Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 21: Waking up is Hard

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 21: Waking up is Hard - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Wednesday Evening

The anger he felt was not directed at his wife, but Hector was very angry. Some High School boys had gotten his little girl drunk and almost raped her. The police were seeing to the boys, but Hector needed to do something to get his wife to recognize that she had screwed up. If she had been paying attention, Halee would not have left the house that night.

Of course Maui was distressed: Janelle had died less than a week ago and she was their first child. She had been a beautiful, living, breathing monument of their love; and now she was gone. But, even in her distress, Maui needed to come back to her other children. Hector would not even have thought it, but she needed to come back to her loving husband, as well; he needed her, too.

Love, tenderness, affection, even sex had not helped Maui be aware of herself and her family. Hector thought of other nights at the lake, of the many times they had made love and felt better, even when terrible things were happening around them. He also thought of the times they had played more extreme games. Maui had enjoyed being bound and spanked and they had experienced fiery hot sex afterwards. Maybe he could try something harsher to get her attention, something she could not consent to in her current state of mind but might have enjoyed if she were more alert. Hector would not, could not, deliberately hurt his beloved Hawaiian princess just for the pain, but he had spanked and teased her before with rough sex and she had loved him passionately after.

A plan: a way to get her attention, to show her she was loved and needed, to remind her of their other children; Hector made his plan and worked on the details. It was important enough that he took the afternoon off of work and told his boss that he might not make it in the next day.

First: making sure the kids were cared for. They couldn't, shouldn't, be alone right now, but friends and caring parents might help them more than their distant Mom had been able to. Hector called Mike and Katie Dahl -- could they let Halee sleep over with Cutie? Especially after her trauma, Halee needed companionship and friendship. The Dahls were glad to invite her. Then, Hector called the Tuwin house. Will's Mom, Ivanna answered and was happy to allow the twins to stay with Will for the night. Both houses were near to the Delfin's; the Tuwin's lived next door, and the Dahls were only a block over. It was near enough to the end of the school year that a weeknight sleepover would not be a major problem, and Hector did not think Maui could wait for a better time.

Second: getting the equipment. Most of the things they had played with before were still in the house, although they had been secreted in the top rafters of the garage. Hector got out the ladder and collected the stuff he wanted, then returned the box to its stack. He hid everything, then went to a few stores to get the few things remaining.

Third: the set up. When the kids arrived home from school, Hector told them they were staying at friends for the night. Without explaining exactly what he planned, he let them know that he was trying to help Maui feel better after Janelle's death. They understood and were glad to visit with friends. Halee was almost jumping with glee when told she would be with Cutie -- being with a High School senior, when she was not even a freshman, was exciting. Cutie had been told of Halee's adventure, and would try and help with any nerves or frights Halee might have. Will had only been told that the twins needed to spend the night and that it had something to do with Janelle's accident. Maybe the boys could talk about her, and they would all feel better. Hector did not think about it, since sex had not been openly discussed when he was a teen, but the girls' and boys' sleepovers both turned into open discussions of that topic.

He walked with the twins next door and thanked Ivanna and Will for the invitation. Then Hector drove Halee over to the Dahls' and left her and her bags there, along with his thanks to the family.

When he returned, their house was silent. He prepared for the next step. Hector laid the rope out under the sofa in the living room and shut the blinds tightly, leaving a few lamps for light. Padded cuffs for her wrists and ankles were handy, but not visible, and everything else was ready and placed near where it would be used.

Maui was gently pulled from her bed and guided into the living room. She did not resist, but nether did she show any willingness to do anything for herself. When Hector told her to stand still behind the sofa, she stood. With care and affection, he removed her clothes -- pretty much the only clothes she had been wearing for days were sweats and house socks. The socks were pulled off her feet. The sweatshirt was lifted over her head, uncovering her plain white bra over her nicely sized breasts. There was no objection when he unclipped the bra and slipped it off; Maui just stood passively when he placed her body. His fingers pulled the waist of the sweatpants and dropped them around her ankles.

For a moment, Hector looked at his beautiful wife, standing before him in tiny white panties and sweatpants around her feet. She was much shorter than him, maybe five five to his six one, but she stood like a princess, and he always thought of her that way. In his memory, she was just as he had first seen her.

He had finally saved enough for a vacation to Hawaii, and she had been on the beach in Kauai, greeting the haoles (foreigners) for the Hotel where he was staying, and where she worked. Looking like Hawaiian royalty, Maui was native born, mostly Polynesian, with a little Chinese. Her breasts were larger now, after four kids, but they had attracted him then, because they were filling her bikini top to the breaking point. When he finally looked into her eyes, they were deep, dark pools, filled with laughter and life.

She was laughing at him, while all he could do was stand and stare at the oriental beauty. Gently, she closed his mouth, then took his hand and led him to the shade of a tree. "You need to stay in the shade or you will burn, badly. I guess you will need me to take care of you while you are here, or you will get into trouble."

And she did take care of him. Every day she smiled at him and held his hand while they walked over to 'his' shade. She brought him drinks and stopped by to chat when she took a break.

