Pleistocene Adventure - Cover

Pleistocene Adventure

Copyright© 2008 by blackenedspear

Chapter 3

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A first try on writing, this story is a time travel story to the stone age, be warned though the main character is a megalomania and mass murdering rapist to boot. The story will be full of domination and rape. If this is NOT your cup of tea, DON'T sip this.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Time Travel   MaleDom   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Violence  

In a weird way, my intercourse with Tula seems to make the other women a little bit calmer. The information about my identity and what I want, must have remove most of their fear of the unknown and their insecurities. I can sense a small difference in the response though, the group that most receptive for my explanation seems to be the unmarried women, Kaati, Saeri and Likuu. The pregnant women, Fira, Lika and Seff seem to be a little bit more anxious than the other, perhaps they are afraid for the child that they carry.

I laugh when I see Tala trying to clean her tongue by licking a leaf. It gives me an idea, one of the things that I hate in this world is that there's no toilet paper and I have to content with leaves and grasses. Looking at her I decide that as a son of god, I will no longer need to use leaves and grasses to clean myself. In fact it will be the perfect duty for the pregnant women, I will have more advance toilet facilities and they will gain a duty to help reduce their sense of insecurities, a win-win solution. Damn, I am a genius.

I notice the girl that spot me first is looking at me with awe, in fact the children reaction are varied from giggling at Tula deflowering to staring at me with awe. Since I forgot to order Tala to clean my cock, and some of the sperms and bloods started drying on my cock, I decide that this is the perfect test to find out the extent of the women servitude. I smile at the girl and motion her to approach me. All the women look at me and Seff, one of the pregnant women seems to be the most anxious by this action, when the girl approaches me and sit near my leg; Seff followed and sit behind the girl.

From Her reaction, I guess the girl is Seff daughter. I notice that the children in the tribe is always protected by all the women, when we ate last night, after me, the children have the best food. Even the mothers feed their children first before they ate themselves.

I laugh to stop the tension from rising. The girl looks at me laughing and she smile a little. Reaching I stroke her head slowly. Sitting, her long hair reaches her small butt. She seems happy that I stroke her head.

"Good girl" I said while smiling, "Girl pretty like Seff"

She grins"Seff big like mammoth, I'm prettier", I laugh when I hear that and most of the women including Seff smile hearing that.

"Girl smart, girl found me first", smiling at her, her cheek dimple hearing that, compliment must have been a luxury in the Stone Age. I caress my cock slowly; her eyes watch my hand curiously. I said softly "Drinking god's seed will make girl smarter and prettier". She looks at me when I said that, I pantomime licking with my tongue. She smile, it is funny to see the concentration in her face when she tentatively lick the end of my cock.

I laugh and caress her head "Good brave girl, girl will become prettier". She glows to hear this and start licking and cleaning my cock more enthusiastically. I notice that Seff looking at this curiously, so I motion her to follow her daughter example "Seff taste too, god's seed make baby stronger" I point at her bulging belly. Getting a cock leaning service by a mother and her daughter is a wonderful experience, no wonder my cock getting bigger again, I motioned Seff to put her lips at the end of my cock when it about to erupt. Seff's daughter seems to be envious to see the amount of god's seed her mother drink. The other member of the tribe surrounds us when they see that Seff and her daughter seem to clean my cock enthusiastically, but they don't dare to touch me without my order.

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