I Am So Lucky! - Cover

I Am So Lucky!

Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A girl gets lucky as her dreams come true.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   InLaws   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting  


My name is Lisa and I'm lucky. I suppose there are some that wouldn't think so, but they haven't been given the treatment so they're owned like I am.

How did I get to be lucky? Well, it all started when Miss Marks told me she wouldn't be able to tutor me any more. She was a teacher at my high school. I didn't have her for any of my classes this year, (I'm a junior) but she tutored me after school in math and science. The teachers I had in those classes were nice and I liked them, but I just had a difficult time learning from them. Miss Marks made it easy to learn though, and she turned my F in both classes into an A. She didn't do it by going easy on me, though. In fact, it was a lot of hard work but she taught so I could understand the lessons better. It got so I was actually ahead of the rest of the class in our lessons, so I can't blame Johnny's parents for hiring her.

That's why she was leaving school. Johnny's parent's had decided to home school him and had hired her to be his private tutor. At the time I figured that explained her glow. Not only was her salary more than tripled, she was also getting free room and board, along with full medical and dental care. I would be glowing too if I was in her shoes. Actually I think I am, but not for those reasons. (Tee hee.) As it turns out that was only part of her reason for glowing, although I didn't know it at the time.

Still, as happy as I was for her, I was disappointed to lose my favorite teacher. I think she sensed that because she gave me a hug after I told her I was happy for her and said, "Thanks, Lisa, I'm pretty happy about it myself, but I know it's going to leave you in a bind and maybe Johnny's parents will let you attend school with him?"

"Thanks, but they wouldn't do that," I said.

"Who knows?" she replied. "They might. They've already hired movers for me and they're ordering everything they need for a classroom. They also said that they'd help with any responsibilities I had. How do you think I got out of my contract with the school district?"

I could only stare at her in surprise. I guess when you're rich you really don't have to wait around for anything, and Johnny's parents are certainly rich. I don't know how rich, but he is very rich. They gave him a classic sports car for his birthday last year and when he doesn't drive it to school as he rides in a limo.

I was stunned by it all. When I could talk I said, "Wow, that's really nice of them but I don't think they'd do that for me."

"Sure they would. You're one of my responsibilities and besides I think Johnny could use a classmate."

I blushed. I kind of had a small crush on him. Johnny is an attractive guy. He's not movie star hunky but more like the boy next door. He's also very nice and helps others without putting them down like so many other rich kids. He's pretty down to earth really. He's also the one who put me in touch with Miss Marks about tutoring for which, among other things, I will be forever thankful.

He'd found me in the library last year crying after I got my report card. I was pretty upset about it, since the only way I'd ever get even a junior college education is with a scholarship, and they don't give scholarships to students who get Fs. Since Miss Marks started tutoring me though, my grades have shot up. I'm still not a straight A student, but my chances of getting a scholarship have improved vastly. Fortunately, I don't need to worry about that now, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, he told me that Miss Marks was tutoring him and that he was sure she'd help me. It turns out he was right, and that's when I started to be lucky.

Miss Marks gave me a hug and said, "I'm sure Johnny's parents will be happy to help you. Now let's get the math out of the way so we can blow up stuff."

I couldn't help laughing. This week we were burning different salts in science lab.

The next day, I didn't see her or Johnny. Not seeing Johnny wasn't too strange because he missed school a lot. He got away with it because he was being tutored and he kept his grades up. Still, I was disappointed to know that he wouldn't be coming back. I was even more disappointed to know that Miss Marks wasn't either.

I was pretty much in a funk the rest of the week until Friday after school, when I was going down the front steps and heard someone call my name. I looked up, surprised to see Johnny leaning against his car, waving to me. Blushing, I shyly went down the steps and walked over to him.

"Hi, Johnny," I said. "What brings you here? I thought you weren't coming back to this school."

He shrugged. "I was in the neighborhood so I thought I'd stop by. So how're you doing?"

I shrugged. "Okay, I guess."

"Got plans for this evening?"

My stomach dropped through my shoes and my eyes went wide. "Uh ... n-no. Just studying" I hefted my books. I've got to get ready for a test on Monday."

"Want some help?"

"I'd love some help."

"Then hop in. I'll drive you home and we can study together."

I felt myself blush. An evening alone with Johnny, my mind couldn't help race over the possibilities. I quickly shoved them out of the way and said quietly, "That'd be great. Thanks."

Johnny smiled and opened his car door for me. I started to get in and then paused.

He asked, "What's wrong?" I said, "Maybe going to my place isn't such a good idea."

Johnny grinned, "Why? Did you leave your underwear hanging in the bathroom?"

I blushed hotly. I had, but I wasn't going to admit it, nor was that what I'd been thinking. I'd been thinking about his car. I don't know what kind it is, but I know it's a classic and very expensive.

