Cynthia - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by J.C. Miller

Chapter 15: Bradford

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15: Bradford - When I returned from Afghanistan, I resumed my quest for Cynthia's charms. Then she brought in Laura and her girls. All enriched my life greatly. I volunteered to return to Afghanistan on a mission to rescue a SEAL who saved my life. I feared that Cynthia would not accept a second separation, but I had no moral choice except to step in. Life is full of surprises, not all of them good.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Military   Spanking   Safe Sex   Slow  

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you later."

My leg hurt. Even the rest of me hurt. When I mentioned this to the physical therapist, he smiled and replied, "Yes, I know." He went right ahead with the excruciating drills designed to get my leg functioning. Maybe I could have a pain pill after the session because he wouldn't allow it beforehand. Physical therapists must be the only licensed group in the United States who can inflict torture without a Supreme Court ruling.

After the session, Sarah came by the area where I was sitting in my wheel chair. I'd be out of it in three days or less. She put her hand on my shoulder and pretended to be checking something. She whispered, "If I could arrange for some private time in a safe place, do you think Cynthia would give me permission to seduce you?"

I wasn't totally surprised by the question. Our eye contact and mild flirting over the past few days led me to believe that's what she had in mind, as did I. I replied, "Given the circumstances, she might think of it as good therapy."

"Would you do the same for her?"

"Easy to say I would, given that I haven't had the challenge, so I'll say I probably would."

"Do you mind if I ask? I'll be able to make a safe phone call tomorrow and we can talk longer. I can bring her up to date if she can keep a secret."

"She's had lots of practice. She does research for the Army."

"You wouldn't do it if she didn't approve?"

"I never say never, but I waited too long for her to screw it up. I learned on my first tour that a man could live without sex. No, he can't live, he can exist and that's a lot different."

"I know what you mean. I have a simulator that is non-Army issue, but it doesn't have hot skin to press against me and it doesn't breathe hard or lick. It just hums."

"Women have us beat there, too. I suppose that if I could have as many orgasms as a woman can, that's all I would do."

"Can't talk about this anymore. I'll let you know what happens." She looked thoughtful. "Now for the bad news. Captain Lowodski and someone from the Navy will be here to see you in the morning. I'll be in early to spruce you up. Don't want you looking like that around the Navy brass."

I pondered the situation and tried to figure out what the big deal was. I already told them that I couldn't remember much about what happened. I slept on and off. They managed the pain and even that was going down every day, except in physical therapy. Early the next morning, Sarah came in and absolutely fried me with her smile. She had to be a good person inside to give off such a warm aura. She sent me to the shower and had me shave. Hadn't done that in a few days. She showed up with some fresh BDUs and had even cleaned my boots, although she couldn't get all the blood out. Must have used peroxide or something.

"Okay, sailor, I had to borrow this uniform, so don't get it dirty. I couldn't get your insignia put on it. That uniform you wore in here is a mess and probably can't be salvaged. Maybe you won't get busted." Then she looked up with another beaming smile. "Silver Star, huh? You'd never have told me. I had to find out on my own."

"Not much to talk about. Other guys did most of the..."

She interrupted. "Don't give me that bullshit, sailor. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. They don't make a lot of errors awarding these. Most of the errors are overlooking someone worthy." She stood back and looked me over head to toe and then said, "Shit. That is not a regulation haircut and I can't get you to the barber shop. How long's that stuff been growing?"

I supposed I'd finally passed her inspection except for the haircut. Then I heard a commotion and saw a naval officer and Captain Lowodski walking toward me. Sailors do not salute "uncovered," that is without their hats.

The Navy officer walked over to me and stuck out his hand, "Good morning, Bradford, I'm LT Arnold from the fleet PIO. Then, he looked at Sarah and Lowodski and said, "Where can I have a private conversation with Bradford?"

They escorted us to a conference room with all kinds of anatomical charts on the walls and a white board. A projector was on the table with a laptop connected to it. The screen saver image danced around the projection screen. He opened, "Bradford, here's what I know. God only knows why, but you went on patrol with the Army on several occasions while waiting for your assigned mission."

"Yes, sir. The Master Chief told me that if I made the muster at 0600, I was free to go on the patrols. Things had been very quiet for several weeks and I wanted to know more about the situation. We did not expect any action as we quietly removed ordnance from the villagers. Rather impressive ordnance for farmers."

"I'm told that you have a retrograde amnesia and can't recall much about the last patrol with the Army."

"Pretty much a blank, sir. I remember earlier outings, but not that one."

"Let this stay in the Navy. Here's what happened according to the after action reports from the Army and a discussion with Sgt. Allen. His lieutenant told him that you had to be in charge of your squad because you were the ranking NCO. You were engaged by the enemy as you approached the small village south of Khowst. When you took your fighting positions, Sgt. Allen's squad drove the enemy toward yours. One of your squad members was injured and you were trying to cover him when the enemy managed to regroup and make it hot for your squad.

