Gun Not Withstanding - Cover

Gun Not Withstanding

Copyright© 2008 by TheMoose63


Erotica Sex Story: Prologue - Kate is a 41 year old FBI agent tracking down the serial rapist and killer, Jack Diamond. Little does she know that he has set a trap for her and intends not to kill her but...well you'll just have to read the story to see what Jack has in mind for Kate. Oh yea, there is the captive woman Terri involved here too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie  

Jack Diamond circled the neighborhood again and waited for the early Sunday morning garage sales to get started. He had been searching local neighborhoods for two weeks and was looking for a specific type of a garage sale, one that was being held by a woman and one that had everything that was for sale inside the garage because that would make her abduction easier. He had watched from his plain white panel van as a woman set up the garage, arranging the tables and things on the tables and he nodded approval as he thought about his plan. He needed to get the woman to help him, to feel comfortable with him and then she would be his. It was too early in the morning so he drove away and parked in a nearby 7-11, bought some coffee and waited. At noon he drove to a McDonalds and inside the restroom changed into his usual disguise, a plain white shirt, wide paisley tie and a triangular bandage over one shoulder which would support his right arm. He carefully taped a plaster cast to his forearm then slipped his arm inside the sling. Back inside his van he drove back to the house of the woman he would come to know as Terri Kilgore. There weren't any buyers in the garage and Jack opened the van door and walked across the street and into Terri's garage.

Terri looked up from her novel when she saw the man approaching and smiled at him. He looked nice enough and was even wearing a shirt and tie and she noted that he had a cast on his right arm and that it was in a sling and she immediately felt some compassion for him. "Good morning ... anything in particular you're looking for?" She asked.

He smiled. "No, not really. I'm a second grade teacher and usually after Sunday church services I search the different garage sales looking for bargains on things that I can use in my classroom."

Well, well she thought, a teacher ... and a nice looking one at that. "Really ... where do you teach?"

He was ready for that question. "Across town at Kennedy elementary."

"Oh ... sorry, I'm not familiar with that one." She went back to reading but peeked at him over the edge of the book. Damn nice looking too, she thought!

Jack frowned; inside the garage he saw a bevy of men's things; a man's bicycle, golf clubs, a couple of tennis racquets and a lot of men's clothing. He needed some information ... just to make sure. "Looks like a lot of guy stuff here ... your husband getting rid of his old gear so he can buy brand new stuff?"

She looked up, thinking about whether or not to answer. Oh hell, why not, after all he was just a second grade teacher what did it matter anyway ... besides she didn't see a wedding ring on his left hand. Her decision made she shrugged her shoulders and smiled a sexy smile. "My ex-boyfriends. He and I broke up and he won't come around and get his crap so I decided it goes out with the rest."

"Oh, sorry." He browsed the tables looking for just the right thing then he saw it under a card table near the back of the garage ... it was an ice-cream maker. He looked out the garage door and didn't see anyone around so he asked her, "Say this looks promising, could you help me get it up onto the table so I can take a look at it?"

"Sure no problem." She said as she put her book down and got up and walked over to the card table.

Jack stood back and when Terri bent over to lift the ice cream maker box he slipped his arm out of the sling and in one swift move it came crashing down on the nape of her neck and she was out like a light. He quickly took off the cast and sling using the sling to tie her arms behind her back. He took the tape off of the cast and taped her mouth shut then pulled her shorts down to her ankles to keep her feet from moving just in case she woke up. He saw her simple white panties and wondered what it would be like to fuck her. She wasn't all that sexy looking, maybe in her early thirties with mousy brunette colored hair. She was about 5'6" he guessed and a few pounds overweight as evidenced by the pooch around her waist. Nice tits though! He quickly closed the garage door from the inside and then went out the side door and up to the sidewalk and removed the 'Garage Sale Today' sign. He backed up his van up to the garage then went back inside and lifted Terri over his shoulder and took her out to the van where he reinforced her bindings and put a hood over her head.

