Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 27: A Father's Love

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 27: A Father's Love - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Thursday Night

"Abigail! You are not trying hard enough. You let that girl win the last race." Fuller Bushman was the head coach of the Samuel Crosstoun Memorial High School swim teams. He was also father to the best swimmer on the teams, Abigail Bushman. But he felt that she was not doing enough to win, since Janelle Delfin had beat her in every race this season. True, Abigail (Abo to her friends) had beaten every other swimmer in almost every race, but that still had left her in second place, which was not good enough for her Dad. His usual method to encourage her was a solid spanking.

"Daddy, don't spank me again. If I'm sore, I can't swim as well. Please?" Abo was eighteen and legally an adult, but she was treated like a child by her father, and frequently behaved like one, simply because she knew no other way to behave.

"That will not be necessary. The other girl will not race this week; she was in an accident."

"That's good, isn't it, Daddy?" Abigail felt hope in her heart that she might win this race and please her father.

"Probably. I mean, if she isn't there for the regional competition, the rest of her team will be upset and we stand a good chance to beat them, finally." Coach Bushman felt some little hope as well. As the head swim coach of the Memorial Soldiers, he desperately wanted to win against the school's main rivals, the St. Nicholas Golden Bears, and just prayed that this weekend's match might be the time. "Except for the Bears, our team has had a winning season. We are second overall in the regional standings. I believe that, if we win convincingly this weekend, we could be the first team for the season. That would be enough to push the school board to make me a full-time coach and I could stop teaching Auto Shop, finally."

"Would you get extra money as the head coach of a winning team?" Abigail knew that money was always a problem, had been a problem ever since her Mom divorced Dad and left her with him.

All her Mom had wanted was Spousal Support, and the judge gave it to her, leaving Abigail in her Dad's care. But that support was high, and to pay the support as well as their own expenses, her Dad often had to work full days at school, plus coach swimming, diving, and water polo teams, and then work all weekend as an auto mechanic. He even worked some evenings and nights, if one of the local car repair shops needed an extra worker and if there wasn't a team meeting or practice. "Do you need to work tonight, Dad?" Abigail tried her best to care for her father.

"One of the smaller shops wants to open evenings, to try and get more business. They want me to show up. If there is enough business, I get to work the whole evening. If there is no business, I get paid for one hour, at least. That will help pay for a few bills."

"Yes. But won't you miss the swim practice tonight?"

"Is there a practice tonight? I did not know. Coach O'Chism must want to get in some extra work before the final meet this weekend." Abigail's Dad looked at her directly. "Do not tell anyone. If I get done early at the shop, I can claim that I was at the practice and get paid for it. If someone knows that I wasn't there, the school board and the administration may wonder why I wasn't at a practice when I am the head coach."

"I promise Dad." Abigail crossed her heart with her fingers.

"Do you want me to drop you off at school on my way to work? That way you won't have to walk."

"Sure, Dad. Thanks. I just need to put on my suit and grab a towel; then I'll be ready."

The practice was not well attended. When Abo arrived, there were only a few cars in the parking lot. Of course Coach O'Chism's car was there, and also a few vehicles which she recognized as belonging to some of the other seniors. They were waiting for her when she walked into the pool enclosure. The four boys had on their swim trunks, each with a towel over their shoulder. The Coach wore shorts and a pull over collared shirt. Nothing was surprising, yet.

The Coach spoke first. "Now that the guest of honor is here, we can start. Everybody, let's move into the locker room where it is more private."

The four guys stood and, along with Abo, followed the Coach into the girl's locker room. Once inside, the Coach locked the door behind them as two of the guys grabbed her arms.

To say she was surprised is an understatement. "Why are you holding me like that? Let go! Brian! Jeff!"

There was a loud smack and Abo felt her face sting. The Coach had slapped her! Before she could say anything else, She heard the Coach tell her to "Shut up!"

Tears were running down her face from the pain and surprise of the slap. Abo's mouth hung open, but no sounds came out.

"Right!" Coach O'Chism suddenly looked as if she were about to eat something live and was savoring the looks her meal gave just before being eaten. "Joe and Bill, bring the blankets here. You gents, bring the girl."

Several blankets were spread on the floor in front of the Coach. Then Abo was hauled over to the blankets and made to stand next to them. They were gathered in an open area near the showers, far enough away from the lockers to give a clear space on the floor for the blankets and the people standing around them.

"Just fine. Now, lay her gently on her stomach, so we don't hurt her." There was a maniacal laugh after that statement, as if she would enjoy seeing Abo hurt. "You two:" she pointed at the two guys who were just watching, "grab her legs so she doesn't kick something and hurt herself."

