Michelle's Story - Cover

Michelle's Story

Copyright© 2008 by dawn1958

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The moment they landed, things went badly for Rodney and Michelle. Unwittingly they had become pawns in a devious plan to gain international certification for the upcoming sham elections in an African Republic. What would Rodney do? What would Michelle do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Mind Control   Fiction   Slut Wife   Interracial   White Female  

The week began at a furious pace. Elections happened with Sarge ensuring Rodney saw only what the junta wanted him to see. Rodney was obligated to observe all polling stations and he had to confirm that everything was conducted according to international protocol.

Sarge kept him occupied many hours a day in the capital city before they were scheduled to visit some outlying villages. Things were done merely for appearances sake, as the election outcome was really a foregone conclusion. The international community reasoned that the country was more democratic but most of the tribal people still lived under strict, dictator rule.

Rodney was extremely relieved when Sarge told him about the plan to inspect polling stations in remote villages near the capital. "Capital city is done. Now we go villages ... one is village where I come from," Sarge informed Rodney. "Not take long ... we check election stations. Wife come too ... Michelle needs to see country ... visit real people."

It seemed like an eternity since Rodney had seen Michelle. He longed for her every waking hour, overly concerned about her safety. It was early in the morning when the limo pulled up at the hotel to pickup Rodney and the couple was finally together again. When the backdoor opened and he saw his wife, Rodney felt the biggest wave of relief.

Rodney quickly got into the limo and he put his arm around Michelle's shoulders, hugging her close. "I've missed you ... but I fully understand. You don't have a choice ... so let's do whatever the bastard wants. Then maybe he will let us go," he whispered. "I guess we are making a visit to a small village ... the one that Sarge, himself, comes from."

Sarge didn't tell Rodney much other than they were going to the village where he was raised. The visit was planned to coincide with Rodney's election scrutiny so that he could ensure all the voting procedures were carried out properly. They drove through the barren countryside until the antiquated dwellings came into view. Michelle cringed at the obvious poverty, as nothing looked modern, from old, outdated automobiles to ancient houses. The temperature was extremely hot and there always seemed to be dust in the air.

The limo drove into what looked like the center of the village, as there were many tribal men, women and children mulling around a large statue. Sarge, along with three of his security guards, got out of the car and one of the guards escorted Rodney and Michelle out into the bright sunshine. Michelle licked her lips trying to freshen them from the parched air. She glanced around noting that most of the men wore scant clothing designed for the hot weather and the women wore long dresses that were mere wraps of bright colored cloth.

Without much ado, Sarge ushered the couple to a building next to the village square. "This is where we voted ... please go over everything. The voting slips are in that metal box over there," he said waving his hand at a large container sitting on a table. "It will take you an hour or two to check ... check everything. See if all was done according to American standards."

Then Sarge led Michelle and a small group to another building leaving Rodney to do his work. There was a small gathering sitting around a large table and the table was set up with food galore. Everyone stopped eating when Sarge entered with his guests. "This beautiful woman is Michelle ... and she will be our guest," he said in his native dialect. "Please ... sit and let's eat."

Sarge directed Michelle to a seat and he sat down next to her. Although she wasn't very hungry, Michelle tried to put on a brave face. She slowly glanced around the room, taking note of her surroundings. The table was long and quite narrow and the top was covered with various local foods. Besides Sarge and herself, there was an elder who appeared to be head of the village. Also sitting at the table were a half dozen young men who looked like tribal warriors. She looked closer at the men and noted that three of them were dressed differently than the other three. Also the three were definitely a little older plus they had numerous tattoos covering their bodies whereas the younger three were clean-shaven without any body markings.

Sarge noticed Michelle looking around so he decided to explain a few things. "The older gentleman is Zuberi and he is the chief ... leader of our tribe. We are the highest-ranking tribe in the country and all of the political leaders come from our village. The experienced, most trusted men of the tribe are sitting on Zuberi's right and they are full-fledged warriors of the tribe. The others are almost ready ... and they will be initiated, as true warriors this week. It is a special ceremony and one that you American's would find interesting," Sarge said with a devilish wink.

