A Teaser Taught a Lesson - Cover

A Teaser Taught a Lesson

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Shannon, the office tease, is kidnapped by a co-worker who is tired of her teasing ways and decides to teach her a lesson. Despite what you might think from the story codes this is actually a fairly mild tale.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism  

In the morning I awoke slightly confused. At first I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing there. Paul is leaning over me and unlocking the chain imprisoning me. He removed it from the foot of his bed and examined the wood for damage. Thankfully he found none.

He helped me up and took me back downstairs. He led me through his house to the backyard so I could go to the bathroom in the grass again. As I walked past the living room I saw the noose that had been around my neck for so long. It’s hanging down from a ring in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. I shuddered as I remembered all the time I spent with that thing around my neck last night.

Squatting down at the end of a leash to urinate in front of him is just as degrading as it had been last night. In a way it may be even more degrading because I’m not blindfolded this time. I hadn’t realized that a blindfold is something you can hide behind!

It was easier without the blindfold and with my arms free. I managed to avoid getting it all over myself this time. But when I looked up and saw the look of total disinterest in his eyes it made me feel so low. He might just as well have been walking a dog!

He led me back inside after I finished. We went to his master bath and he removed my collar. He put me in the large walk-in shower. He showered and then he bathed me like he would a pet. His hands moved all over my body but I was watching and he never once started to get an erection.

I mean, I know he’s mad at me. But I’m a damned good looking woman! Does he really think I’m so disgusting he can’t get an erection from looking at my naked body and from touching me?

After we dried off he put my collar and leash back on and gave me a toothbrush and a hairbrush. He told me to make myself presentable. He brushed his teeth in the other sink and went out of the room. Before he left he ordered me to come to the kitchen when I’m finished.

I brushed my teeth and my hair and looked at myself in the mirror for a long moment. I wondered what he really sees when he looks at me. Can I really be that unattractive to him?

I stepped back and looked at the leather collar and the leash. I hate myself for thinking it. But I really think I look sexy! I’ve never been into anything kinky and I have no desire to receive another of those beatings. But the collar looks kind of hot and I’m trying not to think about what it represents because ... well, better I don’t think about it.

As I looked at myself I suddenly remembered what I promised to do to avoid being beaten again. I’m going to be a nude serving girl. I even offered to have sex with his friends without Paul having to demand it of me! Could a man have so drastic an effect on me in one evening?!

I have to stop thinking about this. It’s making me crazy.

I went out and down the hall toward the stairs. The doors to the rooms lining the upstairs hallway are all open and it seems like the walls of every room I passed were lined with bookcases full of books from ceiling to floor. He does love his books.

Paul is wearing swimming trunks and a t-shirt. He’s just starting breakfast but coffee is ready. He poured me a cup and I stood in the kitchen and watched him while I sipped my coffee.

I asked if he wants me to make breakfast and he asked skeptically, “Can you cook?”

I blushed and admitted, “Not very well. I can scramble eggs.”

He just ignored me after that while I watched him make a couple of crazy good omelets. I mean it. That was the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten! The bacon was perfect and the omelet was cheesy and melted in my mouth.

He read the morning paper while he ate and sipped his coffee. It wasn’t even like he was ignoring me. It was like he’s alone in the room. It was like I’m not worth bothering with. As strange as it sounds, I don’t like him, I’m afraid of him, but it bothers the hell out of me that he dismisses me that way, especially when I’m sitting here naked. I’ve just never gotten that kind of treatment from a guy. Not clothed and certainly not naked!

I got up after I finished my omelet and poured us another cup of coffee. He never even looked at me. He didn’t seem concerned that I might escape. But what’s even stranger is that I’m not trying to escape. I looked at the front door in the foyer when I came by it on the way to the kitchen. The door is open and the storm door didn’t appear to be locked. Yet I didn’t even think about escaping! For the life of me I can’t explain why!

I took my coffee into the kitchen while he read the paper. I cleaned up the stove and put the dishes in the dishwasher. There wasn’t much to clean up. He cleaned up behind himself as he cooked. He’s a very neat man, the house is immaculate.

I waited for him to finish his coffee and I put the cup in the dishwasher. There were a few dishes in there from last night and I asked him if he wanted me to start the washer or wait until there were more dishes. He got up and started it without even bothering to answer me. Then he said, “Come on. It’s time for my morning swim. You look like you could use some exercise.”

I followed him out to his backyard. He unfastened the collar and then turned and headed for the pool. As he walked away from me I said in a petulant voice, “I’m not ugly! I’m not ugly and I’m not disgusting!”

He turned to look at me. Then he shook his head, plainly of the opinion that he was dealing with an idiot. He started to ignore me and walk to the pool. But he stopped and turned back. He looked at me steadily, a look I found very disconcerting. He finally responded, “I said that you’re pretty and that you have a nice body. But that’s the outside. That’s an accident of nature. You’re not responsible for that.

