The Librarian - Cover

The Librarian

Copyright© 2008 by deGaffer

Chapter 21: Family Group Dynamics

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 21: Family Group Dynamics - A wealthy and politically connected college librarian manipulates a group of students and encourages them to put together a team that the Confederacy shouldn't ignore.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Spanking   Humiliation   Orgy   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

As Gloria merged into traffic on the Interstate and headed south toward Atlanta from the Marietta airport, Susan leaned forward from her seat behind him and ruffled Toby's sandy brown hair, "What was all the giggling and laughing at the airport, lover. Were you and Tiffany naughty?"

Tiffany had expected Toby to ride in the back with her, and was uncomfortable when the short brunette climbed into the backseat with her. Now she was looking at her wide-eyed wondering when she was going to be attacked.

Gloria peeked into her rearview mirror and teased, "I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Tiffany inducted our Toby into the Mile High Club somewhere over Virginia or Tennessee."

Tiffany's mind was racing, 'Our Toby? Oh, shit!' She started to talk before her brain was engaged, "I ... we ... that is ... he didn't ... I didn't"

Toby was neither admitting nor denying anything. He was waiting for all the shoes to hit the floor first.

Susan looked at Gloria's face in the mirror, "What's the Mile High Club?" She may have chased down Toby after seeing him in the library with Gloria earlier this week and shown him what can be expected from young, eager pussy, but she remained as sexually naïve as she ever was. Her liaisons had always been discrete and within the veil of what she believed was a committed relationship. She had accepted the need to share someone like Toby, and was pushing herself to come to grips with the concepts of polygamy.

Tiffany took a deep breath, calmed herself, and answered Susan's question, "It's when two people have sex while flying at least a mile above the ground."

Susan was intrigued, "Really, way cool. Wait, did you guys, like, do it in front of everybody in the plane! I wouldn't have thought there was enough room in that little thing for sex. How did you do it?"

Gloria laughed, "Down girl. Not everyone is as open to bragging about her sexual exploits as me. Toby here and most certainly you are really tightlipped about your dalliances. Maybe Tiffany is, too ... I know, we can get Misty to take the four of us for a ride and she can show us how."

Tiffany finally found her persona, "Do you two really expect me to share a boyfriend with the two of you? Oh, m'God!"

Susan rationalized, "Well, you don't really expect someone like Toby to have only one girlfriend, do you."

It was Tiffany's turn to show ignorance, "What do you mean, 'someone like Toby', girl?"

Gloria leaned to catch Tiffany's eyes in the mirror, "Someone who can take four fuck-buddies with him when he leaves this rock."

Tiffany looked at Toby, "What?"

Toby had had enough, "I'm right here, God damn it!"

Gloria patted his hand, "There's no need for bad language, dear."

Susan was a bit annoyed, "Then why did you fuck him? Was it because his was the only dick in the airplane and you were horny?"

Tiffany looked at Toby who had turned to look at her, "No, he was a real cool character at the party last night. Women were making passes at him, but he only wanted to spend time with some geeks from MIT. He was just so sexy cool. When he didn't make a pass at me, I thought maybe he was gay and wanted to convert him."

Susan and Gloria got a real charge out of that misconception and burst out laughing. Susan chuckled as she said, "Mr. perpetual motion sex machine who can fuck me unconscious is gay? I don't think so!"

Tiffany blinked and smiled, "You know, now that you mention it, he did have a hell of a time getting things stuffed back into his Dockers after fucking me into a little brown puddle. Have the two of you, you know, at the same time?"

Gloria smile, "We haven't gotten him at the same time, yet. Are you interested?"

Tiffany shrugged, "Yeah, maybe. I've never done a threesome with only one guy." They were pulling into a driveway and the garage door was opening as they approached. "Hey, where are we?"

Gloria turned off the ignition switch of the totally silent car. "My house, shall we get your clothes into the wash while the four of us chat over a mint julep, or would you two like to take a nap before diner?"

Tiffany remarked, "I don't need a nap, but I would like to shower." After a moment's though she asked, "Why did you bring me here instead of taking me to my sorority house?"

"I'm under the impression that you're interested in a relationship with Toby," Gloria responded. "If that isn't the case, then I'll be glad to take you to your house."

"I'm ... not certain," Tiffany answered honestly. "Toby isn't the type of person I normally pursue."

"Oh," Susan waded into the exchange. "Is he too pale?"

Tiffany gave Susan a harsh glare, "Not at all, but he may be too poor. The man I went out with in Boston is not as physically endowed or as skilled with his equipment as Toby, but he is in a position to introduce me to the Dean of the School of Science."

