Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 8: Dream Sex

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 8: Dream Sex - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Saturday Afternoon

A strong tug at her spirit -- or maybe two -- led Janelle towards the lake outside of town. Most of the swim team members were there. A few were splashing in the lake, although the water was cool because this was early June, and the summer sun had not had time yet to heat it much. Most were dozing in the warm spring sunshine.

One of the pulls Janelle felt was from Cutie, who was thinking about Janelle and her problems. Cutie was plotting to get her boyfriend alone and see if they could 'get together, ' as she said, meaning to get him inside her and have some fun. If Cutie could get Janelle there at the same time, then she could feel what making love was really like. If that was what was keeping the girl's spirit around, she might be freed. Besides, Cutie and Will really enjoyed getting together.

Another impulse was from Priscilla Alden, a junior on the girls' swim team, and a talented swimmer. Priscilla, for some reason, preferred to be called Pinkie. She was tall and very slender, and slipped through the water like a dolphin; Janelle had been encouraging her, and offering her advice on turns and starts, ever since summer swim camp, and the work had paid off -- Pinkie was now only second to Janelle in lap times for the crawl and butterfly, and frequently beat Janelle's times in the breaststroke. But Pinkie's thoughts were not about swimming, they were about Bob, Janelle's boyfriend. Because she liked Bob, Pinkie was jealous of Janelle. She was also aware that Bob loved Janelle, and was probably hurting right now because Janelle had died. Pinkie felt split because she liked Bob and Janelle, and she wanted to be Bob's girlfriend, but was too shy to even say 'Hi' to Bob at practices.

Scanning the beach and the water, Janelle could not see Bob. Pinkie's thoughts had reminded her of him and she looked again, but he was not there. As Janelle thought about this, she could feel Bob dreaming about her and her spirit carried her into his dream.

Bob's dream was gray; not even black and white, just shades of gray. He was standing inside a cage with a huge padlock on it and looking very lost and helpless. The cage was made of gray bars. It was placed inside a room with featureless gray walls. Even the clothes he wore -- sweat pants and a shirt -- were gray. His skin, eyes, and hair looked gray, as well. The only thing in his dream not gray, was Janelle, and she was dazzlingly, blindingly white, and must have seemed to him to be an angel. To overcome some of the sadness and the feeling that she was now far beyond him, Janelle chose to greet him in their usual, friendly manner. "Hi, Bob. Great name, Bob. Especially for a swimmer. At least, if you get in the water and forget how to swim, you can always bob."

He turned in her direction and smiled a sad smile. But at least her greeted her. "Hi, Jan. You look pretty good for being named after a winter month."

"Well, Mom liked April; Dad wanted May; and the grandparents liked June and October, so they took an average and it came out to Jan. What can I say? My family is so average they get excited by both 'B' and 'D' grades." Her dream self smiled the way that she always did when they greeted each other like this; they had long ago made a game of turning the other's name into a joke and enjoyed the thought and effort that went into making a new stories about why they had the names they did. "That is another reason my parents like you so much; Bob is such an average name."

He lost his composure then and cried, shrinking away from her into his gray cage.

Rather than continue the jokes, Janelle walked through the bars and put her arms around her boyfriend. "I know that you miss me. I miss you, too. I was so planning on taking you off somewhere next weekend at the hotel and getting to feel you inside my vagina. But that can't happen now; so I'm sorry too."

At this, Bob's eyebrows raised. "You were planning on having sex? With me?"

"Not exactly. I was planning on making love with you. I've been taking my birth control pills regularly and should be safe now. And I even picked out my outfit to seduce you." Now her eyebrows raised, not in surprise, but showing that she was thinking about him in a sexy way.

"So, what outfit had you picked out?"

"I can't show it to you here, it's too crowded. Can we go to your bedroom?" Janelle desperately wanted to help her boyfriend feel better.

"But, I'm locked in here..."

"Only if you want to be." Janelle touched the giant lock and it sprung open and fell to the ground. The entire side of the cage swung wide open. "Do you want to stay here, or... ?"

"Do you know how to get to my bedroom from here?" Again, Bob had a half-smile on his face.

Janelle just backed away until she was near the gray wall, held out her hand and waited for him to walk out of the cage and take it. After a few seconds, he did just that.

Once their hands were clasped together, the gray walls changed into Bob's bedroom walls. The cage disappeared and his bed and other furniture appeared. The window over his desk showed a bright, spring afternoon. And Janelle wore nothing but a smile. "This is the outfit I wanted you to see." Janelle's hand clasped his more tightly, then gently pulled him towards her. Her face was a mix of expectation, lust, and shyness. "I hoped you would like it." Her voice was quiet as she spoke.