In seconds, Abo had two strong swimmers holding her arms and two holding her legs as she was lowered face downward to the floor. With four against one, Abo's struggles barely moved them. Once she was pinned to the blankets, she stopped fighting. Her arms were being held up, above her head, and her legs were spread into a "V" almost as wide as the blanket. What was happening? She turned and lifted her head, the only thing she could move, to face the Coach, and looked at her silently.

"You want to know what is going on, don't you?" Coach looked almost normal now, except for a twist to her smile which promised that something bad would follow. "Since your Dad, Coach Bushman, allowed me to institute spanking for, shall we say, encouraging our team, we have beaten every team except one -- the Golden Bears. And you, my dear, have lost every race to their star swimmer. So tonight, I plan to help you have more enthusiasm for winning." The left hand of the Coach reached into a bag laying next to Abo and pulled out a shiny pair of scissors. "Hold her still, boys. I don't want to pierce her pretty skin -- yet!"

Abo felt the cold scissors against her right hip as they slipped under the fabric of her suit. She wanted to scream "don't cut my suit!" but her face still hurt from the slap, so she kept quiet as the metal blades moved rapidly from her hip to her armpit and the fabric was split open. With her head facing to her right, she could feel, but not see when the scissors pressed against her left hip and began to move up her left side. Then she felt the cool air against her skin where the cloth no longer covered her body. Soon, the shoulder straps and the material over her crotch and butt were the only part of the suit she still felt.

Again, the evil smile faced her as the Coach reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of surgeon's gloves. One at a time, the strong hands were covered and the wrists were checked with a snap of latex.

The hands reached behind Abo's back and she felt her butt muscles tugged apart. The suit stretched and bunched between her bottom cheeks and she was released. Abo could imagine how she looked now: straps over her shoulders to the "Y" in her back, then a straight line of knotted fabric down her back and between her cheeks and legs, leaving her butt naked and her sex barely covered. She blushed, imagining that everybody could see her nearly naked body, especially her bottom.

"I have tried to get your Dad to allow bare bottom spanking, but he refused. It always seems to work better when I do it. And I especially enjoy the sounds and the colors."

A hand slapped, hard, against Abo's unprotected bottom. Her body jerked in reaction and "ouch" escaped her mouth. She could not move far, since she was already against the ground, and she was afraid to say anything after the hard slap, but she could not stop herself.

"There, see everyone? The sound was much better, and the skin is already turning a lovely red color."

All Abo could do was lay still and cry at the pain and embarrassment. She felt another swat on her other buttock. Over and over, the latex covered hand landed on her bare skin and each time, Abo cried and jerked, but she could do nothing else, she was too tightly pinned.

Soon, her butt was sore from the beating, and the following swats had less effect. When that happened, the hands moved out and spanked the sides of her bottom. Then the hits moved to her thighs. Eventually, Abo was sore from her knees to her shoulders. The changing locations of the spanks kept her pain level high, but at last, her nerves began to shut down and Abo just felt numb.

It took a few seconds before she recognized that the swats had stopped. Then, Abo felt the cold of the scissors on her shoulders, slicing the straps apart. As the fabric was tugged down her back, she heard the Coach's voice. "Lift her now so I can get the suit off, then turn her over, so we can start on the front."

Too sore and bruised from the beating to struggle, Abo felt herself lifted and the last shreds of her suit removed. Then her naked body was spun and her aching bottom and back were pressed into the blanket, held again, with her legs spread in a "Y" and her hands shoulder-width apart, but over her head. There were no tears left in her eyes to cry, and no sounds left in her throat to express her humiliation. For a few seconds, the beating was delayed, and Abo was able to blink enough to clear her vision. The four guys who were holding her still were staring at her naked body and almost drooling. None of them seemed willing to help her.

"Please, stop." Abo breathed. Her throat was dry from crying and there was little volume in the words.

A plastic-covered hand knocked her head to the side, slamming it into the blanket. "Shut up, bitch. I told you to shut up."

When Abo looked, she could see the grin of pleasure on Coach O'Chism's face; she was enjoying herself.

Then a hard hand fell on her breast. The slap bruised the tender flesh and Abo gasped. Tears formed again and rolled from her eyes. Another hit on her other breast, and Abo saw stars. The pain from the first hit was still building, as if her body did not want to accept it, and the second hit only added to the agony. After a few more punches and slaps, Abo felt as if her entire upper body was broken, but the punches continued.

