Mack's Mamas - Cover

Mack's Mamas

Copyright© 2008 by Thinking Horndog

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Pete stumbles upon Mack in a bar and discovers a serious gravy train

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

"Mack." The woman who answered the door looked ... hard. She wasn't a bodybuilder or anything, just lean. Her face said, 'I've been around' without hearing it come out of her mouth; the nose looked like it had been broken -- maybe more than once She had that biker chick look to her. The hair was bleached blonde -- and looked ragged, damaged. She backed up to let us in without saying anything else.

Somehow, I didn't get past her face until we were inside; she could have been holding a gun and I wouldn't have noticed. Having her eyes trained on me didn't help. "Who's this?" she asked in a gravelly voice.

"This is Pete. Don't fuck with his head," Mack replied.

"He a friend of yours?"

"You got the rent?"


"We're past friends, then," Mack told her. "But he isn't, anyway. Well, he is, but he's more than that. He's my new partner -- you deal with him like you're dealing with me, get me?" It was the tough Mack show -- I figured it was probably necessary.

She turned those gun-barrel eyes on me. "Got it."

"Why don't you just pay the fucking rent?" Mack asked.

"Gotta buy school clothes for Teresa -- she's going into high school," Charlene replied. "Besides, I can handle whatever you've got. I need the extra."

"Party comin'," Mack rumbled, "looks like an all-nighter with a half- dozen niggers and spics -- wanna go solo?"

Charlene locked those dead eyes of hers on his. "Sounds like a party. Any of 'em hung?"

"I don't measure," Mack grunted. "Show Pete the merchandise."

That's when I noticed the clothes -- as they were coming off. A ratty T-shirt with the logo of some rock band on it went over her head to reveal one of those bras with no shoulder straps. That was gone in a second, too, revealing a pair of those flattened round titties that look like they're sliding down the owner's chest. As usual with those, size wasn't anything amazing, but they had thimble-sized brown nipples like you'd expect to see on a pregnant woman. The bottom half was in ratty shorts and cheap flip-flops; she got out of them without looking away from me. The French-cuts she had on underneath didn't do a damned thing for her because her ass was too flat -- and kind of saggy, like her tits. She was stringy and lean and her skin kind of wrinkled along her ribcage when she moved, rather than being properly elastic. When she stepped back into her flip-flops, I was unsurprised to see that there was no polish on her toenails -- or her fingernails, for that matter, although they might have had a coat of clear lacquer on them. She was pretty much the stereotypical pioneer woman -- she had that sandblasted from birth look. I was willing to bet she'd had crow's feet since puberty.

On the other hand, she looked feline, graceful -- oddly sexy, compact. She was worldly; she really HAD seen it all, and she was unflappable.

I became aware that she was smiling crookedly at me. "You can sure pick 'em, Mack," she murmured.

"I didn't say he was jaded -- he's just my partner," Mack rumbled.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I..." How did you find a new way to tell a woman who already knew it that she inexplicably exuded sex from every pore?

She cocked her head, which made the smile almost straight. "Forget it." Without removing her eyes from me, she asked Mack, "Now what?" She didn't have to say 'Who am I fucking?' -- it was implied.

"Why don't you do Pete?" Mack suggested. "I'll join in at some point."

"All right." She moved forward, but, well, it's hard to explain, exactly. She missed insulting me by millimeters, only because it was clearly nothing personal. Her attitude said that she expected nothing new or of interest from me; she really didn't care one way or the other, but if given a preference, she'd have avoided the whole thing as a waste of her time. It was like I was seventeen and she was a hooker -- this might be an adventure for me, but it was more like babysitting for her.

Mack picked up on it and said sarcastically, "I wouldn't want to bore ya, Charlene. Why don't you let Teresa fuck him?"

That got a reaction -- but not the one I expected. Charlene stopped and pursed her lips, eyeing him calmly. "It WOULD solve a problem or two."

Mack blinked and grunted. "Okay, so, you DO have more balls than we do. I give..."

But Charlene just held Mack's eyes and yelled, "Teresa!"

"Yeah?" The tone was that of a typical, long-suffering teen responding to yet another parental summons.

"Come in here, Baby."