"Um ... act- actually it's your car."

"I can put the top up if you want."

"Oh, it's not that, it's just I don't think you want to drive this car in my neighborhood, and you certainly wouldn't want to park it. It'd be gone by the time you got back."

"Ah ... Well then, we'll just have to go to my house."

I stared at him incredulously. Finally I said, "I can't go to your place. My Mom's expecting me to call when I get home. Besides what would your Mom think?"

"She'd be happy to meet you, and I know Miss Marks would be happy to see you and help you out again."

"I don't know, Johnny."

"It'll be fine. Watch," he said pulling out his cell phone. He flipped it open and pushed a couple buttons. "Hey, Shelly, put Mom on for me would you? Thanks. Mom? Hi. Is it okay for me to bring Lisa over tonight to study? Uh huh. That's right. That Lisa. Uh? Kay, hold on"

Then he handed me the phone.

"H-hello?" I said hesitantly. A friendly voice answered.

"Hi. Lisa? This is Susan, Johnny's Mom. I understand you need some help studying and that Johnny's volunteered to help you?"

"Uh ... yes, Ma'am"

She laughed, "Call me Susan. If you call me Ma'am, I'll feel old."

"Uh, okay."

"Good girl, now bring your books and come on over."

"Oh ... uh ... okay. Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Now tell that son of mine to hurry up and bring you home."

"Yes, Ma'am, I mean Susan!" I quickly corrected myself.

She laughed and hung up.

I handed the phone to him and said, "She said it was okay," kind of stunned.

He put the phone away and said, "Told ya," as he guided me into the car and closed the door.

Before I knew it, I'd been whisked from the parking lot. On the way, I asked him if I could call home and leave a message for Mom so she wouldn't worry. He said it was no problem and handed me the phone. He then had to pull over and dial for me, as I didn't know how to use it. I thanked him and he gave me a dreamy smile. I smiled back and left a message that I was studying at a friend's and that I'd see her later tonight, then I sat back to enjoy the ride.

It was a little scary, feeling the wind whipping around me, but it was also fun and exhilarating. The only down side was that all that wind messed up my hair by whipping it all around. I finally had to dig a scrunchie out of my backpack and tie my hair into a ponytail. That helped some.

That's when I noticed Johnny kept glancing at me and peeking at me in the mirror. My initial thought was that he was trying to look down my top, but I tossed that idea out since I wore a t-shirt. Finally I said, "What?" after I caught him doing it again.

"What, what?" he asked, pretending he didn't know what I was talking about.

I tucked back a strand of hair that had come loose and said, "You keep looking at me."

He gave me the cutest blush!

"Sorry, it's just you look really good with your hair back like that."

I blushed. He reached over and lightly trailed a finger from my ear down my neck, "You should wear it back more often. You're really pretty and you have a lovely neck."

I gasped, "Johnny!" as I felt my face get hotter. I spent the rest of the ride looking at my shoes, but I couldn't help smiling. He said I was pretty and had a lovely neck. I think I'll wear my hair back more when he's around.

We were driving down a winding country lane by then. I thought the scenery looked beautiful. To our right were rolling fields, and to our left was a forest thick with trees and bushes. I tensed when Johnny suddenly slowed and turned into a small turnout hidden in the trees. At the end of the turnout was a gate and two tracks leading into the trees at a weird angle. From the road you couldn't see it.

All these images of horrible things happening to me flashed through my head. I couldn't believe Johnny would do them, but I couldn't keep from being a little scared. I think he realized that, because he reached over and gently took my hand and gave it a squeeze saying, "I thought we'd take the back way in. It's a lot shorter."

Just when the car seemed to just be swallowed up by the trees Johnny made a hard left and the road disappeared. I have to admit my heart was racing as he headed back the way we'd just come down a lane barely big enough for the car, getting further and further from any possibly of help. The road then curved to the right and we went over a little bridge. The creek was lovely and I couldn't help gasping at the site of it.

Johnny stopped the car and said, "Yeah, it is nice. We swim in it up closer to the house."

"Wow," was all I could say.

We stayed on the bridge for a few moments and then he continued on. We rounded another bend and stopped at this huge rock wall. It looked like a castle wall or something. Johnny pushed a button on his key fob and a door in a tree popped open. He reached out, tapped in a code, and swiped a card he'd unclipped from his key chain. I gasped again as the wall swung open.

I was right about the wall being really thick but the gate seemed excessively sturdy and very well camouflaged too. If I hadn't seen it open, I wouldn't have known it was there.

He shrugged as he drove through. "We're security conscious around here. We don't want just anyone sneaking up on us"

I nodded. "I guess that could be a problem."

