The Librarian - Cover

The Librarian

Copyright© 2008 by deGaffer

Chapter 17: Party Time

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17: Party Time - A wealthy and politically connected college librarian manipulates a group of students and encourages them to put together a team that the Confederacy shouldn't ignore.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Spanking   Humiliation   Orgy   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

Gloria was sure she'd be the first to arrive at Lesa's for diner, but there were other cars in front of the elegant residence. She had wanted to speak privately with Lesa before she did something really, really stupid. The bottle of gin in her sideboard had been calling her all afternoon. Right now she was beginning to regret having resisted its call.

She parked her vintage Prius at the curb, hoping she wasn't blocking the driveway, and gathered her courage. Stepping out of the car she straightened the simple, black cocktail dress that she'd selected, hoping that the flair of the full skirt didn't make her stocking encased legs look thinner than they were.

She waited much longer than expected after ringing the doorbell and was beginning to question if anyone was home when the door swung open. A barefoot young girl stood in the opening with wet hair and wearing a cropped camisole and loose satin boxer shorts. The girl's blue eyes appeared puzzled when she asked, "May I help you?"

Gloria stammered a little responding, "Good afternoon, I'm Gloria Sanchez. I believe your mother is expecting me, although I am a bit early." She really hoped that this was Gloria's daughter Sara, but didn't remember her being this old.

The girl turned and yelled, "Mom!"

A softer voice drifted down from somewhere out of sight, "What are you yelling about?"

"There's a Gloria Sanchez at the door. She says she's early, but you should be expecting her."

"Oh my, she is early. Show her into the study and tell her that I'll be down in a few minutes." Lesa wasn't dressed for company. In fact, she wasn't dressed. She'd been putting away her new things after the impromptu fashion show and hadn't put her street clothes back on. She thought about slipping into some of her new items, but decided not to risk them in the kitchen and chose a faded wrap-around housedress instead.

Entering the study she found a very nervous Gloria pacing about, "Gloria, you look fantastic. I love what you did with your hair. The way it tucks in at your shoulder softens you features. But, you need to relax. Can I offer you a drink?"

"I'm sorry to be so early. I thought I'd get here before everyone and speak with you privately for a bit. Shall I come back later?"

Lesa stepped in closer, took Gloria's left arm, and led her to a corner with two comfortable chairs that faced each other. "Please sit and tell me what's troubling you."

Gloria fidgeted a moment, "I don't know what to expect. Who are these young men you intend to talk into having sex with me? Is this a one time arrangement, or can I hope for a relationship with any of them?"

Lesa would have laughed were it not for the fear in Gloria's eyes. "It's like I told you at the library. What I'm offering are possible means for you to leave Earth before the Sa'arm arrive and start eating people. I know several young men who qualify as Confederacy volunteers. If you're with one of these men when they're picked up, then they have to option of taking you with them. You can wait until that moment to try to getting their attention, or you can begin the process of getting to know them now. No one's going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, Gloria. What you need to decide is what you're willing to do for them, and when you're willing to do it."

There was a bit of hope mixed with trepidation in Gloria's facial expressions. "What if they change their minds; what if I change my mind?"

Lesa sighed, "I'm afraid everything is 'at will' until a Confederacy extraction actually takes place. They can change their minds, and you can certainly change yours. If you're concerned that these men will use you and then discard you, then you'll have to make a judgment call. I personally believe all of them are honorable people who won't intentionally mislead you."

Gloria was almost wringing her hands, "I don't know..."

Lesa advised, "Woman, you've got to relax. Let's go find something that'll calm your nerves. It's a bit early to start diner, but we can check the status of the liquor cabinet on the way to the kitchen."

In the kitchen, Gloria finally had a rather tall gin and tonic in her hand and Lesa was sipping a dry martini when there is a knock on the utility room door.

Lesa muttered, "What the..." and stepped over to the door.

The door opened a crack and a voice call through, "It is safe?"

"Consuela!" Lesa laughed, "Yes, it's safe."

"I bring Maria to help, okay?"

Lesa embraced Maria, "Welcome Maria. I was afraid that your mama wouldn't return after yesterday morning's little misadventure. I'm pleased that you're here to help her. My, haven't you grown. Where have you been keeping yourself these days?"