"You were in a good position to return fire and apparently brought down several of the Taliban. As your squad kept moving and repositioning, you followed the plan. Sometime during the hot time, you took a hit in the leg, then the RPG hit a wall near you. The blast effect knocked you down and you were hit by a falling pole. Probably saved your ass. The squad cleaned out the rest of them with small arms fire and found you in bad shape. They called in medevac and brought you here. No one knows why they didn't return you to the hospital at Salerno. If they do know, they aren't telling me.

"Allen's commanding officer, a well respected 0-6, apparently hates the Navy and started to ream ass for their folks letting you be in charge of the squad. The lieutenant made the correct military decision, but it was a political error. I'd hate to see his officer efficiency report for this period. Innocently, Allen put you in for a citation for your effective leadership and valor. He even initiated papers to get you transferred to his unit. That part was a joke, but the CO didn't think it funny at all.

"Now, for the story you've been waiting to hear. It's why I'm here." He laughed and smiled at me. "They didn't need me to assist in the surgery, although I understand that they did a really good job. If the Navy had known, we'd have you on board ship right now. Anyway, Allen's CO told him to withdraw the citation. God knows why people get stubborn sometimes, but Allen refused. The story was getting close to breaking. First, it was a highly successful patrol. One of the people taken out was on the top twenty list. Fortunately, no one knows whether you got him or someone else. It doesn't matter. Now, for the delicate part. CNN is aware of the mission and wants to interview the people who were on it. They don't know all the scuttlebutt, but they'll find out soon enough if we can't sort this out. They do know that someone important was killed in the action.

"The Army doesn't want the story out that a Navy man was on the mission. I don't know why, but the Colonel is still fuming. Our issue is somewhat more delicate. We prefer that CNN not tell the world that we had a SEAL team in there to rescue a prisoner. No one would get court martialed or anything like that, it's just better if the enemy doesn't know all the players in the scene. It would also be a lot better back home if no one knew that one of the assigned SEALs missed his rescue mission. See what I mean? Okay, what can you tell me?"

"Damn little that you don't already know. I went out there to learn about the enemy."

"I can assure you that the knowledge you gained will be of no benefit to you in the future. Unless, of course, you want to write a book. Someone should catch hell for letting you go in the first place. We can't even find out how that happened. We've had a hard time even talking to the other members of the Army patrol about that day. So, I have to sit with Capt. Lowodski and try to work out a deal where no one loses face and CNN doesn't tell the world."

"If I asked Allen to withdraw the citation, would it help? I know he won't do it for his CO, but he might do it for me."

Arnold's face brightened considerably. He pondered and twitched his fingers. He said, "Bradford, I'm sorry that you're not Regular Navy. We'd keep you. That's a good bargaining chip. Best one I have. Maybe we could even arrange some transfers in the Army so that no one gets shafted. No one could have asked you to withdraw and I doubt that anyone even thought of it. If she's able to grasp the beauty of your offer and if Allen goes along, I may be out of here tonight sleeping in my quarters on the flagship." He patted my back. "Now, I'm not badmouthing the Army's BOQ and field ration mess, but shipboard chow is somewhat better in the wardroom."

We both had a laugh before they returned me to my space. I rested on the bed for a while and Sarah came around with my medications. She asked, "Are they through with you or do you have to go back?"

"I'd better keep my uniform on for a while. It ain't over until it's over."

"Let me get a pen. I need to write that one down."

"Sarah, under normal circumstances, I would spank you for that."

She looked predatory. "Under normal circumstances, I might let you."

"If I decided to do it, I wouldn't ask permission. You'd know what it was for."

I had a nap and woke up feeling better. I didn't realize how intense that meeting with Arnold was until I tried to relax. I went back to my crossword and had some luck filling empty spaces. It must have been two hours later that I looked up and saw Lowodski and Arnold walking briskly down the aisle and chatting excitedly.

Lowodski came over first. "I'm sorry that I pressured you, Bradford. They were on my ass from three ranks over my head. Better that my name doesn't come up that way. I hope you bear no hard feelings."

"If I had told you anything at all, it would be my problem. So, I hope we made it."

Arnold asked, "Would you be willing to call Sgt. Allen now?"

"I expect he's working. I might have more luck after duty hours."

Lowodski smiled widely and said, "I asked his lieutenant if he could make Allen available for a call. I told him we might be able to help him with his OER."

She handed me a field phone. "Just recall the number and press the go button."

He answered officially and absolutely properly, "Second ACR, Sgt. Allen speaking, sir."

"Allen? This is Bradford."

His voice was enthusiastic. "How the hell are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm rehabbing in Kabul. They've put me back together well. I should be out of here in a few days."

"I have a job for you right here at Salerno." Then he laughed loudly. "You stirred some shit, sailor."

"Yeah, I heard. That's what I'm calling about. You got your ass in trouble?"