When Gloria also gave Susan a disapproving look, Susan apologized, "I'm sorry, Tiffany. I don't know what possessed me to say that. I've seen you in racially mixed company and should have known better."

Tiffany looked back and forth between Susan and Toby before commenting, "I suspect that you're not as accepting of my seduction of Toby as Gloria. Were you perhaps attacking me out of jealousy?"

The shorter girl looked at the long-legged beauty for a few seconds before answering, "I don't know. You're gorgeous, and I do feel a bit threatened because I have nothing that can compete with your looks or your sophistication."

Tiffany smiled and stepped forward to embrace the attractive brunette. "That couldn't have been easy to say. I'm not used to getting such honest answers from anyone, especially women. Is there room for the two of us in your shower, Gloria? I think Susan and I need to bare our souls before anything more happens between Toby and me."

"It's not as large as the one at Lesa's," Gloria admitted. "But even a couple of big girls like you should be able to fit into it comfortably."

The two girls snapped their heads to face Gloria thinking they had been insulted, but realized that next to the gaunt, flat-chested Gloria, they were big girls. When they looked into Gloria's dancing eyes, they smiled back at her.

The two of them took a very long time in the bathroom. It turned out that other than Tiffany being a bit thinner, taller, and black; there was very little difference between the two. Tiffany took the lead and insisted that they wash each other and vocalize their feelings about Toby and each other. It was no surprise that Susan was far more romantically involved in her relationship with Toby.

Tiffany had not really taken the Sa'arm threat seriously and realized she would require someone who could be very dominant if she had any hope of success as a sex slave. She was not sure Toby could engender the required level of respect.

Gloria sent Toby to shower in the smaller bath connected to her bedroom while she put together some snacks and drinks for everyone. She slipped into both bathrooms and replaced everyone's clothes with short, thin robes.

Toby was the first one to return to the kitchen, even though he was the last one to leave. "What happened to my clothes?" He asked Gloria.

"Patience, my dear," Gloria said as she kissed him. She picked up a serving tray and told Toby, "Come into the living room with me. We'll wait for the others in there."

Gloria mixed Toby and herself a mint julep and the two of them settled back. It was fifteen minutes before Susan and Tiffany found Gloria and Toby.

"In here," Susan said over her shoulder. Tiffany stepped behind Susan as she took a position just inside the living room. The two slender women looked stunning framed in the decorative archway that separated the living room from the foyer. The short robe barely covered Susan's crotch. From their seated angle Gloria and Toby could see soft, black fur below the hem of Tiffany's robe. Tiffany did her best to use Susan as a shield, but Toby and Gloria were on opposite sides of the low table that held the silver tray.

Gloria covered her mouth with her fingertips. "I didn't realize how short those robes were. I started a load of laundry with the things you were wearing."

"Where are our bags?" Tiffany asked. She wanted to be annoyed, but started giggling. "This is such a lame ploy. If you wanted to see me naked you could have just asked."

"Your bags are in the laundry room," Gloria answered. With sparkling eyes she asked, "May I see you naked?"

Tiffany couldn't believe that she had set herself up like that. But having her bluff called gave her but two choices. She stepped out from behind Susan, let the robe fall to her feet, and struck a pose with her hands on her hips and her right leg in front of her left. Had she not been so thin this would have fig-leafed her crotch, but in her case it didn't even fully mask her pouting labia.

"Brava," Gloria actually applauded. Toby was stunned. He had had sex with Tiffany, but had not seen her naked. She had flawless skin that varied in shades from pale mahogany to a rich brown. Her nipples and labia were a noticeably darker than the rest of her smooth skin. There was a hint of pink flush in her cheeks and red on her lips and nails. There was also a touch of pale coral where her moist inner lips peeked out from the dark outer lips of her prominent pussy. Except for her black hair, everything else was a shade of rich brown. Her feet were as narrow and delicate as Susan's.

When Gloria shifted her gaze to her, Susan sighed and looked briefly skyward to gather her courage before opening her robe. She knew she had the same basic bust, waist, and hips as Tiffany, but not the elegant poise. Susan was not nearly as relaxed as Tiffany when her robe fell to the floor.

Gloria got to her feet and approached to nude pair. Susan's rich tan looked pale next to Tiffany's much darker brown skin tones. Gloria circled the pair before commenting, "You could be sisters except for the obvious racial difference. Come, sit." Gloria indicated that they should take the love seat she had previously occupied. She moved to a chair on the far side of the table. "Would either of you care for a mint julep?"

"Yes, please," Susan spoke through her discomfort.

"Actually, I've never had a mint julep. What's it like?" Tiffany asked.

"Try a sip of mine," Gloria offered.

"Oh my, that's quite tasty and refreshing," Tiffany remarked.