He looked at the beautiful woman with a wide, knowing smile covering his ruggedly handsome face. The food was passed around the table and Michelle reluctantly took some fruit and bread so as not to offend anyone. After what seemed like an eternity, she started to relax a little and felt slightly more comfortable. Then a glass with a reddish drink was passed to her, which at first taste seemed very sweet, but tasteful. Sarge encouraged her to drink and even toasted her a couple of times but Michelle found nothing strange about his actions.

Another hour passed and suddenly Sarge whispered at her. "I must go ... Rodney should be almost done his inspection," he said. Sarge stood to leave and sternly motioned for Michelle to remain seated. "You enjoy Zuberi's company. You know ... these men consider you a goddess ... a true African goddess. And they deem it the highest honor to be with you ... in your presence."

Michelle didn't want to stay in the strange room but she didn't have enough courage to refuse Sarge's request. Even though she hated the man, she felt a pang of anxiety when Sarge departed leaving her with his tribal friends. All of the men continued to talk loud and boisterous while she tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. It seemed quite natural to pick away at the fresh fruit and sip from her glass, which seemed to mysteriously fill-up all the time.

The sound of a car's engine sent a shiver of panic up her spine. Michelle quickly stood up to look out a window and she noticed Rodney, Sarge and his guards getting into the limousine. Everything got very quiet, as she watched the car drive away in a trail of dust. Michelle desperately wanted to run after it knowing she was in a dire situation. She stood near the window with all of the men around her and each warrior had a big grin on his dark, rugged face.

All of a sudden Zuberi took her arm and led her away. Her legs wobbled so bad that Michelle had a hard time walking, as the elder ushered her into another room of the African abode. A thousand frightening things were running through her head and it all made her totally confused and bewildered. She was in a rural African village with men and women who didn't speak English and she didn't know any of them.

Zuberi took her into a room, which looked neat, but it was extremely hot and dry. Michelle looked through teary eyes at a large wooden table, which was fully set up for some kind of celebration. There were four women standing at a stove in one corner of the room; three kids that appeared to be teenagers sitting against one wall, and two small children were playing on the floor. It all appeared like a large, family get-together but Michelle didn't feel like being friendly.

Her initial urge was to run or put up a fight. Suddenly she determined that any resistance would do no good. Michelle grudgingly allowed Zuberi to sit her down at the table and quickly all the seats were taken by the same bunch of nearly naked warriors who she met earlier. The three older tribal warriors sat across from her and Michelle noticed Zuberi had taken his rightful place at the head of the table. Then everyone started talking at once and it was all a foreign language to her so nothing made sense. It was a matter of her reading the crude gestures and Michelle quickly determined that they were going to eat.

Michelle followed the lead of the three men across from her and ate what they ate, although not as much. The native food of the villagers was completely unfamiliar to her and her stomach felt queasy eating such strange food. One, and then another, of the men would make gestures that she try certain items and they rubbed their tummy's indicating the food was very tasty. Suddenly one of the men motioned for her to take a drink and Michelle followed his directions. The drink looked very similar to the one she had earlier and she really didn't think anything strange about a slightly different taste. It actually quenched her thirst for the time being so she drank with a thirst from the desert-like air.

The meal lasted for the longest time and then everyone started getting up from the table. Michelle suddenly realized a dilemma so extreme she almost passed out. When she tried to stand, her legs were entirely uncooperative. It was like standing on rubber limbs and buckling knees. Instantly she realized the drinks were most likely drugged. Nothing seemed funny, but she found herself laughing even though her mind was in great turmoil.

Zuberi sat back down in his royal chair and watched with a grin of approval on his excited face. He shouted orders to everyone. Swiftly, all the younger men who were not old enough or experienced enough to be true warriors were forced to leave the room. Also, all of the women and children were ordered to leave which left only a handful of men with Michelle in the sweltering room.

One of the strong warriors, who had many tattoos on his muscular body, put his strong arm around her waist and held her steady. To her utter dismay, Michelle didn't even protest when she felt her clothing being removed. All she could do was stand upright in the man's arms until every item of clothing was stripped from her glowing body.

