A Teaser Taught a Lesson - Cover

A Teaser Taught a Lesson

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Shannon, the office tease, is kidnapped by a co-worker who is tired of her teasing ways and decides to teach her a lesson. Despite what you might think from the story codes this is actually a fairly mild tale.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism  

The rest of the day was very relaxed. We swam in the pool and read. It was a hot afternoon so we spent most of the time in the living room. Paul put the race on the television with the sound off. He kept track of the race but he had quiet music playing on the stereo and we sat and read until it was time to make supper.

We made supper together. I don’t really know how to cook, though. I did what he told me and learned from him as we went. We ate a delicious meal and enjoyed some quiet conversation. We talked a little about the book I’m reading. But mostly he asked about the things we’re doing, how I feel about them. I answered his questions as honestly as I could.

He also asked me about how I became a tease and what I got out of it. I told him my early memories, my first exciting exposures. But I’ve never spent a lot of time analyzing the things I did or why they turned me on. I can’t really say why the things I did excited me.

When it started to get late and we were just about to go to bed, Paul said, “I am really impressed with the way you’re coming along, Shannon. As a reward for being such a good slut, I’m going to give you a whipping and take you upstairs and fuck you.”

The fear washed over me and I looked up at him in disbelief. I didn’t understand. I’ve done everything he asked of me!

He saw the confusion on my face and he smiled. He said, “I’m not going to whip you to punish you, Shannon. I’m going to whip you because I enjoy it.”

I wasn’t reassured.

He stood up and helped me to my feet. I’m so scared I could hardly stand without his help.

He led me over to the noose which is still hanging in the doorway. I was about to reach out and put it around my neck but he reached up and began to untie the noose. I watched him. I’m still scared. But I’m happy he isn’t going to put that rope around my neck again. That was painful and scary.

He pulled me into position under the rope and I stood still while he braided my hair around the rope and picked up a thin piece of rope from a nearby table. He quickly secured my hair in place. When I was fastened securely to the rope he lifted my arms and secured my wrists to the rope above my head with another small length of rope. Then he moved over to a hook in the wall and tightened the rope that’s braided into my hair now until I almost had to stand on my toes. Once more I’m unable to move and I’m standing before my kidnapper totally helpless.

I’m not gagged this time. And he didn’t put the blindfold on me. I’ll be able to see the blows coming.

He picked up the riding crop and caressed my body for a moment before he struck me. I’m terrified. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be hurt. I looked into his eyes and whispered, “Why?”

He smiled and responded, “Discipline, Shannon. You lack discipline. You were very good this weekend. But you still need to be punished for who you were before I decided to correct your behavior. To be honest, though, the primary reason is because I enjoy this. And if you were honest you’d admit you enjoy it too.”

I tried to shake my head but because of the ropes I can hardly move it. I whispered urgently, “No! No I don’t! I don’t enjoy it. It hurts!”

He smiled and reached down and easily inserted two of his thick fingers up into my pussy. I groaned, partly because it felt so good, but mostly because I realized just how wet I have become while he was weaving my hair around that rope over my head. I hadn’t even been aware of it! And I certainly don’t understand it. This can’t possibly be exciting me! I’m scared to death! I’m standing here so afraid of the pain I know I’m about to experience that it’s all I can do to support myself on my shaking legs.

Paul pulled his fingers out of me and held them up. He didn’t bother to point out the obvious. He let me suck his fingers clean. Then he leaned down and kissed me passionately. For some reason I found myself returning his kiss with every bit as much passion. And for some reason, when he moved around behind me and drew his arm back I wasn’t so scared anymore.

I’m scared. If asked I would have hurriedly said that I don’t want to do this. But I’m starting to think he might be right about me. My pussy is wet. I do feel something. I’m not sure what. Anticipation? I doubt that! But something has changed in me! Could it be that it had become acceptable, or at least tolerable, when he said he’s doing this because he enjoys it?!

Then the first blow struck. Once more he started on the backs of my thighs. I gasped in pain and then cried out when I pulled my own hair trying to get away from the whip. He waited for me to settle back into place and he struck again.

