The Librarian - Cover

The Librarian

Copyright© 2008 by deGaffer

Chapter 22: Trials, Introspection, and Tests

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: Trials, Introspection, and Tests - A wealthy and politically connected college librarian manipulates a group of students and encourages them to put together a team that the Confederacy shouldn't ignore.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Spanking   Humiliation   Orgy   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

The next week was spent analyzing the information that was collected during the trip to Boston. Charlie Brenner was probably the only real catch out of the five that the girls had met at the sorority party. Toby had the name of the only female who was part of the physics crowd, Darlene Wilson. She was a wallflower and was thin enough to be almost invisible. As much as he tried, she had hardly spoken to him. He didn't know how she managed to be at the party. She was the polar opposite of a sorority party girl.

Telephone calls helped them sort through more possibilities. By the end of the week they felt they had enough information for a follow-up trip, perhaps one that would have them in Boston for a Friday and Saturday night.

Lesa looked up from her desk at the small group in her office at the library, "Do you think you can swing another trip to Boston, Misty. Can you afford to miss some Friday afternoon classes?"

Misty sighed, "The classes aren't a problem. Pop is pissed at me for leaving Marietta two hundred pounds over gross Saturday. He'll probably make me take the Aztec, I don't like the Aztec."

Janet interjected, "Two questions: what's an Aztec, and why don't you like it? Wait, third question, what do you mean by overweight?"

Misty hesitated, "It's a twin engine airplane that's just a bit larger that the Lance. It does okay on one engine, but like any light twin it can get into real trouble real fast on takeoff if one of the engines even misfires. It can be upside down and auguring into the ground in a heartbeat if one engine just quits all of a sudden and the pilot is distracted. A single won't yaw and flip like that. Takeoffs in a twin are tense, and I like to be relaxed when I fly."

Janet filled the silence, "And the overweight part?"

Misty almost whined, "It was just by a couple hundred estimated pounds. We may not have actually been overweight. I mean, she handled and climbed beautifully. And I kept to maneuvering speed until we had burned off the excess weight in gasoline. That's why I didn't let them top off the tanks anywhere. I kept us 30 gallons light, except for that first takeoff."

Lesa summarized, "Okay then. We need a smaller group or a larger airplane. Maria should probably go this time. Who's going to cultivate these guys enough to learn their CAP scores? We need to be doing matchmaking on an industrial scale."

Janet was inspired, "How about a game of high-low three-minutes in paradise. We get this crowd to drop their CAP IDs into a basket. The low score gets Maria and me in a closet for three minutes. The high score gets Leslie and Sara Jay, maybe? A game like that aught to interest their horny little dicks enough to play CAP card show and tell."

Lesa nodded, "You know, that just might work. How will we get them all together and lubricated enough?"

Jake stuck his head into the door, "Hi, guys. Que pasa?"

Lesa laughed, "Just because you have a hot Latin lover keeping your dick wet doesn't mean you can suddenly speak Spanish."

Misty questioned, "I thought Maria was guarding her virgin tunnel."

Lesa grinned, "She is, but her mother's tunnel isn't virgin, and she even got a priest's blessing."

Janet and Misty responded in unison, "Consuela?"

Lesa nodded, "We were talking about party excuses. Thanksgiving weekend, maybe? That's only a couple of weeks off."

Jake smiled evilly and wiggled his eyebrows, "We can celebrate Janet's birthday and give everyone a chance to paddle her butt in some kind of CAP score order."

Misty nodded, "Sounds like another fun party game to me. We won't need much in the way of excuses once the prizes are in the rumor mill."

Lesa had Jake stay for a minute after Misty and Janet left. "We need to do something special for Janet's birthday. What can we do on a Tuesday night around here? My house is getting too small."

Jake pondered, "How much does it cost to hire a hotel banquet hall? Where can I get an X-Rated version of Monopoly?"

Lesa laughed, "Get out of here you pervert."

On his way down to the library table he normally used, Jake spotted Gloria and gave her a friendly smile and wave. She blushed profusely, but waved back.

Lesa saw Jake enter the library alone a little before three o'clock on Friday. She squared her shoulders and approached him. "Jake, can we go somewhere and get a cup of coffee. There's something I need to tell you."

Jake looked up smiling, but the smile slipped a little when he saw Lesa's serious expression. "Sure, give me a second." He quickly stuffed everything into his backpack and walked next to Lesa to the door. Outside his concern couldn't be contained, "Is something wrong?"

Lesa gave him a weak smile, "That's hard to say. I'm pregnant." She decided to just come out with it.

Jake brightened noticeably, "That's great! Who's the lucky..." Realization dawned a bit slower that you'd expect for a smart guy. All motion in his universe stopped for about three heartbeats.

Lesa smiled, "Would it be better if someone else was the father?"