"Yes and no. I have enough time to do a good retirement and open my own business."

"Gonna be a mercenary?"

"Hell no. I'm going to be in the outfitting business. Rent rafts and other stuff for people to go down the river. I already own the right place."

"Allen, something told me you were a Navy man. You have the water in your blood."

"It's a river, asshole. We don't use motors."

"Other than to check up on you and give you my best, I need a favor."

"I don't have a lot of points right now, but I'll do what I can."

"I want you to withdraw the citation recommendation." I saw both Arnold and Lowodski gasp.

He paused for an eternity. "Why?"

"This incident is already being discussed at the flag level. I don't need that kind of attention. You don't either. If you make them back down, CNN is sure to hear about it and stir up a mess."

"What's in it for you?"

"I don't want to explain to any news people why I didn't go on the mission to get Pete. I know you did what you thought was right. I don't know if it was right. We'll both be better off if we let it pass."

"Make no mistake, Bradford. What I did was right. I have ten good soldiers who will back me up. You earned it."

"I'll take your word. I don't remember. Will you do it?"

"Anybody pressure you to do this?"

"Nope. I heard the story and the problem and I can't see where anyone is better off if you insist on sending it through. I volunteered to do it. The Navy would be too embarrassed to ask me to do it."

I saw Lowodski and Arnold begin to fidget. They were nervous. Then, Allen said, "Okay, sailor, if that's what you want, I'll withdraw it. You're probably right about the mess."

"Thanks, Sarge. If I were an Army type, I'd be in your unit. I'll think about you guys enjoying the great MREs while I fiddle with my steak." Lowodski nodded her head and I handed her the phone.

"Sergeant Allen, this is Captain Lowodski on the general staff. If you want a transfer from your unit, I will do my best to arrange it. I can probably transfer you to the states if that's what you want." She listened. "Call me and tell me what your decision is. You don't have to transfer. We do need to get the lieutenant out of there."

Arnold came over to me and said, "You'll get a strangely worded letter from the CINCLANT commending your work here, but it won't say what the work was. I appreciate what you did and we'll all be better off without the unnecessary bad press. Nobody screwed up here. What can I do for you before I return to the ship?"

"I want to use the telephone without someone listening in my ear."

Lowodski said, "Your home is on minus four time, so we'll arrange a line for you when the folks at home wake up. No need to frighten them in the middle of the night." She gave me a real smile. "Thanks for keeping the snooping wolf from our door. We'd have lost a lot of sleep cleaning this up if Allen had gone public."

I looked back at Arnold. "I'm ready to go home."

"I'm ahead of you on that one. You'll be in the Naval Hospital at Norfolk in a few days. You're no longer critical, so we'll have to wait for a flight that can accommodate you. Just between us? No need for anyone to know you're leaving — or coming home. Give me a couple of days to finish the details and then you'll be on your own."

"Yes, sir. The phone sounds good. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear from me after all this time."


My hopes were getting stronger. It felt like something good was going to happen soon, but I couldn't predict what. Was he coming home soon? No need to fret about it. I'd go crazy if I didn't have other important things to do. I sat at my computer writing up some of my findings. It was nice to have my own office at home to work when there were no distractions. I made good progress.

At about 9:30, my cell phone rang. I answered, "This is Cynthia." I didn't recognize the calling number.

"Cynthia, this is Sarah. I'm Bradford's nurse. I'm sorry about the strange earlier calls, but we had a problem and I had to be obscure and brief."

"Is he okay?"

"He is recovering from a bad concussion and had recent surgery on his thigh muscles. He is recuperating well and is in physical therapy. The brass wouldn't let him call until they had settled a problem. Now, you may ask and I'll tell you anything I know."

"When is he coming home?"

"My information says a few days. He's not urgent, so he goes out on a triage as soon as they have space."

"Will he recover and be able to do his regular schedule?"

"He'll get gradually stronger. Then, he will move back into his schedule. He says he wants to be there for the fall term and I don't see why he won't be able to do that."

I had to ask her. "Why did you say I was lucky? My boyfriend is ten thousand miles away in a hospital and I haven't heard from him."

"He says that you are a great person. He loves you. I have been caring for him since he came in — maybe four — six -- weeks ago. We're lonely here and I'm afraid I like him more than I should."

I didn't think things could get stranger. "I can understand that. We talked to each other for ages with no dating or any boy-girl activity. Suddenly, I found that he had crept inside me and I couldn't get him out."

"He's never made any advances or tried to put the make on me. I was elated to know that his functions have recovered. I checked on him one morning and found a solid erection."


"We're always thrilled when they recover enough to show it. Some don't. I considered it a privilege to wash it for him."

"That's good to hear. I read horror stories about returning military who have terrible problems."

She laughed. "I'm glad you didn't get upset. I had to try." I heard her breathe deeply. "I told you we were needy. I want your permission to have an encounter with him if it can be arranged."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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