Something strange is happening. It isn’t so bad! It isn’t pleasant. It hurts like hell. But whether it’s because I’m getting used to it, or because I’m not blindfolded this time, or perhaps because I’m beginning to trust my kidnapper, my rapist, I can’t say.

Whatever the reason, I realize I’m feeling something this time that I didn’t feel the first two times he whipped me. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m enjoying it. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that something in me is reacting to this.

The next blow fell on my ass and I jumped again. But I no longer fear he’s going to damage me, cut my skin, make me bleed.

I kept close track as he followed the pattern he set during the previous two whippings. Two blows to the backs of my thighs, three to my ass, and two to my back. Then he moved around and when I was ready he began whipping the fronts of my thighs.

The blows to my upper thighs and my belly, just above my pubic hair had a surprising effect. I didn’t like it. It still hurt like hell. But I swear I almost had an orgasm when that blow landed above my pubic hair.

He saw it too. I know because instead of moving up to strike my breasts he hit me again in the same spot. I looked at him through the tears and I saw the knowing smile on his face.

He leaned closer and lightly licked the tears from my cheeks. Then he whispered, “You feel it now, don’t you? You almost had an orgasm just then.”

He stepped away and hit me four times in rapid succession, alternating above and below my pubic area and then once more right across my nipples.

I screamed loudly ... and I came!! I had a fucking orgasm from being whipped! How sick is that?!

My eyes are closed and I’m gasping for breath. I’m slowly recovering from that crazy orgasm. But I’m still waiting for the final blows. When they didn’t land on my breasts I opened my eyes. His face is nearly touching mine. He grabbed the back of my head and pressed himself against my body. He kissed me violently. He raped me with his mouth and as our tongues dueled I came again ... just from his kiss!!

What is this man doing to me?!

The kiss went on and on. My body hurt, my nipples aren’t sure if they’re feeling pain or pleasure. My hair feels like it’s being pulled from my scalp. But I ignored all of that and returned his kiss with every ounce of passion I could muster.

Paul finally broke the kiss and just held me for a moment. Then he reached up and began to remove the ropes holding me in place. It took a moment, but when I was finally free I jumped back into his arms and held him against me and struggled with all of my might not to tell him I love him.

He held me in his arms and rested his cheek on the top of my head. What is it about this man?! More to the point, what’s wrong with me that I’d have an orgasm while being whipped by a man who kidnapped and raped me? Well, in his defense I did have to ask him to rape me.

I’m so confused! I find myself thinking that a lot lately.

Paul bent down and picked me up. He tossed me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. He carried me upstairs and tossed me on the bed and stood beside me, undressing rapidly.

I watched impatiently for a moment. Then I slid out of bed at his feet and began to help. I’m anxious to see his cock again, to taste it again.

As soon as he was naked I took his cock in my loving hands. It’s already hard. It looks like he has begun to get over his distaste for me. I pulled the large knob at the end of his cock down to my lips and kissed it lovingly. Then I began driving my lips down that beautiful, thick shaft.

I know it isn’t possible. But I want that entire slab of male meat in my mouth. I slid my lips down until the head of his cock touched the back of my throat. I gagged slightly, but not like the first time. I ignored it and forced myself to calm down. I held his cock buried in my mouth as far as I could and caressed his large balls with my fingertips.

I kept struggling to take more of his cock into my mouth, just another half inch. I’ve stopped gagging now. I held his cock in my mouth and pushed desperately until he grabbed my head and said, “Take it easy, Shannon. You did great last time. Just do that again. You can’t take it down your throat. It’s too large.”

I know he’s right. I’m not really trying to take it down my throat. I’m no Linda Lovelace. I just want a little more. I just want to give him the best blowjob he has ever had in his life.

I stretched my lips down the shaft just a fraction of an inch farther and groaned in frustration. And then, suddenly, something happened. Something gave. His cock slid into my throat and I was applying so much pressure that by the time I stopped, my lips were wrapped around the base of his cock!

I’m not sure which of us was more shocked. Probably me. But I heard him gasp and mutter, “I’ll be a son of a bitch!”

And then he asked, “Are you alright?”

