The Librarian - Cover

The Librarian

Copyright© 2008 by deGaffer

Chapter 19: The Community Expands

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 19: The Community Expands - A wealthy and politically connected college librarian manipulates a group of students and encourages them to put together a team that the Confederacy shouldn't ignore.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Spanking   Humiliation   Orgy   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

Janet, Misty, Leslie and Ralph had reluctantly headed back to campus shortly after Julie Ann's sally from across the street had failed to net her anything useful at Lesa's. Jake and Sara Jay were concerned that they had put Lesa off with their antics that morning by including Sarita. Lesa was able to convince them that all was well with their relationship by delivering some passionate kisses and intimate caresses. Leslie wanted to check in with Tiffany and maybe follow-up with Marvin and Sasha to make sure they were okay with how things had shaken out.

Toby called mid-morning breaking up the huddle Lesa had gotten into with Jake, Sara Jay and Sarita while the two youngsters romped in the backyard playground. Jake was mortified and ashamed of himself for his behavior with Lesa's daughter, which hurt Sarita's feelings. It was a minefield for the inexperienced sixteen-year-old. He may have the intellect and education of a college senior, but he still had the hormones and emotional instability of a confused teenager. Once the two Crews females accepted this, they were able to get out of the emotional marsh and into the relationship jungle. Jake finally realized he was in a no-win zone as long as both of them were present.

Lesa had passed the phone to Sara Jay who asked Toby to call Leslie and try to meet with Tiffany. Tiffany didn't know Toby and didn't want to arrive at the party in Boston with a dork following her around. Tiffany was certain that Misty and Janet would be enough of an embarrassment.

While Sara Jay was on the phone, and under the Lesa's watchful eye, Jake put an arm around Sarita shoulder and attempted sweet reason one more time, "You know I want to, probably as much as you, maybe even more. Even if we put the age thing aside, take a look at your mom, Leslie and Sara Jay over there. They're all physically larger than you. I'm a bit larger than average and you're a bit smaller. Sara Jay can barely deal with my size. If she were even an itty-bitty bit smaller, I wouldn't be able to have sex with her without hurting her, and she's nowhere near being a virgin."

Sarita stopped herself from whining, she suddenly realized that behaving like a child wouldn't benefit her case, "Okay, maybe we can't go all the way, but we can do what we did this morning, can't we? I really enjoyed making you cum, and I'm sure I can get used to the taste. What you did to my cunny with your mouth was, oh my God! I had no idea that anything could feel so good!"

Lesa flashed Jake a scowl and did her best to soften her features before taking Sarita's hands, "That's the problem sweetheart. It feels so wonderfully good to both of you that you stop thinking. It would be all too easy for you to flip around, drop yourself onto Jake's big dick, and be seriously injured. If your vagina gets torn, it can prevent you from ever having a satisfying sex life. The scar would be hard, dry and scratchy making sex very uncomfortable. My episiotomy scar can get in the way, and it's tiny and soft compared to a jagged vaginal tear."

Jake decided to make one last try before giving up, "Sarita, I was exposed to sex a couple of years ago, but didn't go all the way until five days ago. I'm not saying that you'll have to wait three more years until you're sixteen, but you should wait until your body has a chance to complete the transition from girl to woman. Your mom may kill me, but I promise that when you're a hundred percent woman, I'll be your hundred percent man if you still want me, okay?"

Lesa rolled her eyes, but knew that all she could hope for was stalling Sarita. Sarita had her cap set for Jake, and that was just the way it would be unless some really striking boy came along and slid home under everyone's noses.

Sara Jay sat down with her two cents worth, "I don't mind helping you get off when you get really horny. I know how frustrating it is. But you really should wait to go all the way. Cynthia was torn really badly when she was about your age, and her boyfriend complains that her pussy is like fucking a washboard. He usually fucks her in the ass."

Sarita wrinkled her nose at that idea.

