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Copyright© 2008 by HLD

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Two teachers get caught passing notes

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Tear Jerker  

The drive to the "big city" took about three hours. They talked and easily fell into a personal comfort zone. At one point, Ann Marie reached over and took Jacob's hand. Her grasp was tentative at first, but it felt natural and soon their fingers were intertwined. He found that he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Away from the school, she looked so different. So sexy.

His heart raced. He found he liked the electric touch of his beautiful friend. She seemed so different from her teacher persona. And he found that he wanted to get to know her even better.

The first stop was a nice hotel. Jacob hoped he wasn't being presumptuous in getting a room with a single king-sized bed, but the hungry look in Ann Marie's eyes told him that it would work out. They went to dinner at an old farmhouse that had been converted into a restaurant. The lights were low and the booths private.

All the while, Jacob found himself lost in Ann Marie's eyes. They seemed to be looking right through him. They held hands all night, as if they couldn't stand to be away from the other's touch. As if they couldn't believe that they were finally together. Away from the prying eyes of parents, students and co-workers.

After the meal, Ann Marie fidgeted nervously over her cheesecake dessert. She hadn't eaten much all night. A couple of times, she seemed to be building up to say something, but each time, she stopped.

Jacob paid the bill and she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. He walked her out to the car, even offering her his jacket in the brisk autumn air.

They got in the car and he started the engine. He was about to ask what she wanted to do, but she spoke first.

"What do you want from me, Jake?" There was a nervous—almost fearful—quiver in her voice.

He started to respond, but found himself at a loss for words. What did he want? Companionship? Sex? Love?

She saw his hesitancy. "I know I'm risking being used here. I know there's a part of you that's still in love with Tracy. You might rebound off me or you might just need to get your rocks off."

"No, Annie," Jacob whispered. "I—"

"Wait, Jake, I'm not done," she interrupted. "Those are risks anyone takes in any relationship. Even if you and Tracy hadn't been married, you still might do all of those things to me. But I want you to know this: I've been attracted to you since the day we met. I don't know that there's any future for us. You might have some insanely annoying bad habits I can't get over. You might not be able to sleep through my teeth grinding. There are a million reasons why 'we' might not work out ... But that's no reason not to try."

An uncomfortable silence fell over the pair. The engine idled.

"I don't want you to be my rebound," Jake said softly. "I don't want to use you. If you'll be patient with me..."

"I will," she replied gently. Their eyes met and she smiled nervously.

"There's one thing I want you to promise me, though," he said.

"What is it?"

Jacob took a deep breath. "Don't put up with any of my shit. I'm moody. I've spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself lately. I'll probably bitch and moan a lot. Don't let me do that. Don't let me dump on you. If I'm being a jackass, kick my butt and tell me to get over it."

"I will," Ann Marie said. Then she giggled.

"What was that about?"

"It's so funny hearing you cuss," she smiled. "It's kind of cute, though. Mr. Eckholm: History teacher with the mouth of a sailor."

"What can I say? I come from a Navy family." The couple shared a hearty laugh.

"Just don't do it too often or I'll have to write you a white card," she said playfully. Then she shot him a seductive look that made his cock jump in his pants. "Or maybe I'll have to keep you for some after school detention..."

"Is that supposed to be a deterrent?" He reached out and took Ann Marie's hand. She started to respond with a flippant reply but instead leaned over and gave Jacob a kiss.

It began out like any of their others: gentle and sweet. When she started to pull back, Jake pulled her even closer. Her mouth opened with anticipation and her tongue met his. Their teeth knocked together a couple of times, but neither one cared. His hand caressed her face. Her fingernails dug into his arm. The two of them radiated hunger and desire.

Finally, she pulled back. Her eyes were almost glazed over with lust. Jacob could see her nipples trying to poke their way out of her sweater.

"Let's go," her voice was husky. "You promised me something this weekend and I'm going to collect."

"Yes, ma'am, Miss Armstrong."

"Be careful, Jake ... I may make you call me that all weekend."

He started to respond with a retort of his own, but she silenced him with a kiss. It wasn't as deep or desperate as their earlier kiss and soon enough she reached back for the seatbelt. He reluctantly put his own seatbelt on and drove back to the hotel. All the while her hands caressed his arm and ran enticingly up his leg.

