A Chance to Advance - Cover

A Chance to Advance

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Childhood sweethearts marry and after college the husband gets his dream job. He is soon offered a big promotion and a huge increase in salary. There is a catch. His wife must make herself available to the company executives. This was originally written as a story, a sequel and two standalone stories that somehow ended up as part of the original story. They have all been combined here.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   MaleDom   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism  

When the alarm went off in the morning I went down and made breakfast while Brad showered and dressed. I love to see him when he comes down in the morning all freshly showered and shaved and wearing one of his expensive suits. He looks so handsome and so powerful. I always want to rip his suit off and fuck him half to death.

He sat down and I brought him his coffee, toast and cereal. We haven’t said anything more about EPOD since discussing it last night. But I think we’ve both already made up our minds. Despite the possible drawbacks, it’s one of those opportunities which, for the right kind of people, are too good to refuse. I’m pretty certain we’ve both decided it sounds exciting and it’s worth the gamble.

I can’t say I’m not nervous. The idea of being available for any kind of sex with anyone who wants me and being unable to say no is both very erotic, and very scary. There’s a certain level of humiliation that comes with that kind of sexual servitude. It’s built into the concept of being sexually subservient to men, especially men you don’t know very well. I’m surprised to discover the concept is really turning me on. I didn’t think I was that kind of girl!

Brad ate his breakfast and while he ate we tried to act like there was nothing unusual on our minds this morning. When he finished, he sat back, sipped his coffee and asked, “So, we’re going to do this thing?”

I smiled, leaned over and kissed him like I really meant it and said, “It seems as though it turns us both on. It may be that a week from now you’ll be looking for another job because we screwed up, though. You realize that don’t you?”

Brad shrugged and said, “I can stand to lose the job. I can always find another job. I couldn’t stand it if I were to lose you. We both have to promise that if it gets to be a problem for either one of us we’ll say something, okay?”

With a straight face I replied, “Okay. But if you don’t leave now I’m going to be humping your leg in a few minutes. You know how that always stains your suits!”

Brad stood up and said, “So I guess that isn’t just a yes, but an enthusiastic yes.”

I stood up and we hugged and kissed. He went to work. I went up to change the sheets on our bed and take a shower. I dressed casually and started cleaning house, doing all that housewifey stuff which is my job now. I suppose most women don’t like doing housekeeping to one degree or another. And I understand that. But I actually don’t feel that way.

I’m a very intelligent and well-educated young woman. Some people find it hard to understand how someone like me would enjoy being a housewife. A lot of people, mostly men, don’t realize just how hard it is to do it well. I love it. I love keeping our house perfect for my loving husband and I know Brad appreciates what I do. He never misses an opportunity to make that clear.

I enjoy the hell out of preparing great meals for him and just being there for him whenever he needs me. And there isn’t any pressure unless I put pressure on myself, which is something I avoid. I find taking care of our home to be calming, relaxing. I imagine a lot of women would disagree and even be offended. Sorry, that’s how I feel about it.

The only real drawback to the job for me is that I’m alone most of the day. It would be nice to have someone to talk to. I need a friendly next-door neighbor who drops by for coffee every day. People don’t seem to do that anymore.

Brad appreciates what I do and doesn’t hesitate to show me how he feels. He frequently brings me flowers. If he has a little free time at work he calls me up just to say “hi” and “I love you.”

I’m always touched because even if I couldn’t tell by the look in his eyes when he looks at me, I know from those little things he does that he loves me and he doesn’t take me for granted. I know he thinks about me even when I’m not with him.

I could have gotten a job outside of the house. But I never had a burning desire to be or do anything in particular. And I get so much satisfaction out of what I do. Why would I want to do anything else? We certainly don’t need me bringing in a second income. We didn’t need the extra money before. We’re going to need it even less now.

I was just about to go out and run some errands when the phone rang. It was Brad calling to tell me he talked to Mr. Kennedy and as of this moment his new telephone extension is 1369. He’s already in the process of moving into his large new office.

He asked me what I’m doing and I told him I’m just about to leave for the drycleaners. He suggested I stop by the Cadillac dealer and pick out a new car.

Things are certainly moving quickly!

I wanted to wait until we could go to the car dealer together but he explained that he’ll be pretty busy for the next week or so and he trusts me. Besides, it doesn’t really matter to him which car I choose. He suggested I just go to the dealership and look around for the most expensive car on the lot in a color I like.

