Swim Team Spirit - Cover

Swim Team Spirit

Copyright© 2008 by Jkl Mor

Chapter 18: Friends Sharing

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 18: Friends Sharing - Janelle is killed when her car is smashed by a train. But why is she still around? And why does she keep seeing people having sex? And was it an accident? Lots of mysteries, lots of orgasms, and some romance.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   White Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Enema  

Monday Evening

The swim team practice after school on Monday was grueling. The two coaches were as good as their words, and they had promised a hard workout. Pinkie worked hard, trying to be worthy of the trust the coaches had shown when they put her in all of Janelle's positions. A few of the 4X races needed a fourth person added when Pinkie was moved to anchor, but everything was arranged. And, the teams were promised, the workouts for the rest of the week would be difficult and long. The regional finals would be on Saturday, and the Golden Bears were the team everyone wanted to beat.

A few times during the practice, Pinkie saw Bob looking at her. She carefully held her towel around her hips so he could see her breasts. When she saw him looking away, she covered herself and allowed herself to blush, but she wanted to try what Janelle had told her. Once or twice, Bob looked, then realized what was happening and looked down, embarrassed. But Pinkie had hope; hope that at least he was looking at her, and hope that she could help his depression. Everything Janelle had said seemed to be true. Pinkie had told her folks that the practice would be long, and that she would get a ride home with a friend. That much, she had prepared. Now, all she had to do was work up the nerve to actually speak with Bob and ask for the ride; otherwise she would have several long miles to walk home.

At the end of the workout, the coaches explained why they wanted the practices to be hard -- because they wanted the team to end the year with a victory! Everybody cheered. Then, they were silent as the coaches told them that, whatever happened, they wanted the team to remember Janelle. But, if they won, even without her, they could dedicate the win to the things she had given to all of them, the way she had given unselfishly to everybody on the team, and the way she had always worked with everything she had to support the team.

Halee also had a swim practice at her middle school. On the way out of the locker rooms, there were several kids, clearly from High School, inviting the girls to a 'Welcome to High School Swim Team' party the next night. She had never seen the boys before, but assumed that they were from the High School where Janelle and Donny and Danny went. The kids from her middle school all went to St. Nicholas High. There were girls and boys, both, so Halee felt safe in accepting the invitation. She would check with her Mom and with her brothers before she went, but she felt grown up at being invited to a High School function. They even offered to give her a ride. That way she wouldn't have to worry her folks about the meeting. Halee told them her address and one of them wrote it down on a small note pad.

Before he climbed in his small pickup truck and drove off, Pinkie managed to run over to Bob and tell him that she needed a ride home. As Janelle had predicted, he immediately offered to drive her home, without asking any questions such as: 'why aren't your parents here?' or 'how do you usually get home?' He was a gentle, caring person, and Pinkie could feel the sadness in him as if it were cold mist off of a block of ice.

Since most of the kids went home directly after practice, they usually just slipped a shirt on over their suits and showered at home. It was faster that way. Bob had pulled on a golf shirt in the St. Nicholas colors over his speedo; fortunately, it was a long shirt and covered almost to his knees as he was driving. Pinkie had just wrapped a large towel around herself; she had been so nervous that she hesitated and did not even have time to pull on a tee shirt and shorts. Janelle, watching her, had feared she would freeze up and miss the ride, or that she would have to take over Pinkie's body to get her to move. Neither happened, but it was close.

Bob and Pinkie drove off in his truck, with Pinkie giving him directions. After a few minutes, she asked him to pull off the road. There was a small side road, which they followed a few yards until it ended on the top side of a hill. There was space for Bob to park his pickup, and trees and bushes to give them privacy. There was even the scent of honeysuckle in the air. Janelle had told Pinkie about this place, and that it was one of the first places that Janelle and Bob had been together alone. They had practiced kissing each other in the moonlight, but most of the time they spent talking. Janelle hoped the familiar scenery and the scent of sweet flowers would help Bob to remember how he had felt.

Of course, this history scared Pinkie. She worried about Bob remembering too much and being even more depressed, but she followed Janelle's plan and guided them to this spot. Then, with tears in her eyes, she told him how much she missed Janelle and that, if he didn't mind, she wanted to give him a hug. He didn't mind, but he hesitated, clearly thinking about Janelle. Then he gave Pinkie a quick hug and tried to back away from her.

"I am thinking about her, too. Bob, I know how you two felt about each other. And I don't want to move in on her place. I just want to let you know that I will be here if you need something. If you want a hug, any time, I will give it to you. If you want to remember how it felt to hold her in your arms; just close your eyes and pretend that I am her. We are almost the same size, and I don't mind."

Bob said nothing.

"Close your eyes. Think about Janelle. Remember how much you love her. Let the memories loose and know how much she loves you."