They got to the hotel and walked briskly back to their room.

No sooner had the door shut than Ann Marie was all over him. Her hands tugged at his shirt and pulled at his belt. He could scarcely believe how desperately she pawed at him.

Jacob's hands did their share of roaming as well. First he cupped her rounded backside. As she began to grind against him, he tentatively brought one palm up her body and pressed it against her breasts.

Both of them moaned with pleasure when he squeezed her ever so gently.

"I like that," she purred. He started to reach for her with the other hand, but she pushed him away just enough to pull his undershirt up and over his head. A wicked smile formed on her lips. "Mr. Eckholm ... I hope you're all that you think you are."

"Miss Armstrong, in about two minutes you'll be begging for mercy!"

"You'd better last a lot longer than two minutes!" She teased before pulling him close. They kissed again, this time not as eagerly. His lips lingered on hers. He could feel her nipples pressed against him, even through her bra and sweater.

The room was dimly lit by one of the reading lights over the bed. He gave her backside a squeeze. Ann Marie yelped with delight then began to laugh with joy as Jacob picked her up and carried her to the bed.

She nuzzled up against his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne and leaving a trail of soft kisses across his skin.

Jake gently set her down on the bed, then stood. There was desire in both their eyes. He saw her looking over his shirtless form. He was no chiseled beefcake and she was no swimsuit model, but right then neither of them could see anything but the most desirable person in the world.

He gasped with surprise when her hand went to the bulge in his pants. She licked her lips with anticipation. Ann Marie's fingertips ran the length of his cock before she reached around and grabbed him by the ass. Leaning forward, she rubbed her covered breasts against the cock that seemed ready to push its way through the zipper.

The teasing came to an end when she looked him in the eyes again. Jacob's eyes were hooded over. With desire. With lust. With hunger.

Time seemed to stand still. The two lovers gazed into each other's eyes. Both knew their long-pent-up emotions were about to be sated. Their friendship was about to end.

Ann Marie sat back. She reached for the hem of her sweater, but Jake suddenly lunged forward. His hands tore at her clothes. He was a man possessed. Overtaken by something primal.

His weight pressed down on her. Their fumbling hands tugged and ripped at their clothes until both were naked. Jacob visually devoured Ann Marie.

The crinkle of her nipples. The triangle of hair between her legs. The gentle curve of her breasts. Those full, luscious lips. And her eyes. In the soft light of the room they glimmered.

She smiled at him and then pulled him close. For the first time, their bare bodies rubbed against one another. He could feel her warmth. Her fingernails dug into his back when he kissed her neck. She let out a throaty moan when he rubbed her nipple between his fingers.

Jacob maneuvered her to the center of the bed. She lay splayed out beneath him. Her eyes didn't stray far from the erect cock that stuck out in front of him.

He leaned forward as if to mount her, but she pushed him away.

"Ann Marie—" he started.

"No ... no, Jake, it's not ... I just..." Her hands were trembling. Her voice broke. Jacob sat back, his erection lost to the concern he felt for his friend. She backpedaled on the bed until she was sitting up.

Jake sat back on his heels, bewilderment on his face.

"It's not you, Jake," Ann Marie said soothingly. She rolled off the bed and went to her suitcase. He couldn't keep his eyes off her round backside as she hunted around. With a weak smile, she turned and set a pair of votives on the nightstand next to the bed. After lighting the candles, Ann Marie flipped out the lights.

"You don't know how bad I want you," she whispered, sliding in next to him. Her touch was more gentle, but he could feel the hunger radiating from her. "This first time ... I need ... I want to do it ... do you."

"Is everything alright?" he asked, unable to mask the worry he felt.

Ann Marie looked away for a second, then wiped her eyes. "It will be."

She leaned in and kissed him before he could respond. Once again, her breasts pressed against his chest. His hands didn't go to them, but instead wrapped around her in a loving embrace.

They stayed like that for a long time. Kissing gently, they savoured the feel of one another. He caressed her face. Her hands roamed his body.

He jumped slightly when her hand went to his cock. It began to harden. She deftly stroked him.

Jake fell back on to the bed as Ann Marie threw one leg across his hips. Her hand never left his cock.

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