I moaned in response. But I stayed right where I was until I had to have more air. I slowly pulled back until just the head of his cock was in my mouth and paused to think about what I just did. It had been quite painful. But I did it and I doubt if anyone else could do that for him. I’m so fucking proud of myself! And I know I have to do it again.

I swallowed and I’m relieved to find that I still can, though it’s painful. Then I began sliding my lips down over his cock again. As my lips descended he said, “Shannon, don’t do that again. You’ll hurt yourself.”

For the first time since he kidnapped me I disobeyed him. I slid my lips down until his cock was at the entrance to my throat and I began applying force again.

He reached out his hand to stop me but before he could, my lips slid down to the base of his cock again. It was easier this time. And it was less painful, too. It still hurt. But Jesus! I’m so fucking proud of myself! And I’m so happy I can please him in a way that no other woman could.

I held my lips stretched wide around the base of his cock again until once more I had to back off for air. As soon as I did he stepped back and pulled his cock from my mouth.

I groaned in dismay and struggled to take him back into my mouth but he bent down picked me up and threw me on the bed. In an instant he was on top of me and I felt the head of his cock near my throbbing pussy.

I reached down and guided him into me and I screamed so loud as he entered me that I almost didn’t hear him say, “You crazy fucking bitch! Jesus you’re hot!”

I caught my breath as he began to fuck me violently again and I wrapped my arms and legs around his body and replied, “I am now! I’m a hot fucking cunt! I’m your hot fucking cunt!”

It was over far too quickly. I came twice before he finally reached orgasm. But I never wanted it to end. It felt so fucking good to have him pounding into me with that beautiful cock. This is what sex is supposed to be like!

After he came he slowly pulled out of me. He bent down and kissed me lovingly, romantically. Once more I found myself fighting to keep from telling him I love him. Because I can’t possibly love him. But I feel something. I feel a passion I’ve never felt before, not for anyone, ever! And anyway, he wouldn’t want to hear that from me. I’m just a cunt to him. I have to accept that but I can’t change what I know is in my heart.

He finally rolled over onto his back and I got up on my knees and began kissing and licking my way down his masculine body until I reached that magnificent male organ that’s causing me so much pleasure.

His cock is a slimy mess. But that doesn’t bother me at all. I happily licked and sucked it clean. Then I did the same with his large, hairy testicles. And I loved doing it!

He finally reached down and pulled me up beside him and held me in his arms. I’ve never felt so safe and protected as I did at that moment. Am I out of my mind?!

But then he whispered, “You were fucking fantastic!”

No, I’m not out of my mind. I’m in uncharted territory here. But as strange as our relationship is, I know I’ve never felt like this about any other man before. I really like what he’s making me into.

He got up after a while and went to the bathroom. He was gone a long time and when he came back the look on his face made me nervous. He looks upset.

He sat on the side of the bed. I moved closer and kissed his strong back and asked, “What’s wrong, Paul?”

He didn’t say anything for a long moment. Then he looked at the clock, stood up and turned around to face me. After another long moment he said quietly, “Get up, Shannon. Get dressed. I’m taking you home.”

He might just as well have punched me in the gut! For a moment I couldn’t breathe. I stared at him in shock. What have I done?!

I shook my head and said, “No! No, I ... why?! What did I do? Paul, I don’t want to go home! What’s wrong?!”

He turned away and said, “I think I made a mistake.”

I sat up on the side of the bed. I’m not able to get up. I reached out and put my hand on his arm and asked, “What mistake? What’s wrong, Paul? I don’t understand!”

He turned to face me again said, “I was just in the bathroom. Do you know what I saw in there?”

I shook my head. I’m trying to think of what I could have done, what I could have left in there that upset him this much.

He finally said, “I looked in the mirror and saw a fifty-one year old man who has no business falling in love with a nineteen year old girl. I’m sorry. I did not intend for this to happen. I guess there was more to you than I expected. Now get dressed.”

He’s falling in love with me!!

There was a near explosion in my chest when he said that. My heart almost exploded. I stared at him in total disbelief for a moment and then I whispered, “No.”

He looked at me as if he thought he had misunderstood me.

I said it again. “No.”