The world started rotating again. Jake took Lesa to a park bench on the library lawn. "To say that this is a surprise is the understatement of my life. I'm happy for you. I don't know if I'm happy for me. I'm too stunned to feel anything but confusion. I don't know what it means to my plans, our plans, or me. I'm just a kid myself in most ways. What's the right thing for me to say or do? We haven't talked about marriage. That doesn't make sense anyway if we emigrate as a Confederacy family. What if we're not picked up? What kind of father will I be?"

Lesa's put a hand on Jake's cheek, "Do you want our baby, or should I stop it now?"

Jake jumped to his feet, "Stop it? ... No!" He calmed himself and sat back down. "If I have a vote, I want you to have the baby. I wouldn't know what to do with it on my own. But I want it to be born. I want to be part of his or her life."

Lesa wrapped her arms around Jake and hid her face in his shoulder. "Thank you, Jake. Yours is the only vote that counts."

Neither of them felt like coffee anymore and just remained sitting on the bench. Jake blew off his afternoon classes and rode home with Lesa looking for a quiet evening. He really needed to think things through.

Janet was sitting on her bed in the dark when Misty opened the door around five. Misty reached for the light, but left it off and just dropped everything she was carrying onto the floor.

She climbed into the bed with Janet and embraced her, "What's going on, girl?"

Janet shrugged, "I'm not sure. Things are changing and can change a lot more. I know how I feel about you. I think I know how I feel about Ralph. The problem is that I'm okay with him having sex with Leslie. I'm probably okay with him have sex with most anyone else. Is that normal? Does it mean I don't really care about him deep down?"

Misty didn't understand why Janet would be confused, "What difference does it make who he fucks as long has he has time for us and doesn't bring a little hitchhiker home with him. If I were to fuck Marvin or Jake would that leave me less love for your or Ralph? I don't think so. Love defies the laws of physics. The more you give away, the more you have."

"Now, tell mama-san what the real problem is. Are you pregnant or something? I hear that can make the most stable of women crazy, and you're acting crazy."

Janet pulled back and twisted, "Pregnant! What twisted universe is your head in, woman? I'm not ... well I don't think I'm pregnant. Do you think I'm pregnant? Are you pregnant? What the hell would we do with a baby? Who would take care of it, feed it, or change its nasty diaper?"

Misty tried being philosophical, "Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. It'll be a true feat for the record books if Ralph is pregnant. So, if you're not pregnant then this isn't an immediate issue, is it?"

Janet smacked Misty. What is it about women that make them think a swat on the arm corrects all problems? "I don't want to change you into a wet nurse. Ralph might be funny as a wet nurse, but I'm not sure even the Confederacy medical technicians can give him functional teats for nursing babies. I don't want to give up either of you, and don't want to change either of you. What am I going to do?"

Misty signed, "Fuck everyone in sight and trust the Universe to provide?"

Janet turned on Misty laughing and crying at the same time "You slut, you'll get yours. If Ralph won't fuck you in the ass I'll find someone who will!" They wrestled for a minute; then settled into deep kisses and roaming fingers.

Misty surfaced and asked, "So, does that mean you're in the market for a suitable wet nurse and a fuck-buddy who can team up with Ralph and do us two-on-two?"

Janet was confused, "What do you mean, I only get..." she slapped herself in the forehead. "For some stupid reason I forgot that I have slots for four companions. It's been just the three of us for so long!"

Millie was just about totally exasperated with Marvin, "Go ahead and put it in her ass, it's what she wants. Why are you holding out on her, don't you care?" She had her hands clamped over Sasha's ears holding her mouth against her sex. She really like the way Sasha's tongue was teasing her vaginal entrance.

Marvin tore his eyes away from the little brown rose screaming at his hindbrain and looked at Millie, "I don't want to be an abusive bastard, and ass-fucking is degrading, isn't it?"

Millie squirmed lower and lifted her pelvis until she felt Sasha's nose stroking her clit, "Ah, yes Sasha. Like that!" Squinting at Marvin through her lust she made one more try, "Sasha gets off on humiliation, dumb-ass! Ah! Just pick a hole and fuck! Ah, ah!"

Marvin pressed his thumb against Sasha's anus, but slid his dick into her vagina. He marveled at the heat and grip of her tight vaginal tunnel. Was Sasha's anus really questing for his thumb, or was he just imagining it? He moved his thumb off of the little bud and drooled some spittle onto it; then rubbed it in with the pad of his thumb. It was like his thumb was sucked into the tight little hole without effort on his part.

Sasha moaned in loss when Marvin pulled both his thumb and dick from her body. When he replaced his thumb with the head of his short dick and pushed, he fell off the face of the Earth as the sensations transmitted through his cock transported him to a place of ecstasy and Sasha became a wild woman. Millie thrust her quivering legs straight out and screamed as Sasha consumed her mons.

Marvin swam back to consciousness to find Millie gently washing his dick with warm, soapy water. Sasha was drooling on the covers with her ass still up in the air. She hardly moved when Millie swiped the terrycloth rag across her anus.

Millie cleaned the soap off of both of them with a soft, damp cloth before checking for soapy residue with her tongue.

"Welcome back," Millie smiled at Marvin. "Listen to me, Marvin. Can you hear me?"

