Mack's Mamas - Cover

Mack's Mamas

Copyright© 2008 by Thinking Horndog

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Pete stumbles upon Mack in a bar and discovers a serious gravy train

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The next day I was sore; I'd had more pussy in twenty-four hours than I was used to getting in a month. Oh, I might have jacked off that many times at a sitting, but not in a while, probably. I had a pretty good feel for how Teresa's asshole probably felt, never mind her pussy. Besides, I had to supervise the big move across town of my shit from my old apartment to my new one.

Mack allowed as how he could collect rent without me. "Go get moved in. Call me if you need anything. I'll see you tomorrow." That worked for me. I spent ninety minutes disassembling my inner sanctum at the old place and four hours reassembling it in the new one -- that would be my data center, not my bedroom; I let the movers do that. I went out and bought a couple of NICE computer desks, some new monitors, a couple of KVM switches ... Yeah, yeah, you're not interested. Fine.

It was six-thirty and I was under a desk cleaning up the cable race when the doorbell rang. I climbed out from under and went to the door and peeked through -- and a SWEET female Hispanic face took up most of the visual field. What the fuck? I opened the door and said carefully, "Yes?"

"I'm Elena. Mack sent me."

"Oh?" I was talking to her rack, which was substantial and featured a soft valley that looked six inches long. The face had fallen by the wayside -- and I hadn't gotten to the legs yet.

"Uh huh. I brought pizza." Sure enough, there were a couple of pizza boxes below the rack -- and above the tube skirt that didn't extend very far down the thighs of a pair of legs that went ALL the way from a tall pair of strap heels to her ass!

"Gee, that's nice," I croaked.

She dimpled and her nose wrinkled and her lips opened to show bright white teeth and the tip of a lively tongue and she giggled, "Hey, jou're cute, jou know?" Yeah, 'jou' instead of 'you.' Okay. She was Hispanic -- Puerto Rican, maybe. And FLAMING hot! So she didn't know what a 'y' was -- did I care?

"You must have me confused with someone else," I muttered. "Cute isn't in my description anywhere that I'm aware of."

"Chure it is!" Elena insisted brightly, "Can I come in?" Limited 's'es, too, apparently. Hey, as long as I could puzzle it out...

"Oh, yeah..." I backed up. What I was going to do with her once she was inside wasn't clear -- but if Mack sent her, my horny imagination just MIGHT see reality...

She came in, seeming to teeter on her heels, and turned to close the door and throw the bolt. "Jou should lock this -- it isn't safe..." she insisted, while I watched her bend a bit to work the lock, emphasizing a SWEET ass ... She looked back over her shoulder, standing there, a little pigeon- toed, to get my opinion on the matter -- but the blood had all rushed to my little head from the big one and all I could do was nod stupidly.

"Hokay!" she said brightly, turning and stalking to the kitchen's island bar to put down the pizza boxes, "We chould heat the pizzas." I really wasn't sure whether that was 'heat' or 'eat' -- and it didn't fucking matter. "We have pepperoni and everything -- which one do you want?"

"Oh, I want everything..." I did, too!

"Good! I heat it." She busied herself looking for plates I didn't have but had fortunately been provided with the apartment -- and a pizza cutter from the same source -- and carved out a trio of slices to put on the plate while I stood there measuring the soft motions of those amazing titties as she ran the cutter back and forth. At some point, she must have noticed my eyeballs rolling around in her cleavage because she looked up and smiled. "Jou like?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Good." She turned and shoved the plate in the over-the-stove microwave and I imagined squeezing that ass while she puzzled out the controls, then she turned back. "Hokay, I go back to the car for the beer."

I wasn't sure about this -- should I let her leave before I ate her? "You'll be back, right?"

Again the big smile. "Oh, jes! Chure! The car is just downstairs. I'll be right back! Promise!"

"Well, okay, then." I followed her back to the door at about three millimeters distance and stood there with my hands flexing over her ass while she unlocked the bolt. She backed into me as she opened the door, "Oh!" I just HATED that ... I got to feel both hips as I set her back on her feet, and got that dazzling smile right in my face ... Then she was tottering off down the hall; I watched her out of sight.

Okay, this kind of thing did NOT happen to me! Maybe she was here to ... Shit, I had no idea, but she could have emptied the place and left me in my underwear, and I'd probably have helped load the truck! Better call Mack...



"Yeah. Did you send a bombshell named... ?"

"Elena got there, huh? Good. She's cute, but a little slow. Maybe just odd."

"Cute? That's all? Just cute?"

"Hey, if you like spicks..."

"So, what's her story?" I asked.

"She's late, Pete. She's there to work it off. Let her feed you and soak you in the hot tub and baby you and then fuck her brains out," Mack directed. "One of the other girls is watching her kid. Use her like toilet paper."

