Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 24: Semiprivate Lessons

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 24: Semiprivate Lessons - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Thursday Evening

After all the members of the swim team were present for the special Thursday evening practice. Coach Rolle stood and announced that most of the time would be spent swimming laps, to build endurance. Each swimmer was expected to work on every stroke, with extra attention paid to both their best and worst. Effort to improve would pay off at both ends of the scale and the coaches wanted all of their team members to improve. As the rest swam, the coaches would take a few at a time for individual discussions and practice.

"Will, Cutie, you two are first up inside for the special training. After the rest are swimming, please come with me." Then, with a loud voice which might be unexpected in such a small frame, Coach Shi lined up the groups and started them on their laps. She eyed each group as they climbed onto the starting blocks (or into the water for the back strokes) and gave them a shouted start. "Swimmers, take your marks! Go!"

The team had heard her yelling at them almost daily for almost a year -- since last August, at tryouts and swimmer's hell week, so they were not surprised, and they followed her orders easily.

Once the two swimmers and two coaches were inside the girls' coaches offices, everyone sat and Coach Shi started to explain. "This might be hard to understand, but we -- Coach Rolle and I -- are concerned about more than just your swimming skills. We have recently discovered some things which we believe will make our lives much better. Now we want to help you, our students and team members, to understand these things. Do you understand so far?"

Two heads nodded; Cutie and Will understood.

Coach Rolle took over. "What we hope to teach all the team, starting with you two, is special, and secret. If anyone found out -- parents, school administration, anyone -- we would probably be fired. Will you promise to keep what we discuss as our secret?"

More nodding.

"Fine. Now for the hard part." Cal Rolle paused, and inhaled deeply before continuing. "What we want to teach concerns sex. The two of us feel very strongly that what you students are learning in your Sex Ed. classes only covers part of what you need to know. The classes cover changes to your bodies and how to avoid pregnancy and sexual diseases. But they don't teach about the difference that caring makes in a sexual relationship." Here, he ran out of breath, and words, and courage; he stopped.

In a few seconds, Coach Shi saw that the discussion was not continuing, and she took over. "We have selected you two to be first for several reasons. One: you are among the leaders of the swim teams and the others respect you. Two: both of us know you to be honest and mature and we trust you to keep our secret. And three: you are in some kind of relationship already."

There were nods after the first two points, and looks of concern when Sue mentioned the relationship. She hurried on before the pair could get too worried. "We are not asking what kind of relationship you are having; that is strictly between you two. We have seen you holding hands and talking together, so we know that you care for each other -- that is all we are saying now. If you are -- or are not -- in a sexual relationship, we are not going to discuss that, either with you, or with your parents. That is your private business and we will not interfere. What we want is to help you -- and for you to help each other -- to learn ways to make your present and future relationships better. And especially in sexual relationships, it is too easy to let the sexual parts -- the pleasure, the passion, and so on -- take over, and miss out on the personal parts. It is those personal parts we want to discuss."

Cutie and Will looked relieved, but were still not sure where this was heading.

Before they could ask, Sue continued. "I'm afraid that it gets a little worse before it gets better. In order for this to work, the two of you have to agree to be naked together, to let the other see and touch you in a sexual way. Both of us will remain here so there can be no doubt that nothing wrong has occurred. Would you, Will, object to letting Cutie see you naked?"

A smile as wide as his face made his answer clear. "No, Coach. Are you sure this is important?"

"We both think it is very important, Will. Thank you for agreeing." Susan turned to Cutie. "Would you object to letting Will see you naked, Cutie?"

Her grin was smaller, but only because her face was narrower than his; Cutie did not object either.

"Fine. Will, take off your suit and lay down on the massage table, face up, please. Cutie, take off your suit and just wait, if you would."

"Are you and Coach Rolle going to see us naked, too?" Cutie asked. She was busy stripping off her suit as she asked.

"We promise to be here to help, but do not want to get in the way. Do you mind?"

"I guess not. These suits don't hide much, anyway." Cutie finished and stood, gloriously naked.

Meanwhile, Will had dropped his suit and placed himself on the massage table. When he looked over at his girlfriend, his penis started to grow and he tried to hide it with his hands. He wasn't very successful.

Coach Rolle smiled. "This is part of what we want to teach. Will, you are getting sexually excited, right?"

A lopsided grin and a nod -- and of course the growing, partly covered erection -- showed that the Coach was correct.

"And why are you getting excited?"

"Because there is a beautiful girl -- woman -- standing here naked." Will indicated Cutie as he spoke.

"Now, Cutie, I want you to touch his erection. You should know what will probably happen soon if you do that, right?" Coach Shi led Cutie over to the table and smiled at the two, now suddenly shy, teenagers.

"He's going to spurt, I mean ejaculate."

"Right. Can you help him spurt?"

It soon became obvious that Cutie had some experience in that department. Her small hands both held Will's erection and began a gentle stroking. His hands relaxed and slid to the table by his sides as she moved his body. Once he was very stiff, she began stroking faster and faster. Soon, he could not hold himself back, and Will was moaning and pushing his hips back at her hands. His eyes closed and he whispered Cutie's name, then lost it and the white liquid spurted from his body.

Almost before they finished, Sue spoke firmly. "Cutie, climb on top of him. Hold him. This is not about sex, this is about caring."

