Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 19: Saving Sister

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 19: Saving Sister - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Tuesday Night

It was not dark yet -- not quite, anyway -- when Halee stopped just inside her front door and yelled to her Mom. "I'm going to a swim team meeting. I got a ride. It won't take long." She really announced all this to the house in general because her Mom was in the bedroom. Hearing no response, she walked out and locked the door behind herself. Her brothers were still at a swim practice, which Halee thought odd, but perhaps they were going to the meeting directly from the practice. Her Dad was on his way home from work, but, if traffic was bad, would probably not be home for a while. Mom hadn't said anything in days; well not much -- she still was shaken up by Janelle's death. The whole family was upset, but her Mom was taking it the worst. The ride she had been promised was waiting outside, so she left.

In the car were three guys and two gals who were obviously from High School. Halee felt grown up to be riding with such adults. They all asked her name and greeted her with their own. It was funny, but all three guys were named John and both girls were named Jane. When the car took longer than she expected to reach the meeting, they explained that the meeting had been moved at the last minute and they were going to someone's house. Soon enough, they parked in front of a house and all trooped inside.

The noise when they opened the front door was a surprise to Halee, but the group just walked in, so she did too. There were other High Schoolers there, most holding a drink in their hands. A radio, or something, was playing popular music, and it was loud.

Her new friends explained that they were drinking a kind of fruit juice, and gave her some. It tasted sweet, and a little funny, but she drank it anyway. Soon, another glass was handed to her and her empty was carried away. One of the Johns told her that everybody was listening to the music while they waited for the meeting to start. "Somebody was late," he said, "just relax and have another drink."

After a few drinks, Halee heard that the meeting was going to move to another house. The guys handed her another drink, 'for the road' was what they said. They thought this was very funny. The girls left in a different car and said they would see her later. With fewer people in the car, Halee even got to sit in the front seat on the drive.

This house was even further away, and there were no cars nearby. Halee felt dizzy and did not notice that she and the three guys were the only ones there. As soon as they got inside, she was handed still another glass of juice. She said that she had had enough, but they insisted that she drink the stuff anyway. When she swallowed the entire glassful, they just handed her another and one guy went to turn on some music. Halee tried to sip the juice, but they kept telling her to drink it all. Well, Halee wasn't sure she liked the drink, but she held her breath and drank it. Soon, she felt very sleepy.

By now, everybody was laughing, even Halee. She was not sure exactly why she was laughing, but something was very funny. It stopped being funny when two of the guys grabbed her arms and held her while the third poured the rest of her drink into her mouth. Swallowing that much liquid was hard, but Halee tried. Some spilled onto her shirt, but she got the rest down.

"Take me home, now!" Halee tried to make her voice sound strong, but the three just laughed at her. "I think I'm getting sick, I need to go home now, please?" This was more like whining, but the three laughed at that, too.

With one on each side, about all she could do was stand up. If they had not been helping, she was not sure she could even do that; she felt very dizzy now.

The third guy, the biggest, knelt in front of her and pulled her sneakers off, then her ankle socks. When she complained, he backhanded her across the face, hard. Halee shut up. Blood dripped from her nose onto her shirt.

"We are about to have a party, and you are invited." The three thought this was hilarious. "You will be the guest of honor, Halee. I just hope you can stay awake for the end." The big guy stopped talking and grabbed her tee shirt. It just ripped off of her body when he pulled. The other two slipped her bra straps down her arms and one of them snapped the hook in the back. Just like that, Halee was naked except for her shorts.

"Not much in the boob department." One of the guys commented. "At least she has all the parts, even if they are small."

Crying was the only thing Halee could do now. That, and wish her brothers were here, or her Mom, or Janelle. But Janelle was dead! And soon, Halee might be too. She was really scared. But the drinks she had been given kept her from thinking too much; her brain just felt fizzy, like a soda when the lid is opened. She sagged in the rough grips of the the two big guys holding her arms and just cried.

