ended up fantasizing about me and Johnny having sex while I talked on the phone. Needless to say, I went to bed feeling very good.

The next morning I was ready and waiting to go when Johnny arrived to pick me up. I blushed seeing him, and forced the memory of my shower fantasy out of my mind. Shyly, I said hi as I climbed into the SUV, putting my backpack and the bag with Joan's clothes in the back.

We had a nice drive there and when we arrived, I was affectionately mobbed by everyone. I thanked Joan again for letting me borrow her clothes and tried to return them, but she refused saying, "Keep them. They're too small on me and I'm sure Johnny would love to see you in them again."

My blush got even deeper when Johnny agreed, grinning.

They dragged me off to the changing rooms and left me to change. After looking through the suits, I picked out a nice one piece. I was almost ready to go out when Susan came in and said, "That suit really looks lovely on you, Lisa. It brings out your eyes."

They're green, in case you're wondering.

I blushed, "Thanks."

She smiled, "Although a bikini might be better, since you're going to try sunning nude. That way you can go topless or completely nude as you like."

"Oh, I guess that's true."

"Come on, let's knock my son's socks off," Susan said with a grin, making me blush hotly. She laughed and started going through the suits again. When she'd found one we both agreed on, I put it on. It wasn't as ... racy as hers, but it was still more revealing than I was used to.

I started to hand her the other suit, but she told me I could keep it and the bikini. Surprised I said, "Thank you, but I shouldn't. I don't have any place to wear them."

"Then you'll just have to visit us more often won't you."

Blushing I said, "I'd like that."

She smiled back at me and then helped me with the suntan lotion before leading me outside. Beth and the other girls were playing in the pool already. I couldn't help feeling pleased, even as I blushed, when I saw Johnny check me out from a lounge chair. When we arrived at the pool, they all welcomed me warmly and invited me to jump in. Before I could though, Susan pushed me and I fell in with a shriek, coming up sputtering, while the others laughed.

Beth told Susan that was mean, and Joan said she deserved a spanking for that. Surprisingly, Johnny agreed too. Susan gave a shriek as he got up to chase her. I thought he was joking, but my eyes went wide when he caught her, pulled her over his lap, and gave her a few good swats on her behind, while everyone else laughed. After that, he carried her over to the pool and dumped her in.

She came up next to me, sputtering as I stared at her. She turned to Johnny, "You brute! Just wait until I tell your father."

He laughed, "Why, did you want to be spanked more?"

My eyes got even wider as Susan blushed. That, of course, just made the others laugh even harder.

Justine swam over to me and said, "Don't worry about it, Lisa. We're just playing."

Then when Johnny dove into the pool she asked, "Are you ready to play?"

"Sure. What are we playing?"

"It's kind of like Marco Polo only when you're captured you have to give your captor a kiss like this," and she pulled me to her and gave me a kiss, a deep long kiss, right on the lips.

Despite my shock at receiving my first real kiss from a girl, I felt my body responding. Justine really knew how to kiss! She ran her hands lightly down my back and gently cupped my ass, then she pulled back and yelled, "You're it!"

I was left standing there, stunned, as the others laughed. Beth and Susan both came to my rescue, saying it wasn't fair for me to be "it" since it was my first time playing. They made Johnny it. Johnny didn't seem to mind in the least. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it. They all did.

The first person he caught was his sister. I was shocked to see brother and sister kissing each other so deeply. Then Joan caught Natalie and kissed her. Justine got in Johnny's way, so Natalie caught him and then they kissed.

As shocking as seeing brother, sister, and cousin kiss, I was even more shocked when Johnny caught Beth and kissed her. She didn't hesitate to kiss him right back. Then she tried to tag him back, but gave up. She rested a bit by me and then gave me a smile and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Tag, Lisa."

Then she put her other arm around my waist and pulled me to her. I felt our breasts flatten against each other as she held me tight to her and lowered her mouth to mine. My mind was kind of overloaded as my favorite teacher kissed me. And what a kiss! It was electric, and I couldn't help moaning as I felt her lick my lips, seeking entry with her tongue.

I lost track of everything but how her lips felt on mine, how her tongue coaxed mine into her mouth, how her hands felt as they roamed over my skin, and how her skin felt under mine. I don't even remember when I started caressing her back, but I did. It just seemed like the natural thing to do.

When she broke that delicious kiss, I was so weak-kneed that she had to hold me up until I was steadier. Then she grinned and yelled, "You're it, Lisa," and swam away from me as I stood there in a daze.

I'm not sure how long I stood there, my fingertips touching my lips, while the others called out to me. Finally someone splashed me and I jerked back to the present. They were all calling out to me to try to catch them and splashing me, so I tried to catch them. One of them said, "Wait! You have to close your eyes."

I didn't, and still don't, remember anyone else closing their eyes, but I did anyway. It took a while, but my hand finally closed around someone's ankle, and I pulled. When I opened my eyes, I found I was face to face, and breast to breast, with Susan.

Surprised, I mumbled, "Oh! Uh..." then I couldn't say anything else, because she leaned towards me and kissed me.

Her kiss was as hot as Beth's. I found myself moaning and pressing harder against her as we caressed each other.