Marvin nodded; so Millie continued. "There's a big difference between callously using a woman, and giving someone you care about what they want. The same act, such as shoving your thick dick into someone's asshole, can make you a total bastard, or a loving partner. The difference is why and how; not where you stick your dick. The key is to be in tune with what your partner needs. Listen to the need, not to some judgmental person's criticism."

Millie pulled Marvin close and turned his face toward Sasha. "Look at that face. Can you see the smile you put there?"

Marvin nodded. "Good," Millie said as she lay back pulling Marvin on top of her, "Now give me a smile like that by pounding what Sasha licked. Will you do that for me?" It wasn't long before Marvin was gone again, but this time there were two smiling women in his bed.

Jake had spent the night with Lesa. By Saturday morning he was looking at Franklin, Samantha, and to some degree Sarita with different eyes. He was subtly changing his attitude; not thinking of them as friends or 'her kids'. He was beginning to see them as his own kids. He was becoming comfortable with the role of 'father'.

He was watching Sarita coax her siblings downstairs to breakfast and pictured himself standing next to her with an arm around her shoulders. In his fantasy, he was not holding her as a daughter, but as a husband. Jake shook off the image, but his treacherous organ continued to swell as he watched the dark beauty descend the stairs in her nightclothes.

Lesa startled him when she hooked his arm and led him as they followed her children downstairs. "Penny for your thoughts," she offered.

What should he tell her? "I was just picturing myself as their dad. It works for everyone but Sarita."

Lesa hugged him, "That was hard for you to admit, wasn't it? Misty was right, Sarita already has more of a woman's figure than she does. The only developmental aspect that Misty exceeds her is her pubic hair."

Jake rubbed his face, "Thanks for that mental image."

Intent on teasing him Lesa added, "You should see the cute mounds budding on her chest. She has the brightest pink nipples..."

Jake grabbed Lesa loosely by the throat in a mock stranglehold, "Will you please knock it off!" Then kissed her full on the lips and grabbed both of her ass cheeks for good measure.

Halfway through breakfast Lesa asked Jake, "Can you stay with the kids today? I'm going to meet some old friends for lunch at Underground Atlanta today. It'll likely be stressful for me, especially if it doesn't go well. Please say you'll be here for me when I get back."

Jake nodded, "I'll be here for you."

They lounged around in the den until it was time for Lesa to get ready. Jake remained downstairs and let Lesa get dressed unmolested. He did smear her lipstick a little as she was leaving, though.

Jake asked the youngsters, "How about McDonalds for lunch today, guys?"

Sam immediately answered, "Yea, happy meal for me, please."

Frankie wanted to know, "Can we play in the playground?"

Jake nodded, "Sure."

Sarita came down in a tight pair of shorts and an even tighter tube top. Lesa was right. She was getting hips, a distinct waist, and little pancake lumps with eraser accents on her chest.

Jake cocked his head, "It's a bit cool out for that outfit, isn't it?"

Sarita looked pained, "I have a coat. Besides, it's hot inside McDonalds."

Sarita buckled Frankie and Sam in the backseat as Jake watched. She did look good in those tight shorts, especially when she was bent double. Sarita and Jake got into the front bucket seats and they headed off for burgers and fries.

Sitting with Sarita at a table while the two youngsters romped in the Play Place, Jake was again picturing himself watching his and Sarita's kids. It felt good, until he pictured Sarita without the thin top or tight shorts, and with Misty's bushy box. Shaking off the image he yelled, "Who wants ice cream before we go?"

They still beat Lesa home by a good hour.

When Lesa got home, Jake immediately asked, "How did it go?"

Lesa shrugged, "I really don't know. I think I got through to Karen, but Rebecca is really hard to read. Both of them are concerned about saving their children. Rebecca's oldest boy is already fifteen. He should be okay, though. His six-point-nine CAP score gives him a good shot at being picked up in the next few years. She's resisting his request to attend a military school, though."

Looking at Jake for a reaction, "Would you be up to having diner with them this evening. If she's really looking to get picked up, then military school is probably the best place for her son, don't you think? Rebecca has an older brother, but he lives somewhere in California."

Jake was neutral, "Sure, makes sense for him to be safely established somewhere and not get jerked around when his mom disappears. What happens to orphaned kids, by the way? Those that are fourteen and up when their parents are taken?"

"I don't really know," Lesa replied. "It hasn't occurred to me."

Consuela and Maria came over to stay with Lesa's kids while Jake and Lesa went to Rebecca's condo downtown.

Jason Lawrence and Jake got along right off. Rebecca was scandalized by how young Jake turned out to be. He was only a year older than Jason, for God's sake, but by the end of the evening she would have admitted that the idea of sex with him would not be a fate worse that death. In fact, she might actually enjoy it.

Shelly Lawrence was the same age as Sarita. With Consuela and Maria at her house, Jake was curious why Lesa hadn't brought Sarita with them. Saundra and Alice were five and seven. They were a well-behaved and nice looking family. Jake again wondered why he was there.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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