He leaned down and pulled me to my feet and held me in his arms. He started to say something else but I reached up and put my finger on his lips and said, “I have been biting my tongue all day to keep from telling you that I love you. I don’t understand it. I’ve never been in love before. I can’t understand how I could possibly be in love with the man who kidnapped me, raped me and beat me with a whip. It just isn’t possible to love a man who lets other men rape you whenever he feels like it. Nearly everything you’ve said to me has been an insult. But I deserved every one of those insults. I’m not the same person I was on Friday. I don’t really understand what happened or who I am now. But I like me better now. If you want me to leave you’re going to have to take me out the same way you brought me in. I’m not leaving voluntarily.”

He let me go and stepped back. After taking a moment to think he said, “Shannon, it’s just ... I don’t know, lust I guess. It can’t be love. We have nothing in common. Two days ago we didn’t like each other. I thought I had finally reached a point in my life that I had my shit together. Now ... I don’t know. I just can’t do this to you.”

“Do what?” I asked.

He ran his hands over my hair and said, “I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I don’t mean the whip. When I decided to do this to you, to bring you here, I wanted to hurt you. It isn’t about that anymore. But it isn’t right. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw a man who is old enough to be your father. Hell, I’m almost old enough to be your grandfather!”

I almost screamed my response. “I don’t give a fuck how old you are! Paul, I love you. I don’t care if that’s impossible. You are the most perfect man I have ever met. I love you for who you are and I love you for the person you’ve made me into. I love you too much to get dressed and walk out that door. And I don’t want my lessons to stop. I want to live the rest of my life just like today. I want you to make me perfect for you. I want you to whip me and I want you to let other men fuck me and I want you to tie me up and I want you to teach me how to cook and how to do anything and everything that you want me to do. I will do anything for you but walk out that door.”

I see that he’s unconvinced. I can also see that he’s torn. He doesn’t really want me to leave, either. He’s trying to do what he thinks is right. I can’t leave here now. I just can’t.

In desperation I pleaded, “Give me a week. I want one more week like today. Then we can talk. Please, Paul. Please don’t make me leave.”

He took me back into his arms and held me tight. He kissed the top of my head, moved his hands gently over my back and whispered, “You’re making a mistake.”

I held him tight and when I realized he’s going to let me stay I started crying in relief. I answered, “If I walked out of that door it would be a mistake.”

I pushed him away after a few minutes and said, “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

I rushed into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I can hear his cum draining out of me but that isn’t why I came in here. I covered my face with my hands and cried quietly. When he told me I had to leave I had been crushed. I realize now that I do love him. As impossible as it seems, I love that strange man. And he loves me!

It took a while but I finally got myself under control. I wiped my pussy and got up and washed my face. Then I stood and stared at myself in the mirror. But I’m not really seeing me. I mean, I am. But I’m seeing what could be. I have one week to make him see that he can’t live without me. By god, that’s what I’m going to do!

I finally went back into the bedroom and crawled into bed beside him. We don’t have to go to work tomorrow, it’s a holiday. So, we can stay up and read for a while before we turn out the lights.

As engrossed in that book as I’ve become, it’s all I can do to read tonight. I want to take him in my arms and hold him and kiss him and tell him over and over how much I loved him. Damn! I feel like a silly schoolgirl!

Finally I gave up and put my book down. I turned over and rested my head on his belly and lovingly cradled his soft cock. I heard him put his book down and he quietly said, “I can’t concentrate, either.”

We were quiet for a few minutes. I caressed his growing cock and he ran his hand tenderly down my back and over my ass.

As his cock grew I began to kiss and lick the head of it. He relaxed and enjoyed my mouth on his cock. After a few minutes he said, “I’m not going to stop whipping you.”

I felt my pussy tingle at the mention of that whip and I stopped what I’m doing long enough to say, “I don’t want you to.”

A moment later he said, “I’m still going to make you fuck and suck other men, and I’m planning on going back to that strip joint.”

I moaned and answered, “That was so exciting, wasn’t it?!”

I started taking his hard cock into my mouth and he said, “Take it easy this time. Just a normal blowjob, okay? I’m not anxious to explain to some doctor in an emergency room how I removed your tonsils with my cock.”