Completely naked and in a strange African village, Michelle felt a weird shiver of panic shoot through her body. She could see, but everything was hazy and completely out of focus. Michelle had never used drugs but if she had, she deemed this was what she would feel like. Her head spun crazily and although she was aware that things were wrong, very wrong, everything seemed perfectly all right for the moment.

Slowly her head rolled and sort of dropped down so that she could watch a black, rugged face swoop to her chest. She marveled at how white the man's teeth were and suddenly they surrounded her swollen nipple. All of a sudden another even blacker face was next to her pearly white skin and the man's mouth started sucking her other breast, as if he was a hungry baby.

Michelle fully understood. She didn't desire the two Africans to molest her boobs, but yet, she pushed her chest outward so it was easier for them to caress her aching nipples. Suddenly sharp teeth were caressing her buds. "Yes," she hissed. They were biting her hardened nipples yet she wanted them to hurt her. All of a sudden she felt something pushing between her legs.

Every common sense and moral fiber in her body screamed for her to stop and keep her legs together. Then a foul smelling man put his mouth on hers and kissed her hard. His large, thick tongue pushed between her lips and she felt like he was going to devour her soul. Without any remorse or shame, Michelle spread her legs knowing what to expect. The eccentric drugs had made her mind willing and more than ready.

When the flared head of the warrior's manhood pushed against her wetness, Michelle rammed her hips backward at the man. She felt his spear going into her soul and the drugs urged her onward. Harder she pushed back feeling the thick shaft rake across her tender G-spot. She pushed harder until she felt the bulbous head spread her cervix but still she needed more.

Michelle used all her strength to embed the entire African cock and she wasn't satisfied until it filled her womb with searing cum. The molten lava felt as hot as the desert air yet she yearned to be an African slave. Michelle was unable to stop her hips gyrating madly and the trusted warrior was in tribal heaven. He felt his heart beating so fast that he was overpowered with a feeling of strength. The elder warrior fucked the white goddess knowing his tribal brothers would be next.

Sarge had told Zuberi and the rest of the tribal council about the sacred goddess but they never imagined someone so divine ... and so passionate. The warrior felt the tightest vagina squeezing every last drop of virile semen from his loins and he was reluctant to have the illustrious affair come to an end.

All of a sudden his tribal brother roughly pulled the warrior from the goddess because it was his turn. Michelle rewarded the most elite warriors of the tribe even though she was unaware of what she was doing. She would never believe the fact her body never stopped moving or going through wild contortions, as the men filled her most intimate being with black demons. Someone literally poured more liquid down Michelle's throat and she drank not knowing the drugs would keep her a willing slave to anyone who needed her.

The third privileged warrior fucked the sexiest white woman who ever visited their primal village, but it would be their chief who would end the affair. Zuberi experienced that old flame in his belly watching Michelle. He was much older and wiser. Zuberi took his time and he made sure to caress every intimate area of Michelle's body. His tongue was like sandpaper and he licked her boobs all over while paying particular attention to the large, brownish tips.

When he licked her nipples, Michelle's body went into overdrive. She pushed her chest at the hungry mouth and pulled Zuberi's head hard so that he sucked her nipple into his burning mouth. He slowly caressed each bud, which drove his white goddess crazy with lust. Through glazed eyes, Michelle saw the large, black man hovering over her sprawled body knowing what he planned.

Zuberi rolled on top of her thrashing torso and Michelle obediently opened her legs, as wide as she could. She felt his masculine hips drop between her limbs and she waited. His teasing continued and Zuberi took the willing woman higher into an elevated level of desire. He rubbed his pecker all over her tummy, then between her legs but not touching her wetness.

For the first time in Michelle's life, her mind was fully captivated by eccentric, altering drugs. She wondered why the African elder didn't take her and wondered if she was doing something wrong? She clutched his sweating torso desperately and tried harder to show Zuberi that she lusted for his virility.