"All right..." Teresa flounced in. She was a chip off the old block -- fourteen or fifteen going on forty. Seeing her mother standing naked in the middle of the living room didn't faze her in the least. Everything looked a little newer and in better shape, but the eyes said that her mother had passed on the entire encyclopedia of sexual experience to her genetically. "Hi, Mack. What's up?"

"I made a bluff, and your mother is proving she's a better card player," Mack rumbled. He turned his attention back to Charlene. "I've already folded, in case you didn't notice. Pete didn't even call."

"Yeah, I noticed," Charlene replied, a touch of amusement flickering under her more serious tone to call us pussies. "But there's a life lesson, here..." Turning to Teresa, she asked, "Where's Mick?"

"Holed up in his room," Teresa replied while I tried to control my reaction to the idea of one of Charlene's kids being named after a legendary rocker.

"And Janis?"

"Asleep in her crib."

There was a pregnant pause, then Charlene said, "About your new wardrobe..."

"Aw, Mom!"

"Shut up a minute!" Charlene snapped. "Do you remember what I told you? You can speak freely in front of Mack, here, and his partner... ?"

"Pete," Mack filled in.

Teresa's eyes shifted to us, weighing and calculating. "You said it would cost the rent money -- and we would have to get creative."

Charlene nodded. "That's right, Baby. Fortunately, Mack is flexible about creativity -- but that doesn't mean he's cheap. Tell her about the offer you made me, Mack. Don't pull any punches."

Mack could see where things were going. "I offered her a position as the sole pivot point in an all-night gang bang with a half-dozen spics and niggers."

Teresa showed that she still had some of her youth and innocence left; her eyes popped and she flinched as if she'd been slapped.

"So," Charlene said mildly, "I can take Mack up on his offer, or I can hand him the rent money. What do you say?"

Teresa's eyes flicked back and forth between her mother and the two of us while she licked her lips. "They wouldn't hurt her, would they?" she asked Mack.

"Does this sound like the kind of situation where I can make guarantees?" Mack retorted. "I don't think so, but..." I, personally, was floored that the little shit was even considering putting her mother on the line like that!

Teresa glared at her mother. "If you're not going to buy me anything, why didn't you just say so? Why play stupid games?"

Charlene turned those tired eyes on her daughter. "This isn't a game, Teresa. The stakes are just what you've been told they are. If you want those clothes, I have to fuck a half-dozen guys until they get tired to pay the rent. It's your call -- make up your mind."

Even I could see Teresa's thought process. This was an elaborate bluff -- one of Mom's games. Fine... "Do it," she told Charlene. "Fuck them."

Charlene eyed her daughter, poker-faced. "You're pretty free with my body, aren't you? I guess I'm not that important to you. Okay, fine -- but you're a big girl -- you need to step up to the plate and pay the interest on your debts, at least. Take Pete, there, into my room and fuck his brains out -- it's the least you can do."

"What?" Teresa and I were a chorus.

"Pay your way," Charlene insisted. "It's a little different when it's YOUR ass on the line, isn't it? Well, pretty soon, Mom won't be around to take your hits for you, so you need to learn to take your own. If those clothes are important enough to you that I have to take a half-dozen dirty dicks wherever they want to put them and smile about it, they're important enough for YOU to take ONE!" She turned to me. "Use her like toilet paper, Pete. Any hole, any way. Make her understand."


"Have you changed your mind?" Charlene asked frigidly. "Frankly, some decisions are irrevocable. You need to learn THAT, too! Want to back out? Ask Mack. Ask him pretty. You might have to blow him or something, since you made a contract and you're trying to get out of it. If I was Mack, I'd ask for some kind of compensation for defaulting. Maybe Pete will want something, too..."

Teresa shifted her eyes to Mack, who was wearing the finest poker face I'd ever seen. "Mack, is this a game?"

Mack looked disgusted. "If it was, I wouldn't tell you -- but it isn't. You want to watch or something?"

Teresa licked her lips. "I thought..."

"You thought wrong. Your mama makes these kinds of decisions all the time to keep food on the table. You want something, you pay for it. You don't have any money, you find another way. TANSTAAFL."

"What?" Teresa blinked. "Tan..."

I knew the answer. "TANSTAAFL. It's an acronym. It stands for 'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.' You get what you pay for. Kids get over for a while, because it's a parent's job to take the heat -- but eventually, you're on your own. It's a life lesson -- your mother is showing you life outside the nest. That's part of her job, too."