“What’s ugly is what you have chosen to do with what you have. You seem to have a brain. You aren’t stupid. But you go out of your way to avoid learning anything. The only pleasure in your life, the only thing you do for fun and the only thing you take pride in is using your looks to tease men and con them into buying you things.

“You don’t love anyone but yourself. You don’t know a thing about politics or the world around you and you seem unconcerned by its rapid deterioration. I doubt if you could recite the names of a dozen countries. And I know you couldn’t name the leader of any other country in the world. I’m not sure you could tell me who the president of this country is. But then, I try not to think about who our president is either. He is a bigger moron that you are! You aren’t related are you? Is your last name Bush?

“No, Shannon. You aren’t ugly. But you are a very shallow person. You are also cruel and vindictive. I asked you to leave me the hell alone and you went out of your way for days to attempt to torment me with your cute little ass. You did it in such as way as to try to make me look foolish. So now I am making it my duty to do what your parents should have done and teach you some manners. Who knows, with a little effort I might even make a decent person out of you. I doubt it. But you certainly have the potential.

“As I mentioned earlier though, I’m going to do more than that. I’m going to make you my little sex toy, my slut. I’m going to play with you for a while to make up for all the time you’ve spent playing with the men and boys around you. Now get your ass in the pool and start swimming. You’re soft and weak and you need to start exercising.”

He turned and dove into the pool and started gracefully swimming laps. I watched for a few minutes, amazed at how smoothly and effortlessly he seemed to cut through the water. He swam so effortlessly I was reminded of a dolphin.

I finally dove in. I know I can’t match his power or speed but I’m a reasonably good swimmer and I thought I could hold my own for a little while.

Not even close! By the time I had completed two laps he was passing me. A lap and a half later he passed me again. I never finished lap five. I was exhausted.

I learned one thing, though. I really enjoy skinny dipping. It feels so free to have that water moving gently over those areas of my body normally covered by my suit. No, more than free, it feels very stimulating.

I came to a stop about half way through my fifth lap and hung onto the side of the pool, panting. I watched him as he continued to swim lap after lap, still with obvious ease. No wonder he’s in such good physical condition. I never realized before what strenuous exercise swimming is. And he makes it look easy.

He made his last turn and turned over onto his back and started floating across the pool lazily, cooling off and catching his breath. Then he got out of the pool and rinsed off, ignoring me once more.

He dried off and went inside. I stood there wondering if I’m supposed to follow. I never even thought of trying to get away until he returned with his book and stretched out on a lounge chair.

I got out and rinsed the chlorine off and then sat down near him to dry off in the sun. As I sat there I watched him read. I could not remember ever reading a book for pleasure in my entire life. That had never bothered me before. But for some reason I feel guilty now when I realized it. Maybe he’s right about me, about a lot of things.

I waited until he was turning the page of his book so that I wouldn’t interrupt and I asked, “What if I wanted to read, to start reading for pleasure?”

He looked up at me as if I were a moron. Finally he responded, “Don’t you read anything?”

I shook my head.

He stared at me for a moment and then he asked, “What’s your favorite movie?”

I had to think about that for a moment. I named a couple I had seen recently and enjoyed.

He sat up and said, “Those are both science fiction movies. You enjoy science fiction?”

I shrugged. I guess I do. I never thought much about it before.

He put his book down and went inside. He came back out in a couple of minutes carrying a book and a bottle of sun block. He tossed me the sun block and said, “Put this on my back and legs. Then wash your hands and see what you think of this book. It’s called Dune. I used to read some science fiction and this was one of my favorites. There are a number of sequels to it, but they get weirder and weirder.”

He put the book down and I stood over him and began oiling his back. As I massaged the oil into his skin I can’t help but notice how firm and muscular his body feels under my hands. He isn’t soft like the few young men I’ve been intimate with. I took my time and was more than a little surprised to discover it’s a pleasurable thing to do. In the past, if I was at the beach with a guy, I would let him oil me up, just so that I could drive him crazy. But I never returned the favor.

I finished oiling up all of the exposed skin above his trunks and then I moved down and did his legs. I was embarrassed when I suddenly realized I’m becoming aroused! But I began to realize as I moved my hands over his strong, well-defined legs, that although he has a very nice, very sexy body, the thing that’s getting to me is that he’s the only man I ever met who didn’t fall all over himself to touch me, to look at me, and make every attempt to have sex with me. It’s driving me crazy that he genuinely has no desire for me at all.

I found myself wondering what it would be like to have sex with him ... to be taken by him. I remembered the way his cock looked when he went to bed last night and I got my first look it. It was very impressive. I wondered what it would be like to suck that large tube of flesh and get it nice and hard. And how exciting it would be to have this big, strong man over me, taking me, fucking me.