All of a sudden she felt his hot poker press against her heart. The man's cock paused at the opening before suddenly prying the soaked labia apart. Slowly Zuberi pushed one inch inside the hottest cavity. Then he pushed another inch, and another inch, until over half of his pulsating cock was covered with sticky cream. Zuberi knew he wasn't the first but he really didn't care. The inferno quickly made his temperature rise skyward matching the outside desert heat.

Michelle cried, she moaned, and she pleaded for Zuberi to take her ravenous body. When the head of his massive cock touched her delicate cervix, Michelle's heart beat out of control but her breathing stopped. She vowed not to take another breath until he stabbed her, so she thrust madly upward at the man. His cock pierced her battered cervix like an arrow and she let out a little gasp.

Then Zuberi rammed his hips downward so hard they pounded Michelle's ass into the hard wood of the makeshift bed. With his cock buried to the hilt, Zuberi relished the most wonderful sensations filling his lust-filled head. Suddenly Michelle could breathe again and she gasped for as much air as she could get into her lungs. She didn't even realize they were lying on hardwood, as the powerful African made the civilized white woman his special prize.

Zuberi fucked Michelle who was graciously given to his tribe by his devoted brother, Sarge. None of Zuberi's women acted like Michelle and none ever showed such passion and desire. She matched his every thrust with one of her own and the two sweaty pelvises pounded together like sexual magic. Zuberi could not remember savoring anything so much, as he did Michelle, and he decided that she deserved the ultimate privilege. He would put her in the upcoming ceremony of virgin princesses and Michelle would be beautified with tattoos just like all honored women of his tribe.

Even after he experienced an orgasm of magnificent proportions, Zuberi kept his enlarged penis inside Michelle's inner being forever. Her body twitched and went through intense spasms with the African cock buried deep in her belly. With her head still confused by the ingested drugs, Michelle was completely oblivious to the fact that she was about to become an honored member of Sarge's African tribe. It was now late enough in the day that the sun had already dimmed and the temperature had cooled.

Three young men were slated to become tribal warriors and the next two days would be filled with ceremonies and celebrations. Zuberi carefully gave the precise instructions for the three weddings of the newly anointed warriors, which were already scheduled for the next afternoon. As chief, it was Zuberi's duty to ensure all customs and rituals were carried out properly. He also had a vested interest in the proceedings because his oldest daughter, Thema was to wed one of the new warriors.

Thema was the virgin princess chosen to marry the highest regarded, new warrior of the tribe. Once the elaborate ceremony was over, she would be tribal Queen. The other two weddings would take place at the same time and then the celebrations would begin. There would be music from the tribal drums and everyone would drink the sacred drink of the Gods. As Michelle already found out, the African nectar contained drugs that did strange things to a person's mind.

The festivities would last well into the night and then the marriages would be consummated in a very normal manner. The couples would go to bed and it was considered the utmost honor if the young bride got pregnant right away. Usually the elders stayed up late trying to listen for the familiar sounds of the virgins entering the maturity of womanhood.

The day after the wedding was the true test of inner strength for any tribal warrior or woman. It was the custom for all true warriors to have tattoos put on their chest, arms and sometimes on their face depending on the warrior's status. The man, who showed no pain when the tattoos were cut into his flesh, would bring honor to his entire family. The tattoos were not like ones from Western society but rather they were African scarifications. They used a razor-sharp knife to cut the skin and then inserted a black pigment of wood ash into the slit to form a raised tattoo when the cut healed.

Tattoos were put on a woman for her quest of beauty. Not all females were lucky enough to be scared and the chief of the tribe selected only a few women. The chief also picked the tattoos, as each one indicated a particular status in the tribe. Zuberi had already decided that Thema was of Queen class and she would have the scarifications put on the side of her neck and on a portion of her chest. The neck tattoo was the sign of royalty and it would always be seen no matter what the woman wore. The scar on the chest was the sign of beauty and it was placed high on the left breast so that when the woman aged and her boobs began to sag, the tattoo still retained its native beauty.