Maria returned the greeting, "Thank you. Mama told me the most outrageous story about what she saw the last time that she was here." Maria stepped back from the embrace. "I've been working as a receptionist and bookkeeper for Jacobi and Sons downtown. They really keep me busy."

Maria looked very nice in a white blouse, a navy skirt that extended to just below her knees, white knee socks, and a pair of black and white saddle shoes. It was an ultraconservative outfit considering the times.

As she turned away from the utility room door Lesa spotted Gloria and said, "Where are my manners? Gloria, this is my housekeeper Consuela Martinez and her daughter Maria. Ladies, this is a fellow librarian at the university, Miss Gloria Sanchez."

After all of the ladies greeted each other Lesa spoke with Consuela about the menu as Gloria watched and wondered what outrageous events Consuela had witnessed that prompted her to enter the kitchen so cautiously.

At the sound of other people entering the large room, Lesa looked up and introduced Jake Caulfield, Sara Johnson, and Leslie Owens to Maria and Gloria as Consuela blushed uncontrollably. Gloria was intrigued by Consuela's reaction, but didn't pursue the issue.

Lesa noticed Consuela's distress and suggested, "Let's move to the study and give Consuela and Maria room to work, shall we?"

Janet arrived with Misty and Ralph just ahead of Marvin and Sasha. Toby O'Malley was the last dinner guest to arrive. Conversation in the study was a bit strained. The usual topics and antics were dampened by Gloria's presence. Only Lesa knew why she was there, and hadn't shared that with the others. Lesa was pleased that Toby had come, and especially pleased that he had come alone.

Lesa got everyone's attention, "I'm sure you're all wondering what brings Gloria here this evening. She noticed Jake and I displaying some semi-public affection at the library and was curious about why I had allowed someone so young to be so affectionate with me at work. There are many reasons: the first being that I enjoy being affectionate with Jake, and somewhere on that list of reasons is the possibility that he can get my family and me off of this rock."

Lesa took a sip of her martini before continuing. "I like to think that I bring more to the table than just girl parts for Jake to play with. I have skills that I believe will be valuable on a colony world. Gloria and I share skills such as administration, data organization, and data consolidation. We're also qualified school teachers."

"Gloria, the people in this room want to be parts of family units in a coherent community that are shipped out together to a human colony. For that to be feasible, we believe that we must have something to offer the Confederacy other than just our bodies and a willingness to serve."

Lesa hadn't prepared herself for this presentation, "If we create a community that has something to offer, then it will have to be large enough to support the purpose of the community as well as the community itself." Lesa was not ready to disclose the grand plan to Gloria and was doing her best to focus on the mundane aspects of a self-sustaining community. "There will have to be schools and other public services available that free the principals from mundane concerns, and allows them to focus on the value the community adds to the war effort."

Maria knocked on the study's door, interrupting Lesa's oration, something for which Lesa was very grateful. "Dinner is ready, if you and your guests are ready, Mrs. Crews."

Lesa turned to Maria, "Thank you, Maria, we'll be there shortly." Turning back to the expectant faces in the room, she continued, "Where was I? Oh, yes. Everyone in the community must have something to contribute. For some, their value may be nothing more than being effective breeding stock. I truly believe that everyone can contribute beyond that limited, though vital, role. We've all seen the size of research departments in a university setting. However, the Manhattan Project required a cast of thousands and was carried out in almost total secrecy."

Lesa looked around for reaction, "I'm not proposing that we should dream that big of a dream, but we will require the participation of more people than will fit in this, or anyone else's, residence. Biltmore over in Ashville may be large enough, but certainly no residence that's within commuting range. If it becomes general knowledge that we're expecting to be extracted by the Confederacy, then we'll fail. We've all seen the rioting mobs that form wherever a Confederacy extraction is in progress. I shudder to think what kind of attention we'd get if word got out, and we didn't have an interdiction barrier protecting us."

Stepping back and gesturing toward the door, "Let's table this until after we eat, shall we?"

Diner conversation remained light, though a bit restrained. Nothing was discussed that you wouldn't expect at any contemporary diner party with mixed gender and ages ranging from thirteen to forty-two. Sarita had opted to dine with the adults. Her younger siblings ate in the kitchen with Consuela and Maria.

During coffee and dessert, Lesa laid the big torpedo in the water. "I was leading everyone into discussing qualifications for individuals we wish to include in the community that we hope to establish. Does everyone agree that sexual prowess is a basic prerequisite?"