Fortunately the conversation was winding down because Consuela and Maria had arrived. Lesa looked up, "Oh my, look at the time. We should have started lunch thirty minutes ago." Lesa asked Sarita, "Can you peel some potatoes for me?"

Sarita just nodded and slid her chair back from the table to make her way to the sink.

Lesa got up and met Consuela at the door, "Hola, I'm so glad you could come. Please come in and sit down while I make us a shrimp salad for lunch."

Maria said, "Please don't bother with anything fancy. Maybe we can just make some sandwiches from last night's leftovers?"

Sarita looked at her mother, and when she got a nod from her she turned and put away the bowl and peeler she had retrieved.

The kids came in when lunch was ready and the eight of them sat at the kitchen table to eat. The conversation got around to the change in fashions, especially women's fashion since the airing of the "Average Joes" series. Maria giggled, but Consuela was scandalized; then blushed when she remembered walking into this very kitchen full of naked people.

Sara Jay remarked, "I notice that you still wear a rather traditional scoop top and long skirt, Maria. Are you not interested in getting the attention of a sponsor?"

Maria sighed, "I wouldn't be picked up as a concubine; so, I keep Mama happy by wearing this silly costume."

Lesa asked, "Why wouldn't you be selected, Maria. Why wouldn't you want to go?"

"I can't leave Mama. I have three brothers and sisters who still live with us. Mama wouldn't let me work until I finished school, and it's been very hard for her since Papa left three years ago." Maria was being evasive, which Lesa recognized as out of character for the normally bright-eyed girl.

Lesa addressed Consuela, "I didn't know that Miguel had left, I'm so sorry that I've been so insensitive. It must have been very difficult raising four children all alone."

Consuela responded with downcast eyes, "There has been some help from my family."

Maria sneered, "My Uncle Rafael is a pig. The help he offers must be paid for in his bed. He has had his eyes on me for years, but Mama has managed to shield me."

Jake was incredulous, "You mean he..." and was clearly too embarrassed and enraged to continue.

Maria nodded, "And he is neither nice nor discrete about it. He requires Mama to do all kinds of degrading things. I hate him! Sex should be fun, something freely given, not taken in trade."

Sara Jay asked, "Do both of you dislike sex?"

Maria replied, "I like sex, I just..." then stopped her words with her hand on her mouth.

Consuela's eyes got big, "Maria! You have given yourself to someone? I do not want you to be puta like me."

Maria looked around the table clearly embarrassed, "No Mama, my hymen remains whole. But, I do mess around with boys and allow them to mess around with everything but that. I've come close. If Bobby's zipper hadn't jammed, it would be gone. But so far, I've satisfied my suitors in other ways."

Sara Jay giggled into her hand. Sarita's eyes got big.

Lesa looked at Sarita, "See Sarita? What did I tell you about getting carried away while messing around with boys?"

Consuela nodded, "You like it too much and become ugly puta, like me."

Jake looked up, "I don't think you're ugly. In fact, you have the same classic features as your beautiful daughter. Just look at her, she could be a model with that hair, those deep, penetrating eyes, and soft features. She has a classic figure, and she should hope to look as good as you after giving birth to four babies."

Mother and daughter both blushed at the list of compliments. Sara Jay squeezed his left arm and Lesa his right for saying such nice things about them both.

Consuela looked at Jake, "You are very nice boy, perhaps you like my Maria, but you would not want me if you can have her, no?"

Jake gave her his 'little boy' smile, "Maybe I would like both of you. If I were your sponsor, I just might want both of you. Would that be okay? Could you have sex with me if I was also having sex with Maria?"

Consuela gasped, "Oh, Dios. That would be... , no. No, I cannot do it with Maria, or even in front of Maria, no. Dios, no!"

Maria was smiling at her mother's distress, "Don't worry Mama. You should get yourself picked up. I'll be fine. I'll just miss you if we were separated, and we cannot be together because I'll never be selected."