I chuckled and responded, “I already had my tonsils out.”

But I took it easy. I only took half of his cock into my mouth and I sucked it lovingly while I used my hand on the rest of his massive organ. I can’t wait to get another mouthful of his delicious cum.

I didn’t rush it though. I love having his cock in my mouth and I love the way it feels in my hand. I love that I can please him this way. I made it last for a very long time. I sucked and I massaged him with my hand and I brought him right to the brink time after time until finally his hand squeezed the cheek of my ass in his steel grip and he filled my mouth with another delicious load of hot cum. We’ve been having so much sex in the last two days that I’m surprised at how much cum there was. He must be one of the most virile men on the planet!

I held his cum in my mouth for a long time after he came. The head of his cock was still resting just inside my mouth and as his cock got soft I felt a few more drops of cum drain into my mouth.

I finally swallowed and quietly said, “I love your cock. I’ve never loved a cock before. I’ve never even liked anyone’s cock before. I just liked making them hard, making them want me. But I love your cock. I love the way it tastes and the way it feels in my hand and in my mouth, but most of all in my pussy. And I love the taste of your cum.”

He pulled me up beside him again and took me in his arms. He held me tight and kissed me lovingly as is hands moved softly over my body. After a few minutes he put me on my back and began to kiss his way down my body.

I wasn’t thinking at first. But then I realized what he was going to do and I said, “No! Don’t do that! I’m not clean. Paul!”

I tried to pull him back up but he took my wrists in his hands and said, “Don’t you ever say no to me again, cunt!”

I hissed, “Paul! We just ... you know! Don’t! I’m not clean. I never want you to be disgusted with me again!”

He looked exasperated. He rolled his eyes and said, “You stupid cunt! You just sucked my cock clean after I fucked you. Didn’t you?!”

I groaned and answered, “That’s different.”

He chuckled and asked, “How?”

I stuttered, “I ... it’s ... I don’t know! It just is!”

He chuckled again and said, “Silly bitch! Relax. If I have a problem with your cunt I’ll let you know about it.”

He continued to hold my wrists and kiss his way down my body until his mouth was teasing my pussy. I had cleaned up after we fucked. But I knew there were still traces of our juices inside of me and I’m nervous about grossing him out.

I can’t watch. I closed my eyes and tensed up and waited for him to realize he made a mistake. That embarrassing moment never came. He kissed and licked all around my pussy and then he began to explore inside of my opening with his tongue. I began to lose control before I realized the moment I feared wasn’t going to happen. He was eating my pussy ravenously!

I relaxed finally and let myself go. As soon as I did I realized not just how wonderful it feels, but how much more wonderful it feels with my arms restrained. Once more I’m helpless and I’m finding that every time that happens I enjoy it more. But it’s especially delicious this time.

I started having orgasm after orgasm and since the only movement I’m capable of is to lift my hips and grind my pussy into his mouth I did that, without even realizing I’m doing it!

I lost count of the orgasms I had. I heard myself whining and whimpering and crying out and making sounds that aren’t even human and he just kept driving me crazy with his tongue.

Finally I couldn’t take it any longer and I begged him to stop.

He stopped licking, but with his lips still grazing the lips of my pussy he asked in a mischievous voice, “What will you do for me if I stop?”

I screamed, “Anything! I’ll do anything for you, Paul. I will always do anything for you!”

He released my arms and crawled up over me. I grabbed his face and pulled it down and licked him clean. He kissed me long and hard and then he smiled down at me and said, “Remember that. I’m going to hold you to it.”

I stared lovingly up into his dark blue eyes and said, “You have my word. I will always do anything to please you.”

Then I smiled and added, “And I know you well enough now to know that you are going to test me. I’ll pass.”

We went to sleep in each other’s arms. I expected to be awake half the night. I lay there in Paul’s arms thinking about how much has happened, how much has changed since Friday. I’m not even the same person I was just forty-eight hours ago. And I’m very excited by the difference. But I’m also totally fucked and I was asleep before I knew it.