"FUCK!" I gasped.

"Get used to it," Mack chuckled. "We're two for four with the rent in the other house. I'd die trying to keep them busy."

"Do you ever actually MAKE a hundred percent rental rate?" I asked.

"They all usually pay, eventually," Mack replied. "One way or another. Elena's on month one -- I think it's just because she wants a fuck. Male spicks are worthless, as a rule -- she probably heard about you from Cindy or Charlene and decided to change up. Her little ankle-biter is half- black, I think, so she's already been stung." He chuckled. "Bear that in mind before you fall into her big brown eyes -- she spent a lot of time with her pussy full of big, black dick!"

Now, if you haven't guessed by now, Mack is a little bit prejudiced ... Me, I try to live and let live. "Thanks, Mack."

"No problem, Bud. Enjoy your housewarming gift."

"I'm sure I will."

By then, Elena was tottering back in through the door. "Mack says hi," I told her.

"Oh, okay!" She was carrying a six-pack of the brand I drank when out with Mack -- which wasn't necessarily my favorite -- just what they stocked at that bar. Oh, well... "Elena, do you wear high heels often?"

"Jes. Why do you ask?"

"Because you look ... unbalanced."

"Oh." She ventured a smile. "I'm just a little bit clumsy. My boyfriend, he used to say I was only safe on my back." The smile became really tentative; she realized that she'd wandered into an unsafe area.

I waved it off. "Maybe we'll check that. In the meantime, why don't you kick off those shoes?"

"Well..." Elena stretched out a leg while thinking about it. "They make my legs look really good -- don't jou think?"

"Sure, Baby," I agreed, "but I'd rather see you in flats than a cast, you know?"

"Jes. Maybe you're right." She leaned against the bar and plucked the shoes off her feet. "How's this, Baby?"

"Very nice. Why don't you get the pizza and we'll go out on the deck and relax."

"Chure, Baby! I'll be right out!" Smiling brightly, Elena started dealing with the microwave. I went outside, glad that I'd gotten my eyeballs and testicles under control. I parked my ass in a chair, popped the top off the bottle of beer I'd rescued while Elena was pulling off her shoes, and took a pull, looking down at the pool. This was the life...

Elena came out with a plate of pizza and two paper plates to put individual slices on. She put them on the little plastic table between the chairs, and, eyeing me for permission, settled in the other chair. "So, Sweet Lips, what brings you here tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, jou're nice!" Elena gushed. "Mack, he is always so gruff. Do this, do that -- never does he say nice things."

"You didn't answer my question."

She eyed me. "Mack, he told you, did he not? I am late, so Mack sent me here for jou."

I fished a hunk of pizza off the plate, glancing around at the other balconies. "So you're here for me -- what for?"

Elena eyed me for a bit, then said softly. "Maybe for jou to see if I'm safe on my back?"

I chuckled. "Maybe I'll see if you're safe on your front."

"Hokay." She eyed me, very tentative.

There ensued a period devoted to the absorption of pizza and beer. The sun was going down; I checked the other balconies on my level visually for occupants. There was no one from my building out, but there was a guy on the third floor across the way. The gap was a good hundred meters -- which was good, I figured; I didn't want him too frustrated.

"So, how long have you lived in the building?"

"Mack's building?" Elena clarified. "Eight months. This is only the second time I am late. Jusually, I'm on time."

"But you've missed once before."

"Jes. Four months ago, I was five days late. Mack, he came for me twice..."


"He is a hard man. He makes demands, jou know? But he is fair, I think."

"Is making demands bad?" I asked.

"No. That's hokay."

I took a pull of my beer. "So, why were you late this month?"

Elena sucked in a breath, and I knew she had no prepared answer. "You might as well tell the truth," I murmured.

"I ... am hearing things."

"Like what?"

"I am hearing that jou are good in the bed."

"Oh?" I asked. "From who?"

"Both of them."

"So it was worth it for you to be late?"

"Jes." She couldn't keep her head up.

"What if Mack had handled it?"

"He will," she said quietly. "He told me that he won't let us chase jou."

"So he's going to make you pay."


"Take your top off."

Elena didn't argue; it just went over her head, revealing a lacy black bra. I looked expectant, and it went, too. Elena got that smile women get when they know they have your attention and wiggled her shoulders. "You like?"

"I like." They weren't high-riders; they sagged a little and moved easily. I wasn't surprised, from the cleavage. There wasn't a damned thing wrong with them, though. "The skirt, too," I directed. "Are you wearing panties?"

"No," Elena replied, unzipping the skirt. "Just the nylons and the garter belt. Mack likes that."