By the end of his stay, he had worked up the courage for many things which surprised him. He had actually spoken with her; and she had smiled and answered. The second night, he asked her on a date -- not a real date, he had asked where he should go for the evening and she had gone with him. He enjoyed her presence so much that he forgot his shyness while they chatted. Surprisingly, they had much in common, having both recently finished college and started 'real' jobs. By the second date, Hector had gotten her alone in the dark, tropical evening and kissed her, and had enjoyed how enthusiastically she returned it. Before his week ended, he told her how much he wanted to see her again and invited her to visit him in California.

Now, that was a show-stopper. "My parents won't allow me to stay with a man unless we are married. I wish I could visit you, but they won't allow it."

Before his brain knew what was happening, his heart had usurped his mouth and proposed, and they were engaged. That night, and every night until he had to leave, she allowed him to see and touch her body, her beautiful, regal, sexy body. Hector made plans to return on the next holiday weekend so they could be married. Her parents approved, and it was a wonderful wedding. They stood together in the evening, with the last scarlet glow of a glorious sunset behind them, and said their vows.

The honeymoon was even better. She was so beautiful that he forgot everything except her and just stared. So she moved her body to remind him, which made him want her. And she wanted him. He never knew what experiences she had before they married, but she was a virgin on their wedding night, and she gave herself to him eagerly. On their first monthiversary, she announced that she was pregnant, and they celebrated the coming child with several nights of sex in every way either could imagine; that was when he learned how it excited her to be bound and spanked. And every time he looked into her eyes, there was the passion and the loving -- pouring out for him.

Desperately, Hector wanted those eyes to look at him again and recognize that he was there. Right now, they were dull and glassy, as she stood behind their sofa wearing only panties.

"Back to work," Hector reminded himself.

The last of her clothes were removed, and her ankles were cuffed. The small, sexy wrists were cuffed and linked together in front of her naked body, then looped with the soft rope from under the sofa. The rope ran from one end of the sofa to the other, with a loop in the middle pulled out the front and up to her wrists. One end of the rope swung around the left sofa leg, and attached to her left ankle cuff. The other end of the rope pulled from in front of the right sofa leg and attached to her right ankle cuff. When Hector pulled the rope looped through her wrists, it pulled her body first up to, then bent over the sofa back. More pulling spread her legs almost the full width of the furniture. Her hips were on the sofa's padded back, held high in the air; her legs splayed, leaving her nakedly open to him; her wrists were pulled down over the cushions and held immobile. In this position, her breasts were hanging down, her brown, round butt was high and helpless, and her pink inner sex was open and unable to move or close.

Unfortunately, Maui neither complained nor moved. She just hung there like a living doll.

Hector walked to the front of the sofa and knelt, then lifted her head. Staring into her dull brown eyes for a second, he whispered, "I love you." Then, he lowered her head until it was cradled between her arms, rose and walked around the sofa. Once behind her again, he quickly stripped off his own clothes and pulled out the paddle. From experience -- both his and hers -- he knew this hurt, but would leave no permanent marks. Before he could change his mind, he positioned his own body and swung.

A loud crack echoed off the walls, followed by a cry of pain. The soft buttock began to redden almost immediately. Another swing and smack elicited an "Ouch!" from her lips and a red spot appeared on the other buttock.

By the time he reached fifteen, she was speaking to him. Actually, it was more like yelling, but he finally had her attention. "I am going to give you twenty swats, then I am going to take your beautiful pussy with you tied like this."

"No more! Please, no more! It hurts."

Her bottom and the backs of her thighs were bright red by now, but he couldn't let himself get distracted. He had her attention, but he needed to help her stay in reality. After five more swats, and pained responses to each of them, he stopped. With the paddle in his right hand, Hector ran the fingers of his left hand over and into her gaping vulva, and it was wet!

"Oh, I can feel how that turned you on, Maui. Can you feel how wet you are? Right now, I am ready for you and I am going to have you."

"It will hurt! I'm already sore. By the time you finish, I will have bruises and it will hurt a lot! I can't"

"Well, there is one more thing. I want to get you pregnant; to put my baby inside you."

"I can't! My baby died! My Janelle!" Maui was crying now.

Hector decided that her crying was better than her being a zombie. He stroked her back and told her that he loved her while she cried herself out.

When the only sounds from his wife were small sobs, he reminded her. "I will put a baby into you."

"But I still miss Janelle. No baby!" She sounded very sure of herself.

"Then I will go back to spanking you until you ask me to give you a baby. Are you ready?"

"I don't want a baby!"

"I guess you want more swats, then?" Another full arm swing brought the paddle against her bright red buttocks and created several more loud noises: the crack of the paddle against flesh and the scream of her pain. Four more swings of Hector's strong arm and four more cracks had Maui crying again.

Finally, she relented. "No! Please, no more."

"Which will it be? A baby? or more swats?" Hector gently placed the paddle on her bright red bottom and swirled it around on the sore muscles. "Ready?"

"A baby!" It was muffled, but loud. "No more swats. Just come inside me."

"I know that you are thinking that you are safe, that you are taking the pill and can't get pregnant. But while I fill you up with sperm, I will explain how you are going to be carrying my baby." His penis was hard from finding her excitement and seeing her naked body. Hector held the stiff rod against her slippery labia, just enough so she could feel him against her.

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