I finally finished oiling him up and I forced myself to stop thinking those strange, sexual thoughts. I stood up and applied the oil to my own exposed skin, especially those blindingly white areas that have always been covered by my bikini. I went over to the pool shower and rinsed my hands off and dried them on a towel.

I returned to my seat and started reading the book he brought out for me. I have mixed emotions about this. I’m curious about the book. But I have to be honest. The main reason I’m reading it is because I hate that he has such a low opinion of me.

I was put off when the first dozen or so pages were a dictionary of some fictional language. The next half dozen pages were confusing. The story was a little hard to follow. I really had to concentrate to figure out what’s going on. But as the boy who was apparently the main character of the book, Paul, was introduced I found myself getting drawn into the story and I didn’t even notice it at first.

I was startled when I became aware that Paul was watching me. I looked up and he saw that I had become engrossed in the book and hadn’t even noticed how much time had passed. I glanced down and saw that I had read more than thirty pages. What’s really astounding is that I’m reluctant to put the book down!

When I looked up he said, “It’s time to get ready for my friends. They’re coming over to watch a game on television. You’re going to serve drinks and snacks and perform any other services they might request since you volunteered.”

I don’t know which of us was more shocked when I asked, “Don’t you think you should find out first if I’m any good?”

He never even changed his expression. He just looked into my eyes and asked, “Are you really that easy to break?”

I’m embarrassed to think he might be right. I can’t explain the things I’m thinking and feeling. I answered by shrugging and then saying, “I wouldn’t have thought so. But I passed by your front door this morning on the way to breakfast and there was nothing to stop me from running outside and screaming for help. I remember looking at the door as I passed and seeing that it was open. It never occurred to me to leave. And I have no idea how long we’ve been out here in your back yard, but it just occurred to me that I have yet to look over to see if your back gate is locked.”

I paused for what seemed like a very long time. I looked down. I couldn’t look him in the eyes when I finally added, “And it makes me furious that you haven’t raped me.”

I didn’t tell him that I’ve had never had a man tell me he wasn’t attracted to me before, that he thinks I’m ugly. I’ve never had a man tell me he doesn’t want me, want to have sex with me. And he apparently meant every word of it!

He didn’t respond for a very long time. He sat and stared at me, at my face, not my naked body. Finally he asked, “Are you any good at sucking cock? You strike me as being much too fond of yourself to be a good cocksucker. You’re one of those girls who think that doing a nasty thing like that is beneath your dignity. That would be giving. You’re a taker.”

He’s right. I mean, I’ve put my lips around my boyfriend’s cocks from time to time. But I didn’t like doing it and I never did it for long. I certainly never did it to completion.

He saw in my face that he was right. A wry smile appeared on his face but he didn’t say anything, not at first. He stood up and said, “I thought so. Come on. Get your book and let’s go inside and take a shower.”

Why is he making this so damned hard for me?!

He picked up his book and started inside. As he walked away he casually said over his shoulder, “The gate isn’t locked. And in case you’re interested, my next-door neighbor is a cop.”

Is he daring me to have him arrested? Or is he just clarifying my status here? There’s nothing to stop me from running through that gate and getting help. If I don’t I’m submitting to him. I’ll no longer be a victim held against my will. I’ll be giving myself to him to use as he wishes. I’ll be giving myself to him to turn into a slut.

I watched him walk away and I felt his disdain for me. It makes me furious. I don’t know what to do. He has given me a choice. I can leave, or I can submit. Why does he think I’ll submit?! More to the point, why am I even thinking about it?! Do I actually want to be this man’s sex slave?!

He has kidnapped me, tied me up, beaten me. He has treated me like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl. Why would I want to do anything to please him? And why, after he as much as showed me the door, am I now following him into his house so he can abuse me further?

I don’t know if I’m more furious with him or with myself!

I followed him back to his bedroom and placed my book on a small table. I looked down at it. Of all the changes he’s putting me through I think this one is the most remarkable. I’m reading a book! I’m engrossed in it! I can’t wait to get back to it!

I turned to find Paul watching me with an amused look on his face. I blushed when I saw him watching me.

He said, “Maybe we’re both learning things about you we didn’t realize.”

I don’t think I’ve learned much. I’m so damned confused I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what to think about me, or him, or us.

He interrupted my confused and meandering mind. “Get your ass over here, cunt! Remove my trunks.”

Cunt! God I hate that word! I looked at his face and I knew he said it just to piss me off. He’s daring me to say something. Instead, I took a couple of steps and knelt at his feet and carefully pulled his trunks down.

His large cock is only a foot from my face and I can’t believe how much I want to touch it, to feel it in my hands, to kiss it, to please it. I’ve never felt that desire with another man. Yet here, with this cruel man who’s more than twice my age, I want him to make me suck his cock. I don’t want to volunteer and I don’t want him to ask me. I want to be made to do it.

