Perks of an Erotic Author
Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99
Chapter 1
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After posting my first master slave story on line, i receive feedback from a couple who wish to explore the grounds of submissiveness. This is their story
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual True Story Slut Wife Wimp Husband Cuckold Wife Watching BDSM DomSub Spanking Light Bond Safe Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Cream Pie Body Modification
It was amazing the response and reaction created when I posted my first erotic story on line, the story called Eleanor's descent was based upon some true events from my past. Within days of it being available to read on line I had received twenty or so emails offering feedback to the story and I would say that 95% of that was positive and encouraging; although 5% were not that impressed it just proved the old adage that you can't please all of the people all of the time.
The true tale I am about to relate begins a week after the first story was posted and refers to a strange sounding email I received. A husband and wife wrote to me, thanking me for my story but also strangely suggesting that because of my story their sleep was now being disturbed by haunting fantasises of them being two of the characters from my story. In the woman's erotic dreams she adopted the role of Eleanor and her husband's erotic dreams left him being Roger. Now in my story Roger was not married to Eleanor but was in fact the current boyfriend of Eleanor's flat mate Katie.
So the fact that a husband and wife were now separately fantasising about two unrelated people was strange enough, but made even stranger when you consider the two questions they posed in the later stages of the email. Question one was in which part of London did I reside they actually stated they themselves lived in Chelsea. Their second question left me in no doubt, they were looking for someone to take control of their love lives, they asked if I would be prepared to train them to the same standard as I had with Eleanor.
After much careful thought and consideration I emailed back my response, as I do with all story feedbacks, suggesting that if they would like to arrange a meeting we could discuss their request but the meeting itself was no commitment from either side that the training would take place. To be honest I genuinely thought that would be the end of their interest, so imagine my surprise when only an hour later I received their response.
Instead of arranging a neutral venue for the meet, I was cordially invited to their home to discuss matters and hopefully give them a taste of what life with me as their master would be like. The email finished by explaining that if these arrangements were satisfactory then I had simply to email them a day and date and they would be sure to be ready and would email me their address. I emailed back suggesting a ten day cooling off period to allow them to change their mind but if they still wanted to proceed I suggest seven pm a week on Friday. I told them I would expect either an email saying they had reconsidered or an email with their address and directions, by the day before our meet.
Having sent this email, I promptly received a reply to the effect they had already had 15 years together to decide against this course of action so they were not going to change their minds in the next ten days and as proof of this they included their address in Chelsea and directions on how to get their by car or by public transport. They also asked if I had any special instructions for them to carry out before my arrival, any dress code they needed to be aware of and things like that.
I immediately emailed them back stating, yes I had rules and dress codes but I preferred to reveal them in person. Again I stressed that the meeting did not guarantee they were to be my new trainees. As I sat and reviewed the emails from this couple, I had already decided that if they were sure they wanted a master, better that master be me who is not as strict a trainer as some I know of than someone else. So it was at the end of the next day I had decided to demand some tasks on the Friday night to test their resolve to serve another human being as a slave. Four days later I had worked out how the night would run for our first meeting, including their tasks.
On the Friday evening, I set off at four pm to get to Chelsea, intending to stop off on route to eat and planned to phone them to up their anticipation. I arrived in Chelsea Borough at six pm and found a nice little restaurant and having ordered my meal I phoned the number given me by Esther in an email. It rang only twice before a woman's voice said "hello!"
I asked if that was Esther and when told it was I introduced myself as Master Ray, There was silence on the other end of the phone before a shaky voice said "Yes, Master Ray!"
I outlined my plan to be at their house around seven to seven-thirty pm, and suggested that if they had changed their minds they should simply not answer the door. Esther quickly responded, "Oh no Master, even if we did change our minds we would answer the door to you and tell you the reasons to your face, for we are not ashamed of being what we are!"
I lowered my voice and asked if her cunt was already wet in anticipation, she in turn mentioned as wet as a river and added her husband was walking around with a hard on already. I informed her one of the things which would be definitely happening tonight, would be their medical examination, and promised her that they both would be fully examined to the smallest of nooks and crannies.
I then said, "goodbye my slut!" and hung up the phone.
After a reasonable meal I made my way to the address I had been given and finally rang the door bell of this smart looking semi detached house. The door quickly opened and before me stood a five foot four inch blonde haired woman. Without being cruel she looked all of her forty seven years of age and had not lied about the size of her 42 D breasts. They looked gargantuan on her medium build frame.
Without me introducing myself she said, "Please come in Master Ray!" I stepped inside before asking her how she knew it was me; she said she recognised my voice from the telephone conversation earlier until I pointed out that I had only spoke after she had invited me in. She blushed and said, "Yes but it is exactly seven thirty and I just knew you would be so prompt. That it had to be you at the door!"
She led me through to the living room where a shock awaited me, for their tied to a chair set in front of a TV playing porno movies was the naked figure of a man. I took this to be George and instantly recognised the scene from my story where Eleanor is tied to the chair and forced to watch porno's but unable to play with herself when Katie and roger entered the room. I smiled and asked who thought up this scenario. Esther giggled as she explained that she had spent several hours tied in this position whilst George was at work reliving Eleanor's feelings but tonight she had decided that George should also sample the feeling of vulnerability and had tied him there at four pm.
I looked George over as he blushed and stared at the floor in front of my feet. I instantly teased him by asking what he was hiding in front of him. Esther answered, "Oh that is his prick!"
"Call that a prick!" I laughed and continued, "Oh my poor little cock, not even enough to stir your tea with!" George squirmed in his seat as he blushed even further. I demanded that Esther release him and he cover up his worthless excuse for a cock. For the next hour we sat and discussed what they were looking for from a sub/master relationship. I then introduced the ground rules.
"I have only five basic ground rules and they are not open for discussion!" I began, "First rule is my word is law and disobedience is punishable with spankings and other methods of chastisements. Rule two is you will both shave your pubic areas and keep them shaved. This is because a cuckold is not man enough to be able to have pubic hair and a slave slut should have her cunt lips clearly on view to all who her master chooses to show them too"
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