I dropped off the cleaning and picked up the clothes I dropped off previously. As usual, I flirted with the nice old guy who owns the shop for a few minutes. We’ve been flirting with each other since I started using his shop. I think he’s a cute old guy.

I planned on going to the grocery store next and picking up a roast. The Cadillac dealer is on the way so I drove in and looked around.

I was pounced on almost as soon as I got out of my car. But in a more genteel fashion than you might experience at a Ford or Chevy dealership. A subdued young salesman showed me around and tried to explain to me the difference between the various vehicles he has for sale. I tried to act like I understood him. I didn’t, though. So, I took Brad’s advice and started looking at the window stickers for the most expensive car on the lot.

I picked out a DTS in glacier white with every possible option. It was the most expensive car on the lot. I figured if all those guys Brad works with are going to fuck me it’s only fair that I take advantage of this opportunity to fuck them.

I explained to the salesman that my husband works at J.A.M. Aluminum and I’m picking out his company car. He nodded and led me inside. They were expecting me. I was told I could pick the car up in an hour. The papers will be ready to sign when I return.

I walked out and drove to the grocery store after having just spent a small fortune of someone else’s money. Once I got over the nervousness of car shopping on my own it had really been a lot of fun! The sticker price of the car I eventually selected was very nearly what my husband has been earning a year until today.

I did my shopping and I put the meats and dairy products in a cooler in the trunk and drove to a store called Sweet Nothings. Now that I’m a call girl I suppose I should spice up my wardrobe. A pretty redhead, her hair is almost the same shade as mine, greeted me when I came in. I told her I need to change my image a little.

She looked at my figure and the way I’m dressed. She smiled and said, “I know just what you need.”

She led me around the store and together we picked out a dozen sexy outfits and the underwear to go with them. I tried them on and modeled them for her. She approved of most of them enthusiastically and although they’re much sexier than the clothes I’ve been wearing my whole life I tended to like the way I look in the sexy clothes she helped me select. She has excellent taste. In the end I bought everything she picked out. She also helped me choose a couple of nearly obscene bathing suits. I don’t know if I’ll ever need them ... or have the nerve to wear them. But we can afford them now and I’m still having fun.

I followed her to the register and watched her ring everything up. I was amused by my reaction when I saw the total. I wasn’t even fazed at the several hundred dollars it all cost. I would find out later that the company is going to issue me a credit card with which to buy all my clothes. I probably should have waited but we’re making so much money now that it really doesn’t matter.

I returned to the Cadillac dealership and picked up the new car after signing only a few pieces of paper. The salesman spent fifteen minutes familiarizing me with the car’s features and after transferring my purchases to the new car I nervously drove it home.

Before I left I told the salesman I’d return later with Brad to pick up our car. That turned out to be unnecessary. He asked me for my car keys and explained that someone from the dealership would deliver it right to my driveway! You don’t get that kind of service from the Chevy dealer!

I carried my groceries and the dry cleaning in and put them away. I made a second trip to bring in my new clothes. I laid my new outfits out on the bed thinking Brad would enjoy seeing them. Then I waited anxiously for time to start supper. I found myself with nothing else to do but to contemplate the changes in my life and it’s still early afternoon.

Well, I thought I had nothing else to do. It turned out I had something to do after all. My doorbell rang at a little before two in the afternoon. I opened the door to discover Mr. Kennedy standing on my front porch! The smile on his face is the one most people reserve for winning the lottery.

My legs immediately began to tremble. It’s happening! A man I hardly know has come to my home to have sex with me! I smiled nervously and stepped aside to let him in. He put his arm around my shoulder and led me into the living room. As we walked he said, “Jan, I must confess I have been looking forward to this for a very long time. I knew almost from the start that one day your husband would be promoted. And then I met you for the first time and I was awestruck. You are so incredibly beautiful. I could not possibly wait another moment. I was starting to fear your husband would say no to our offer when he took so long to respond. I would have been very disappointed.”

Even as nervous as I was at that moment I found his manner of speech amusing. I always have. He uses fewer contractions than anyone I know and he pronounces every syllable of every word clearly. You don’t really notice how sloppy most of us are in our in our speech patterns until you hear someone like him speaking.

When we were in the living room he stepped back and looked at me, or I suppose leered at me is more appropriate. But he did it in a nice way. He’s such a personable guy and I’ve always liked him. This isn’t the first time he’s leered at me.

He managed to raise his gaze up to my eyes for just long enough to say, “That’s a beautiful car you selected. You have excellent taste.”