Later, driving down the Interstate with the trust up Terri Kilgore in the back of the van he wondered if Kate Thurman would really fall for this ... was she that stupid? Maybe at this point in the investigation she was just vulnerable. Kate had proven to be one of the best FBI agents that had ever looked for him and she had quickly become a pain in his ass. Twice she had almost caught him although he was pretty sure she didn't know that ... at least not just yet. After the last near miss he decided that what was good enough for his victims should be good enough for the FBI agent, only he wasn't going to kill her like the rest ... no he was going to humiliate her and make everyone in the fucking country know that Jack Diamond had done it! Yes once he was through with Kate Thurman everyone in the fucking free world would know why he had been dubbed the 'Deep Throat' killer!

Finally arriving at the house he set everything up just as he wanted it then took the throwaway cell and sent the text message straight to Kate's personal cell. "Kate Thurman. Jack Diamond has taken another woman; someone named Terri and is holding her at a house in..."


Kate pulled the old Ford Crown Vic into the beginning of what was a very long and dark driveway, finally pulling over to the side and parking. She checked the rearview mirror to see if anyone had followed her and satisfied that she was alone she turned off the ignition and sat there thinking about her next move. She checked the waist of her trousers and felt reassured when her fingers touched the slim knife she had slipped into the inside of her belt ... just in case. She reached in her handbag and took out her gun and checked to make sure there was a round in the chamber ... there was. She clicked off the safety and put the gun behind her in the waist of her skirt and got out of the car. As she walked up the gravel driveway she wondered if the text message she had received was just another false lead, or maybe a tip from someone who really thought it was Jack Diamond in the house ... still it had sounded like a damned good lead even thought no one had reported a local woman missing, at least no one named Terri. She eased up the steps and onto the porch and looked at the darkened windows. Jesus was Jack really inside, in the dark ... waiting for her or was this just another of his ruses, another way to piss her off ... again!

Kate Thurman, at 41 years of age was one of the oldest FBI agents still on active field duty, active being defined as an agent who was still out working the streets. She should have retired from street work and taken over a desk two or three years ago but she couldn't because she was on a mission, a mission to catch Jack Diamond and she wasn't going to quit until she had the asshole behind bars or with a needle in his arm.

Jack Diamond was a serial rapist and murderer that the FBI as well as local police agencies suspected him of killing over twenty women in four states. He had been dubbed the 'Deep Throat' killer because each victim had been found with his sperm deep down their throats and in their stomach. Forensic pathologists had confirmed the fact by lab analysis and even with the DNA results no one had been able to find the elusive killer, no one except Kate who had come pretty damned close the last time. Everyone knew that Jack used some ruse to pick these women up and then disable them and despite extensive examinations of their bodies, their bodily fluids and tissue sample no one knew for sure how he accomplished that. Once they were disabled he took them to some secret hiding place and repeatedly raped them and then when he was finished he took them deep into some secluded woods and strangled them. His modus operandi or MO was simple, raping his victims then having them dress back into their bras and panties and take photographs of them. Once he had the pictures that he would later sent to the local law enforcement agencies he would stand behind them and strangled them with what many agents thought was a silk tie. Most knowledgeable law enforcement officers thought that Jack dressed up in a coat and tie and that he used the tie to kill them but Kate knew it wasn't true, that he actually had a quarter inch thick nautical line with a boatswain's knot in front that made any attempt by the victim at making a sound impossible. If it was a boatswain's knot that led Kate to believe that Jack had spent some time in the Merchant Marines or maybe even the U.S. Navy.