Thema was excited yet still apprehensive about leaving her childhood behind and entering the new chapter of her life. She was in the next room when all the senior warriors ravaged the white woman and she managed to peek into the room a few times. Every time she saw Michelle's nakedness, it sent a shiver of anxiety through her lithe body. Thema wasn't sure what it meant, but one thing she did know, she felt sympathy for Michelle.

The picture of untamed lust and erotic bliss was etched in her head. She witnessed glimpses of her big, tribal brothers on top of the most ravishing woman she had ever seen. It appeared to Thema that Michelle did not struggle but rather she actually enjoyed the lewd affair. The most profound aspect of it all was watching the men fondle, caress and nibble on Michelle's exceptional titties. All the women of Thema's tribe had cone-shaped breasts with areolas and nipples that were not too defined or outstanding.

The images were burnt into her head and Thema would never get rid of the white tits being ravaged by black men. The men eventually left Michelle's tattered and abused body strewn on top of the makeshift bed and they disappeared into the growing darkness of the evening. The older women of the tribe suddenly appeared and entered the room once the men departed. Thema listened to the women talking about how they were going to punish the white bitch who had brought dishonor to their men.

The young Thema watched the women get Michelle to her feet, still naked and covered with sweaty moisture. They pushed and shoved the bewildered woman from one to the other and the women made sure each one slapped Michelle, as she neared. The gorgeous, white flesh quickly turned a brilliant reddish color but Michelle did not feel any pain. The foreign drugs still controlled her mind and Michelle merely tried to keep on her feet.

All of a sudden the young princess burst into the fray. She spoke loud and clear in her native tongue. "Leave her alone! All of you go ... go now, or I'll punish each and every one of you," Thema yelled at the older women of her tribe. "Zuberi considers her a queen ... so you leave her alone. She will stay with me ... go ... go!"

The women, who were much older and supposedly wiser than the young Thema, all knew their position in the tribe. This young woman would soon be Queen and she was of the highest order, being the daughter of their chief. Thema had reached the age of maturity in their African family and although the ceremony had not been conducted, all the women knew Thema carried the ultimate status of any woman.

Michelle didn't really know what had just happened, but she was aware that this young woman holding her upright did her an immense favor. For whatever reason, and one she would never understand, Michelle fell against the tall, slender African girl. There was just the two women standing in the center of the room and suddenly one was kissing the other. Thema felt the woman's lips approach her own but she didn't move away. Then the hot lips closed on her mouth and the woman's tongue pried the virgin lips apart.

Thema could feel the intense heat of Michelle's naked body burning through her clothes and it seemed entirely natural to strip. There were four hands roaming all over the youthful body until Thema was also totally naked. The girl had no idea what to expect but she readily understood whatever happened would be fantastic and enjoyable. Her bullet-tits pressed into the softer, much larger tits of the white woman and Thema had never felt anything so incredible. The nipples seemed to match in perfect harmony and Thema swore her nipples throbbed madly from the innocent caresses.

Suddenly Thema had a hard time breathing. Her chest heaved and she struggled to get enough air to clear her head. And then it happened. A hand closed on top of her raised pelvis and she felt the strongest obsession to spread her legs. When she opened her legs, the dainty fingers slipped into her wetness and Thema prayed for heavenly intervention. She was still hoping to stop what was happening but suddenly a finger separated the puffy lips covering her precious gem. When the finger pressed on the tiny clitoris, the top of Thema's head exploded. She had no idea what was happening, as the juices poured from her inner being like an uncontrollable fountain.

She was still standing but her legs threatened to give way at any time. Then Michelle's finger slipped into the tight opening, and all hope was lost for the young virgin. She felt the finger slip deeper into her honey-hole and suddenly caress her G-spot like a spiritual angel. The orgasm kept growing and getting bigger with each new caress. Michelle started finger-fucking the young girl but making sure not to cause irreparable damage.

Thema threw herself at the white woman knowing she could trust her. Michelle nibbled on Thema's ear and whispered sweet nothings to her, knowing the girl could not understand what she said. Then she used her tongue to show Thema what love was really like and her finger never stopped moving.

