Letters to Sweden - Cover

Letters to Sweden

Copyright© 2008 by Southern Charmer

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Apart from the man I love(He being in Sweden and I in the USA). I write him letters telling him of the erotic dreams and adventures that I have about us, in hopes that this will ease our time apart and help us remain as close as possible while we wait to be in each others arms again.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

~Darling Pier~

It seems that my dreams are filled with nothing but you, I miss you so very much. I have not seen you since May but it feels as though it has been so much longer. Must we wait till November, having been held by you, touched you, smelling you, and not to mention having tasted you, I yearn for your touch my love. I feel that I am spending most of my time writing you letters now, and I know that you enjoy them, even my naughty ones. Sometimes I picture you standing outside your front door drinking coffee in the morning, watching for the postman, hoping my letter arrives with him. I doubt that is the case, however, it is a nice though for me. Well I have decided that I should give you a thought or a thrill every now and again, and yes my love this is one of those times. I hope you love hearing about my dream from last night, just as much as I love reliving it as I type this to you.

We were in Sweden, out walking in town, walking downtown in the streets, you had taken me to dinner, like we did when I was there in May. We had dressed up a little bit, you were wearing the black 501's and that grey/black sweater that I love you in so much, you look so good in it, you know how I get turned on when you are in it, your shoulders are so wide and broad. You look like such a stud muffin when you dress nice. I had decided to get all dolled up for you, and I was wearing this little halter dress that was black, I also had a red shall wrapper that had beads on it. I was wearing my flat black sandals, ( cause I know you claim I am to tall when I wear heals ) I had fishnets on, and I had painted my toenails candy-apple red. I worn my hair partially up, and I had it curled in ringlets where it was pilled back away from my face, and lipstick to match my toes. You had spent all night wanting to kiss me, but I wouldn't let you cause you know how much I hate smeared lips. You couldn't keep your hands off of me, your lips kept kissing my shoulders and nibbling on my neck every chance that you got. I kept pushing you away and teasing you, when we walked I made sure my hips brushed yours, I made sure that when you held my hand you rubbed against my hip and thigh. I flirted with you so much, and kept telling you just wait till I get you home. I told you that I had a surprise for you if you were good, but you just couldn't seem to control yourself and I kept having to distract you so that you didn't take me right there on the street. I love it when I can turn you on like that and drive you crazy. I felt really good and so very sexy. You kept trying to peek under my dress to see what kind of panties I had on. I told you they were pretty and that you had to wait to see them.

I smiled all night, you kept on me asking me why I was smiling and I told you I would tell you after we got home, right before bed. Well you as a surprise took me to the park and we sat in the swings cause you know how much I love to swing and look up at the stars as I swing. When we got home I made us a nightcap, and we danced on the patio with the living room windows open playing music out to where we could hear it. We were both tippsy and happy, me because we were dancing, you because I finally let you kiss me as much as you wanted. We danced for what seemed like hours, singing softly to each other and kissing under the stars, It was a full moon out and so bright out that we needed no lights, it was cool and such a pretty night. After a while you started pestering me asking me if you earned your surprise, and I told you that you had, and we went inside. I told you to give me two mins and to finish listening to the song playing then to come inside. As I walked inside I looked at you through the living room windows, and I saw you, you were so excited I giggled.

When you finally walked into the house Our song started playing and you could hear me singing in the bedroom hough the door was shut. You closed the windows and headed back to the bedroom. When you opened the door you saw that the room was lit with candles and that my shoes and dress were on the floor in front of you. Turning you looked over to the bed where I sat on the edge of it. I said do you like the first surprise that I am wearing and I stood up. I had on a new red corset trimmed in black and with golden stitching over it, I had on a matching red and black guarder belt attached to my fishnets. I had undone my hair, but the curls were all still there framing my face. ( I have to say it, but in my dream your mouth actually fell open.) I kept humming the song and walked over to you and pulled you against me and started dancing with you again holding you against me. Funny thing is you just stood there as I danced against you, finally you snapped out of your trance and leaned in close to me and purred in my ear that you liked what your surprise was, but that you had one yourself for me.

I looked at you and smiled and asked what it was. You told me to turn around and when I did you grasped my wrist and I felt something soft against my wrist then against my other wrist Then it wiggled against my thighs and you said turn around as I did I looked at my wrists, and you had tied silk cords to each of them. I looked up at you and you had this look on your face, I can honestly say I have never seen it before, you looked determined and your eyes bounced with mischievousness ... I knew what you were going to expect out of me and I held my wrists above my head and slid down to my knees looking up at you and asked where you wanted me ... Smiling you told me to get on the bed, then you tied the cords to the feet of the headboard of the bed, then after that you pulled out two more cords and lightly tied my ankles to the bottom feet of the bed, making it just so i couldn't pinch my thighs shut. Then you walked out of the room leaving me there.

I waited for you, and I heard you in the kitchen and I could only wonder what you had in store for me. When you walked back in the room you only had on your jeans you had removed the sweater, you had unbuttoned the first button of the jeans and I could see the tail leading down your chest into the territory that I loved conquering so very much. You grinned at me and walked over to the bed and slid a black blindfold over my eyes. Kissing me soundly you ran your hands over my neck and breasts, trailing your hands over my corset. Then you leaned forward and kissed the valley in between my breasts then licked it softly. I moaned at you and told you I loved you. You told me that you loved me then kissed the valley again and then tugged open the tie of my corset, you slowly unlaced it and pulled the ribbons out of the lacing's, running your hands everywhere as you slid the fabric from my body. Once it was unlaced you told me to raise my hips and back and you pulled it away from my body then told me to relax. The sheets felt so cool against my skin baby, I felt like I was on fire. You rose from the bed and I heard you again walk out of the room. Not being able to see, straining to hear you, I laid there waiting not knowing what you had in store for me, but knowing I was going to love it.

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