Finder's Fee - Cover

Finder's Fee

Copyright© 2008 by colt45

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Toliver Nelson, ex-solider and exile thinks he's lucked into a scheme that will bring him a goodly amount of cash, enough cash to live well on for a long time. What does he have to do? Nothing much; rescue the daughters of three of the wealthiest families on Earth from slavery, return them to where they belong and claim the reward from their grateful parents. A simple plan right? You know what they say; if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Humor   Harem   Pregnancy  

That night was the beginning of my fall into the utter pits of hell and damnation.

It all started out innocently enough. After we returned from the sunroom, we ordered com-units and swimsuits for the girls. If they were going to be out and about without me they needed a way to contact me or Sharon; the com-units would take care of that. Had a nice dinner, watched some mind-numbing shows on the vid after reviewing the evening's messages and got ready for bed.

The girls sent messages home every day and Stackman replied just about every day although Terry still hadn't heard from her mother and the other two also hadn't heard from their parents directly either. It was a little disconcerting and I could tell it bothered the girls but even though we asked to speak with them directly that request was being ignored. It added to the strangeness and it began to bother me as well.

I made my way to bed as I normally did but that was about the only normal thing about the rest of the night. Sometime while I was asleep I acquired a bed partner. I swear, all I know is that sometime during the night I woke up and there was a warm mass pressed up tightly against my back.

"Lights, dim," I whispered and as the light slowly increased I could make out who I'd already figured out it had to be. I tried to twist and move away slowly but Keelin just mewled softly and moved right up against me even tighter than before, this time draping herself over my chest with one leg on top of mine. So there I lay, scared shitless, wondering if I should try to move again. Given my luck, she'd have ended up all the way on top of me which would have been very bad. Little Toliver, given the way he was tenting the covers, thought that was a very good idea but my big head was pretty sure it wasn't. At least she wasn't naked; unfortunately, I was.

"Ah, Keelin. Kee, honey," I whispered shaking her gently.

"Sorry," she mumbled groggily. "I didn't want to wake you." She must have had been there for a while and been deep asleep. At least I assumed she was still asleep since she did exactly what I'd feared and rolled even more on top of me pinning Mr. not-so-little-by-now Toliver between us. He thought this was fabulous, the little prick. All he wanted to do was get into that delightful young pussy and didn't give a damn what she'd been through.

"Kee, baby, you can't sleep here," I said shaking her just a little bit harder.

"What?" She finally raised her head and looked at me.

"You can't sleep here, hon."

"Why not?" She looked puzzled.

"Because ... Just because." How could I tell her that unless she left damn soon I was going to roll her over and take her just like those guards did at the processing center? I knew she'd understand. Yeah, right. In fact she burst into tears and curled herself up into to a little ball next to me.

"You don't want me!" she balled. "I'm just a whore, a slut! Nobody will want me!" Okay, I'll admit given the five intelligences in my rooms I probably come in at the lower end of the spectrum but even I could understand what was going on here.

"Oh, no, hon," I said stroking her hair. Damn it felt like silk; I am such a pig. "That isn't it at all. In fact it's just the opposite. I don't know if I can control myself with you in bed here. You are so damn beautiful, and sexy and ... Hell, I know I can't control myself."

"But," she sniffed and looked up at me. "I've been used. I'm not a ... a ... virgin anymore. Nobody will want me."

"Come here," I said holding my arms out to her. Thank God little Tol was back to normal; maybe I'm not such a pig after all. Reluctantly she moved up to me, put her head down on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. I know I'm supposed to say here that I felt fatherly and protective. Well I didn't. Okay, I'm still a pig. But at least I can pretend not to be.

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