The two women fell on the messy, makeshift bed not wanting to stop. There was nothing tame or civilized about the kiss that ensued. It turned into the most heated kiss between two loving women and each took turns stabbing the other with their tongue. Michelle suddenly realized that lust was the same in Africa as it was in America. The night was everlasting and they stayed locked in each other's arms for many hours.

Thema thought she had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but she was totally mistaken. As unbelievable as it seemed in the beginning, Thema experienced a second orgasm when Michelle finger-fucked her when they lay on the bed. Then the young girl found great pleasure in reciprocating and watching the grown woman go through the throes of an earth-shaking climax. The young African had never witnessed anything so erotic or hypnotic in her life.

When Michelle slowly started kissing the young African all over, the girl laid back relishing the intense caresses. All of a sudden the burning lips found Thema's flat tummy and she felt short, swift convulsions rocket through her insides. Then Michelle's tongue began caressing the tiny indent in her belly and Thema wondered what was happening to her innocent body. When the tip of Michelle's tongue swirled around and through her belly button, Thema was unsure of what to expect next.

Suddenly the woman's head dropped lower and Thema began to shake out of control. Michelle's face was right over the sparse hair on her pelvis and suddenly the woman's tongue twirled through the curly hair. Then the burning dart stroked her puffy labia and barely touched the tip of her swollen clitoris. Thema's hips started to buck uncontrollably knowing something out of this world was about to happen.

Her heart raced and her complexion was fully flushed. Suddenly Michelle rolled the clit with her tongue and flicked it furiously with the tip of her tongue. Thema's desperate fingers locked tightly into the strands of Michelle's hair and she held on for dear life. The instantaneous orgasm exploded like a gusher and the girl realized she would never be the same. She struggled to hold her legs apart so that Michelle could have total freedom and every muscle in her lithe body tensed from the intense orgasm.

Michelle could taste the tangy honey of the free flowing pussy. She jammed her tongue at the pinkest opening and put her fingers around the puffy clitoris squeezing hard enough to make Thema cry out. The hair on her head hurt from being pulled by the frantic girl but Michelle did not let up. She fucked Thema with her tongue and squeezed the bud with her fingers until the last spasm rocked the girl's slender body.

The sun had not yet come up, so Thema still had newfound territory to encounter. If she was to be Queen of the tribe, she must be strong and overpowering. Michelle's world continued on a torrid pace and Thema set out to conquer the conqueror. She pushed the older, wiser woman flat on her back and attacked with a vengeance. Michelle tried, at first, to hold her at bay but it did little good. Thema displayed overpowering strength and superior determination. She slapped Michelle's hands away from protecting her body and held the older woman flat on her back.

Suddenly Michelle tried to sit up but Thema pushed her back down. The young captor stared into Michelle's bewildered eyes and her voice was low with a stern tone. "You will be my slave ... do what Thema wants. I smell your scent ... and it is like animal. An animal that needs a master," she whispered. Michelle had no idea what the girl said but Thema's eyes didn't leave any doubt about who was in control.

In a matter of a brief moment, Michelle felt a familiar rumbling from deep within. Then Thema held Michelle by the wrists and stretched her arms out to their widest reaches. Her face was a mere inch or two above Michelle's and then she dipped lower. The kiss started and Michelle quickly realized she had never been kissed with such vigor or demanding passion. Thema even bit her lip, and then her tongue, and then her lip again until Michelle was positive she tasted blood.

All of a sudden the tiger was hungry for more blood. She nibbled Michelle's delicate neck downward until her strong teeth found a luscious breast. Michelle tried to roll her torso and shoulders but the girl held her in an iron grip with her arms still out to the sides. Then her teeth closed on an upstanding nipple and the cry was long and clear. Michelle begged the girl for mercy, but then the pain was suddenly gone.

A coarse tongue raked her nipples one at a time until Michelle no longer cried. Then the girl advanced towards her ultimate goal. Her hungry mouth left a wet trail downwards across the lower swell of Michelle's titties and onto her tummy. The tip of Thema's tongue darted across the burning flesh and found the coveted belly button. She pretended to fuck the indented pit with her tongue before leaving it soaked with saliva.

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