There was general consensus, mostly by bobbing heads. Gloria remained frozen in her chair, hardly breathing. When no one raised an objection, Lesa pressed on. "While all of us have friends and family who could benefit, the balance of sponsors and companions must be maintained. We must also keep our plans from becoming public knowledge."

Lesa's expression turned sad, "I have, or at least had, very close friends that I would very much like saved, but dare not contact."

"I know Gloria. She would not have rested until she discovered to full nature of my relationship with Jake. While revealing our plans to her is a risk, not revealing them also entails risks. There remains the open question of her capabilities as a sexual partner. Her physical appearance may not draw suitors, but I believe that her physical issues can be corrected with the medical technology of the Darjee. What I hope that they cannot or do not correct is basic the attitudes, prejudices, and motivations of an individual. Gloria is a unique, honest, and remarkably capable person."

Ralph appeared very agitated and asked, "Would they really try something like that? I mean, sexual slavery is something that I can tolerate if the subjects are volunteers, but to alter personality to create, what, a regimented zombie? I couldn't deal with that."

Janet spoke up, "I'm for limiting fights to fights that can be won, but some fights need to be fought because it's the right thing to do. This would be one of those for me."

Lesa tried to keep things on track with, "Let's not start this fight, yet. It may be totally unnecessary. I question the model used by the Confederacy Defense Force being the best for improving the human gene pool, but I don't think many of us would go along with brainwashing the masses."

Leslie was puzzled, "Why wouldn't it be the best for the gene pool? I mean, they're taking the smartest and best the Earth has to offer and putting them in a position to propagate their genes at an accelerated rate."

Toby as sitting across from Leslie and fielded her question, "Their genes are being diluted by what are considered less capable individuals. The best-of-the-best may be breeding more, but they almost all occupy combat positions and have the least probability of long-term survival."

Marvin broke in adding, "While I admire the great thinking ability of Jake and Toby, I admire Ralph as a truly great human being. I find myself trying to make choices that I think Ralph would make. Imagine, a jock like me using a geek as a role model. And, everyone at this table looks to another low-scoring individual for leadership. Do we not all follow Lesa's lead?"

It seemed that Lesa's torpedo had been deflected by the side issues, until Janet gave it a target. "We were talking about sexual compatibility being a prerequisite. How would a family unit benefit from expansion? How do we determine compatibility? How does the question of sexual compatibility apply to Gloria? No offense Gloria, but you don't appear to have any padding at all. A guy could injure himself being intimate with you."

Gloria took the criticism well. It was not as harsh as some she had been given, but she was already too embarrassed by being the focus of attention to respond.

Lesa's laugh got everyone's attention, "All very good questions, Janet. Let's take them in reverse order. It applies to everyone who wishes to emigrate; therefore, it applies to Gloria. I don't believe a written application can answer the question of compatibility without an interview that includes physical contact, a test drive as it were. Then the last question will probably answer itself."

Misty spoke up, "A test drive? You mean..."

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." Lesa responded to Misty and then looked significantly at Jake, "One or all of you gentlemen should engage Gloria in physical activities that discover her sexual appetites and tolerances first-hand." She then locked eyes with Toby, Ralph and Marvin in turn.

Janet elbowed Ralph prompting him to ask, "You mean ... now?"

Marvin really didn't want to be publicly compared with the others and moved to excuse himself. "Sasha and I are expected at Tiffany's sorority house for a party this evening. I hate to eat and run, but we should probably be leaving."

Janet spoke up, "Chicken, you're too embarrassed to perform under pressure, admit it."

"No, really," Sasha added, "I had asked Marvin to decline the invitation to dinner tonight because I didn't want to be more than fashionably late to the party."

Everyone stood to say goodbye to the departing couple.

"It didn't take him long to replace you guys with a new girl," Ralph remarked to Leslie and Sara Jay under his breath.

"Nah," Sara Jay answered, "Sasha isn't new. He's been porking her for weeks."

After Marvin and Sasha's hasty departure, a silence fell on the group. Jake, Toby, Ralph, and especially Gloria felt as though they were under a microscope. Jake and Ralph looked around; then focused on Toby who was the only one of the three males unencumbered by female companionship.

Toby was feeling the heat and wishing he could have bailed with Marvin. "I'm not a good choice because ... because I have no basis of comparison." He was blushing like crazy and avoiding eye contact.

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