Kate eased open the front door and ducked inside her arm jerking her gun out from behind her and sweeping it across the entryway. She didn't see anything or anyone so she duck walked inside and closed the door then leaded back and thought about what she should do next. Deciding to confront him ... if he was really there, she called out. "Jack, if you're in here come on out and talk to me ... its Kate Thurmond." Nothing! She took a deep breath and stood up and walked over to the door leading into what she supposed was the living room. She glanced around the corner into the dark room and thought she saw someone in a large wing backed chair but she couldn't be sure. She was so scared that she could almost hear her heart beating and knew that Jack, if he were there, could hear her too. She took another deep breath and wondered if the figure was Jack or someone else — well only one way to find out. She remembered that no one had answer her when she called out so she reached around the corner, found the light switch with her finger tips and flicked it on and jumped around the corner and into a crouched position. "FBI, no one move." When her eyes adjusted to the sudden light she saw it was a woman in the wing backed chair and she was stripped down to her panties and bra and had a rope around her neck. Her hands and arms were duck-taped to the sides of the chair and her ankles were similarly taped to the legs of the chair and her mouth had a piece of duck tape covering it. She looked sacred to death.

Kate looked around the room and didn't see anyone so she lowered her gun and put it behind her back and raced across the room to the woman. "It's alright ... I'm FBI, I'll have you out of here in a minute." Kate saw the woman shaking her head no but didn't understand why until something hit her on the back of the head and everything went dark. Sometime later, she didn't know how long she had been out, her senses started to return and she slowly moved her head and groaned.

"Well, well ... if it isn't the famous Kate Thurmond, FBI agent extraordinaire."

Kate opened her eyes, took a deep breath and saw Jack Diamond standing in front of her smiling down, his hands on his hips. The woman, who ever she was, stared at her from the other chair, her eyes showing the fear she felt. Kate tried to move and that's when she realized that she was taped to a chair too. She looked down and saw that Jack had stripped her down to her panties and bra before taping her to the chair. Just fucking great she thought, she could almost read the FBI report as it made it way to the Hoover Building in Washington, DC ... Agent Thurman died with her panties on! "So what the fuck do you want Jack? Obviously it isn't to kill me or you would have already done that and rape has to be out of the question because I can tell you haven't put your filthy hands on me."

"Yet." He said.

"Yet what?" She asked.

He smiled. "I haven't put my filthy hands on you — yet Kate!"

"Alright I'll concede that. Look Jack, what the fuck do you want and who is that woman?" She nodded to the other woman.

"Her?" He turned and looked behind him and smiled at the woman, "Oh she's the bait, Kate! Her name is Terri Kilgore and she's the woman you're either going to save or kill, but it's up to you."

Kate looked at the woman called Terri and saw the fear in her eyes. She wanted to give her some hope but trust up like a Christmas goose didn't give people a lot of confidence. "Okay, and exactly how am I going to do that Jack?"

"Good question Kate, a very good question indeed. You know you have been getting closer and closer to me every month and it had been really annoying. I watched you through binoculars at my last masterpiece, untying Pricilla Goings from the tree, covering up her poor dead body and I decided that you would be next. So here's is the deal, you are going to willingly and I stress the word willingly, give me a blow job and make me cum, then swallow all of my cum and then make me hard again and I'm going to fuck you until I cum again. If that happens and I'm satisfied that you are for real I'll let her go. What do you think?"

I think I'd rather be dead that have your cock in me, she thought. "And if I do that what happens to me?" She answered.

"Hummm, well I guess that I could let you go too, only the deal is I would have to leave the two of you here trust up so I can escape. Is it a deal Agent Thurman?"

As much as I didn't want this fuck-head touching me, what choice was there? I took a deep breath. "Alright Jack — it's a deal!" I watched curiously as he start setting up cameras. There were two digital movie cameras on tri-pods, one facing me from both sides. I looked around and tried to spot my clothes and finally found them in a pile by the doorway. I would have loved to have my clothes or at least my pants because I could sure use the knife I had sequestered inside my belt. He saw me looking at my clothes.

"Are you looking for this Kate?" He held up the slim knife. "Yea I found that when I took off your clothes ... had to make sure you weren't carrying anything that you could use against me. Hell I even searched inside your bra and panties. Did you know that you have a very soft pussy Kate?"

Well wasn't that fucking comforting! I needed to change the subject. "What's with the camera's Jack?"