Lesa asked, "You keep saying that no one would pick you up. You're a beautiful girl, why would you not be selected by a sponsor?"

Maria looked at her hands, "My CAP score is too high. I don't want to fight; so, I won't be going."

Jake, Sara Jay and Lesa look at each other and begin laughing uncontrollably. Even Sarita is shaking her head and laughing.

Maria is perplexed, "Why is this funny?"

Jake answered, "Maybe you can be useful in ways other than combat. I don't want to fight either. I have an eight-point-seven CAP score. How high is yours?"

Maria was clearly amazed, "Mine is just a six-point-six, Jake. They won't want me for anything but fighting."

Lesa spoke up, "We don't know that. There is some kind of Civil Service Corps, and I'm sure that even fighting units require logistical support that can't be done by concubines or AI's. You truly surprise me, child."

Consuela put it together as she looked from Sara Jay to Lesa and back again. "Then both of you lay with this young boy? I should be scandalized. But, I think I am jealous."

Sara Jay told Consuela, "Tell your nasty brother-in-law to drop dead. If you need the services of a gentleman, Lesa and I will loan Jake to you for a night. He's becoming a truly great lover. Take him for a test drive if you don't believe me."

Consuela gasped, "Oh, oh, you cannot be serious."

Lesa looked her straight in the eye, "Actually, she is. You can try him out right now if you like. Here in the kitchen on one of those stools, or upstairs in one of the bedrooms."

Maria began laughing, "Crazy gringos! I love all of you!"

Everyone agreed to let it ride just by not pursuing anything further at the moment.

Sara Jay squeezed Maria's butt when she hugged her goodbye, "Ooh, Jake, I'll bet you'd love to tap this. Too bad she's out of your league."

Maria sputtered, "Crazy gringa."

Jake looked at Lesa and Sara Jay, "All that talk has me feeling randy. Anyone want to help me out?"

Lesa said, "I'm pretty tired, Jake. I didn't get much sleep last night."

Jake looked at Sara Jay. "You got me real good this morning, maybe tonight?"

Jake started to look toward the table where Sarita was sitting and Lesa grabbed his arm, "No you don't, come with me." She disappeared through the doorway with Jake in tow.

Frankie asked, "What's going on?"

Sara Jay responded, "Who wants ice cream?"

Frankie and Sammy both said, "Me!"

Upstairs Lesa began undressing, "You're a right bastard threatening to offer Sarita a poke."

Jake grabbed her and hugged her to him, "You're the only Crews woman I want to poke."

"Liar," Lesa responded with a grin as she pulled down the covers and jumped onto the bed backwards making her breasts jiggle randomly.

Jake climbed onto the bed and began kissing his way up Lesa's thigh making her moan softly. When he reached the juncture he exclaimed, "You're soaking wet! All that talk has you just as horny as I am!"

With no further preparation needed, Jake hooked Lesa's knees with his forearms, climbed into the saddle, and began a ride to remember. Lesa really was hot, and not just from the rowdy lunch conversation. She really missed being dominated by a strong man and her imagination allowed Jake to be the strong man of her dreams as he pounded his big dick into her yielding tunnel. When they were both exhausted, Jake gave her a big kiss and showered before dressing.

Jake said goodbye to Sarita, Frankie and Sammy before escorting Sara Jay to his car where he smiled in appreciation when she deliberately flashed her trim beaver at him as he handed her into the passenger seat.

Jake ignored Sara Jay's protests and escorted her all the way to her dorm room. They found Leslie and Tiffany Wallace in the room laying out the ground rules for the weekend trip to Boston. They had made hotel reservations just in case they didn't get lucky, and reserved two rental cars. Toby greeted the new arrivals; he was just functioning as an observer in this stage of the planning. Tiffany was vacillating between going as Toby's date and trying her luck with finding some bigger fish at the party.

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