I smiled and thanked him. I asked him if he’d like something to drink but he declined. Instead, he asked me if I would lead the way to my bedroom.

I smiled nervously, curtsied and said, “Right this way, sir.”

My heart was beating like crazy as I turned to lead the way to the stairs. I’m nervous. But I’m even more excited than I thought I’d be. I may not want this as much as Mr. Kennedy obviously does. But my belly is tingling like crazy. I definitely want this to happen. On second thought, I may be just as excited as he is!

As I turned away he said, “When it is just the two of us or when we are not in the office, please call me Gene.”

I smiled, took him by the hand and said, “Okay. Right this way, Gene.”

He paused at the foot of the stairs to let me precede him. I fully expected to feel his large hand on my ass or my thighs as I led him up the stairs but he was a perfect gentleman.

I led him down the short hallway to my bedroom. He smiled when he saw the sexy new clothes on my bed. I explained, “I’m just getting ready to dress more appropriately for my new career. I have a pretty conservative wardrobe. I thought I’d need something a little spicier now that I’m in EPOD. Do they look alright? They aren’t too much are they?”

His eyes moved over my new wardrobe appraisingly. He smiled and said, “I look forward to seeing you in every one of those sexy garments. But right now, I am looking forward to seeing you in a lot less.”

While I was clearing the bed off he told me about the credit card J.A.M will issue me for things like clothing and any other expenses I might incur as a result of being in EPOD. He took the receipt for the clothes I just bought and said he would see to it Brad is reimbursed today or tomorrow.

I thanked him and then I waited for some sign of what I should do next. Gene pulled me close. We began to kiss and he ran his hands over my body for a few minutes. I quickly began warming up to him. He’s being so nice, so warm. But I can’t help feeling nervous, still. I’m excited, too, though. I tried to let it show when I returned his kiss. I didn’t hold back.

He broke the kiss after a few minutes. His hands caressed my hair affectionately and said, “I have always found redheads especially exciting.”

I chuckled and said, “That’s good to hear, because I’ve always been a redhead. Would you like to see?”

I was surprised to realize how quickly I’m starting to feel comfortable with him and with this crazy situation. I’m a fucking call girl!!

His calm, pleasant demeanor relaxed me somewhat. I’m happy he’s going to be my first customer from the plant. Some of the other VPs are a lot more intimidating.

He smiled and replied, “I would like that very much, my dear. I would like that very, very much.”

Gene sat down on the side of my bed. I stood in front of him and slowly undressed. I was wearing a short, silky, wraparound sundress that has a simple knotted rope for a belt. I struggled with the knot for a moment. My fingers were shaking so violently you would have thought I was a virgin.

I finally got the knot out and let the belt hang loose. The dress fell open exposing my bare breasts and my very sexy little panty. I’ve gotten out of the habit of wearing a bra. Brad prefers me without one and my breasts are small enough that I don’t need a bra for support. When I first started leaving the house without a bra I felt half naked. But once I grew accustomed to the absence of that often-uncomfortable harness around my chest I realized I prefer going without, too.

I shrugged my shoulders and the dress slid down my arms. I dropped it onto a nearby chair. I’m left wearing only a tiny, very sexy thong now. I usually wear a bikini or briefs. But when I was getting dressed to go out this morning I was feeling sexy after deciding to become a call girl last night and the thong seemed to fit my mood.

I stood in front of Gene in my thong, raised my arms in the air and turned around slowly. When I was facing him again I slid the thong off and tossed it on top of my dress. I slowly moved closer. It’s obvious Gene approves of my body. He’s grinning like crazy and I noticed a very large tent has sprouted in the front of his pants.

He moved his hands over my body greedily. I was a little afraid he’d be disappointed in my breasts. But he obviously is not. He’s a little rough. But I liked it. It felt good. It felt right.

I waited to see what he would want to do. Mr. Kennedy is the most senior of the senior vice presidents. But he isn’t the oldest. I would estimate his age to be in the mid-fifties. He’s about 6’2”, weighs around two hundred pounds and is in pretty good shape, especially for a guy who has been working in an office his entire adult life.

He has what are usually referred to as “rugged good looks.” His hair is almost entirely silver and he’s very distinguished looking. I’ve always thought he was quite attractive. He’s one of the men who made a pass at me earlier. When I said no it was because that’s what a happily married woman is supposed to say. I was definitely attracted to him.