Cutie almost leaped up on the table and covered his body with her own. Her arms wrapped around him where they could, and she kissed his cheek. His arms lifted and held her as well.

Once they had relaxed, Sue continued. "After an orgasm, a man is very weak and vulnerable. At that time, holding him tells him that you care. Even if what happens between a man and a woman is just sex, at that point, the caring can start to grow into real love. If there is already love, the closeness helps it grow. Will, can you feel the caring coming from Cutie?"

His voice was muffled, but Will answered, "I feel it."

"And Cutie, can you feel the caring from Will?"

She turned her head and replied, "I think so. I mean, he feels warm next to me, especially when he has his arms around me."

"Just let that warmth soak into your body. Don't think about sex or anything except feeling how he cares for you. Can you do that?"

As Cutie's head gently lowered onto Will's chest, she spoke softly, "I can feel it."

"Let it inside you. Just lay there and feel warm and safe and loved."

Her response was soft. "Mmm."

"Will, hold her and let her feel that you care for her."

If he said anything, no one heard it except for Cutie. But his hands began a soft stroking from her waist to her head and back again. There were no side trips to touch her breasts or detours to her bottom, only gentle rubbing and hugging which made Cutie feel very good and relaxed, and even, possibly, loved. No one heard Cutie say anything, either, but Will felt her breath as she sighed; to him it sounded as if she were whispering 'I love you.'

The two laid and relaxed for a few more minutes. Eventually, they both recognized where they were and that they had an audience, and began to get nervous. When that started, before they became too tense, Coach Shi got them both up. For a few minutes, Sue Shi spoke softly with Cutie and tried to get her relax. When it looked as if Cutie was relaxed, even though she was naked with three other people in the room, Coach asked her to lay on the massage table, with her legs hanging off the end of the massage table. The quiet conversation worked, as Cutie laid back, closed her eyes, and sighed deeply.

Meanwhile, Coach Rolle was talking to Will, explaining what came next. Once everything was ready, what came next was apparent. Will walked over to Cutie and kissed her mouth, then her nipples, then her tummy. Finally, he bent over her naked mons and kissed her there, his tongue extending into her slit. He stroked her thighs and stomach while his tongue probed deeper and deeper into her labia. When Cutie moved her legs wider apart, it was clear that she didn't mind what he was doing.

Both students kept their eyes closed as they focused on Cutie's pleasure. Will was doing everything he had learned and whatever else he could think of to make his girlfriend feel good. Cutie was relaxed and her legs splayed even wider as he dove in deeper and worked passionately to give Cutie the feeling that he cared for her. It took only a minute or two before her back was arching and she was moaning his name. And after her orgasm, as she cooled down, Will did not stop his caring caresses and kisses, he just moved them to less sensitive places on her body.

When Cutie's hand found Will's stroking her stomach, she pulled it up until it covered her breast and just held it there. Will continued stroking with his other hand and laid his head on her stomach, watching her face as she laid there. It surprised Cutie that he was looking at her face when she opened her eyes -- she was laying totally naked on a table and he could have been looking at any part of her, but he chose her face, and he smiled when he saw that her eyes were opened. She smiled back and felt the remains of the orgasm still in her body, and -- more importantly -- she felt his warmth, caring, and love, in a way she had never experienced before. She was surprised that after all the times they had shared sex, she had never felt this way about Will.

The soft, 'indoor' voice of Coach Shi drifted down on the relaxed pair. "Cutie, can you feel the warmth now?"

"Yes, Coach."

"And do you know that that feeling is different from the sex, from the passion?"

"Very different."

"What about you, Will? Cutie could tell, before that you desired her. Can you feel that she loves you?"

"Yes, Coach."

The deeper voice of Coach Rolle interrupted. "You two need to get to your laps now. Are you ok with this?"

Both the teens felt both pleasantly tired and charged with energy. They stopped the caresses and picked up their suits. A quick shower, together, in the female coaches' shower, and they slipped their suits back on and were ready to start swimming laps.

Before they walked out the door, Cutie pulled Will over to the coaches one more time. "Thank you, both. This was an important lesson, for both of us." She looked at Will, who nodded in agreement. "If you get to Bob with this lesson, bring in Pinkie, too. I think they have started to build a relationship."

The looks of concern in the coaches' faces stopped Cutie, just for a few seconds. "Not a rebound relationship. Bob needed help -- he was really upset when Janelle died -- and Pinkie was trying to help him. I don't know if they have gone beyond hugs and hand holding yet, but I can see that they care for each other and are trying to help each other to remember Janelle in the best possible way. With time, I think they will come to love each other."

There was a sad smile on Coach Shi's face when Cutie finished. "Thank you, Cutie. We weren't sure what to do about them. Janelle was special to us all."

When Cutie turned to head out to the pool area, Will's hand reached for hers and, as if they had practiced, their palms met and their fingers interlaced. Just before they opened the door out, Sue yelled, "Send Bob and Pinkie in next, please?"

Cutie smiled back at her. Will leaned over and kissed her, softly, on the cheek and smiled. Still holding hands, Will pulled the door open and held it for her. The pair disappeared through the opening.

About a minute later, a dripping Pinkie and Bob entered, rubbing their towels over the wettest places. Cal turned to Sue and smiled. "Here we go again. Ready?"

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