A few minutes later, we drove out onto a huge lawn in front of a large house. At least I thought it was a big house at first. It's more like a big house on steroids. The garage itself is bigger than our apartment building and it had three double wide doors. It was also semi-attached, with this huge covered walkway between it and the house, so they could get into the garage without being exposed to bad weather. There was a limo parked in the garage. It wasn't a hired limo or a rental, they own it! The garage was also deeper than it looked. Not only were cars facing out the front, but I could also see cars facing toward the house. The limo was one of them.

Johnny pulled into one of the bays and shut off the engine.

"Well, here we are, home sweet home."

"Wow," I said again.

In awe, I let Johnny lead me by the hand out of the garage and across the drive into the house. I guess it was some kind of mudroom he led me into but it was big and very nice.

He shut the door and said, "Could you take you're shoes off? Mom's got a thing about outside shoes in the house."

"Uh, okay." I said and sat down on a padded window bench. I leaned over to pull off my shoes when Johnny knelt in front of me and said, "Allow me."

I just blushed as he undid my laces and slipped my shoes off my feet. It gave me this funny feeling inside. I was even more surprised when he started taking off my socks. Eyes wide, I looked at him and he smiled up at me, making me feel all warm and gooey inside.

"You have to feel how good the carpet feels on bare feet," he said, giving my now bare foot a light squeeze that I felt all the way up my leg.

Hesitantly, I said, "Okay?" my voice barely a whisper. I thought it a little odd he'd tell me how good the carpet would feel when he was wearing house shoes. Then he shouldered my backpack with one hand and pulled me up with the other. "Come on, they're around here somewhere."

I quietly followed him, feeling oddly vulnerable and submissive in my bare feet. I also felt smaller and more feminine. I know it's silly, since I'm barefoot at home a lot, but that's how I felt.

Johnny opened the next door and yelled, "We're here!"

When no one answered he shrugged and said, "They must be out by the pool. Come on, I'll show you."

I had a hard time taking everything in as he led me along. There were lots of beautiful portraits and paintings on the walls, and elegant but comfortable furniture all over. He was right though. The carpet felt amazing!

Before I knew it, Johnny opened a sliding glass door and led me outside to the pool.

The backyard area was gorgeous! There was a big pool for swimming laps or just having fun in, and it was connected to a smaller pool at the back made to look like a little grotto. There's a big barbecue area, next to a little building that I guessed housed the pool equipment. Opposite that was also plenty of open space to play, including an area set up for volleyball.

Johnny pulled me out from under the balcony and into the sun. "There you all are!" he called out to the five women in and around the pool. They quickly got up when Johnny spoke, and I saw they all wore bikinis and silver chokers as they hurried over to greet us. The bikinis were very small and were designed to expose more than to swim in. Even Miss Marks wore one. My eyes went wide as I saw more of her than I'd ever expected to see. She looked ... hot! And Susan looked amazing! What was really weird though, was that I had the strangest feeling they only wore the bikinis because of me. You definitely could say I was confused by that. I didn't get to dwell on it long though, because Susan pulled me into a hug.

It wasn't one of those snobbish, fake hugs, but a real hug. It made me feel good and I tentatively hugged her back, even as I blushed.

"It's nice to meet you, Lisa," she said warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, still a bit shocked by my welcome.

Then Miss Marks gave me a hug and said, "Hi, Lisa. I've missed you. How's the school work coming?"

"It's a struggle," I admitted, hugging her back. I'd missed her.

Susan took a long look at me, "So you're that Lisa!" Then she smacked her forehead with the heel of her hand and said, "Beth, I'm going to have to join your class since I can't seem to put two and two together."

Miss Marks laughed. "I'll add you to the class roster."

Susan laughed too, "Lisa, since I've taken your tutor you must come to school here. I couldn't bear it if your grades fell because of me."

"Oh! Uh ... thank you Mrs ... ah ... Susan," I corrected myself, as her eyes narrowed at me. "Thank you, but I couldn't possibly afford to pay for that kind of education, much less afford to come out here every day."

Susan gave me another hug and said, "Don't worry, Lisa. We'll work it out."

Then the others gathered around and I was introduced to Johnny's sister Joan, and his cousins Natalie, and Justine. They all gave me hugs and seemed genuinely pleased to meet me.

I was pleased to meet them too. I'd seen Joan at school a few times, and always thought she was beautiful. Like her brother, she wasn't stuck up even though she was rich. Justine was just as beautiful and I could see the family resemblance, only she was blonde while Joan and Susan were both brunettes. Natalie resembled the others, but it wasn't as apparent since she's from Johnny's Dad's side of the family. I found out later that Joan and Natalie are my age, Justine was two years older, and that they were staying with Johnny's family while their parents were on an extended business trip They're also going to be home schooled with Miss Marks.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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