Nursing Angel or Horny Devil - Cover

Nursing Angel or Horny Devil

by niteowluk99

Copyright© 2008 by niteowluk99

Erotica Sex Story: A sexual escapapde in a London Hospitl during a three week stay.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Doctor/Nurse   .

The story I am about to relate took place some years ago.

I had badly hurt my spine in a motoring accident, this led me to spend three weeks in hospital having a bone graft done, to prevent further damage to my spine.

On my first day of the hospital stay, I met Nurse J. Johnson or Jo as she preferred to be called. She came to take all my details upon my arrival. Immediately I noticed her accent was not from London, in fact it sounded a lot like my own being from South Yorkshire, It turned out that Jo was from Doncaster and I was from Sheffield only 18 miles away.

This led to us striking up an instant rapport; she asked me, "So how come you live in London?"

"I came to London in 1976; to teach the southerner's some manners, as the job is not finished I am stuck!" I jokingly replied.

Having acquired the information she needed for my hospital file, she disappeared but every time she passed she gave me a broad smile. Now, when I was alone, this was not a problem, in fact it was quite ego boosting, but it was a little problematic when my wife was around. I suppose I better describe Jo at this point and you can decide for yourself if such a female giving you broad smiles and hints of promiscuity would boost your ego as well.

Jo stood five foot ten inches tall, with shoulder length blonde hair, her petite frame was highlighted by her firm bust, and I figured they were 38 D. Even in her white nurses uniform she looked ravishing.

When Jo finished her shift, she made a point of coming to say goodbye and walked smack bang into my wife. After she had left with a devilish smirk on her face, I was given the third degree by my wife as to who was she and how did I know her. I tried so calmly and delicately that I had first met her only that day and we felt like kindred spirits because of coming from two towns so close to each other. Karen my wife was not best pleased but accepted my explanation.

When my wife left, within five minutes Jo walked into the ward and made a bee line for my bed. Now Jo looked ravishing in her nurse's uniform but she blew my mind as she now sat bedside my bed wearing a short skimpy skirt, her legs seemed to go on forever and I even saw a merest hint of her lacy panties. She wore a low cut top which more than demonstrated the deep cleavage she had.

For the next half hour we chatted like we had known each other for years. Even when the duty nurse announced the end of visiting time, Jo remained seated. The duty nurse approached my bed as if to chastise my visitor for not leaving but when she recognised my visitor as Nurse Johnson, she merely drew the curtains around my bed. She whispered that it would stop the other patients complaining about any special treatment.

Jo moved her seat closer to my bed and in doing so showed me her panties fully covering her cunt lips. Next she took me by surprise as she began telling me about the forth coming operation tomorrow, as she spoke her hand snaked beneath my sheets and soon rested on my upper thigh. She leaned forward and asked if I would like a shower tonight as there would not be time tomorrow. The way she said it, implied that she would be there to help me and her hand suddenly grasped my cock. She purred as she gently stroked my thickening cock.

Reluctantly, I declined her offer, not because I did not want to shower with her but I was not sure how it would be managed without word getting back to my wife. Jo said she understood and again took things a stage further by throwing back my sheets and promptly beginning to give me a blow job. I held my breath for fear of tipping my neighbouring patients of something unto wards happening. Although I was not able to stifle a moan as her tongue lashed the underside of my cock and she slid a finger up to my anal ring, lightly scratching it with her nail sending tremors of excitement racing deep within my cock.

I suddenly placed my hands behind her head and pushed it down on to my cock as my spunk erupted into her eager mouth. Jo swallowed every drop and even licked her lips when she finally raised her head, saying "I knew you would taste delightful, a true Yorkshire cream!"

Jo then kissed me full on the lips and slipped her coated tongue into my mouth and just before she slipped out of the cubicle she whispered, "Good night my Yorkshire stud!"

That night my dreams were filled with lewd thoughts of my nurse charming and the sexy fun I had missed out on in the shower. All too soon it was morning and the night nurse's last action before leaving was to prepare me for my operation. Then at the nurses changeover I saw my blowjob giving nurse Jo. She smiled and blew me a kiss as she passed.

Later Jo escorted my bed from the ward down to the theatre and as we waited to go into the theatre she slipped her hand in mine as she told me that she was going to be assigned my medical case for the duration of my hospital stay. Whilst we were alone, Jo cheekily kissed me full on the lips, I jokingly enquired if it was true what I had heard about what nurse's wore beneath their uniform. She gave me a sly grin and said "Now that would not be a good idea for me to tell you right now as you are going to be under general anaesthetic whilst they carried out the surgery but she promised to tell me later and hinted if I was a good boy she might just show me as well.

Shortly afterwards I was injected and slipped into a restful sleep, four hours later I was coming out of theatre and starting to come around. I was carefully wheeled back to the ward. In my euphoric state I only saw blurred images passing before my eyes, I was aware of a dull pain in my lower back and the morphine kept it to a tolerable level.

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