It occurred to me that what I’m about to do here this afternoon would have been a lot more difficult if Brad and I didn’t enjoy those threesomes with Bob and Jim so much while I was still in college. My already relaxed attitudes about sex really loosened up a lot thanks to the things we did with those two guys.

Then I thought how sad it is Brad can’t be here to watch us now. He would have been so turned on. I have every intention of making it up to him when he gets home. I’m going to tell him everything that happened in graphic detail. It will be as much like he was here as I can make it.

As Gene continued to explore my body I stepped closer and put my arms around his neck. I smiled down at him and said, “This is a first for me, Gene. I don’t know much about being a call girl. You’re going to have to tell me what you want me to do.”

He leaned forward and took one of my nipples into his mouth. After gently biting down and nibbling on it for a few moments he did the same to the other. I felt the shock waves of pleasure travel through my stomach directly to my clit and I shuddered in excitement.

He leaned back and said, “You are almost certainly the sweetest young women I have ever met. I have liked you since the first moment I met you. And I love your attitude. I suspect you’re going to be very good at this. I look forward to many, many more of these little get-togethers.”

He gently moved me back a step and stood up. He stared at me while he started to undress. I took each item of his clothing from him as he removed it and I hung it up on a nearby suit rack Brad uses when he undresses at night.

As he slowly removed his clothes he said, “I was going to hurry over here, see if you were as beautiful as I knew you would be with your clothes off, get a quickie blowjob and go back to work. I just cannot do it. I am afraid you’re just too irresistible. I have got to fuck you and I refuse to wait another day.”

I smiled and as sweetly as I could I replied, “I’m honored. Is there some reason why we can’t do both?”

He chuckled and said, “Yes. You, young lady, are going to work out just fine. Not to be too crude about it, but do you have any idea how long it has been since I stuck my dick into a twenty-two-year-old woman? No. That’s a silly question. Of course you don’t.

“I don’t either to be honest. I know it has been decades. You are obviously beautiful and sexy. But you are probably too young to realize how sexy youth is once a person begins to age. At your age there is no reason that thought will have occurred to you. The older I get the sexier youth is. Your soft skin, your firm body, even your scent is youthful.

“I can assure you, young lady, that for the near future at least, you are going to be very busy. It is going to take longer than it might normally for your ‘newness’ to wear off with me and with those old lechers with whom I work and will be forced to share your charms.”

I put the last of his clothing aside and I dropped to my knees in front of him. I took his cock in my hand. I was quite impressed. It’s very nice looking, and very hard. I kissed the tip of it and licked my lips. I paused, smiled up at him and said, “I’m in no hurry. ‘New’ sounds pretty exciting to me.”

Then I took his hard cock into my mouth. He grabbed my head, held it gently in his strong hands and groaned loudly. I started sucking his cock with completely genuine eagerness.

After a moment he stopped me and sat back down on the bed. I stood up and pushed him over onto his back. He slid up until his head was resting on my pillow and made himself comfortable. I climbed up on the bed with him. I immediately took his cock back into my mouth and gave him a blowjob every bit as enthusiastically as I had for Brad last night. And although I didn’t climax I enjoyed it almost as much as Gene did! I can’t help it. I love turning men on and giving them so much pleasure. Especially men I like and find attractive.

He cried out, “Sweet Jesus! God damn, girl! I don’t know who taught you how to do that! But you are fucking fantastic!”

I took my lips away from his cock long enough to look up at him and say, “Self-taught.”

I took his cock back into my mouth. I believe the correct term is “I gobbled it up.” I concentrated on giving him the best blowjob he’s ever had. I had shifted around as I worked in order to get a better angle. As a result, my legs were up by his shoulder as I eagerly sucked his cock. His hand began moving over my ass and between my legs, almost as if it was moving of its own volition. It’s obvious he’s nearing orgasm. His eyes are closed. His body is quivering for release and his hips are rising to meet my lips on the down strokes.

In my new position I had a better angle and I was soon taking his cock into my throat. His cock is no longer than Brad’s, and it’s slightly thinner so it was pretty easy for me. I do it for Brad all the time.

He started squeezing one of my ass cheeks very hard and swearing a blue streak. It’s pretty obvious he’s about to go over the edge. I pulled my lips back to the head of his cock and used my hand to finish him off so I could catch his cum in my mouth. I hate it when Brad shoots his cum down my throat. When I work that hard for it I want to taste it. A mouthful of cum is a huge turn on for me.

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