Then she pulled back and gave me a light shove saying, "I'm it!"

I was stunned when she caught Johnny and they kissed just as deeply as everyone else. My shock made me an easy target for him, because he quickly caught me and pulled me to him. The last thing I saw before he kissed me, was the wide smile that lit up his whole face. He pulled me tight against him, so my breasts flattened against his chest, and I felt his hard cock pressing against my mound. Then his lips met mine and I melted.

Our tongues danced as our hands traveled over each other's bodies. I couldn't help moaning his name as my body, all on it's own, began to rub against his, my hands roamed all over his backside. I felt him tug at the strings holding my bikini top, and then he slipped a hand up under the material to cover my breast. I groaned and pressed my breast harder against his palm.

When he gently broke our embrace, I moaned in disappointment and pouted. He backed away saying, "You're it," taking my top with him. He gave my breasts a good look before saying, "They're lovely." Then he grinned mischievously, and flung my top toward the chairs and swam away, as I ducked under the water with a squeak of alarm at finding myself topless.

Eventually, and with a lot of taunting, I got back into the game. It's hard to swim and catch people when you're trying to cover your breasts. I think Susan helped me because she moved and blocked Joan so I could catch her. Joan wasn't satisfied with the peck on the lips I gave her though, and she pulled me to her and gave me a thorough kissing, just as the others had. Then laughing she went swimming after someone else.

Eventually Johnny was it again and after kissing Natalie, he tossed her top out of the pool too. Before long, we were all topless, Johnny having tossed all of our tops out of the pool.

As surprised as I was to see him kiss and grope his relatives and my favorite teacher, leaving them topless, I think I was more surprised to realize I wasn't repulsed, or feeling jealous, because of it. In fact, I found myself enjoying it. I think that surprised me most of all.

After a while I even forgot about being topless. Except when I was being kissed and groped, that is. But I enjoyed it then. Still, when I started to feel worn out, I was reluctant to get out of the pool. I wasn't ready to walk around topless.

I think Susan sensed that, because she told Johnny, "Why don't you run to town and get us something to eat while we wash up?"

"Sure, Mom," he said with a kiss. Then he asked what everyone wanted.

Susan answered for us, "Why don't you go to that BBQ place and get us some of everything? I'll call ahead and put our order in."

"Sure thing, Mom," Johnny replied, giving her another kiss. Then, so not to leave any of us out, he gave the rest of us kisses too," before climbing out of the pool, drying off, and walking up the spiral staircase that led up to the balcony and into his room.

After he was gone, the rest of us climbed out of the pool and dried off. I wanted to put my top back on, but since the others didn't pick theirs up, I didn't either. As I dried off, Joan said, "See I told you this would be fun."

I blushed and nodded my head.

Susan smiled at me, "Lisa, you're looking a little pink. You'd better let me put some more suntan oil on you."

I looked down, my breasts were a little bit pink, although I couldn't tell if that was because I was blushing or because of the sun.

I gasped when Susan began oiling them. It felt good and had me thinking such naughty thoughts. Then Susan told me to lie down and she'd do my back. I felt myself relaxing as she worked the oil in. I didn't even realize she'd untied my bottoms and bared my butt until she began massaging it. I tensed up, and Susan said, "It's okay, Lisa. I'm not going to try anything, but trust me, you really don't want a sunburn there."

I couldn't help shuddering at the thought.

The others were quick to agree, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that they were all nude and oiling themselves, and each other too. I still jumped though, when Susan ran her fingers all the way down between my cheeks. I had to fight to remain still, and after a bit, I had to fight to keep from moaning. Her hands felt really good. I've read that it's supposed to feel good there, but I hadn't really believed it until then. She didn't try to put her fingers inside me there, or in my pussy, but she did have me wondering how it would feel.

When she'd finished oiling my backside she rolled me over and wide-eyed, I watched as she oiled my pussy. I felt a little scared and very vulnerable and embarrassed.

Susan gave me a gentle smile and said, "It's okay, Lisa. You can relax. You're among family here."

I nodded and just bit my lip. I'm still not sure whether I was trying to keep from crying or moaning.

Beth took my hand and I clutched hers tightly as she stroked my forehead. "It's okay, Lisa. Trust us. You really don't want a sunburn there either."

"I-I kn-know."

It's really hard to talk normally when someone's rubbing oiled fingers over your pussy. It felt really good, even though she was careful about not getting any inside me. All too soon, or is that not soon enough, Susan leaned back and said, "There you go, Lisa, all done."

I gave her a nervous smile, "Thanks."

She smiled back and then began oiling herself asking us, "Okay, girls what do we do now?"

Beth and Susan were in favor of just laying out but Justine, Joan, and Natalie wanted to play volleyball and they talked me into playing so the sides would be even.

I was still very embarrassed about being nude, but I couldn't complain since everyone else was too. So I let them lead me over the court and we played. After a while I forgot about being nude and just enjoyed playing volleyball with them. We only played one quick game though before going to shower off in the outdoor shower next to the changing rooms. Then, after another coating of suntan oil that I applied myself, we joined Susan and Beth by the pool.

I did start to panic later though when Johnny called out, "Lunch is here!" from the doorway.

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