"More than like it, I love it!" Bob seemed to have forgotten his cage and was now smiling hugely.

"I wanted to tell you -- and show you -- that I love you."

Bob was staring at the body before his eyes. His breaths were deeper and his pulse was rising; so was his penis. This was a dream of his, in more ways than he could say. Then he remembered. "But, aren't you, ... I mean can we, if... ?" His excitement went down and he looked into her eyes, took a deep breath, and spoke directly to her, with love in his eyes and doubt in his heart. "If you are dead, can we still make love? I really want to, but it won't be the same, will it? I want to make love to you, not some dream of mine."

Now Janelle was sure this boy, no this man, was very remarkable. He didn't want a dream, he wanted HER! Tears began a slow rain from her eyes and down her cheeks. In a whisper, she told him about what had happened to her and what was happening now. When she finished, she pulled him even closer and spoke directly into his ear. "This is really me, although I don't understand how or why. And I really love you. I will try to make this as real as I can, for both of us. If this is the only time I get to make love with you for all eternity, I want to make it special for you. Just having you here and knowing you love me makes it special already for me."

Love filled her. It started somewhere in the middle, near her stomach. It moved outwards from there to her heart. She felt it in her womb. The sensation, while not sexy yet, reached her vagina and spread out to her skin, where it made all of her tingle. Her clitoris felt electric; her nipples were charged with excitement. It seemed as if her very skin began to glow with love.

Still clothed in the gray sweat suit that he had worn in the cage, Bob stood in front of her and stared. Janelle could not wait even a minute longer, so she pulled his shirt up.

He lifted his hands and she removed the top completely and tossed it away.

Wrapping her in his arms, he felt her nipples rubbing against his chest and his penis getting stiffer and stiffer. As he savored the sensations of her skin against his torso, her hands pushed down on the waistband of his pants, sliding the elastic past his hips, lifting it carefully over his protruding penis, behind his butt, down his thighs, and dropping the garment on his feet.

Bob stepped from the fabric and kicked it out of their way. Then he lifted his love onto his bed and began to simultaneously whisper how much he loved her and to stroke her bare skin. The skin gave off a radiance, a heat and light both, that amazed him.

She laid and opened herself to his gaze and his words and his hands; she gave herself to him completely, as lovers should do.

When he touched her lips, they kissed and sucked at his fingers. Her tiny tongue peeked out between the panting pink lips and washed the fingers and they passed. He brushed tears away from her cheeks and kissed the places they had traveled. His hands stroked her hair, and down to her shoulders. Almost without breathing, he brushed over her small breasts, and both he and she gasped deeply when his palm passed over the pointy nipples.

Wanting to take his time, and make the experience perfect for her, Bob moved slowly, but Janelle grabbed one of his hands and pulled it towards her vulva. When he looked the question at her, she just nodded rapidly, and when his hand passed over her smoothly shaven mons and stroked down along her hot pink labia, she gasped, "Yes!"

The upstroke spread her lower lips and he felt and smelled her juices wetting his hand. When the wet fingers reached her clitoris, she moaned, another "Yes!" As they escaped her lips, her words were a groan. "You don't need to do anything to turn me on, sweetheart. If you can't tell, I am already as turned on as I can get. If you can't feel it, and smell it, you can look and see that my body is dripping for you. I have been thinking about you, about us, doing this for months, and I am as ready for you as is humanly possible. If there is something you want: if you want to touch me, or kiss me, or anything, I am yours. But I have been waiting to feel your body inside mine and that is what I really want right now." Janelle grasped the covers on her sweetheart's bed and waited.

On the other hand, Bob wanted to love all of her, not just a tiny hole between her legs. His eyes looked at her face, now covered with passion and love. His hand closed her eyes softly. His lips whispered to her. "I am going to look at you -- all of you. And I want to run my hands all over your beautiful body. Then I am going to kiss you, especially that parts that make you crazy. After all of that, then I am going to feel you around my penis as it slides deeply inside you. If I can hold back long enough, I want to feel you orgasm underneath me and around me while I come inside you. Don't try and hold back. Don't stop yourself. Just feel how much I love you, with my hands, and my lips, and my eyes, and my heart. And realize that my entire body loves you and makes my penis hard to point that love to you and push it inside you and fill you with that love. The seed you will feel is just a small part of the love I am going to put inside your body. Do you understand?" His fingers stroked her clitoris over and over again as he spoke.

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