"So..." Teresa looked from me to Mack to Charlene.

"So it's no game," Charlene finished for her. "Unless you consider that life is a game, which is one way of looking at it. Mack, is it still up to her?"

Mack pursed his lips. "Let's see if she can do simple math. Okay, Sweetie, you can beg off for about the next five minutes. But you fuck Pete for the privilege, anyway. So, what do you want to do?" He paused for a moment. "Oh, and if you still want your mama to fuck all those guys, you get to watch." He looked at his watch. "The clock's ticking..."

Teresa licked her lips. "Either way, I have to fuck Pete..."

"That's right, Honey. You bought in, one way or the other," Mack advised.

Teresa eyed her mother. "Let's go ahead."

Charlene actually smiled! "That's my girl! Honor your commitments! When you welch on a bet, you don't get any new offers." She turned to me. "IF -- and I mean IF -- she's a virgin anywhere, fix it."

This was a mess. How old was Teresa, anyway? Fourteen? Fifteen? I didn't want to go away for child molesting...

Mack cleared his throat. "Pete, there ain't anybody in this room that doesn't know what you're thinking. You're covered -- isn't he, Charlene? Teresa needs to learn about consequences -- they don't teach that shit in school any more and parents aren't allowed, either, generally. But you know and I know and Charlene knows she fucked up -- and Teresa knows, too. The worst thing we can do is let her off. You can do this, or I will -- and I'm betting you'll make it easier on her."

Teresa looked a little tremulous, but she came forward and grabbed my wrist. "He's right -- let's do this." She turned and started pulling me toward Charlene's bedroom.

"Come on, Mack." I looked behind me to see Charlene tugging him along behind. "We'd better see to it that they don't try to bullshit us."

I found myself standing there watching a fourteen year old copy of Charlene hauling her tube top off over her head. "What's that on your pants?" Teresa asked.

"Um, milk," I muttered.

"Breast milk," Mack amplified, chuckling.

"Cindy's?" Charlene's voice was amused.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"She's a piece of work," Mack chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess," Charlene agreed.

I was busy watching Teresa get out of her clothing. She really wasn't any smaller than her mother -- everything was basically the same. There was a lot less wear and tear, naturally. Teresa's hair didn't look like the streak job she'd had done on it had damaged it. Her tits weren't any bigger or smaller than Charlene's, but they were shaped differently -- more of a cone -- and the nipples weren't as big. I figured motherhood enforced those changes. Her ass had a bit more bounce to it, maybe. Teresa had her pubes trimmed to a little 'V' that pointed at her clit; a quick look at Charlene confirmed that similarity, too. Somehow, even naked, Charlene's face commanded my attention more than her body. Both of them had decent legs -- but Charlene's inner thighs had a flabby, wasted look.

"Okay, so..." Teresa stood wringing her hands.

"Get him out of his clothes," Charlene directed. "Guys like it for you to serve them. Get him out of his shit and get a look at your new toy."

So I stood there like a store dummy while Teresa undressed me -- shoes, shirt, trousers, underwear, socks ... I got what seemed to be my first bit of approval from Charlene when my cock came into view; she glanced over from where she already had Mack on the bed with her face in his crotch and said, "Hey, I underestimated you! Nice cock!" I mumbled something, embarrassed.

Teresa sat me on the edge of the bed. "So what am I doing?" I asked.

"Well..." Teresa eyed her mother. "I might have sucked a cock. Maybe I fucked one. The ass thing would be new..."

"She's pulling our chain," Charlene opined, releasing Mack's cock with a pop. "Take her around the world, Pete -- stick your dick in every hole. Can you cum twice?"

"Um, I dunno," I admitted. "There was Cindy..."

"Well, try to cream her twice. I'm gonna look like a fucking fountain when I get finished with that fucking party -- she might as well get a taste. You'd better be keeping up your pills, Missy, because Pete isn't supporting your bastards."

"I'm good, Mom," Teresa assured her.

"Shut up and suck, Baby -- the man's waiting!" Charlene admonished.

So there I sat, on the edge of the bed. Teresa knelt up between my legs and went to work sucking -- and she appeared to know what she was doing, from the feel of things. Charlene, however, had a different opinion: "You can do better, Baby. Pete, get a handful of her hair and push her down on that thing. Show her the root!"

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