After she served them their drinks, Gloria stood and removed her sundress and panties. She looked pointedly at Toby after resuming her seat. Toby took the hint. He stood up, removed his robe, and tossed it on the floor next to Gloria's dress.

"Now that we're all comfortable, let's talk," Gloria suggested.

Ralph parked Janet's car at the girl's dorm and got out to help them with their bags. On the way up he remarked, "You know, the single beds in these places are just not the draw they used to be. That queen-size at Lesa's was really nice, wasn't it? I know we can't replace furniture here, but maybe we can get an apartment next term?"

Janet kissed Ralph, "My mom and dad would freak."

Misty rocked her head side-to-side. "Pop would be okay with it after he met you. He'd know it was because I was sexing someone. But, I don't know how he would take you and me, Janet. Sorry."

Janet nodded, "It's okay, my folks wouldn't take either pairing with grace."

Ralph followed the two into their room, "So, how about tossing your dirty underwear in my direction, and I'll take it down to the laundry room, snark, snark."

Janet, dropped her bags onto her bed, "That's both sweet and disgusting at the same time."

Misty dramatized being lost in though, "Did we even wear any underwear this weekend?"

"I was mostly serious. Really, load me up with your dirty clothes, including what you're wearing, I'll take it to my dorm and wash it with my stuff while you guys shower and get a nap, and bring it back here at, say, six? That should ... damn, its after five now. I'll get something light from Panera Bread and bring it over around eight. Be naked, in bed, and rested. Got it?"

Janet held up her hand, "fuck the clothes, fuck the nap, but the shower sounds good, though. We need to get this contact information into Lesa's database and start working on the principals."

"That can wait," Ralph started helping Misty undress; then turned to assist Janet. The two nude women then undressed Ralph and the three fell into bed together.

Sasha was trying to read Marvin's facial expressions while he drove south on I-75. "Are you getting tired of me, Marvin?"

Marvin was used to Sasha bringing up topics out of the blue, but this was strange even for Sasha, "Why would you think such a thing, haven't I been nice to you?"

Sasha nodded, "Yeah, too nice. You haven't fucked me in the ass in over a week, and hardly fucked me at all. You get all quiet like this when you're around Sara and Leslie. Am I not as good as them? I know I'm only one person and can't replace both of them, but you can do anything you want with me. You can stop right here on the side of the highway. I'll lie across the hood, and you can fuck my ass right now. Would you like that?"

Marvin was overcome by self-loathing because the act she's suggesting made his dick twitch, "Why are you saying such things to me? I'm trying to show you some respect."

Sasha looked away as the dark cloud crossed Marvin's face. Looking out the window she recognized where they were and regressed to her flighty self as she suggested, "Ooh, let's stop at the Cumberland Mall, okay?"

Shopping didn't normally appeal to Marvin, but he was at a loss about what he wanted to do. He didn't know how he really felt about Sasha, and didn't want to be alone with her right now; so, he turned on his signal and merged into the exit lane. He remained quiet as he parked the car and made his way to the entrance. He allowed Sasha to take his hand and lead him through the Sunday afternoon crowd.

Sasha headed straight to Victoria's Secret thinking she could have Marvin pick out something exciting for her to wear. Marvin wrinkled his nose when she picked up a pair of fur trimmed crotch-less panties; so, she dropped them back into the display bin and continued browsing.

A young woman wearing a business halter-miniskirt suit walked up to the pair. Her store nametag identified her as 'Millie', "Can I help you find something?"

Sasha looked up at the still scowling Marvin, "I'm looking for something that will help me get my boyfriend's attention." Millie thought she was talking about someone else until Sasha hugged Marvin's bicep.

Millie took a moment to adjust her focus and gave Sasha a quick head-to-toe scan, "I'll bet we have something that will get his mind off of cheerleaders. Are you looking for street clothes or something more intimate?"

Sasha replied, "Oh, he dumped the cheerleaders a couple of weeks ago. How do you know about them?"

Marvin took exception as the remark penetrated his reverie, "I didn't dump them. We're just giving each other a little space, that's all."

Millie nodded at Sasha, "Ah, I get it. They dumped him and he wants them back. I'm a student at Tech and everyone knows Marvin. Anyone who hangs out after a home football game knows that he has at thing for cheerleaders."

Showing his exasperation, Marvin snapped, "No one dumped anyone, okay?"

Millie took a deep breath and spoke softly as she exhaled, "Okay. Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt, is it?" Looking at Sasha, she asked, "Is he an ass man, or do we want something that will showcase your nice rack?"

Marvin smiled at Millie's little quip, even though he was still annoyed. "You have a rather nice pair yourself."

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