We slept a little late in the morning. Paul was still asleep when I awoke. I’m still in his arms! I lay there and enjoyed being held for a long time. But eventually I had to go to the bathroom and I couldn’t put it off any longer.

I slowly eased out of his arms and got to my feet. I looked over at him to make sure I hadn’t disturbed him but he was looking right at me and smiling. I returned his smile and said, “Sorry, I tried to be quiet. I had to get up before I wet the bed.”

I hurried into the bathroom and used the toilet and brushed my teeth. When I came back out, Paul was sitting on the side of the bed. He asked, “Can you make coffee?”

I nodded and he told me where the coffee and the filters are located. I looked around for my sandals but then I remembered I had come upstairs naked last night.

I went down and made coffee. When Paul came down he supervised me while I made bacon and eggs. I was surprised. I thought sunny-side up eggs were difficult to cook. Once you know how they’re pretty easy.

We ate out by the pool and then we sat and sipped coffee for a while. I waited for him to drag me into the pool for my morning exercise. I was starting to wonder if he was going to skip it today. No such luck. We spent the next fifteen minutes swimming laps. I noticed that after only three days I’m getting better. But I’m never going to be able to keep up to him.

After our morning exercise we cleaned up the breakfast dishes and Paul took me upstairs. We took a quick shower and got dressed. I put on the miniskirt and a see-through blouse Paul picked out for me when we went to my apartment yesterday.

It was after eleven when we finally left the house. We took his car today. I don’t know where we’re going but I don’t doubt it’s going to be interesting. All my time with Paul is, if nothing else, very interesting.

We didn’t go very far. Paul drove to a large house just a few miles away. We got out of the car and I followed Paul to the door. There are about a dozen cars parked in the driveway and in front of the house. It looks like there’s a party going on here. I can hear voices in the back yard and people splashing around in a pool.

Paul rang the doorbell and a teenage boy in bathing trunks answered the door after a short wait. He smiled when he saw us and stepped back. His eyes focused on my breasts in the sheer blouse I’m wearing. He tried to be polite and look away. He wasn’t very successful. It was pretty amusing.

We stepped inside and the boy led us through the house and out to the pool in the backyard. He quickly rejoined the other boys and I watched out of the corner of my eye as he spoke to several of them. It’s obvious he’s pointing me out to them and telling them about how sheer my top is.

There are about fifteen boys playing around in and out of the pool. They all look to be about fifteen or sixteen. I recognize one of them. He’s Jim’s youngest son, Jason.

Jim and another man are sitting at a table under an awning. I followed Paul to the table and after I was introduced to Craig, the other man at the table and the owner of the home, we joined them.

I didn’t start getting nervous until Craig asked, “This is her?! Does she know why she is here?”

Paul and Jim both laughed and Paul answered, “Not yet. But it doesn’t matter.”

Then Paul turned to me and said, “Shannon, we’re going to talk for a while. I want you to go for a swim. Keep the boys entertained for a while. It’s Jason’s sixteenth birthday. Why don’t you go wish him a happy birthday?”

I shivered, partly in dread, partly in anticipation. I suddenly know why I’m here. But I hope I’m wrong. Jason has been almost like a little brother to me for years.

I said, “I don’t have a bathing suit!” I know that was intentional. Still, I need to hear it from him.

He smiled and replied, “I don’t think they’ll mind.”

I know what he intended now. And he knows I now realize what I’m here for. I’m to be the entertainment. And I’m going to be one of Jason’s birthday presents. It’s unlikely that it will stop there, though. This must have been arranged before last night, so I know this isn’t a test. It’s just another interesting day amusing the kinky man I love so very much. I wish there weren’t so many boys and I wish they weren’t so young. But ours is not to reason why. If this is what Paul wants then this is what I want.

The three men at the table are all watching me. I stood up and watched Paul’s face while I fumbled nervously with the top button on my blouse. When no one stopped me I knew this was what they wanted.

I can’t look at the others. I’m too embarrassed. I watched Paul’s face as I unbuttoned my blouse. As I removed it I became aware of the sudden silence behind me. I know without having to turn and look that every one of them is watching me as I stood at the table and undressed.

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