Bob's eyes closed. The second they shut, Pinkie dropped her towel to the floor and pulled the straps of her one-piece racing suit down to her waist. She was bare underneath. Now her eyes closed. "This is for you from Janelle." The words came from her mouth as she slid closer to Bob on the bench seat of the small truck. Pinkie felt Janelle control her body and just relaxed to let it happen. Tears of joy ran from her eyes, thinking that she could help Bob and Janelle; not even considering that something bad might happen to her.

Janelle was surprised at Pinkie. First that she was willing to give up control. Second that she would uncover herself that much to a boy she had been afraid to say 'hi' to. But, Janelle had promised as well. She took Bob's hands in hers and wrapped his arms around the naked shoulders she was wearing. Then she hummed in his ear. "I love you, Bob." There was no question it was Janelle's voice.

With his eyes closed and her voice in his ears, Bob could let himself believe that it was Janelle he was holding. It was a surprise when he moved his hands and felt nothing but skin, all the way to her waist. Her lips nibbled at his, just as Janelle always did when they started kissing. And she allowed him to slide his fingers around her sleek sides, over her breasts, and pull on her nipples. She even moaned, just like he remembered she would when he touched her somewhere she liked.

Then he felt her fingers slipping over the soft fabric of his speedo and his penis standing straight up. She really knew how to turn him on. His hands on her naked breasts and hers touching his sex; she was wonderful. "I can't hold out for long if you keep that up, sweetheart."

The warm, breathy voice of Janelle in passion, which Bob knew and loved, answered him. "Don't hold out. Just let go. I want you to feel good, my lover." Her fingers stroked longer and longer.

The tip of his stiff penis poked free of the waist of his tiny racing suit, but Bob did not notice, those fingers were moving faster and faster, and he was lost in the feelings. The feeling of Janelle next to him, her breasts naked under his hands, and her hands touching him in that loving, sexy way she had. "I'm almost there, sweetheart." He warned.

In an instant, Pinkie felt Janelle release her body. The hands which were stroking Bob through his swim trunks kept moving, almost under their own power. She felt the tension in Bob, and the imminence of his release. She surprised herself when she bent down and kissed the visible tip of his penis, barely out from his speedo. With little thought, she moved her hand faster and felt Bob's hands stroke her hair, then press down on her head, just as his hips lifted in climax. Trying to stay relaxed, Pinkie allowed his penis to enter her mouth and kissed it softly, then felt the fluid of Bob's orgasm flow into her mouth. She swallowed and kept her hands in motion and her mouth sucking until his entire body relaxed.

The hands which had held her head down, returned to stroking her body, and his voice seemed more at ease, somehow. His hips dropped back to the car seat and his breath became a large sigh. "That was wonderful, thank you."

A tension gripped him, just for a second, when he opened his eyes and saw that it was Pinkie's mouth kissing his penis, and her breasts which he had been stroking moments before. He was too relaxed to stay tense, but it bothered him that he had used her, pretended that she was Janelle, and let him fondle her body as if she was his lover.

It did not seem to bother Pinkie, however. She remained bent, kissing and stroking his softening penis. Letting him look at her half-naked body, and stroke her soft skin and smooth hair did not upset her. Calling her Janelle and coming in her mouth only made her kiss and caress him more gently and with more affection. Finally, she stopped and pulled his trunks up to cover his naked organ. Then she laid back against the seat and the side wall of the truck, and pulled his body against hers, savoring the sensations of his skin against hers and his bare chest rubbing against her breasts.

Bob just sighed again and relaxed against her body. The skin on skin was something he had not noticed before; something which just felt right and which made him feel human again. There was still an ache in his heart where Janelle's love had been, but there was now a warmth which spoke of humanness and caring, and Bob could realize that his ache would not last forever. Without looking in her eyes, he spoke to her shoulder. "Thank you, Pinkie. That was a very special gift. I do not know how you ever found the courage to let me pretend I was holding Janelle, but it means a lot to me that you did. And letting me see and touch you, even though you don't know me very well, tells me that you are a special person."

For two or three minutes, Bob just laid on Pinkie's body and stroked her shoulders and arms. "I may never know how you knew what words to say or how to touch me the way Janelle would, but it was exquisite. And I felt your mouth on my body when I came, making everything even more special." He looked directly into her eyes. "Thank you, Pinkie, for the caring; for the love. I can't promise that I will love you in return, but thank you."

"I never asked for anything but being able to help you feel better. And it seems that you do feel better, at least a little. I am happy with that."

Bob moved a hand down between Pinkie's legs and touched the crotch of her suit, finding it wet with her sexual juices. She moved her hips slightly as he stroked again and again. "May I be allowed to help you feel better, too?" He was looking directly into her eyes, ignoring everything except her eyes. There was no thought of her naked torso, her nipples standing stiff on her sleek breasts, her long, shaved, swimmers' legs, or her wet vulva covered only by a thin layer of smooth fabric and containing her excited clitoris and her vagina.

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