There was a lot to be said for it; I wasn't a fan of pantyhose, not that it had mattered, particularly, up to now. She stood there, looking coy; she had pubes -- a neatly trimmed dark thatch. Given that porn vids tended to show everyone baby smooth, it was a nice, genuine girl next door look. I beckoned with a finger and she came over and bent down and I palmed a breast while watching her eyes, which were liquid and untroubled as I pulled her in for a kiss. That was nice, too. I let go of her and skinned out of my sweatpants. "Time for a suck."

"Hokay." She knelt up obediently, and started giving my cock popsicle licks. A week before, if you'd told me that I was going to be living high and serviced regularly by willing women, I'd have given you phone money for a shrink, but here I was -- and here she was. Well, I was adapting. Twenty minutes before, I'd been ogling Elena like a horny schoolboy with no thought of actually getting into her panties; now, it was 'get down on it.' And she was; I watched -- and felt -- her lips roll over the head of my cock and settled back for a sip of my beer. The guy on the balcony across the way was standing up and leaning over the rail to examine us intently; I saluted him with my beer bottle, which got me an incredulous headshake.

I got extremely aroused -- something about the way she twisted her head, maybe. She was certainly good at what she was doing. But I didn't want to cum in her mouth, so I stopped her before I let go, saying, "I think we ought to try out the hot tub."

She actually looked a little hurt. "It wasn't good?"

"Oh, it was VERY good," I told her. "I just have other plans. Whatever tales you heard about yesterday, I'm not Superman, and I'm still recovering. I don't want to run out of steam before the main event."

"Oh." I watched her process this. "Hokay!" Everything was cool again. I pulled her up for a kiss, after which she murmured, "Some guys wouldn't do that after what I was doing."

"Well, you didn't finish, did you?" I replied.

"No," she nodded, reflective. "Jou are right."

I palmed a breast. "Go figure out the buttons on the hot tub and get it started, then stick a couple more pieces of pizza in the microwave and come get me." She got up to execute my wishes and I added, "and bring another beer!" Yeah, life was CERTAINLY good...

She had smoky eyes, and a sweet way of rotating her ass to meet my strokes, and panted soft endearments in Spanish while clutching my arms. She was FAIRLY safe on her back; one or both of us might have thrown his or her back out due to those corkscrew motions. The only blemish on her was her Caesarian section scar -- and I didn't care one damned bit about THAT! Hell, it was probably a badge of honor! I did the best I could for her, but it probably wasn't spectacular if she was used to anything really huge in the way of a cock. On the other hand, she CERTAINLY didn't complain, and unless she was an accomplished actress, she managed two orgasms in the six or seven minutes that I managed to last before unceremoniously yelling "SHIT!" and unloading whatever product I'd been able to manufacture since the day before. At that point, I had the sense to roll us over so I was on the bottom -- I was tired, and didn't want to drift off plastered over her and drooling on her shoulder.

Elena misunderstood. "Again?" she asked, sitting up and wiggling a bit -- probably verifying that I was too soft to perform.

"No," I replied. "I'm a little wasted, so I figured that if you had to get up and pee or something, you wouldn't want to have to push me off first."

"Oh. Hokay! That's sweet -- so considerate..." She lowered her torso back onto mine and I watched those breasts of hers swing out and down; no, I don't have a problem with a little bit of sag, as long as we weren't talking Udderville. Clearly, they'd gotten the way they were from shrinking back after being swollen with milk. My dick popped out of her and dribbled slop all over my balls, but I could handle that later ... I went to sleep rubbing her smooth back.

I awoke in the morning with a start; I'd gotten up to piss at some point -- maybe twice -- but only now was I actually conscious. She could have emptied the place and I'd have slept through it. Obviously, I was going to have to be a little more cautious, or my wallet would probably provide one of these women with her next month's rent. It's amazing how once your balls are dry, your head clears -- I know that if you're male you know what I'm talking about. Lust and romance tend to give way to wariness and nervous attempts to conserve one's freedom on the morning after. It's the natural defensive reaction to a woman having deployed her ultimate weapon -- one programmed into our genes, no doubt. But the shower was running, and in a moment it shut off -- and a couple of minutes later, Elena came out of the bathroom brushing her hair and trying to detangle it -- probably because I owned neither conditioner nor a hair dryer. "So, jou are awake. Do jou want some breakfast?"

"I don't think there's anything you could make," I replied. "I just moved in and haven't hit the store. Besides, I tend to go out to eat."

"Hokay. I need to go to work soon. Can I do anything else for jou?"

"Ummm, not this morning."

"Hokay." She went around collecting her things and putting them on; I got treated to the whole nylons and garter belt application process for a fine pair of legs. "Pete," she asked carefully, "can I come back?"

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