"Oh I just wanted to capture the action between you and me and save it for posterity ... well and maybe for the press too. After all if I'm going to let the two of you live I want credit for it. Then again, you will be a willing participant, or at least it will look that way to everyone.

Great I thought. I saw him take a shotgun from the corner of the room and taped it to a third tri-pod then aim it at Terri. He tied two cords around the trigger mechanism and laid them across the floor. I looked at them and they looked to be maybe fifteen feet long.

"What's with the shotgun Jack, I've never known you to use a gun?"

He smiled. "It's called insurance Kate. While were fucking and sucking I'll tie one cord around your leg and the other around my wrist and if something goes wrong neither of us has to move very far to have it go off and kill Terri. So now do you get the picture Kate?"

I did and the way I saw it from my chair it looked full-proof. "I get it Jack."

He stood up and walked over to me and smiled. "Remember Kate you going to have to act like you're enjoying this or ... well, boom." He motioned his head towards Terri and I nodded. He reached out and let his fingers trail down over my cheek then down my shoulder and across the cup of my bra.

"Nice tits Agent Thurmond." His fingers kept going lower and lower until they reached my panties. That day I had put on a pair of hip-high silk French panties and now I wished I had put on a pair of pain white cotton panties, it would have been better. "Well Kate you could have fooled me ... are these panties regulation FBI issue?" His fingers slipped inside the elastic leg band of my panties and caressed my labia. I wanted to scream at him and if I'd had my gun I would have blown his balls off.

"No, they're just something I picked out especially for you Jack." I smiled admiringly.

He laughed. "Now that's a good attitude Kate." He took one of the cords and tied it to my right ankle then stood up and pulled out a Benchmark knife, flicked it open and cut the tape on my wrists and ankles. "Careful Kate, no quick or sudden movements, and please remember you have the fate of Ms. Kilgore in your hands ... well not exactly your hands." He laughed at his own stupid joke.

I stood up and rubbed my wrists where the tape had been. It took a second before the circulation got better. "I'll remember Jack, now what?" He walked over to the cameras, started both of them up then took the second piece of cord and wrapped it around his wrist.

"Please take off your bra Kate, and oh, by the way what size are you?"

I reached around behind me and unsnapped my bra and took it off and dropped it onto the chair. "36C."

"Really? You look much bigger that that ... maybe it's all those FBI workouts, you know, builds muscles. All right Kate I want you to turn around, bend over at the waist and take down your panties. Do it very slowly ... I'm sure you know why? I mean I want that image captured on film for later."

I did know why. When a woman bends over at the waist you can see her pussy from behind and with the movement of taking off one's panties the pussy will open and close. It's very sexy I've been told by a couple of old boyfriends. I turned and bent over and tried to think pleasant thoughts. I knew that if Terri and I were going to survive this ordeal I would have go give a Triple-X rated performance, without subtitles or the voices from behind the screen screaming out with fake orgasms. I pushed my panties slowly down my legs until I could step out of them then on a whim I reached underneath between my legs and spread my labia apart. "How's that look to you Jack?"

"Christ its great Kate, really great. Now sit down in the chair and play with yourself, I want to see you cum."

Good God, I thought, this man is pure evil, I only hoped that anyone watching this in the future would realize that I had been coerced into doing what I was doing! I sat down, spread my legs and closed my eyes. I thought about Nelson. Nelson had been my last lover and a damned good one at that. Hell, the man had principles and a great tongue and he never got his cock anywhere near me until I'd had at least three orgasms. A good man that Nelson! Anyway I thought about his six-inch cock and how it felt inside me as I rubbed small circles on my clit. It wasn't long before my orgasm approach. I felt the tingling in my crotch then my pussy started to have small ticks — that was always the first sign of an approaching orgasm. My hips lifted up to meet my fingers and I came. "OHHhhhh God! Oh sweet Jesus ... yessssssss!" I lay back in the chair taking deep breaths. Well one orgasm down, two to go.

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