The third guy pulled out a large knife and slipped it into the waistband of her shorts. This made Halee hold her breath -- was he going to cut her?

It seemed, at least for now, that he was not planning on cutting Halee, only her pants. With one slice of the blade, her shorts and panties were rags and slid down her legs. Now she had nothing on, and there were three large guys looking at her naked body.

Strong hands lifted her and laid her on the floor, on top of some kind of fabric. Then one held her nose, another squeezed her jaw so hard it hurt, until she opened it widely, and the third poured another glass of the juice into her mouth. As much as she struggled, she could not get free. She could not even stop them making her swallow most of it.

Was she going to die now? Would she be just like Janelle? Would her Mom cry for her, too? Halee was scared.

She might have been more scared if she wasn't so drunk, or, if she knew just how much alcohol they had gotten into her little body in the past hour. There was enough in her stomach right now to stop her breathing when her body absorbed it. But they didn't care, they just wanted her drunk.

The biggest guy, the one who had poured the last glass of liquid into her opened mouth, threw the glass into the corner and pulled his shirt off. With Halee's eyes bugging out, he dropped his shorts and stepped out of his deck shoes. The last thing left was his boxers, and Halee could see something large pushing the front of the material. He pushed his hands down and was naked, standing over her body with his penis pointing in front of him.

"Flip her." It was an order Halee didn't understand. If he was going to rape her, why turn her over?

No understanding was needed, as four strong hands turned her over. The big guy laid across her back and she could feel his hard prick pushing into her skin just above her butt. "I'll hold her while you guys strip. Then we can have some fun."

Something wet was spread on her back from his penis. Was she going to get pregnant? Not if they killed her first. Would it hurt when they raped her? She shook with fear.

Apparently it did not take long for the others to strip. The two held her again -- one held her arms and the other held her feet -- and the big guy moved to her side. While they held her stomach-down on the floor, the third guy started to spank her bare bottom. It hurt, but Halee was so far gone, she couldn't react very much. The guy hitting her told his buddies, "I heard that a woman is drunk enough when she don't feel an ass whooping. I plan on trying it out on this little piece of tail." He stopped to admire the redness and bruises starting to form on Halee's abused backside, then he started hitting her again. "Is she still moving?"

Well, Halee was moving, at least a little, because he was hitting her hard enough to leave bruises. Even with the pain, Halee felt her body getting wet between her legs. How was it possible that she was getting turned on when she was about to die?

"Hey, will you look at that? The little bitch is getting wet, she must like this. Wow, I bet she is even a virgin, so I call dibs on her virgin little cunt."

"I call her ass"

"Damn, I wanted her ass. Well, then I call her mouth, plus seconds on her other holes. How's that?"

Nothing they said eased Halee's mind. They scared her even more, but those thoughts stopped when she heard a voice in her head.

(Halee, baby. Listen to me, if you can. I'm Janelle, your sister. Your real name is Haleakala, but I always called you Pele because you've got red hair and a temper, like the fire goddess. If you let me, maybe I can get you out of this mess, but you've got to trust me. Lay still, baby. Don't move at all. But get really mad; not scared, just mad. That will help. Got it?)

Crying, trying to stay still, and thinking how angry she could get, Halee stayed still. And, silently, she asked, 'Are you dead?'

(I'm not sure. My car was rigged to stop in front of the train and explode, and since then I have been around, sort of watching things. Are you ready?)

'I'm really mad now, and trying to stay still.' And it was true; Halee was barely moving, even as the largest boy continued to spank her.

"She must be ready; she ain't moving at all." Said the deep voice of the one who was beating her bare bottom. "Flip her back." He moved away so the others could turn her body without him getting kicked.

(Get ready to do a breast stroke kick and a back flip turn, baby.)

Four hands lifted her and turned her unresisting body over. On her stomach, she could not have kicked much; on her back, she could use her swimmer's legs with much more power. Halee felt the anger, she was ready.

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