He looked down at me as I knelt with his soft cock so near my face. He still has that amused look on his face that’s so infuriating. He let me look at him for a moment and then he asked, “Is that what you want, slut? Do you want to suck my sweaty cock? I’ve been out there in the hot sun and I’m all hot and sweaty. And I haven’t fucked a girl’s mouth in a long time. My balls are full to overflowing. Do you think you can handle my cock, you dumb cunt?”

I’m actually pretty sure I can’t. But I haven’t the nerve to admit it.

He reached down and lifted his soft cock and ran the head of it all around my face. While he was doing that he said, “I suppose you’re right. I should probably go ahead and see how bad you suck at sucking before I let my friends have you. Let’s see how badly you’re going to embarrass me. Open your mouth.”

I opened my mouth and watched nervously as the head of his large cock approached my lips. On those few occasions I’ve taken a man’s cock into my mouth in the past, it has always been hard and throbbing and usually oozing lubricant and looking nasty.

This was a very different experience. Paul’s cock is only now beginning to harden. It’s as if he honestly doesn’t want to put his cock in me. But the biggest difference is the size. His cock was about six inches long when it was soft. But it was nearly three times as big around as the next largest cock I’ve ever seen.

As I began to take it into my mouth and caress it with my tongue it started growing longer. By the time it finished growing I had really mixed emotions about it. It has grown to a length of about eight inches. It didn’t appear to grow in circumference. It didn’t need to.

He didn’t try to force it down my throat or force more of it into my mouth than I could handle. He just stood over me watching. For the life of me I have no idea why I felt the desperate need to please him that I did. And I don’t understand why sucking the cock of someone under these circumstances is so exciting. But it is.

I struggled to take as much of his impressive manhood into my mouth as I could. I’ve never tried so hard to please a man with my mouth before. I only just barely managed to get half of his cock into my mouth. I used my hand to stimulate the rest.

His cock feels different in my hand than the other cocks I’ve held. It’s so fat that my hand can’t close around it. But the cocks I experienced in the past had all been much skinnier and had felt bony. I know. There’s no bone in there. But when skinny cocks get hard they feel like that. His is different and I like it. I like the difference.

I did the best I could do and as I worked at his cock I found that, unlike every other time in the past, I want him to cum in my mouth. That’s my goal. I want to do it for him. I want to prove that I can. And the harder I try the more imperative it becomes that I please him.

I knew when he got close. His eyes closed. His breathing changed, becoming more labored. His hand began to lightly caress my hair. That caress sent shivers through me!

I quickened my pace and I heard him gasp and suddenly my mouth was flooded with the hot gooey cum for which I’ve been working so hard.

Even though I was expecting it, it’s what I’ve been striving for, I was so startled at first that I almost pulled my head away. I controlled that urge and my mouth began to fill rapidly with his cum.

I’m surprised. I’m surprised because there’s so much of it. It seems like twice the normal amount I’m used to seeing in the condoms of my previous lovers. But I’m even more surprised by the mild taste. I’ve never tasted cum before. But I’ve been led to believe it’s a very bitter tasting liquid which is totally disgusting and makes a girl want to puke. It wasn’t! It was mild, very mild. In fact, there was almost no taste at all!

Between the mild taste and the excitement I felt at having pleased him, I’m incredibly turned on by what I just did. I held his cum in my mouth for a moment after he gently removed his cock. I savored the taste, letting it coat my mouth and stirring it with my tongue. I held it in my mouth for a long time before I finally swallowed it easily.

He watched me swallow and then he said, “Don’t let it go to your head, but that wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected.”

I whispered, “Me either. I’ve never done it before.”

He looked at me curiously and then he asked, “You’ve never sucked a cock before?”

I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. I blushed and answered, “Not all the way. I’ve never let anyone cum in my mouth before.”

He chuckled and said, “By the time this day is over you’ll be a pro.”

He ordered me into the bathroom and we took another shower. This time I wasn’t so careful to avoid touching him in a way that might arouse him. I washed him thoroughly and as I did I realized that this time I was kind of hoping for a reaction. I’m still curious about how it would feel to have that large organ inside of me.

After I thoroughly washed Paul, he returned the favor. But this time was different. This time wasn’t so perfunctory. He moved his large hands over me and this time he was trying to turn me on just like I had him. It worked.

By the time he determined we were done showering I was getting weak in the knees. He had already washed my back and I was leaning back against his chest while his hands moved over my breasts and down my stomach, spreading that slick body wash and working his hands down between my legs. I still can’t explain why I’m letting this man get to me like this. I felt his large cock begin to come to life as it rested against my back and by the time his hands were cupping my sex I was as turned on as I had been a few minutes earlier when I had sucked a cock to completion for the first time.

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