It was a much shorter time until her nerves refused to work under the sensory overload and she stopped reacting to the blows. Then, the hands moved to her thighs and started to hit her there. Now it was fists, not slaps, and the bruises went to the bone. Occasionally the beating would move to her stomach and her body would try and curl up from the pain, but could not.

Even her shaved mons and labia were hit. It stung, it bruised, it ached, but she did not move. Abo had lost any sense of self and, while she felt the pain in her body, she no longer reacted. As if from a distance, she watched the beating of her body and heard the Coach's voice, "She's ready when she doesn't feel the beating. Looks like she's ready. Joe, you hold both her hands. Jeff, and Bill, you hold her legs. Brian gets first shot at her little cunt."

The boys swapped around as ordered, and Brian dropped his swim trunks to the floor.

"Jeff and Bill, hold her legs up and wide, so she can see when he puts his cock into her."

Abo's legs were moved. Now, she was not only spread and naked, but her sex was wide open to their eyes and anything else. There were few tears left, but they still squeezed from her eyes.

When her eyes cleared, at least a little, she saw the Coach standing between her legs, holding a tube of something in her gloved hands. "This will help Brian get inside you, sweetie. It's lubricant, since I expect you are not really ready to be fucked." Abo did not feel as if she were a sweetie, she felt like a punching bag, or a sex doll.

The gloved hands were spreading her bruised labia and the evil eyes were looking directly inside her body when Abo could see again. She heard the Coach's voice, "Well, well! A virgin? Brian, you get to take a virgin tonight. Are you ready?"

There was nothing Abo could say or do. Brian was ready, his hard penis pointed straight at Abo's naked, helpless, aching, virgin body. She shut her eyes and held her breath.

A latex glove held her labia wide apart and something cold and gooey squirted onto her sex. Gloved fingers spread the lube around and into her. The fingers even separated when they were inside her body and stretched her painfully open. "She's ready for you, stud. Rip that nasty old cherry from her pussy."

With her eyes still closed, Abo could see the shadow of Brian as he knelt between her splayed legs and his penis neared her helpless body. The gloved hands were still there, stroking and spreading her, and Abo felt them position Brian's hard organ and slip it into her. So far, it hadn't hurt nearly as much as the spanking and beating. Abo sighed in relief.

There was a sharp sound, another slap, but not on her body. Brian jerked forward into Abo. His weight pressed on her bruised body, breasts, thighs, stomach, mons, all ached with the pressure, and her back was on fire again. Then she noticed that her vagina felt ripped in half: he was all the way inside her.

But Brian was the one yelling in pain,"What'd you hit me for, Coach? That hurt!"

"Maybe, but one spank got you inside her all the way as fast as possible. I'll bet it hurt her even more than it hurt you. Now shut up and start fucking or I'll squeeze your balls -- that will hurt you even worse."

He shut up and started fucking.

Abo lay still and thought of dying. After being stripped, beaten, and raped, dying felt like an easy option. Since she had not planned on having sex anytime soon, she was unprotected and there was the possibility that she would also be pregnant. Yes, dying was definitely sounding good.

It didn't take long for Brian to finish and Abo felt his sperm fill her vagina and spill out. After a few last pushes into her, he just laid on top of her sore body and panted. Well, he did yell and pump one more time, and Abo felt a little more liquid enter her battered body. Then he pushed himself off of her and yelled at the Coach. "You did it! You squished my balls! Damn, that hurt!"

Impassive, the Coach simply replied, "Yes, but it got some more sperm out of you and into her. That's what I wanted."

Brian swapped with Jeff. Jeff dropped his trunks and knelt on Abo's arms and placed his penis against her mouth.

The pain from his shins on her arms made Abo whimper, but she tried to keep her mouth closed. Who knew what this group had planned?

That failed when the Coach grabbed her clitoris and pinched it, hard, then pulled it away from her body. "Open up, bitch, before I pull your sex off of your body."

The ouch from the pain allowed Jeff to push inside her mouth, and before she could close it again, there was a slap directly on her clitoris and a stern warning. "No biting or you will be sorry, bitch!"

Dying was even more in her thoughts, now. Jeff was fucking her mouth; Brian and Bill were holding her legs apart and looking at her naked body; and Coach was hitting her everywhere. Abo tried to breathe when Jeff lifted, but it was hard as his balls often covered her mouth. But, when he pressed in, she could not breathe at all, he filled her mouth and even went into her throat. She felt like gagging, like she was going to vomit, but she could not move -- the vomit would just fill her mouth and suffocate her. Abo held on as Jeff quickly filled her mouth with his foul seed, then he pushed all the way into her throat and spilled again directly into her throat, which she had to swallow or choke. Finally, he backed off and she could breathe again.

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